9 research outputs found

    Ozone in the Pacific tropical troposphere from ozonesonde observations

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    Ozone vertical profile measurements obtained from ozonesondes flown at Fiji, Samoa, Tahiti, and the Galapagos are used to characterize ozone in the troposphere over the tropical Pacific. There is a significant seasonal variation at each of these sites. At sites in both the eastern and western Pacific, ozone mixing ratios are greatest at almost all levels in the troposphere during the September‐November season and smallest during March‐May. The vertical profile has a relative maximum at all of the sites in the midtroposphere throughout the year (the largest amounts are usually found near the tropopause). This maximum is particularly pronounced during the September‐November season. On average, throughout the troposphere, the Galapagos has larger ozone amounts than the western Pacific sites. A trajectory climatology is used to identify the major flow regimes that are associated with the characteristic ozone behavior at various altitudes and seasons. The enhanced ozone seen in the midtroposphere during September‐November is associated with flow from the continents. In the western Pacific this flow is usually from southern Africa (although 10‐day trajectories do not always reach the continent) but also may come from Australia and Indonesia. In the Galapagos the ozone peak in the midtroposphere is seen in flow from the South American continent and particularly from northern Brazil. High ozone concentrations within potential source regions and flow characteristics associated with the ozone mixing ratio peaks seen in both the western and eastern Pacific suggest that these enhanced ozone mixing ratios result from biomass burning. In the upper troposphere, low ozone amounts are seen with flow that originates in the convective western Pacific

    Field test to intercompare carbon monoxide, nitric oxide and hydroxyl instrumentation at Wallops Island, Virginia

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    Documentation of the first of three instrument intercomparisons conducted as part of NASA Global Tropospheric Experiment/Chemical Instrumentation Test and Evaluation (GTE/CITE-1) is given. This ground-based intercomparison was conducted during July 1983 at NASA Wallops Flight Facility. Instruments intercompared included one laser system and three grab-sample approaches for CO; two chemiluminescent systems and one laser-induced fluorescent (LIF) technique for NO; and two different LIF systems and a radiochemical tracer technique for OH. The major objectives of this intercomparison was to intercompare ambient measurements of CO, NO, and OH at a common site by using techniques of fundamentally different detection principles and to identify any major biases among the techniques prior to intercomparison on an aircraft platform. Included in the report are comprehensive discussions of workshop requirements, philosophies, and operations as well as intercomparison analyses and results. In addition, the large body of nonintercomparison data incorporated into the workshop measurements is summarized. The report is an important source document for those interested in conducting similar large and complex intercomparison tests as well as those interested in using the data base for purposes other than instrument intercomparison

    Performance of 26 Meter Diameter Ringsail Parachute in a Simulated Martian Environment

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    Inflation, drag, and stability characteristics of an 85.3-foot (26-meter) nominal diameter ringsail parachute deployed at a Mach number of 1.15 and at an altitude of 132,600 feet (40.42 kilometers) were obtained from the first flight test of the Planetary Entry Parachute Program. After deployment, the parachute inflated to the reefed condition. However, the canopy was unstable and produced low drag in the reefed condition. Upon disreefing and opening to full inflation, a slight instability in the canopy mouth was observed initially. After a short time, the fluctuations diminished and a stable configuration was attained. Results indicate a loss in drag during the fluctuation period prior to stable inflation. During descent, stability characteristics of the system were such that the average pitch-yaw angle from the local vertical was less than 10 degrees. Rolling motion between the payload and parachute canopy quickly damped to small amplitude

    Performance of a 19.7 Meter Diameter Disk-Gap-Band Parachute in a Simulated Martian Environment

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    Inflation and drag characteristics of a 64.7-foot (19.7-meter) nominal-diameter disk-gap-band parachute deployed at a Mach number of 1.59 and a dynamic pressure of 11.6 psf (555 newtons per m(exp 2)) were obtained from the second balloon-launched flight test of the Planetary Entry Parachute Program. In addition, parachute stability characteristics during the subsonic descent portion of the test are presented. After deployment, the parachute rapidly inflated to a full condition, partially collapsed, and then reinflated to a stable configuration. After reinflation, an average drag coefficient of about 0.55 based on nominal surface area was obtained. The parachute exhibited good stability characteristics during descent. The only major damage to the parachute during the test was the tearing of two canopy panels; a loss of less than 0.5 percent of nominal surface area resulted