41 research outputs found

    1H, 13C, and 15N chemical shift assignments of ZCCHC9

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    ZCCHC9 is a human nuclear protein with sequence homology to yeast Air1p/Air2p proteins which are RNA-binding subunits of the Trf4/Air2/Mtr4 polyadenylation (TRAMP) complex involved in nuclear RNA quality control and degradation in yeast. The ZCCHC9 protein contains four retroviral-type zinc knuckle motifs. Here, we report the NMR spectral assignment of the zinc knuckle region of ZCCHC9. These data will allow performing NMR structural and RNA-binding studies of ZCCHC9 with the aim to investigate its role in the RNA quality control in human

    Structural and functional characterization of the interaction between the influenza A virus RNA polymerase and the CTD of host RNA polymerase II

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    Influenza A viruses, causing seasonal epidemics and occasional pandemics, rely on interactions with host proteins for their RNA genome transcription and replication. The viral RNA polymerase utilizes host RNA polymerase II (Pol II) and interacts with the serine 5 phosphorylated (pS5) C-terminal domain (CTD) of Pol II to initiate transcription. Our study, using single-particle electron cryomicroscopy (cryo-EM), reveals the structure of the 1918 pandemic influenza A virus polymerase bound to a synthetic pS5 CTD peptide composed of four heptad repeats mimicking the 52 heptad repeat mammalian Pol II CTD. The structure shows that the CTD peptide binds at the C-terminal domain of the PA viral polymerase subunit (PA-C) and reveals a previously unobserved position of the 627 domain of the PB2 subunit near the CTD. We identify crucial residues of the CTD peptide that mediate interactions with positively charged cavities on PA-C, explaining the preference of the viral polymerase for pS5 CTD. Functional analysis of mutants targeting the CTD-binding site within PA-C reveals reduced transcriptional function or defects in replication, highlighting the multifunctional role of PA-C in viral RNA synthesis. Our study provides insights into the structural and functional aspects of the influenza virus polymerase-host Pol II interaction and identifies a target for antiviral development

    Structure and dynamics of the RNAPII CTDsome with Rtt103

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    RNA polymerase II (RNAPII) not only transcribes protein coding genes and many noncoding RNA, but also coordinates transcription and RNA processing. This coordination is mediated by a long C-terminal domain (CTD) of the largest RNAPII subunit, which serves as a binding platform for many RNA/protein-binding factors involved in transcription regulation. In this work, we used a hybrid approach to visualize the architecture of the full-length CTD in complex with the transcription termination factor Rtt103. Specifically, we first solved the structures of the isolated subcomplexes at high resolution and then arranged them into the overall envelopes determined at low resolution by small-angle X-ray scattering. The reconstructed overall architecture of the Rtt103–CTD complex reveals how Rtt103 decorates the CTD platform

    Structural and functional basis of mammalian microRNA biogenesis by Dicer

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    MicroRNA (miRNA) and RNA interference (RNAi) pathways rely on small RNAs produced by Dicer endonucleases. Mammalian Dicer primarily supports the essential gene-regulating miRNA pathway, but how it is specifically adapted to miRNA biogenesis is unknown. We show that the adaptation entails a unique structural role of Dicer’s DExD/H helicase domain. Although mice tolerate loss of its putative ATPase function, the complete absence of the domain is lethal because it assures high-fidelity miRNA biogenesis. Structures of murine Dicer⋅miRNA precursor complexes revealed that the DExD/H domain has a helicase-unrelated structural function. It locks Dicer in a closed state, which facilitates miRNA precursor selection. Transition to a cleavage-competent open state is stimulated by Dicer-binding protein TARBP2. Absence of the DExD/H domain or its mutations unlocks the closed state, reduces substrate selectivity, and activates RNAi. Thus, the DExD/H domain structurally contributes to mammalian miRNA biogenesis and underlies mechanistical partitioning of miRNA and RNAi pathways

    PHF3 regulates neuronal gene expression through the Pol II CTD reader domain SPOC

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    The C-terminal domain (CTD) of the largest subunit of RNA polymerase II (Pol II) is a regulatory hub for transcription and RNA processing. Here, we identify PHD-finger protein 3 (PHF3) as a regulator of transcription and mRNA stability that docks onto Pol II CTD through its SPOC domain. We characterize SPOC as a CTD reader domain that preferentially binds two phosphorylated Serine-2 marks in adjacent CTD repeats. PHF3 drives liquid-liquid phase separation of phosphorylated Pol II, colocalizes with Pol II clusters and tracks with Pol II across the length of genes. PHF3 knock-out or SPOC deletion in human cells results in increased Pol II stalling, reduced elongation rate and an increase in mRNA stability, with marked derepression of neuronal genes. Key neuronal genes are aberrantly expressed in Phf3 knock-out mouse embryonic stem cells, resulting in impaired neuronal differentiation. Our data suggest that PHF3 acts as a prominent effector of neuronal gene regulation by bridging transcription with mRNA decay

