128 research outputs found

    Optimum use of water resources

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    Enkele resultaten van een geohydrologisch onderzoek in het Prunjegebied (Schouwen-Duiveland)

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    Ten behoeve van een kwelonderzoek, dat in het kader van het Deltaplan in het Prunjegebied op Schouwen-Duiveland wordt uitgevoerd, is de geohydrologische gesteldheid van dit gebied onderzocht

    Een geologisch profiel langs de Zuid-Willemsvaart

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    Ten behoeve van het onderzoek naar de invloed, die een eventuele peilverlaging van de Zuid-Willemsvaart op de grondwaterstanden in de aangrenzende landbouwgronden zal hebben, was een inzicht in de geologische gesteldheid van het kanaaltracé noodzakelijk

    Analysis of the pumping test "De Vennebulten" near Varsseveld

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    The pumping test 'De Vennebulten' which will be described in this report forms part of a large-scale groundwater exploration in the 'Achterhoek' region, province of Gelderland. In greater parts of this region, covering some 100 000 ha, groundwater is pumped from Young Pleistocene formations underlain by almost impervious layers of Tertiary clay and clay-bearing fine sands

    The hydrological properties of Deltaic sediments

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    This paper deals with the hydrological properties of deltaic sediments. A detailed study was made of the geological history of part of the delta plain of the Rhine and Meuse. Such hydrological properties as thickness of aquifers and semi-permeable layers, transmissibility of the aquifers were determined

    Hydro - geological investigations in the Netherlands

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    Profit efficiency among Kenyan smallholders milk producers: A case study of Meru-South district, Kenya

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    Production inefficiency is usually analyzed by economical efficiency, which is composed of two components-technical and allocative efficiencies. This study provided a direct measure of production efficiency of the smallholder milk producers in Kenya using a stochastic profit frontier and inefficiency model. The primary data were collected, using IMPACT (intergrated modeling platform for mixed animal crops systems) structured questionnaire and includes four conventional inputs and socio-economic factors affecting production. The result showed that profit efficiencies of the sampled farmers varied widely between 26% and 73% with a mean of 60% suggesting that an estimated 40% of the profit is lost due to a combination of both technical and allocative inefficiencies in the smallholder dairy milk production. This study further observed that level of education, experience, and the size of the farm influenced profit efficiency positively while profit efficiency decreased with age. This implies that profit inefficiency among smallholder dairy milk producers can be reduced significantly with improvement in the level of education of sampled farmers

    De Kwartair-geologische geschiedenis van de Tielerwaard-West en haar betekenis voor de waterhuishouding

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    Bij de bestudering van de grootte en de verdeling van de kwel in het westelijk gedeelte van de Tielerwaard is het noodzakelijk gebleken te beschikken over een gedetailleerde kennis van de geohydrologische gesteldheid van het desbetreffende gebied. Deze kwel wordt door verschillen tussen rivier- en polderpeil veroorzaakt
