562 research outputs found

    Community phylogenetics at the biogeographical scale: cold tolerance, niche conservatism and the structure of North American forests

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    Aim The fossil record has led to a historical explanation for forest diversity gradients within the cool parts of the Northern Hemisphere, founded on a limited ability of woody angiosperm clades to adapt to mid-Tertiary cooling. We tested four predictions of how this should be manifested in the phylogenetic structure of 91,340 communities: (1) forests to the north should comprise species from younger clades (families) than forests to the south; (2) average cold tolerance at a local site should be associated with the mean family age (MFA) of species; (3) minimum temperature should account for MFA better than alternative environmental variables; and (4) traits associated with survival in cold climates should evolve under a niche conservatism constraint. Location The contiguous United States. Methods We extracted angiosperms from the US Forest Service's Forest Inventory and Analysis database. MFA was calculated by assigning age of the family to which each species belongs and averaging across the species in each community. We developed a phylogeny to identify phylogenetic signal in five traits: realized cold tolerance, seed size, seed dispersal mode, leaf phenology and height. Phylogenetic signal representation curves and phylogenetic generalized least squares were used to compare patterns of trait evolution against Brownian motion. Eleven predictors structured at broad or local scales were generated to explore relationships between environment and MFA using random forest and general linear models. Results Consistent with predictions, (1) southern communities comprise angiosperm species from older families than northern communities, (2) cold tolerance is the trait most strongly associated with local MFA, (3) minimum temperature in the coldest month is the environmental variable that best describes MFA, broad-scale variables being much stronger correlates than local-scale variables, and (4) the phylogenetic structures of cold tolerance and at least one other trait associated with survivorship in cold climates indicate niche conservatism. Main conclusions Tropical niche conservatism in the face of long-term climate change, probably initiated in the Late Cretaceous associated with the rise of the Rocky Mountains, is a strong driver of the phylogenetic structure of the angiosperm component of forest communities across the USA. However, local deterministic and/or stochastic processes account for perhaps a quarter of the variation in the MFA of local communities

    MosquitoMap and the Mal-area calculator: new web tools to relate mosquito species distribution with vector borne disease

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Mosquitoes are important vectors of diseases but, in spite of various mosquito faunistic surveys globally, there is a need for a spatial online database of mosquito collection data and distribution summaries. Such a resource could provide entomologists with the results of previous mosquito surveys, and vector disease control workers, preventative medicine practitioners, and health planners with information relating mosquito distribution to vector-borne disease risk.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A web application called MosquitoMap was constructed comprising mosquito collection point data stored in an ArcGIS 9.3 Server/SQL geodatabase that includes administrative area and vector species x country lookup tables. In addition to the layer containing mosquito collection points, other map layers were made available including environmental, and vector and pathogen/disease distribution layers. An application within MosquitoMap called the Mal-area calculator (MAC) was constructed to quantify the area of overlap, for any area of interest, of vector, human, and disease distribution models. Data standards for mosquito records were developed for MosquitoMap.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>MosquitoMap is a public domain web resource that maps and compares georeferenced mosquito collection points to other spatial information, in a geographical information system setting. The MAC quantifies the Mal-area, i.e. the area where it is theoretically possible for vector-borne disease transmission to occur, thus providing a useful decision tool where other disease information is limited. The Mal-area approach emphasizes the independent but cumulative contribution to disease risk of the vector species predicted present. MosquitoMap adds value to, and makes accessible, the results of past collecting efforts, as well as providing a template for other arthropod spatial databases.</p

    Community phylogenetics at the biogeographical scale: cold tolerance, niche conservatism and the structure of North American forests

