140 research outputs found

    Patient Pathways for Comprehensive Care Networks - A Development Method and Lessons from its Application in Oncology Care

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    Patient pathways are recognized as a valuable tool to support standardization, comparability, quality, and transparency of care processes in comprehensive care networks. Still, existing development approaches lack real practical guidance as well as an integration of the network and patient perspectives. Therefore, a user-centered and requirements-based approach was chosen to design a patient pathway development method. It defines a role model and procedural steps. The method’s innovative character lies in the development of generic patient pathway templates to be adapted to national, regional, and local conditions of specific comprehensive care networks. The method was positively assessed in terms of demonstrating its applicability and the fulfilment of user requirements with a use case from oncology care – the development of a colorectal cancer patient pathway template. This work drives the standardization of patient pathway development and their large-scale implementation in comprehensive care networks, supporting the analysis, design, and optimization of healthcare processes

    Understanding Patient Pathways in the Context of Integrated Health Care Services - Implications from a Scoping Review

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    Healthcare systems in western countries are continuously working to achieve efficient resource allocation and to improve access to quality medical care. The implementation of standardised care processes promises better integration and coordination of care across several healthcare providers. In this context, an increasing use of the term patient pathway is recognised within official documents provided by health authorities and within scientific publications in recent years. However, a common understanding, distinguishing the term from other pathway approaches such as care- or clinical pathways, is missing. By means of a scoping review we analysed 132 publications in order to clarify key concepts and the understanding of patient pathways. Six common themes in the literature were identified and results show that individualisatio nand care continuity are essential descriptive characteristics. Using this motivation, we discuss the main implications for research and practice by the example of comprehensive cancer care in the European Union

    Chapter 16 The Role of Validation in Integrating Multiple Perspectives

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    The internet is the primary source of information about a broad range of topics, which may range from consumer and medical decisions to political and socio-scientific issues. The relevant information is often available in the form of written texts that convey divergent perspectives, such as different opinions, competing theoretical assumptions, arguments and counterarguments, and evidence and counterevidence. What are the challenges and potential problems associated with comprehending texts that convey multiple perspectives? How can students be supported to make the most of this obviously complicated reading situation? This chapter attempts to answer these questions from a particular theoretical perspective that revolves around the notion that readers routinely validate text information against pertinent and accessible knowledge and beliefs. We will discuss how validation acts in concert with the two other major component processes of text comprehension, activation and integration. This discussion will be followed by an outline of the Two-step Model of Validation, a model that makes predictions about circumstances that enable or hinder readers to form a coherent and consistent mental representation out of multiple perspectives

