37 research outputs found

    Adaptations of Alteromonas sp. 76-1 to Polysaccharide Degradation: A CAZyme Plasmid for Ulvan Degradation and Two Alginolytic Systems

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    Studying the physiology and genomics of cultured hydrolytic bacteria is a valuable approach to decipher the biogeochemical cycling of marine polysaccharides, major nutrients derived from phytoplankton and macroalgae. We herein describe the profound potential of Alteromonas sp. 76-1, isolated from alginate-enriched seawater at the Patagonian continental shelf, to degrade the algal polysaccharides alginate and ulvan. Phylogenetic analyses indicated that strain 76-1 might represent a novel species, distinguished from its closest relative (Alteromonas naphthalenivorans) by adaptations to their contrasting habitats (productive open ocean vs. coastal sediments). Ecological distinction of 76-1 was particularly manifested in the abundance of carbohydrate-active enzymes (CAZymes), consistent with its isolation from alginate-enriched seawater and elevated abundance of a related OTU in the original microcosm. Strain 76-1 encodes multiple alginate lyases from families PL6, PL7, PL17, and PL18 largely contained in two polysaccharide utilization loci (PUL), which may facilitate the utilization of different alginate structures in nature. Notably, ulvan degradation relates to a 126 Kb plasmid dedicated to polysaccharide utilization, encoding several PL24 and PL25 ulvan lyases and monomer-processing genes. This extensive and versatile CAZyme repertoire allowed substantial growth on polysaccharides, showing comparable doubling times with alginate (2 h) and ulvan (3 h) in relation to glucose (3 h). The finding of homologous ulvanolytic systems in distantly related Alteromonas spp. suggests CAZyme plasmids as effective vehicles for PUL transfer that mediate niche gain. Overall, the demonstrated CAZyme repertoire substantiates the role of Alteromonas in marine polysaccharide degradation and how PUL exchange influences the ecophysiology of this ubiquitous marine taxon

    Analysis of 1,000 Type-Strain Genomes Improves Taxonomic Classification of Bacteroidetes.

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    Although considerable progress has been made in recent years regarding the classification of bacteria assigned to the phylum Bacteroidetes, there remains a need to further clarify taxonomic relationships within a diverse assemblage that includes organisms of clinical, piscicultural, and ecological importance. Bacteroidetes classification has proved to be difficult, not least when taxonomic decisions rested heavily on interpretation of poorly resolved 16S rRNA gene trees and a limited number of phenotypic features. Here, draft genome sequences of a greatly enlarged collection of genomes of more than 1,000 Bacteroidetes and outgroup type strains were used to infer phylogenetic trees from genome-scale data using the principles drawn from phylogenetic systematics. The majority of taxa were found to be monophyletic but several orders, families and genera, including taxa proposed long ago such as Bacteroides, Cytophaga, and Flavobacterium but also quite recent taxa, as well as a few species were shown to be in need of revision. According proposals are made for the recognition of new orders, families and genera, as well as the transfer of a variety of species to other genera. In addition, emended descriptions are given for many species mainly involving information on DNA G+C content and (approximate) genome size, both of which can be considered valuable taxonomic markers. We detected many incongruities when comparing the results of the present study with existing classifications, which appear to be caused by insufficiently resolved 16S rRNA gene trees or incomplete taxon sampling. The few significant incongruities found between 16S rRNA gene and whole genome trees underline the pitfalls inherent in phylogenies based upon single gene sequences and the impediment in using ordinary bootstrapping in phylogenomic studies, particularly when combined with too narrow gene selections. While a significant degree of phylogenetic conservation was detected in all phenotypic characters investigated, the overall fit to the tree varied considerably, which is one of the probable causes of misclassifications in the past, much like the use of plesiomorphic character states as diagnostic features

    Streptomyces bathyalis sp. nov., an actinobacterium isolated from the sponge in a deep sea.

