14 research outputs found

    Bedrock composition regulates mountain ecosystems and landscape evolution

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    Arrested development: Erosional equilibrium in the southern Sierra Nevada, California, maintained by feedbacks between channel incision and hillslope sediment production

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    Tributary creeks of the southern Sierra Nevada have pronounced knickpoints that separate the landscape into an alternating sequence of gently sloped treads and steeply sloped risers. These knickpoints and the surrounding stepped topography suggest that the landscape is still responding to Pleistocene changes in base level on main-stem rivers. We tested this hypothesis using cosmogenic nuclides and uranium isotopes measured in stream sediment from widely distributed locations. Catchment-scale erosion rates from the cosmogenic nuclides suggest that the treads are relict surfaces that have adjusted to a previous base level. Nevertheless, erosion rates of relict interfluves are similar to canyon incision rates, implying that relief is unchanging in the lower Kings and San Joaquin Rivers. In addition, our results suggest that much of the southern Sierra Nevada is in a state of arrested development: the landscape is not fully adjusted to-and moreover is not responding to- changes in base-level lowering in the canyons. We propose that this can be explained by a paucity of coarse sediment supply, which fails to provide sufficient tools for bedrock channel incision at knickpoints. We hypothesize that the lack of coarse sediment in channels is driven by intense weathering of the local granitic bedrock, which reduces the size of sediment supplied from hillslopes to the channels. Our analysis highlights a feedback in which sediment size reduction due to weathering on hillslopes and transport in channels is both a key response to and control of bedrock channel incision and landscape adjustment to base-level change

    Forest vulnerability to drought controlled by bedrock composition

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    International audienceForests are increasingly threatened by climate-change-fuelled cycles of drought, dieback and wildfires. However, for reasons that remain incompletely understood, some forest stands are more vulnerable than others, leaving a patchwork of varying dieback and wildfire risk after drought. Here, we show that spatial variability in forest drought response can be explained by differences in underlying bedrock. Our analysis links geochemical measurements of bedrock composition, geophysical measurements of subsurface weathering and remotely sensed changes in evapotranspiration during the 2011-2017 drought in California. We find that evapotranspiration plummeted in dense forest stands rooted in weathered, nutrient-rich bedrock. By contrast, relatively unweathered, nutrient-poor bedrock supported thin forest stands that emerged unscathed from the drought. By influencing both subsurface weathering and nutrient supply, bedrock composition regulates the balance of water storage and demand in mountain ecosystems. However, rather than enhancing forest resilience to drought by providing more water-storage capacity, bedrock with more weatherable and nutrient-rich minerals induced greater vulnerability by enabling a boom-bust cycle in which higher ecosystem productivity during wet years drives excess plant water demand during droughts

    Subsurface Weathering Revealed in Hillslope-Integrated Porosity Distributions

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    International audienceSubsurface weathering has traditionally been measured using cores and boreholes to quantify vertical variations in weathered material properties. However, these measurements are typically available at only a few, potentially unrepresentative points on hillslopes. Geophysical surveys, conversely, span many more points and, as shown here, can be used to obtain a representative, site-integrated perspective on subsurface weathering. Our approach aggregates data from multiple seismic refraction surveys into a single frequency distribution of porosity and depth for the surveyed area. We calibrated the porosities at a site where cores are coincident with seismic refraction surveys. Modeled porosities from the survey data match measurements at the core locations but reveal a frequency distribution of porosity and depth that differs markedly from the cores. Our results highlight the value of using the site-integrated perspective obtained from the geophysical data to quantify subsurface weathering and water-holding capacity