2,523 research outputs found

    Ambiente e Città metropolitana. Intorno all’acqua di Roma

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    L’idea sottesa a questo breve testo è che la riforma istituzionale introdotta dalla legge Delrio possa, ed anzi debba, contribuire all’attuazione della Direttiva europea sulle acque del 2000. L’istituzione metropolitana è infatti esplicitamente richiamata nel Codice nazionale dell’ambiente del 2006. La Città metropolitana di Roma capitale offre un formidabile scenario per iniziare a ragionare su questo tema. Nello specifico ci si chiede se e in che misura la riforma Delrio abbia le potenzialità per riconfigurare il dibattito pubblico sull’acqua e aprire al superamento di alcuni divari storici tra centro e corona, come tra centro e distretto idrografico, in materia di gestione del servizio idrico integrato e di tutela della qualità dei corpi idrici naturali. L’analisi del portato ambientale della riforma, in generale e nello specifico della capitale, nonché la rilettura di alcune recenti evoluzioni del dibattito sull’acqua nella regione Lazio, forniscono degli elementi utili per tracciare un numero limitato di ragionevoli scenari che proponiamo qui in conclusione, sia per orientare il futuro dibattito in seno alla Città metropolitana e/o nel suo contesto regionale di riferimento, sia come strumento per valutare in progress gli esiti di tale dibattito.The underlying idea of this short essay is that the institutional reform recently introduced in Italy (Delrio Act) could, and even had to, contribute to the implementation of the 2000 Eu Water Framework Directive in the country. A clear indication in this direction is provided by the 2006 Italian national Environment Act , while the actual setting-up of Rome Capital City’s metropolitan authority offers a formidable context to start discussing in practical terms. Specifically, in the case of Rome, the question arises whether and to what extent the Delrio Reform has the potential for reframing the public debate on water and leading to an end of the conflicts over integrated water service management and quality conservation of natural water-bodies that historically oppose the capital city to the surrounding municipalities and to the whole hydrographic region. Assessing the Reform’s environmental consequences, together with examining recent evolution of the water debate in the Lazio region, provides some useful elements for sketching a few reasonable scenarios that are proposed in conclusion. They are meant to serve both as a compass for future debate within Rome’s metropolitan area and/or region, and as a tool for assessing the progress of such a debate

    Città e cooperazione allo sviluppo: permanenze e novità nelle politiche Ue per il post 2015

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    Questo articolo vuole avviare la riflessione sul ruolo che l’Agenda urbana Ue potrà svolgere in quanto strumento di propulsione e/o veicolo per la mobilità di idee e modelli urbani tra Europa e Sud del mondo. Per fare questo, ci concentriamo su alcuni documenti di policy recentissimi o in fieri per individuare alcuni temi caldi da seguire sia in occasione della chiusura delle negoziazioni sugli obiettivi per lo sviluppo nel post 2015, sia nella cosiddetta fase di post post 2015 quando si aprirà il dibattito sull’attuazione delle decisioni assunte. Il nostro sguardo privilegia l’Africa Subsahariana, dove la retorica del millennio urbano si inceppa davanti all’evidenza che le città di fatto ospitano quote minoritarie di popolazione (37% in media in Africa Subsahariana che scendono a 25% in Africa Orientale, nel 2014). Se è ovvio che trend di urbanizzazione mediamente intorno al 5% minano alla base la qualità attuale delle città Subsahariane, il dilemma tra lavorare per rallentare tali tendenze piuttosto che per rendere sostenibile il loro esito è ancora aperto e l’urbanizzazione dell’Africa rimane un progetto prima che una realt

    Climate change adaptation through urban planning. A proposed approach for Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

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    The need for climate change adaptation is increasingly influencing the discourse about spatial development strategies throughout the world. Nevertheless, several gaps still exist in our understanding of the spatial dimensions of climate change vulnerability and how to incorporate them into planning practices. Firstly, attention has been mostly focused on how to adjust physical assets to climate change, while the question of how to strengthen local adaptive capacity remains rather neglected. Secondly, while many cities have institutionalized climate change, integration of adaptation considerations into existing urban planning and governance systems is still lacking. As a result, not only do the plans and programs in place for urban development and environmental management often fail to address adaptation needs, they may even jeopardize current adaptive capacity. The latter has particularly serious consequences for Sub-Saharan cities, where people's capacity for autonomous adaptation is a crucial resource, given the limited capacity of local government institutions to fulfill their responsibilities. This chapter proposes a methodology for main-streaming adaptation into existing planning documents, developed specifically for the city of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. After providing a brief review of approaches and challenges in adaptation mainstreaming, the main features of the proposed methodology and preliminary results of its application are presented. Lessons learned from the experience are examined in the conclusions

    Salivary pH, calcium, phosphorus and selected enzymes in healthy dogs: A pilot study

