499 research outputs found

    Teledyne Taber 206-1000 and 2210-3000 pressure transducer proof test and burst test

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    The range accuracy and structural integrity of the Teledyne Taber 206-1000 and 2210-3000 pressure transducers are verified and multiple uses are studied to determine is they have a significant effect on the transducers. Burst pressure for these transducers was also established. The Teledyne Taber 206-1000 pressure transducer is used to measure chamber pressure on full-scale space shuttle rocket motors. The Teledyne Taber 2210-3000 pressure transducer is used to measure igniter pressure. The Teledyne Taber transducer has very good temperature stability and was used on all full-scale solid rocket motors, so there is a large data base established using this transducer

    Contaminant Interferences with SIMS Analyses of Microparticle Impactor Residues on LDEF Surfaces

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    Elemental analyses of impactor residues on high purity surface exposed to the low earth orbit (LEO) environment for 5.8 years on Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) has revealed several probable sources for microparticles at this altitude, including natural micrometeorites and manmade debris ranging from paint pigments to bits of stainless steel. A myriad of contamination interferences were identified and their effects on impactor debris identification mitigated during the course of this study. These interferences included pre-, post-, and in-flight deposited particulate surface contaminants, as well as indigenous heterogeneous material contaminants. Non-flight contaminants traced to human origins, including spittle and skin oils, contributed significant levels of alkali-rich carbonaceous interferences. A ubiquitous layer of in-flight deposited silicaceous contamination varied in thickness with location on LDEF and proximity to active electrical fields. In-flight deposited (low velocity) contaminants included urine droplets and bits of metal film from eroded thermal blankets

    Elemental analyses of hypervelocity microparticle impact sites on Interplanetary Dust Experiment sensor surfaces

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    The Interplanetary Dust Experiment (IDE) had over 450 electrically active ultra-high purity metal-oxide-silicon impact detectors located on the six primary sides of the Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF). Hypervelocity microparticles (approximately 0.2 to approximately 100 micron diameter) that struck the active sensors with enough energy to break down the 0.4 or 1.0 micron thick SIO2 insulator layer separating the silicon base (the negative electrode), and the 1000 A thick surface layer of aluminum (the positive electrode) caused electrical discharges that were recorded for the first year of orbit. The high purity Al-SiO2-Si substrates allowed detection of trace (ppm) amounts of hypervelocity impactor residues. After sputtering through a layer of surface contamination, secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) was used to create two-dimensional elemental ion intensity maps of microparticle impact sites on the IDE sensors. The element intensities in the central craters of the impacts were corrected for relative ion yields and instrumental conditions and then normalized to silicon. The results were used to classify the particles' origins as 'manmade,' 'natural,' or 'indeterminate.' The last classification resulted from the presence of too little impactor residue, analytical interference from high background contamination, the lack of information on silicon and aluminum residues, or a combination of these circumstances. Several analytical 'blank' discharges were induced on flight sensors by pressing down on the sensor surface with a pure silicon shard. Analyses of these blank discharges showed that the discharge energy blasts away the layer of surface contamination. Only Si and Al were detected inside the discharge zones, including the central craters of these features. Thus far a total of 79 randomly selected microparticle impact sites from the six primary sides of the LDEF have been analyzed: 36 from tray C-9 (Leading (ram), or East, side), 18 from tray C-3 (Trailing (wake), or West, side), 12 from tray B-12 (North side), 4 from tray D-6 (South side), 3 from tray H-11 (Space end), and 6 from tray G-10 (Earth end). Residue from manmade debris was identified in craters on all trays. (Aluminum oxide particle residues were not detectable on the Al/Si substrates.) These results were consistent with the IDE impact record which showed highly variable long term microparticle impact flux rates on the West, Space and Earth sides of the LDEF which could not be ascribed to astronomical variability of micrometeorite density. The IDE record also showed episodic bursts of microparticle impacts on the East, North, and South sides of the satellite, denoting passage through orbital debris clouds or rings

    Performance requirements analysis for payload delivery from a space station

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    Operations conducted from a space station in low Earth orbit which have different constraints and opportunities than those conducted from direct Earth launch were examined. While a space station relieves many size and performance constraints on the space shuttle, the space station's inertial orbit has different launch window constraints from those associated with customary Earth launches which reflect upon upper stage capability. A performance requirements analysis was developed to provide a reference source of parametric data, and specific case solutions and upper stage sizing trade to assist potential space station users and space station and upper stage developers assess the impacts of a space station on missions of interest