    Tracing dust in old stellar populations

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    In den ausgedehnten AtmosphĂ€ren und kĂŒhlen stellaren Winden von Sternen am sog. Asymptotischen Riesenast (engl. Asymptotic Giant Branch, AGB) bieten sich optimale Bedingungen fĂŒr die Entstehung von kosmischen Festkörpern. Diese Staubpartikel hinterlassen ihre Spuren in den mittleren Infrarot (MIR) Spektren von alten stellaren Populationen. Die MIR-Spektren der AGB-Sterne des Kugelsternhaufens NGC104 konnten beispielsweise fĂŒr die ErklĂ€rung des 10 ÎŒm-Infrarot-Exzesses in alten Galaxien verwendet werden. Im Rahmen dieser Dissertation soll der Einfluss der MetallizitĂ€t auf das MIR-Spektrum von alten stellaren Populationen untersucht werden. Die Grundlage fĂŒr die Erstellung von integrierten MIR-Spektren bildet eine Auswahl von AGB-Sternen aus verschiedenen Kugelsternhaufen (Lebzelter et al. 2006 und Sloan et al. 2010). Diese werden entsprechend ihrer MetallizitĂ€t und ihres Alters in drei Gruppen zusammengefasst. Dadurch beinhalten die jeweiligen Sternhaufen-Kombinationen eine grĂ¶ĂŸere Anzahl von mit dem Weltraumteleskop Spitzer beobachten AGB-Stern-Spektren. FĂŒr die Erstellung von Farben-Helligkeitsdiagrammen der drei Kugelsternhaufen-Kombinationen werden die Sterne innerhalb des 90%-Massenradius der jeweiligen Sternhaufen verwendet. Um Leuchtkraftfunktionen (LFs) zu erstellen, können die Sterne anhand ihrer K-Magnitude in kleine Helligkeitsintervalle aufgeteilt werden. Diese auf 2MASS-Daten basierenden LFs werden in weiterer Folge mit LFs verglichen, die mittels theoretischer Isochronen der Padova-Gruppe (Bertelli et al. 2008, Marigo et al. 2008) berechnet werden. FĂŒr die drei Kugelsternhaufen-Kombinationen werden mittels der 2MASS-Daten integrierte MIR-Spektren erstellt. DafĂŒr werden die einzelnen Spektren der beobachteten AGB-Sterne mit der Sternanzahl aus den passenden LF-Intervallen gewichtet. Dies erfolgt unter der Annahme, dass Sterne mit gleicher Position im Farben-Helligkeitsdiagramm gleiche oder Ă€hnliche MIR-Spektren aufweisen. Die ausgezeichnete photometrische und spektroskopische Erfassung von NGC104 erlaubt die Erforschung von unterschiedlichen Gewichtungsarten, wie beispielsweise diverser LFs oder verschiedener HĂ€ufigkeiten von TP-AGB-Sternen im Helligkeitsminimum. In diesem Zusammenhang ist es möglich, den flachen Staub-Exzess zu reproduzieren, wie er auch in Early-Type- Galaxien gefunden werden kann. FĂŒr die beiden Kugelsternhaufen-Kombinationen mit höherer MetallizitĂ€t ist eine derartige Untersuchung aufgrund der geringen Anzahl an vorhandenen MIR-Spektren nicht möglich. Alle integrierten MIR-Spektren werden von Silikat-Staubbanden dominiert. Der Staub-Exzess nimmt mit steigender MetallizitĂ€t zu. Als Perspektive fĂŒr unsere Forschung gilt es, fĂŒr mehr Beobachtungsmaterial von Sternen, die sich am AGB befinden, zu sorgen. Dies wĂŒrde zum besseren VerstĂ€ndnis von integrierten MIR-Spektren alter Sternpopulationen beitragen. Ein erster Vergleich mit synthetischen Sternspektren zeigt eine weitere Zugangsmöglichkeit auf und bildet einen Ausblick auf kĂŒnftige Projekte.Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) stars are considered to be the main stellar dust producers in the universe. Their dusty circumstellar shells leave fingerprints in the mid-infrared (MIR) spectra of AGB stars and in unresolved old stellar populations. Bressan et al. (2007) showed that co-added MIR-spectra of AGB stars of known luminosity, metallicity and age (like those found in the Galactic globular cluster NGC104) can be used to model the 10 ÎŒm dust excess in early-type galaxies. This work aims to improve our understanding of the MIR-spectra of old stellar populations with respect to their metallicities by studying a large sample of AGB stars in Galactic globular clusters. A sample of AGB stars (taken from Lebzelter et al. 2006 and Sloan et al. 2010) is used to produce co-added MIR-spectra of globular cluster combinations for three metallicity groups. Each group consists of several globular clusters with similar age and metallicity. Combining the clusters leads to a higher number of AGB stars with available Spitzer spectra in each group. The low metallicity group (Z=0.0038) consists of five globular clusters with 18 AGB star spectra, the intermediate (Z=0.0058) and high (Z=0.01) metallicity groups both include three clusters with eight and seven available MIR-spectra, respectively. Stars within the 90% mass radius of each globular cluster are used to generate 2MASS Color- Magnitude diagrams (CMDs) of each cluster combination. Binning the stars in the CMDs with respect to their MK-values results in Luminosity Functions (LFs) for the cluster combinations. The LFs based on 2MASS data are compared to LFs obtained using theoretical isochrones from the Padova group (Bertelli et al. 2008, Marigo et al. 2008). Using the 2MASS LFs integrated MIR-spectra of the three globular cluster combinations are derived by weighting the existing spectra with the total number of AGB stars within each MK-bin of the LFs along the upper giant branch. This relies on the assumption that stars that occupy the same area in the CMD are comparably evolved and have similar MIR-spectra. The excellent coverage of the AGB in NGC104, both photometrically and spectroscopically, allows to investigate the effect of various weighting methods like different LFs or assumptions on the frequency of TP-AGB stars in their minimum phase. In this context it is also possible to reproduce the flat dust excess and the reduced silicate domination found in early-type galaxies. For the intermediate and high metallicity groups such a study is not successful due to the limited number of spectra available in these groups. We report that all co-added MIR-spectra are dominated by a prominent dust excess due to silicate grains present in the stellar outflows. The excess increases with increasing metallicity. A future perspective of the project would be to achieve a more complete observational coverage of stars evolving up the AGB at intermediate metallicities, which would lead to a further improved understanding of the integrated MIR-spectra of old unresolved stellar populations in general. The thesis is completed by first model calculations to predict the MIR-spectrum using the wind code by H.-P. Gail

