122 research outputs found

    Estimation of age of transition from children's to adult healthcare for young people with long term conditions using linked routinely collected healthcare data

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    INTRODUCTION: Healthcare transitions, including from paediatric to adult services, can be disruptive and cause a lack of continuity in care. Existing research on the paediatric-adult healthcare transition often uses a simple age cut-off to assign transition status. This risks misclassification bias, reducing observed changes at transition (adults are included in the paediatric group and vice versa) possibly to differing extents between groups that transition at different ages. OBJECTIVE: To develop and assess methods for estimating the transition point from paediatric to adult healthcare from routine healthcare records. METHODS: A retrospective cohort of young people (12 to 23 years) with long term conditions was constructed from linked primary and secondary care data in England. Inpatient and outpatient records were classified as paediatric or adult based on treatment and clinician specialities. Transition point was estimated using three methods based on record classification (First Adult: the date of first adult record; Last Paediatric: date of last paediatric record; Fitted: a date determined by statistical fitting). Estimated transition age was compared between methods. A simulation explored impacts of estimation approaches compared to a simple age cut-off when assessing associations between transition status and healthcare events. RESULTS: Simulations showed using an age-based cut-off at 16 or 18 years as transition point, common in research on transition, may underestimate transition-associated changes. Many health records for those aged <14 years were classified as adult, limiting utility of the First Adult approach. The Last Paediatric approach is least sensitive to this possible misclassification and may best reflect experience of the transition. CONCLUSIONS: Estimating transition point from routine healthcare data is possible and offers advantages over a simple age cut-off. These methods, adapted as necessary for data from other countries, should be used to reduce risk of misclassification bias in studies of transition in nationally representative data

    Transition of children with life-limiting conditions to adult care and healthcare use : a systematic review

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    BACKGROUND: Improved survival has led to increasing numbers of children with life-limiting conditions transitioning to adult healthcare services. There are concerns that transition may lead to a reduction in care quality and increases in emergency care. This review explores evidence for differences in health or social care use post- versus pre-transition to adult services. METHODS: MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, PsychINFO and Social Science Citation Index were searched. Studies published in English since 1990 including individuals with any life-limiting condition post- and pre-transition and reporting a health or social care use outcome were included. Data were extracted and quality assessed by one reviewer with 30% checked by an independent reviewer. RESULTS: Nineteen papers (18 studies) met the inclusion criteria. There was evidence for both increases and decreases (post- versus pre-transition) in outpatient attendance, inpatient admissions, inpatient bed days and health service costs; for increases in Emergency Department visits and for decreases in individuals receiving physiotherapy. CONCLUSIONS: Evidence for changes in healthcare use post- versus pre-transition is mixed and conflicting, although there is evidence for an increase in Emergency Department visits and a reduction in access to physiotherapy. More high-quality research is needed to better link changes in care to the transition. IMPACT: Evidence for changes in healthcare use associated with transition to adult services is conflicting. Emergency Department visits increase and access to physiotherapy decreases at transition. There are marked differences between care patterns in the United States and Canada

    Benchmarking computational fluid dynamics models of lava flow simulation for hazard assessment, forecasting, and risk management

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    Abstract Numerical simulations of lava flow emplacement are valuable for assessing lava flow hazards, forecasting active flows, designing flow mitigation measures, interpreting past eruptions, and understanding the controls on lava flow behavior. Existing lava flow models vary in simplifying assumptions, physics, dimensionality, and the degree to which they have been validated against analytical solutions, experiments, and natural observations. In order to assess existing models and guide the development of new codes, we conduct a benchmarking study of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models for lava flow emplacement, including VolcFlow, OpenFOAM, FLOW-3D, COMSOL, and MOLASSES. We model viscous, cooling, and solidifying flows over horizontal planes, sloping surfaces, and into topographic obstacles. We compare model results to physical observations made during well-controlled analogue and molten basalt experiments, and to analytical theory when available. Overall, the models accurately simulate viscous flow with some variability in flow thickness where flows intersect obstacles. OpenFOAM, COMSOL, and FLOW-3D can each reproduce experimental measurements of cooling viscous flows, and OpenFOAM and FLOW-3D simulations with temperature-dependent rheology match results from molten basalt experiments. We assess the goodness-of-fit of the simulation results and the computational cost. Our results guide the selection of numerical simulation codes for different applications, including inferring emplacement conditions of past lava flows, modeling the temporal evolution of ongoing flows during eruption, and probabilistic assessment of lava flow hazard prior to eruption. Finally, we outline potential experiments and desired key observational data from future flows that would extend existing benchmarking data sets
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