    ZC4H2, an XLID gene, is required for the generation of a specific subset of CNS interneurons

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    Miles-Carpenter syndrome (MCS) was described in 1991 as an XLID syndrome with fingertip arches and contractures and mapped to proximal Xq. Patients had microcephaly, short stature, mild spasticity, thoracic scoliosis, hyperextendable MCP joints, rocker-bottom feet, hyperextended elbows and knees. A mutation, p.L66H, in ZC4H2, was identified in a XLID re-sequencing project. Additional screening of linked families and next generation sequencing of XLID families identified three ZC4H2 mutations: p.R18K, p.R213W and p.V75in15aa. The families shared some relevant clinical features. In silico modeling of the mutant proteins indicated all alterations would destabilize the protein. Knockout mutations in zc4h2 were created in zebrafish and homozygous mutant larvae exhibited abnormal swimming, increased twitching, defective eye movement and pectoral fin contractures. Because several of the behavioral defects were consistent with hyperactivity, we examined the underlying neuronal defects and found that sensory neurons and motoneurons appeared normal. However, we observed a striking reduction in GABAergic interneurons. Analysis of cell-type-specific markers showed a specific loss of V2 interneurons in the brain and spinal cord, likely arising from mis-specification of neural progenitors. Injected human wt ZC4H2 rescued the mutant phenotype. Mutant zebrafish injected with human p.L66H or p.R213W mRNA failed to be rescued, while the p.R18K mRNA was able to rescue the interneuron defect. Our findings clearly support ZC4H2 as a novel XLID gene with a required function in interneuron development. Loss of function of ZC4H2 thus likely results in altered connectivity of many brain and spinal circuit

    ZC4H2, an XLID gene, is required for the generation of a specific subset of CNS interneurons

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    Miles-Carpenter syndrome (MCS) was described in 1991 as an XLID syndrome with fingertip arches and contractures and mapped to proximal Xq. Patients had microcephaly, short stature, mild spasticity, thoracic scoliosis, hyperextendable MCP joints, rocker-bottom feet, hyperextended elbows and knees. A mutation, p.L66H, in ZC4H2, was identified in a XLID resequencing project. Additional screening of linked families and next generation sequencing of XLID families identified three ZC4H2 mutations: p.R18K, p.R213W and p.V75in15aa. The families shared some relevant clinical features. In silico modeling of the mutant proteins indicated all alterations would destabilize the protein. Knockout mutations in zc4h2 were created in zebrafish and homozygous mutant larvae exhibited abnormal swimming, increased twitching, defective eye movement and pectoral fin contractures. Because several of the behavioral defects were consistent with hyperactivity, we examined the underlying neuronal defects and found that sensory neurons and motoneurons appeared normal. However, we observed a striking reduction in GABAergic interneurons. Analysis of cell-type-specificmarkers showed a specific loss of V2 interneurons in the brain and spinal cord, likely arising from mis-specification of neural progenitors. Injected human wt ZC4H2 rescued the mutant phenotype. Mutant zebrafish injectedwith human p.L66H or p.R213W mRNA failed to be rescued, while the p.R18K mRNA was able to rescue the interneuron defect. Our findings clearly support ZC4H2 as a novel XLID gene with a required function in interneuron development. Loss of function of ZC4H2 thus likely results in altered connectivity ofmany brain and spinal circuits

    A translational signature for nucleosome positioning in vivo

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    In vivo nucleosomes often occupy well-defined preferred positions on genomic DNA. An important question is to what extent these preferred positions are directly encoded by the DNA sequence itself. We derive here from in vivo positions, accurately mapped by partial micrococcal nuclease digestion, a translational positioning signal that identifies the approximate midpoint of DNA bound by a histone octamer. This midpoint is, on average, highly A/T rich (∼73%) and, in particular, the dinucleotide TpA occurs preferentially at this and other outward-facing minor grooves. We conclude that in this set of sequences the sequence code for DNA bending and nucleosome positioning differs from the other described sets and we suggest that the enrichment of AT-containing dinucleotides at the centre is required for local untwisting. We show that this signature is preferentially associated with nucleosomes flanking promoter regions and suggest that it contributes to the establishment of gene-specific nucleosome arrays