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    Aim The fossil record has led to a historical explanation for forest diversity gradients within the cool parts of the Northern Hemisphere, founded on a limited ability of woody angiosperm clades to adapt to mid-Tertiary cooling. We tested four predictions of how this should be manifested in the phylogenetic structure of 91,340 communities: (1) forests to the north should comprise species from younger clades (families) than forests to the south; (2) average cold tolerance at a local site should be associated with the mean family age (MFA) of species; (3) minimum temperature should account for MFA better than alternative environmental variables; and (4) traits associated with survival in cold climates should evolve under a niche conservatism constraint. Location The contiguous United States. Methods We extracted angiosperms from the US Forest Service's Forest Inventory and Analysis database. MFA was calculated by assigning age of the family to which each species belongs and averaging across the species in each community. We developed a phylogeny to identify phylogenetic signal in five traits: realized cold tolerance, seed size, seed dispersal mode, leaf phenology and height. Phylogenetic signal representation curves and phylogenetic generalized least squares were used to compare patterns of trait evolution against Brownian motion. Eleven predictors structured at broad or local scales were generated to explore relationships between environment and MFA using random forest and general linear models. Results Consistent with predictions, (1) southern communities comprise angiosperm species from older families than northern communities, (2) cold tolerance is the trait most strongly associated with local MFA, (3) minimum temperature in the coldest month is the environmental variable that best describes MFA, broad-scale variables being much stronger correlates than local-scale variables, and (4) the phylogenetic structures of cold tolerance and at least one other trait associated with survivorship in cold climates indicate niche conservatism. Main conclusions Tropical niche conservatism in the face of long-term climate change, probably initiated in the Late Cretaceous associated with the rise of the Rocky Mountains, is a strong driver of the phylogenetic structure of the angiosperm component of forest communities across the USA. However, local deterministic and/or stochastic processes account for perhaps a quarter of the variation in the MFA of local communities

    Estudio de la optimización de la calidad del abono bocashi mediante la adición de potenciales microorganismos eficaces

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    The research was carried at the Treatment and Disposal Center of solid waste “Romerillos” of the Municipal GAD of Mejia Canton, place where it is elaborated organic fertilizer Bocashi based on plants material which is recovered in the filling, the purpose of the project was to optimize the quality of the fertilizer using Effective Microorganisms of natural origin presenting on natural ecosystems, Facilitating the decomposition of organic waste. For obtaining the microorganisms were placed traps in the natural forest “Rumiñahui” for a period of 15 days and a portion of soil was collected with organic matter for the multiplication of autochthonous microorganisms, then the traps were moved to a suitable place for reproduction observing that the species collected were the genres Trichoderma spp. of dark green color and Bacillus spp. whitish color. The reproduction of these species was carried out in containers mixing water with molasses and autochthonous microorganisms were proliferated submerging a sock nylon with soil and organic matter in the mixture of milk, molasses and yeast during 15 days obtaining a solution, because the molasses provides energy to the microorganisms. The solution was added on the organic matter during the first two weeks in all three treatments starting the process of producing the fertilizer controlling the temperature to approximately 60oC doing three turns per week and ending with the process at 42 days. Through the report results it was determined that the microorganism that helped mainly in the optimization of the fertilizer was the genus Bacillus spp. obtaining a total of 400 million cfu/gr, increasing its nutritional quality by 27%, because the bacteria have the ability to multiply rapidly by colonizing the substrate and maintained until the end the production process of the Bocashi fertilizer. With the use of these microorganisms the structure and quality of the soil can be improved reducing costs, time and chemicals products.La investigación se realizó en el Centro de tratamiento y disposición final de residuos sólidos “Romerillos” del GAD Municipal del Cantón Mejía, lugar donde se elabora abono orgánico Bocashi a base de material vegetal que se recupera en el relleno, el proyecto tuvo como finalidad la optimización de la calidad del abono utilizando microorganismos eficaces de origen natural presentes en ecosistemas naturales que facilitan la descomposición de los desechos orgánicos. Para la obtención de los microorganismos, fueron ubicadas las trampas en el bosque natural “Rumiñahui” por un período de 15 días y a la vez recogiendo una porción de tierra con materia orgánica para la multiplicación de los microorganismos autóctonos; trasladando las trampas a un lugar adecuado para su reproducción, observando que las especies recolectadas fueron los géneros Trichoderma spp. de color verde oscuro y Bacillus spp. de color blanquecino. La reproducción de estas especies se llevo a cabo en recipientes mezclando agua con melaza y los microorganismos autóctonos fueron proliferados sumergiendo una media nylon con tierra y materia orgánica en la mezcla de leche, melaza y levadura durante 15 días obteniendo la solución madre, debido a que la melaza provee de energía a los microorganismos. La solución se añadió en la materia orgánica durante las dos primeras semanas en los tres tratamientos empezando el proceso de producción del abono, controlando la temperatura aproximadamente hasta los 600C realizando dos volteos por semana y finalizando con el proceso a los 42 días. Mediante el informe de resultados determinamos que el microorganismo que ayudó principalmente en la optimización del abono fue el género Bacillus spp. obteniendo un total de 400 millones de ufc/gr, aumentado su calidad nutricional en un 27% debido a que las bacterias tiene la capacidad de multiplicarse rápidamente colonizando el sustrato y así facilitando la liberación de nutrientes en mayor cantidad y mantenerse hasta finalizar el proceso de producción del abono. Con el uso de estos microorganismos se puede mejorar la estructura y calidad del suelo reduciendo costos, tiempo y productos químicos.Universidad Técnica de Cotopax