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    A novel actinobacterium, designated ASO4wetT, was isolated from the unidentified sponge (SO4) in the deep sea collected of the North Atlantic Ocean. Study of 16S rRNA gene sequences indicated that strain ASO4wetT is a member of the genus Streptomyces and showed the closest similarities to Streptomyces karpasiensis K413T (98.87 %), Streptomyces glycovorans YIM M 10366T (98.38 %), and Streptomyces abyssalis YIM M 10400T (97.53 %). Strain ASO4wetT contained MK-9(H8) as the predominant menaquinone and the major fatty acids are iso-C16:0, anteiso-C15:0, and iso-C15:0. Polyphasic taxonomy was carried out between strain ASO4wetT and its phylogenetically closely related Streptomyces strains, which further elucidated their relatedness and revealed that strain ASO4wetT could be distinguished from currently known Streptomyces species. Strain ASO4wetT clearly represents a novel species in genus Streptomyces. We propose the name Streptomyces bathyalis sp. nov., with the type strain ASO4wetT (= DSM 106605T = NCCB 100657T). Analysis of the whole-genome sequence of S. bathyalis revealed that genome size is 7,377,472 bp with 6332 coding sequences

    Streptomonospora litoralis sp. nov., a halophilic thiopeptides producer isolated from sand collected at Cuxhaven beach.

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    Strain M2T was isolated from the beach of Cuxhaven, Wadden Sea, Germany, in course of a program to attain new producers of bioactive natural products. Strain M2T produces litoralimycin and sulfomycin-type thiopeptides. Bioinformatic analysis revealed a potential biosynthetic gene cluster encoding for the M2T thiopeptides. The strain is Gram-stain-positive, rod shaped, non-motile, spore forming, showing a yellow colony color and forms extensively branched substrate mycelium and aerial hyphae. Inferred from the 16S rRNA gene phylogeny strain M2T affiliates with the genus Streptomonospora. It shows 96.6% 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity to the type species Streptomonospora salina DSM 44593 T and forms a distinct branch with Streptomonospora sediminis DSM 45723 T with 97.0% 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity. Genome-based phylogenetic analysis revealed that M2T is closely related to Streptomonospora alba YIM 90003 T with a digital DNA-DNA hybridisation (dDDH) value of 26.6%. The predominant menaquinones of M2T are MK-10(H6), MK-10(H8), and MK-11(H6) (> 10%). Major cellular fatty acids are iso-C16:0, anteiso C17:0 and C18:0 10-methyl. The polar lipid profile consisted of diphosphatidylglycerol phosphatidyl glycerol, phosphatidylinositol, phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, three glycolipids, two unknown phospholipids, and two unknown lipids. The genome size of type strain M2T is 5,878,427 bp with 72.1 mol % G + C content. Based on the results obtained from phylogenetic and chemotaxonomic studies, strain M2T (= DSM 106425 T = NCCB 100650 T) is considered to represent a novel species within the genus Streptomonospora for which the name Streptomonospora litoralis sp. nov. is proposed

    Genomic and physiological analyses of ‘Reinekea forsetii’ reveal a versatile opportunistic lifestyle during spring algae blooms

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    Avcı B, Hahnke RL, Chafee M, et al. Genomic and physiological analyses of ‘Reinekea forsetii’ reveal a versatile opportunistic lifestyle during spring algae blooms. Environmental Microbiology. 2016;19(3):1209-1221.Gammaproteobacterial Reinekea spp. were detected during North Sea spring algae blooms in the years 2009-2012, with relative abundances of up to 16% in the bacterioplankton. Here, we explore the ecophysiology of 'R. forsetii' strain Hel1_31_D35 that was isolated during the 2010 spring bloom using (i) its manually annotated, high-quality closed genome, (ii) re-analysis of in situ data from the 2009-2012 blooms and (iii) physiological tests. High resolution analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequences suggested that 'R. forsetii' dominated Reinekea populations during these blooms. This was corroborated by retrieval of almost complete Hel1_31_D35 genomes from 2009 and 2010 bacterioplankton metagenomes. Strain Hel1_31_D35 can use numerous low-molecular weight substrates including diverse sugar monomers, and few but relevant algal polysaccharides such as mannan, α-glucans, and likely bacterial peptidoglycan. It oxidizes thiosulfate to sulfate, and ferments under anoxic conditions. The strain can attach to algae and thrives at low phosphate concentrations as they occur during blooms. Its genome encodes RTX toxin and secretion proteins, and in cultivation experiments Hel1_31_D35 crude cell extracts inhibited growth of a North Sea Polaribacter strain. Our data suggest that the combination of these traits make strain Hel1_31_D35 a versatile opportunist that is particularly competitive during spring phytoplankton blooms

    ICSP response to ‘Regulating access can restrict participation in reporting new species and taxa’

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    To the Editor — The members of the Executive Board of the International Committee on Systematics of Prokaryotes (ICSP, https://www.the-icsp.org) appreciate the issues raised in the Correspondence ‘Regulating access can restrict participation in reporting new species and taxa’, published in your December 2021 issue1