335 research outputs found

    Bone Morphogenetic Protein 9 and Bone Morphogenetic Protein 10 are Vital Factors in Maintaining Adult Vascular Homeostasis and Cardiac Function

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    Bone Morphogenetic Proteins (BMPs) are members of the well known Transforming Growth Factor (TGF) superfamily, consisting of TGF β proteins, Activins and Growth Differentiation Factors (GDFs). These factors play an essential role in numerous different aspects of embryonic development and physiological organ function. BMP9 and BMP10 are members of this superfamily; however their role, especially in the cardiovascular system, is still poorly characterised. BMP9 is produced by and is secreted from the liver and is proposed to act as a major circulating vascular quiescence factor. BMP10, however, has a more limited expression where it is expressed during embryonic development in the ventricles from embryonic day (E) 9.0 to 13.5. After E 14.5, expression of BMP10 declines in the ventricles, but is maintained in the right atria of postnatal and adult hearts. BMP9 and BMP10 bind with high affinity to ALK1, an endothelial specific receptor as well as to endoglin (ENG), a TGF β co-receptor. Since both of these ligands bind with very high affinity to the ALK1 receptor and soluble ENG receptor, it was suggested that BMP9 and BMP10 are important mediators of cardiovascular development and homeostasis. So far it has been shown that mutations in ALK1, ENG and SMAD4 genes can result in hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasias (HHT), which is a disease that results in vascular abnormalities. BMP10 along with ENG has been shown to be involved in pre-eclampsia, a disease resulting in high blood pressure (BP), thus strengthening the argument that these BMP family members are involved in cardio vascular homeostasis. The aim of this project was to elucidate the role of BMP9 and BMP10 in the adult heart and the ir role in cardiovascular homeostasis. Constitutive BMP9 knockout mice were generated, with a conditional heart-specific BMP10 deletion under the control of ANF Cre. Results demonstrated that the loss of BMP9 and BMP10 leads to vessel defects which caused disruption in vascular tone and altered cardiac function. In summary, these results have identified an essential role for BMP9 and BMP10 in postnatal cardiac remodelling and vascular homeostasis

    Critique of Kathleen Parker’s \u27Women Don\u27t Belong in Military Combat\u27

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    For this project, I chose an opinion article about whether or not women should be allowed in combat positions. The author believes women should not be in the infantry, while I believe women should be given the chance if they so desire to be in a combat role. The main idea in the original article was that women are not capable of succeeding in the infantry. I countered this idea throughout my response essay by agreeing that not every woman is cut out for a combat job, but the women out there who would thrive in the infantry should be given that opportunity

    Mortgage Discrimination and District Manipulation: Deterrents to Minority Mobility

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    This paper explores the relationship between gerrymandering and home loan discrimination. Gerrymandering, the process of manipulating district plans for political gain, and discrimination in mortgage lending are both illegal; and yet, they still occur in today’s society. By using individual loan application data from the HMDA’s website, a series of regressions will be run using applicant characteristics to measure loan discrimination at the state level. Once a state level model has been constructed, a measure of gerrymandering called the Efficiency Gap will be added into the regression in order to explore the relationship between home loan discrimination and gerrymandering. Regression results suggest the presence of gerrymandering in a state is associated with more loan discrimination. A relationship of this nature is cause for further, in-depth research. This relationship could suggest that lenders and lawmakers are working collectively to keep minorities in one voting district. In doing so, the power of these individuals’ vote is effectively diminished. Seeing as every citizen is supposed to have equal access and opportunity to vote, this presents a new avenue for law makers to explore to further curtail both of these unethical actions

    A Review of Combination Antimicrobial Therapy for Enterococcus Faecalis Bloodstream Infections and Infective Endocarditis

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    Enterococci, one of the most common causes of hospital-associated infections, are responsible for substantial morbidity and mortality. Enterococcus faecalis, the more common and virulent species, cause serious high-inoculum infections, namely infective endocarditis, that are associated with cardiac surgery and mortality rates that remained unchanged for the last 30 years. The best cure for these infections are observed with combination antibiotic therapy; however, optimal treatment has not been fully elucidated. It is the purpose of this review to highlight treatment options, their limitations, and provide direction for future investigative efforts to aid in the treatment of these severe infections. While ampicillin plus ceftriaxone has emerged as a preferred treatment option, mortality rates continue to be high, and from a safety standpoint, ceftriaxone, unlike other cephalosporins, promotes colonization with vancomycin resistant-enterococci due to high biliary concentrations. More research is needed to improve patient outcomes from this high mortality disease

    Developing a Choice-Based Digital Fiction for Body Image Bibliotherapy

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    Body dissatisfaction is so common in the western world that it has become the norm, especially among women and girls. Writing New Body Worlds is a transdisciplinary research-creation project that aims to address these issues by developing an interactive digital fiction for body image bibliotherapy. It is created with the critical co-design participation of a group of young women and non-binary individuals (aged 18–25) from diverse backgrounds, who are representative of its intended audience. This article discusses how our participant research influenced the creative development of the digital fiction, its characters and its novel ludonarrative or story-game design. It theorizes how the specific affordances of a choice-based interactive narrative, that situates the reader-player in the mind of the fictional protagonist, may lead to enhanced empathic identification and agency and, therefore, a more profoundly immersive and potentially transformative experience. This process of “diegetic enactment” is where we postulate the therapeutic value lies: an ontological oscillation between the reader-player’s mind and the fictional mind, which may induce the reader-player to reflect upon, and perhaps subtly alter, their own body image.publishedVersio

    Update on Transplacental Transfer of IgG Subclasses: Impact of Maternal and Fetal Factors.

