189 research outputs found

    Genomic structural variations lead to dysregulation of important coding and non-coding RNA species in dilated cardiomyopathy

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    The transcriptome needs to be tightly regulated by mechanisms that include transcription factors, enhancers, and repressors as well as non-coding RNAs. Besides this dynamic regulation, a large part of phenotypic variability of eukaryotes is expressed through changes in gene transcription caused by genetic variation. In this study, we evaluate genome-wide structural genomic variants (SVs) and their association with gene expression in the human heart. We detected 3,898 individual SVs affecting all classes of gene transcripts (e.g., mRNA, miRNA, lncRNA) and regulatory genomic regions (e.g., enhancer or TFBS). In a cohort of patients (n = 50) with dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), 80,635 non-protein-coding elements of the genome are deleted or duplicated by SVs, containing 3,758 long non-coding RNAs and 1,756 protein-coding transcripts. 65.3% of the SV-eQTLs do not harbor a significant SNV-eQTL, and for the regions with both classes of association, we find similar effect sizes. In case of deleted protein-coding exons, we find downregulation of the associated transcripts, duplication events, however, do not show significant changes over all events. In summary, we are first to describe the genomic variability associated with SVs in heart failure due to DCM and dissect their impact on the transcriptome. Overall, SVs explain up to 7.5% of the variation of cardiac gene expression, underlining the importance to study human myocardial gene expression in the context of the individual genome. This has immediate implications for studies on basic mechanisms of cardiac maladaptation, biomarkers, and (gene) therapeutic studies alike

    Is analysing the nitrogen use at the plant canopy level a matter of choosing the right optimization criterion?

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    Optimization theory in combination with canopy modeling is potentially a powerful tool for evaluating the adaptive significance of photosynthesis-related plant traits. Yet its successful application has been hampered by a lack of agreement on the appropriate optimization criterion. Here we review how models based on different types of optimization criteria have been used to analyze traits—particularly N reallocation and leaf area indices—that determine photosynthetic nitrogen-use efficiency at the canopy level. By far the most commonly used approach is static-plant simple optimization (SSO). Static-plant simple optimization makes two assumptions: (1) plant traits are considered to be optimal when they maximize whole-stand daily photosynthesis, ignoring competitive interactions between individuals; (2) it assumes static plants, ignoring canopy dynamics (production and loss of leaves, and the reallocation and uptake of nitrogen) and the respiration of nonphotosynthetic tissue. Recent studies have addressed either the former problem through the application of evolutionary game theory (EGT) or the latter by applying dynamic-plant simple optimization (DSO), and have made considerable progress in our understanding of plant photosynthetic traits. However, we argue that future model studies should focus on combining these two approaches. We also point out that field observations can fit predictions from two models based on very different optimization criteria. In order to enhance our understanding of the adaptive significance of photosynthesis-related plant traits, there is thus an urgent need for experiments that test underlying optimization criteria and competing hypotheses about underlying mechanisms of optimization

    Extra-pair parentage and personality in a cooperatively breeding bird

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    Why so much variation in extra-pair parentage occurs within and among populations remains unclear. Often the fitness costs and benefits of extra-pair parentage are hypothesised to explain its occurrence; therefore, linking extra-pair parentage with traits such as personality (behavioural traits that can be heritable and affect reproductive behaviour) may help our understanding. Here, we investigate whether reproductive outcomes and success are associated with exploratory behaviour in a natural population of cooperatively breeding Seychelles warblers (Acrocephalus sechellensis) on Cousin Island. Exploratory behaviour correlates positively with traits such as risk-taking behaviour and activity in other wild bird species and might promote extra-pair mating by increasing the rate at which potential extra-pair partners are encountered. We therefore predicted that fast-exploring individuals would have more extra-pair offspring. There is also a potential trade-off between pursuing extra-pair parentage and mate guarding in males. We therefore also predicted that fast-exploring males would be more likely to pursue extra-pair parentage and that this would increase the propensity of their mate to gain extra-pair parentage. We found that neither the total number of offspring nor the number of extra-pair offspring were associated with a male’s or female’s exploratory behaviour. However, there was a small but significant propensity for females to have extra-pair fertilisations in pairs that were behaviourally disassortative. Overall, we conclude that, due to the small effect size, the association between exploratory behaviour and extra-pair paternity is unlikely to be biologically relevant. Significance statement: True genetic monogamy is rare, even in socially monogamous systems, and multiple factors, such as behaviour, social structure, morphology and physiology, determined by the biological system can cause variation in extra-pair parentage (EPP). Therefore, investigating the inherent differences in these factors among individuals could be informative. We investigated whether reproductive outcomes/success are associated with differences in the propensity to explore novel environments/objects in a promiscuous, island-dwelling cooperatively breeding bird, the Seychelles warbler. Our results showed that exploratory behaviour was not associated with the number of offspring produced by an individual, and thus the long-term fitness consequences of different exploratory tendencies did not differ. We also found that the propensity to engage in EPP in females was higher in dissimilar behavioural pairs, but due to the small effect size, we hesitate to conclude that there are personality-dependent mating outcomes in the population

    Tremor in multiple sclerosis

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    Tremor is estimated to occur in about 25 to 60 percent of patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). This symptom, which can be severely disabling and embarrassing for patients, is difficult to manage. Isoniazid in high doses, carbamazepine, propranolol and gluthetimide have been reported to provide some relief, but published evidence of effectiveness is very limited. Most trials were of small size and of short duration. Cannabinoids appear ineffective. Tremor reduction can be obtained with stereotactic thalamotomy or thalamic stimulation. However, the studies were small and information on long-term functional outcome is scarce. Physiotherapy, tremor reducing orthoses, and limb cooling can achieve some functional improvement. Tremor in MS remains a significant challenge and unmet need, requiring further basic and clinical research