9 research outputs found

    A sex-chromosome mutation in Silene latifolia

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    Silene latifolia is dioecious, yet rare hermaphrodites have been found, and such natural mutants can provide valuable insight into genetic mechanisms. Here, we describe a hermaphrodite-inducing mutation that is almost certainly localized to the gynoecium-suppression region of the Y chromosome in S. latifolia. The mutant Y chromosome was passed through the megaspore, and the presence of two X chromosomes was not necessary for seed development in the parent. This result supports a lack of degeneration of the Y chromosome in S. latifolia, consistent with the relatively recent formation of the sex chromosomes in this species. When crossed to wild-type plants, hermaphrodites performed poorly as females, producing low seed numbers. When hermaphrodites were pollen donors, the sex ratio of offspring they produced through crosses was biased towards females. This suggests that hermaphroditic S. latifolia would fail to thrive and potentially explains the rarity of hermaphrodites in natural populations of S. latifolia. These results indicate that the Y chromosome in Silene latifolia remains very similar to the X, perhaps mostly differing in the primary sex determination regions

    Data from: Genomics of Compositae crops: reference transcriptome assemblies, and evidence of hybridization with wild relatives

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    Although the Compositae harbours only two major food crops, sunflower and lettuce, many other species in this family are utilized by humans and have experienced various levels of domestication. Here we have used next generation sequencing technology to develop 15 reference transcriptome assemblies for Compositae crops or their wild relatives. These data allow us to gain insight into the evolutionary and genomic consequences of plant domestication. Specifically, we performed Illumina sequencing of Cichorium endivia, Cichorium intybus, Echinacea angustifolia, Iva annua, Helianthus tuberosus, Dahlia hybrida, Leontodon taraxacoides and Glebionis segetum, as well 454 sequencing of Guizotia scabra, Stevia rebaudiana, Parthenium argentatum and Smallanthus sonchifolius. Illumina reads were assembled using Trinity, and 454 reads were assembled using MIRA and CAP3. We evaluated the coverage of the transcriptomes using BLASTX analysis of a set of ultra-conserved orthologs (UCOs) and recovered most of these genes (88-98%). We found a correlation between contig length and read length for the 454 assemblies, and greater contig lengths for the 454 compared to the Illumina assemblies. This suggests that longer reads can aid in the assembly of more complete transcripts. Finally, we compared the divergence of orthologs at synonymous sites (Ks) between Compositae crops and their wild relatives and found greater divergence when the progenitors were self-incompatible. We also found greater divergence between pairs of taxa that had some evidence of post-zygotic isolation. For several more distantly related congeners, such as chicory and endive, we identified a signature of introgression in the distribution of Ks values

    Data from: Genomics of Compositae weeds: EST libraries, microarrays, and evidence of introgression

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    PREMISE OF THE STUDY: Weeds cause considerable environmental and economic damage. However, genomic characterization of weeds has lagged behind that of model plants and crop species. Here we report on the development of genomic tools and resources for 11 weeds from the Compositae family that will serve as a basis for subsequent population and comparative genomic analyses. Because hybridization has been suggested as a stimulus for the evolution of invasiveness, we also analyze these genomic data for evidence of hybridization. METHODS: We generated 22 expressed sequence tag (EST) libraries for the 11 targeted weeds using Sanger, 454, and Illumina sequencing, compared the coverage and quality of sequence assemblies, and developed NimbleGen microarrays for expression analyses in five taxa. Where possible, we also compared the distributions of Ks values between orthologs of congeneric taxa to detect and quantify hybridization and introgression. RESULTS: Gene discovery was enhanced by sequencing from multiple tissues, normalization of cDNA libraries, and especially greater sequencing depth. However, assemblies from short sequence reads sometimes failed to resolve close paralogs. Substantial introgression was detected in Centaurea and Helianthus, but not in Ambrosia and Lactuca. CONCLUSIONS: Transcriptome sequencing using next generation platforms has greatly reduced the cost of genomic studies of non-model organisms, and the ESTs and microarrays reported here will accelerate evolutionary and molecular investigations of Compositae weeds. Our study also shows how ortholog comparisons can be used to quantify the genome-wide extent of introgression and to identify genes that have been exchanged between hybridizing taxa