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    Transplacental antibody transfer from mother to fetus provides protection from infection in the first weeks of life, and the four different subclasses of IgG (IgG1, IgG2, IgG3, and IgG4) have diverse roles in protection against infection. In this study, we evaluated concentrations and transplacental transfer ratios of the IgG subclasses in a healthy UK-based cohort of mother-cord pairs, and investigated associations with maternal, obstetric, and fetal factors. In agreement with previous studies, we found a strong association between maternal and cord IgG for all subclasses. We report a transfer efficiency hierarchy of IgG1>IgG3>IgG4=IgG2 in our study population, and our review of the literature demonstrates that there is no consensus in the hierarchy of subclass transfer, despite the commonly made statement that the order is IgG1>IgG4>IgG3>IgG2. We report additional data regarding negative associations between elevated maternal IgG concentrations and maternal/cord transfer ratios, finding an effect on IgG1, IgG2, and IgG3 subclasses. Levels of IgG subclasses were the same between venous and arterial blood samples from the umbilical cord, but there was a significantly higher level of total IgG in arterial blood. We found no correlation between placental FcRn protein levels and IgG transfer in our cohort, suggesting that IgG is the main determinant of observed differences in transplacental transfer ratios at term. Neonatal IgG1 and IgG4 levels were increased with later gestation at delivery, independent of any increase in transplacental transfer, indicating that the benefit of later gestation is through accumulation of these subclasses in the fetus. Neonatal IgG2 levels and transfer ratios were reduced in rhesus-negative pregnancies, suggesting that administered anti-D antibodies may compete for transplacental transfer of this subclass. Maternal influenza vaccination resulted in elevated maternal and neonatal levels of IgG4, whereas maternal Tdap vaccination had no impact on neonatal levels of the subclasses, nor transfer. However, within Tdap vaccinated pregnancies, later gestation at Tdap vaccination was associated with higher transplacental transfer. Our study provides information regarding levels and transfer of IgG subclasses in healthy term pregnancies and demonstrates the importance of recording detailed clinical information in studies of antibody transfer, including parity, ethnicity, and timing of maternal vaccine delivery

    Metolachlor metabolite (MESA) reveals agricultural nitrate-N fate and transport in Choptank River watershed

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    Over 50% of streams in the Chesapeake Bay watershed have been rated as poor or very poor based on the index of biological integrity. The Choptank River estuary, a Bay tributary on the eastern shore, is one such waterway, where corn and soybean production in upland areas of the watershed contribute significant loads of nutrients and sediment to streams. We adopted a novel approach utilizing the relationship between the concentration of nitrate-N and the stable, water-soluble herbicide degradation product MESA {2-[2-ethyl-N-(1- methoxypropan-2-yl)-6-methylanilino]-2-oxoethanesulfonic acid} to distinguish between dilution and denitrification effects on the stream concentration of nitrate-N in agricultural subwatersheds. The ratio of mean nitrate-N concentration/(mean MESA concentration * 1000) for 15 subwatersheds was examined as a function of percent cropland on hydric soil. This inverse relationship (R2 = 0.65, p b 0.001) takes into consideration not only dilution and denitrification of nitrate-N, but also the stream sampling bias of the croplands caused by the Choptank River. The relationship between nitrate-N and MESA concentrations in samples collected over three years was linear (0.95 ≤ R2 ≤ 0.99) for all eight sampling dates except one where R2 = 0.90. This very strong correlation indicates that nitrate-N was conserved in much of the Choptank River estuary, that dilution alone is responsible for the changes in nitrate-N and MESA concentrations, and more importantly nitrate-N loads are not reduced in the estuary prior to entering the Chesapeake Bay. Thus, a critical need exists to minimize nutrient export from agricultural production fields and to identify specific conservation practices to address the hydrologic conditions within each subwatershed. In well drained areas, removal of residual N within the cropland is most critical, and practices such as cover crops which sequester the residual N should be strongly encouraged. In poorly drained areas where denitrification can occur, wetland restoration and controlled drained structures that minimize ditch flow should be used to maximize denitrification

    Instrumentation for open ocean aquaculture monitoring

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    The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution is assisting the University of New Hampshire by instrumenting a fish cage and mooring as part of their Open Ocean Aquaculture demonstration program in the Gulf of Maine. To understand these systems, the wave and current forcing and the response of the mooring and fish cage needs to be measured. A UNH mooring with an ADCP measured the current forcing. Tension in the mooring lines was measured by load cells deployed with the mooring during servicing in August 2000. Load cells were placed in each anchor line, and, in the NE corner, also in the two grid lines and the riser line to the fish cage. Low power recording systems were deployed on the load cell mounting bars by divers on 22 October 2000, recorded good data through January 2001, when they were turned around and redeployed. Three single load cell recorders were recovered in July 2001 and recorded though 23 June when their data storage filled. The four load cell system was recovered in March after a large winter storm, and had failed in early March. The wave forcing was measured with a wave rider buoy with a 3-axis accelerometer measuring its motion. The acceleration was integrated twice to obtain wave displacement. The system mooring contained a compliant elastic. The wave rider was deployed on 4 January 2001 and recovered on 17 March 2001 after a major Northeast storm. It recorded data throughout its deployment. The motion of the moored fish cage was measured by a motion package constructed around a 6-axis Motion-Pak and a PC-104 data system. The motion package was deployed on the fish cage from Jan into March 2001 and recorded motions thoughout without difficuly. It observed a major storm in early March where the counter weight was lost from the fish cage, and its increase in motion thereafter.Fudning was provided by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminstration for the Open Ocean Aquaculture Project under Contract No. NA86RG0016 to the University of New Hampshire and under Subcontracts 00-394 and 01-442 to the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
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