    Nur ein Intermezzo? Zum Scheitern der Demokratisierung in Mauretanien

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    "Die im April 2007 viel versprechend begonnene Demokratisierung Mauretaniens wurde abrupt beendet durch den MilitĂ€rputsch vom 6. August 2008 und die Absetzung des PrĂ€sidenten Sidi Ould Cheikh Abdallahi, der durch freie Wahlen an die Macht gekommen war. Am 20. Oktober 2008 hat die EU der neuen StaatsfĂŒhrung ein einmonatiges Ultimatum gestellt, um eine verfassungskonforme Lösung der politischen Krise zu finden. Die außerhalb der politischen Institutionen bestehenden informellen Netzwerke bleiben bestimmend fĂŒr die politischen VerhĂ€ltnisse in Mauretanien. So gut wie keine der politischen Parteien erfĂŒllt die ĂŒblichen Kriterien einer modernen demokratischen Massenorganisation. Koalitionsbildungen beruhen weiterhin auf ethnischen und tribalen Herkunftsstrukturen. Dem demokratisch gewĂ€hlten PrĂ€sidenten Sidi Ould Cheikh Abdallahi ist diese Kluft zwischen konstitutioneller und realer Macht zum VerhĂ€ngnis geworden. Besonders das MilitĂ€r wollte die geplante EinschrĂ€nkung seines politischen Einflusses nicht zulassen. Eine zentrale Rolle spielten in diesem Zusammenhang die durch Abdallahi geplante Aufarbeitung der Gewaltverbrechen des MilitĂ€rs im Zuge der ethnischen Spannungen zwischen 1989 und 1992 sowie die RĂŒckkehr der damals geflĂŒchteten, zumeist schwarzafrikanischen Mauretanier. Trotz einer vorerst gescheiterten Demokratisierung hat die kurze Phase politischer Offenheit vor allem in der Hauptstadt Nouakchott zu einem Wandel in Richtung eines bis dahin nie gekannten liberalen politischen Diskurses gefĂŒhrt. WĂ€hrend noch vor einigen Jahren kaum jemand die LegitimitĂ€t eines MilitĂ€rputsches in Frage gestellt hĂ€tte, wird nun vermehrt und offen Stellung gegen die politischen Ambitionen des MilitĂ€rs bezogen. Die strategische Bedeutung Mauretaniens als potenzielles RĂŒckzugsgebiet fĂŒr einen transnational operierenden islamischen Terrorismus, als Zwischenstation fĂŒr Migranten mit dem Ziel Europa und als Ressourcenlieferant erhöht die frĂŒher begrenzte internationale Aufmerksamkeit. In den kommenden Monaten sollten die wichtigsten internationalen Akteure eine verfassungskonforme Lösung der gegenwĂ€rtigen politischen Krise einfordern und alle anderen Varianten mit wirksamen internationalen Sanktionen belegen." (Autorenreferat

    Hydraulische Auslegung und Optimierung des Kavernenspeichers des PSW Forbach

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    Aufsatz veröffentlicht in: "Wasserbau-Symposium 2021: Wasserbau in Zeiten von Energiewende, GewÀsserschutz und Klimawandel, Zurich, Switzerland, September 15-17, 2021, Band 1" veröffentlicht unter: https://doi.org/10.3929/ethz-b-00049975

    Near-infrared absorption properties of oxygen-rich stardust analogues: The influence of coloring metal ions

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    Several astrophysically relevant solid oxides and silicates have extremely small opacities in the visual and near-infrared in their pure forms. Datasets for the opacities and for the imaginary part k of their complex indices of refraction are hardly available in these wavelength ranges. We aimed at determining k for spinel, rutile, anatase, and olivine, especially in the near-infrared region. Our measurements were made with impurity-containing, natural, and synthetic stardust analogs. Two experimental methods were used: preparing small sections of natural minerals and synthesizing melt droplets under the electric arc furnace. In both cases, the aborption properties of the samples were measured by transmission spectroscopy. For spinel (MgAl2O4), anatase, rutile (both TiO2), and olivine ((Mg,Fe)2SiO4), the optical constants have been extended to the visual and near-infrared. We highlight that the individual values of k and the absorption cross section depend strongly on the content in transition metals like iron. Based on our measurements, we infer that k values below 10^(-5) are very rare in natural minerals including stardust grains, if they occur at all. Data for k and the absorption cross section are important for various physical properties of stardust grains such as temperature and radiation pressure. With increasing absorption cross section due to impurities, the equilibrium temperature of small grains in circumstellar shells increases as well. We discuss why and to what extent this is the case

    Methanol‐to‐Olefins in a Membrane Reactor with in situ Steam Removal – The Decisive Role of Coking

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    The reaction of methanol to light olefins and water (MTO) was studied in a fixed bed tubular membrane reactor using commercial SAPO-34 catalyst. In the fixed bed reactor without membrane support, the MTO reaction collapsed after 3 h time on stream. However, if the reaction by-product steam is in situ extracted from the reactor through a hydrophilic tubular LTA membrane, the reactor produces long-term stable about 60% ethene and 10% propene. It is shown that the reason for the superior performance of the membrane-assisted reactor is not the prevention of catalyst damage caused by steam but the influence of the water removal on the formation of different carbonaceous residues inside the SAPO-34 cages. Catalytically beneficial methylated 1 or 2 ring aromatics have been found in a higher percentage in the MTO reaction with a water removal membrane compared to the MTO reaction without membrane support