    An Engineering Learning Community To Promote Retention And Graduation Of At-Risk Engineering Students

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    Retention and graduation rates for engineering disciplines are significantly lower than desired, and research literature offers many possible causes. Engineering learning communities provide the opportunity to study relationships among specific causes and to develop and evaluate activities designed to lessen their impact. This paper details an engineering learning community created to combat three common threats to academic success of engineering students: financial difficulties, math deficiencies, and the lack of a supportive engineering culture. The project tracks participants in the learning community from first year through graduation to assess the effectiveness of its activities in improving retention and graduation rates. Scholarships were made available to address the financial difficulties; tutors, mentors, study groups, and a “freshman-to-sophomore bridge” summer program were provided to address math deficiencies; cohort engineering courses, active learning techniques, required group meetings, required group study sessions, dedicated study space, and dedicated faculty advisors were used to promote a sense of community. Quantitative retention and graduation rates for the cohort are compared to other engineering groups at the same institution. Qualitative results collected via student surveys and interviews, and lessons learned by project administrators are also presented. Retention and graduation rates of the cohort are better than those of comparable groups at the same institution. Graduation rates based upon freshman math placement are also higher than comparable groups.

    Computationally-efficient Structural Models for Analysis of Woven Composites

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    The paper presents a novel approach to model woven composite using the computationally efficient one-dimensional models. The framework is built within the scheme of the Carrera Unified Formulation (CUF), a generalized hierarchical formulation that generates variable kinematic structural theories. Various components of the woven composite unit cell are modeled using a combination of straight and curved one-dimensional CUF models. By employing a component-wise approach, a modeling technique within CUF, the complex geometry of the woven composite components is modeled precisely. The ability of CUF models to accurately resolve stress and strain fields are exploited to capture complex deformation within a woven composite unit cell. Numerical results include analyses of a non-crimped textile composite, a curved tow under tension, and a dry woven textile unit cell

    Evidence for Quantum Interference in SAMs of Arylethynylene Thiolates in Tunneling Junctions with Eutectic Ga-In (EGaIn) Top-Contacts

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    This paper compares the current density (J) versus applied bias (V) of self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) of three different ethynylthiophenol-functionalized anthracene derivatives of approximately the same thickness with linear-conjugation (AC), cross-conjugation (AQ), and broken-conjugation (AH) using liquid eutectic Ga-In (EGaIn) supporting a native skin (~1 nm thick) of Ga2O3 as a nondamaging, conformal top-contact. This skin imparts non-Newtonian rheological properties that distinguish EGaIn from other top-contacts; however, it may also have limited the maximum values of J observed for AC. The measured values of J for AH and AQ are not significantly different (J ≈ 10-1 A/cm2 at V = 0.4 V). For AC, however, J is 1 (using log averages) or 2 (using Gaussian fits) orders of magnitude higher than for AH and AQ. These values are in good qualitative agreement with gDFTB calculations on single AC, AQ, and AH molecules chemisorbed between Au contacts that predict currents, I, that are 2 orders of magnitude higher for AC than for AH at 0 < |V| < 0.4 V. The calculations predict a higher value of I for AQ than for AH; however, the magnitude is highly dependent on the position of the Fermi energy, which cannot be calculated precisely. In this sense, the theoretical predictions and experimental conclusions agree that linearly conjugated AC is significantly more conductive than either cross-conjugated AQ or broken conjugate AH and that AQ and AH cannot necessarily be easily differentiated from each other. These observations are ascribed to quantum interference effects. The agreement between the theoretical predictions on single molecules and the measurements on SAMs suggest that molecule-molecule interactions do not play a significant role in the transport properties of AC, AQ, and AH.

    Covert action failure and fiasco construction: William Hague’s 2011 Libyan venture

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    In 2011 William Hague, then British Foreign Secretary, authorized a Special Forces team to enter Libya and attempt to contact rebels opposed to Muammar Gaddafi in the unfolding civil war. However, its members were detained by the rebels, questioned and ejected from the country. This article puts the literature on public policy failures into dialogue with that on covert action as a tool of foreign policy. It asks: why did this not develop into a fully-fledged policy fiasco when journalists and politicians alike judged it to have been a major error of judgement on Hague’s part? Using narrative analysis of the contemporary reporting of this incident, we argue that the government – possessing the advantage of information asymmetry accruing from operational secrecy – was ultimately able to win the battle of narratives in a frame contestation process. The study of information asymmetry can enhance the recently revivified research into foreign policy failures