    Consumo y aceptabilidad de preparaciones a base de quinua en grupos étnicos de los cantones Pimampiro y Otavalo, Imbabura

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    Determinar el consumo y aceptabilidad de preparaciones a base de quinua en grupos étnicos de los cantones los Cantones Pimampiro y Otavalo, de la provincia de Imbabura.El trabajo de investigación, tiene por objetivo determinar el consumo y aceptabilidad de la quinua del núcleo familiar en los grupos étnicos de los cantones Pimampiro y Otavalo de la Provincia de Imbabura-Ecuador, es un estudio de tipo observacional descriptivo y transversal. La información se obtuvo de personas responsables de la alimentación, quienes seleccionan el producto a consumir. La determinación del consumo se realizó a través de la aplicación de encuestas de frecuencia de consumo a 324 personas, 162 por cada cantón, acorde a la proporcionalidad étnica y acuerdo al censo 2010 (INEC). En el cual más del 80% de todos los grupos étnicos del cantón Pimampiro consumen quinua y el 20% no la consume, debido al elevado precio del producto y a la monotonía de las preparaciones. En el cantón Otavalo, se determinó que el consumo de quinua es superior con el 87% en la población indígena, la población afro ecuatoriana consume este grano en un 100%. Para medir la aceptabilidad se llevó a cabo la degustación de 5 preparaciones a base de quinua, a 15 personas de cada cantón, donde se evaluaron sus características organolépticas con la escala de Likert (medidor sensorial). En Pimampiro hubo buena aceptabilidad de las preparaciones en todos los grupos étnicos, particularmente en las preparaciones de torta y chaulafan de quinua, sin embargo la granola y ensalada de quinua tuvieron una menor aceptación. En Otavalo, la aceptabilidad de las preparaciones fue menor, en especial la población indígena, misma que por sus hábitos propios se muestra más exigente. El consumo mensual de la quinua (500-1000gr) en el núcleo familiar se considera alto, pudiendo mejorar su consumo dando variedad a las preparaciones, por otra parte, se conservaría la identidad cultural, además que se fortalecería la soberanía alimentaria, propuesta en el Plan Nacional del Buen Vivir.Licenciatur

    Efectos de incorporar mezcla de Cal y concha de abanico, para estabilización de suelo, km +120-Carretera Yapatera- Panecillo, Chulucanas-2022

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    La investigación titulada “Efectos de incorporar mezcla de Cal y concha de abanico, para estabilización de suelo, km +120-Carretera Yapatera- Panecillo, Chulucanas- 2022”, cuyo objetivo general fue determinar la capacidad de soporte del suelo patrón existente en el Km+120-carretera Yapatera-Panecillo, 2022. Respecto a la metodología fue de enfoque cuantitativo, experimental, técnica de observación. Asimismo, se trabajó con 3 calicatas que fueron procesadas en el laboratorio, obteniendo como resultados que con la incorporación de mezcla de cal y concha en los porcentajes estudiados en las 03 muestras, se incrementó de manera significativa la capacidad de soporte del suelo, logrando clasificarse el suelo dentro del rango de BUENA según el Manual de Carreteras del MTC

