70 research outputs found

    Динаміка етимологічного гнізда праслов’янського кореня *verp-/*vьrp- як генетичної мікросистеми

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    (uk) Опис системи праформ різних слов’янських етимологічних гнізд дозволяє відновити механізм праслов’янського словотвору, визначити певні тенденції щодо закономірностей номінації цілих лексичних груп. Прояснення всіх основних структурно-семантичних нюансів дії генетичних мікросистем тільки сприяє систематизації архітипів.(en) The description of old-forms of different Slavonic etymological clusters makes possible the restoration of the mechanism of old Slavonic word- formation and establishing tendencies concerning principles of whole lexical groups nom ination. The explanation of all major structural- semantic pecularities of the action of genetic microsystems contributes to the systematization of the archetypes

    Праслов’янський гідронімікон Словенії. І

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    (uk) Статтю присвячено проблемам реконструкції та етимології праслов’янського шару в гід­ронімії Словенії як частини західної зони південнослов’янського ареалу. Пропонована стат­тя — фрагмент більшого за обсягом дослідження з відповідної проблематики.(en) The article is devoted to the problems of reconstruction and etymology of Old-Slavonic stratum in hydronymy of Slovenia as the part of the western zone of South-Slavonic area. The publication is the fragment of more capable study in fact

    Conjugated Oligo- and Polymers for Bacterial Sensing

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    Fast and accurate detection of bacteria and differentiation between pathogenic and commensal colonization are important keys in preventing the emergence and spread of bacterial resistance toward antibiotics. As bacteria undergo major lifestyle changes during colonization, bacterial sensing needs to be achieved on different levels. In this review, we describe how conjugated oligo- and polymers are used to detect bacterial colonization. We summarize how oligothiophene derivatives have been tailor-made for detection of biopolymers produced by a wide range of bacteria upon entering the biofilm lifestyle. We further describe how these findings are translated into diagnostic approaches for biofilm-related infections. Collectively, this provides an overview on how synthetic biorecognition elements can be used to produce fast and easy diagnostic tools and new methods for infection control

    Rapid Phenotypic Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing of Uropathogens Using Optical Signal Analysis on the Nanowell Slide

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    Achieving fast antimicrobial susceptibility results is a primary goal in the fight against antimicrobial resistance. Standard antibiotic susceptibility testing (AST) takes, however, at least a day from patient sample to susceptibility profile. Here, we developed and clinically validated a rapid phenotypic AST based on a miniaturized nanotiter plate, the nanowell slide, that holds 672 wells in a 500 nl format for bacterial cultivation. The multitude of nanowells allows multiplexing with a panel of six antibiotics relevant for urinary tract infections. Inclusion of seven concentrations per antibiotic plus technical replicates enabled us to determine a precise minimum inhibitory concentration for 70 clinical uropathogenic Escherichia coli isolates. By combining optical recordings of bacterial growth with an algorithm for optical signal analysis, we calculated Tlag, the point of transition from lag to exponential phase, in each nanoculture. Algorithm-assisted analysis determined antibiotic susceptibility as early as 3 h 40 min. In comparison to standard disk diffusion assays, the nanowell AST showed a total categorical agreement of 97.9% with 2.6% major errors and 0% very major errors for all isolate-antibiotic combination tested. Taking advantage of the optical compatibility of the nanowell slide, we performed microscopy to illustrate its potential in defining susceptibility profiles based on bacterial morphotyping. The excellent clinical performance of the nanowell AST, combined with a short detection time, morphotyping, and the very low consumption of reagents clearly show the advantage of this phenotypic AST as a diagnostic tool in a clinical setting

    Does the Reserve Options Mechanism really decrease exchange rate volatility? The Synthetic Control Method Approach

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    After the invention of the Reserve Option Mechanism (ROM) by the Central Bank of Turkey, it has been debated whether it can help decrease the volatility of foreign exchange rate. In this study, I apply a new micro-econometric technique, the synthetic control method, in order to construct a counterfactual foreign exchange rate volatility in the absence of the ROM. I find that, USD/TRY rate is less volatile under the ROM. However, the ROM has not worked efficiently after the announcement of FED's tapering in May 2013. Furthermore, the ROM could have decreased the volatility of foreign exchange rate if FED had not started tapering

    Методика використання фізичних задач в курсі охорона праці

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    (uk) У статті розкривається важливість розв’язання фізичних задач в курсі охорона праці. Використання фізичних задач забезпечить повноцінне засвоєння навчального матеріалу з курсу.(en) In the article importance of of physicaltasks opens up in a course labour protection. The use of physical tasks will provide the valuable mastering of educational material from a course