    The Transcription Factor Sp3 Cooperates with HDAC2 to Regulate Synaptic Function and Plasticity in Neurons

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    The histone deacetylase HDAC2, which negatively regulates synaptic gene expression and neuronal plasticity, is upregulated in Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients and mouse models. Therapeutics targeting HDAC2 hold promise for ameliorating AD-related cognitive impairment; however, attempts to generate HDAC2-specific inhibitors have failed. Here, we take an integrative genomics approach to identify proteins that mediate HDAC2 recruitment to synaptic plasticity genes. Functional screening revealed that knockdown of the transcription factor Sp3 phenocopied HDAC2 knockdown and that Sp3 facilitated recruitment of HDAC2 to synaptic genes. Importantly, like HDAC2, Sp3 expression was elevated in AD patients and mouse models, where Sp3 knockdown ameliorated synaptic dysfunction. Furthermore, exogenous expression of an HDAC2 fragment containing the Sp3-binding domain restored synaptic plasticity and memory in a mouse model with severe neurodegeneration. Our findings indicate that targeting the HDAC2-Sp3 complex could enhance cognitive function without affecting HDAC2 function in other processes

    Isolation and characterization of 17 polymorphic microsatellite loci for a sea urchin (Echinometra lucunter: Echinometridae)

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    As a first step to establish the genetic structure of the sea urchin Echinometra lucunter lucunterthroughout the Caribbean Sea, 26 microsatellite loci were isolated using Illumina paired-end sequencing, Next Generation Sequencing (NGS). We successfully optimized 17 loci for genotyping and the variation tested for 23 individuals from the Caribbean Sea and Tropical Eastern Atlantic Ocean. The allele number per locus (Na) ranged from four to 24, the observed heterozygosity (Ho) from 0.682 to 1, and the expected heterozygosity (He) from 0.609 to 0.9304. We detected no linkage disequilibrium between pairs of loci. These microsatellites will be used for the first time to detect the influence of marine barriers to genetic flow in the sea urchin E. lucunter lucunter throughout the Caribbean Sea. These new validated markers will be essential for current conservation and connectivity studies across the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean

    SandflyMap: leveraging spatial data on sand fly vector distribution for disease risk assessments

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    We feature SandflyMap (www.sandflymap.org), a new map service within VectorMap (www.vectormap.org) that allows free public online access to global sand fly, tick and mosquito collection records and habitat suitability models. Given the short home range of sand flies, combining remote sensing and collection point data give a powerful insight into the environmental determinants of sand fly distribution. SandflyMap is aimed at medical entomologists, vector disease control workers, public health officials and health planners. Data are checked for geographical and taxonomic errors, and are comprised of vouchered specimen information, and both published and unpublished observation data. SandflyMap uses Microsoft Silverlight and ESRI’s ArcGIS Server 10 software platform to present disease vector data and relevant remote sensing layers in an online geographical information system format. Users can view the locations of past vector collections and the results of models that predict the geographic extent of individual species. Collection records are searchable and downloadable, and Excel collection forms with drop down lists, and Excel charts to country, are available for data contributors to map and quality control their data. SandflyMap makes accessible, and adds value to, the results of past sand fly collecting efforts. We detail the workflow for entering occurrence data from the literature to SandflyMap, using an example for sand flies from South America. We discuss the utility of SandflyMap as a focal point to increase collaboration and to explore the nexus between geography and vector-borne disease transmission

    Propuesta didáctica para incentivar hábitos de vida saludable en los niños de transición del colegio Nydia Quintero de Turbay sede B jornada mañana, a partir del trabajo colaborativo con profesores

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    Los hábitos saludables en esta sociedad no han sido adoptados como una excelente opción para tener una vida sana y saludable. Los niños son muy importantes para todas las regiones del mundo, por esto ellos deberían ser los primeros en adoptar buenos hábitos saludables para llevar una vida más sana y cuando sean adolescentes y/o adultos no tengan problema alguno o muy poco al llevar una vida plena