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    Abstract Background Saliva in dogs, as in humans, is a complex fluid secreted by different salivary glands in the oral cavity to protect the oral mucosa and teeth. The use of saliva as a substitute for blood in diagnosing and prognosticating disease in humans is widely accepted. Salivary biochemistry has also been used as a marker for periodontal disease in humans. No studies have as yet investigated the relation between salivary biochemistry and periodontal disease in dogs, however; neither has the salivary composition of healthy dogs with no oral disease been assessed. The purpose of this study was to obtain an overview on pH distribution and a set of salivary biochemical analytes (calcium, phosphorus, lactate dehydrogenase, lysozyme and amylase) commonly related to oral health in humans in a subset population of healthy young dogs with no periodontal disease or previous oral disease. Data were analyzed to gather salivary reference ranges for pH and each parameter and to assess a possible correlation between salivary and serum analytes. Results Twenty-nine adult client-owned dogs were recruited for the study. Lactate dehydrogenase and lysozyme showed higher concentrations in saliva than in serum, whereas amylase showed the contrary. Salivary biochemistry values did not differ between males and females or between non-neutered and neutered individuals. No significant correlations between salivary and serum calcium, phosphorus, lactate dehydrogenase, amylase and lysozyme were identified in this study. Data allowed intervals for the salivary pH and other analytes investigated to be obtained from healthy dogs with healthy oral conditions. Conclusions These preliminary data can contribute to enlarge our understanding of the functional role of saliva and its relation to oral health in dogs

    Deiksis Sosial dalam Tuturan K.H. Hasyim Asy’Ari pada Novel Mahaguru Karya Damien Dematra

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    Deiksis yang rujukannya berubah-ubah sering ditemukan dalam karya sastra, salah satunya adalah novel. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada deiksis sosial yang terdapat dalam tuturan K.H. Hasyim Asy’ari pada novel Mahaguru karya Damien Dematra. Di bawah pengaruh dan terikat oleh perkembangan teknologi, masyarakat Indonesia banyak yang melupakan kaidah-kaidah komunikasi yang sopan dalam berkomunikasi. Deiksis sosial digunakan sebagai petunjuk kesantunan bahasa dalam suatu masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk dan makna deiksis sosial dalam tuturan K.H. Hasyim Asy’ari pada novel Mahaguru karya Damien Dematra. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan yaitu penelitian kualitatif, dengan metode deskriptif. Hasil penelitian dari bentuk dan makna deiksis sosial dalam tuturan K.H. Hasyim Asy’ari pada novel Mahaguru karya Damien Dematra yang ditemukan, yakni 4 deiksis sosial jenis kelamin, 6 deiksis sosial usia, 2 deiksis sosial jabatan, 2 deiksis sosial pendidikan, 8 deiksis sosial profesi, 12 deiksis sosial julukan, 10 deiksis sosial sapaan, dan 2 deiksis sosial gelar. Makna deiksis sosial dalam tuturan K.H. Hasyim Asy’ari pada novel Mahaguru karya Damien Dematra adalah makna dari kata atau frasa yang rujukannya tidak tetap, yaitu berdasarkan perbedaan sosial yang terjadi dalam peristiwa tutur

    Reapropiación y resignificación del territorio y el patrimonio: aplicación de la evaluación de acogida a la zona de Dos Huecos, Argentina

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    La reapropiación del patrimonio territorial implica la legitimación social y el otorgamiento de un valor simbólico lo cual implica una resignificación del mismo por parte de la sociedad, produciendo como resultado un nuevo proyecto territorial. En algunos casos, como en el de estudio, se vincula la incorporación del mismo al sistema productivo como recurso turístico-recreativo. Por esto es necesario procesos de integración basados en tres aspectos básicos: la integración física, funcional y social de la propuesta. El objetivo del trabajo es analizar el patrimonio natural y cultural del área denominada Dos Huecos(Parque Antonio y Juana Cinque de Tandil. Buenos Aires) y su potencial reutilización para fines recreativos.La metodología aplicada es de tipo exploratoria-descriptiva, apoyada en el análisis de las características ambientales que conforman la estructura y el funcionamiento del territorio, mediante matrices de capacidad de acogida.Como resultado puede decirse que en términos potenciales es viable la reutilización del Parque Antonio y Juana Cinque, como mecanismo de reapropiación del patrimonio local, bajo ciertas condiciones e integrando el área al contexto espacial y temporal que le otorga significado.The reappropriation of territorial heritage involves social legitimacy and providing a symbolic value which implies a redefinition of it by society, producing as a result a new territorial project. In some cases, as in the study, these processes involve the incorporation of it into the production system as a tourist-recreational resource. For this you need integration processes based on three basic aspects: physical, functional and social integration of the proposal.The aim of this work is to analyze the natural and cultural heritage of the area called Two Hollows(Antonio and Juana Cinque Tandil Park. Buenos Aires) and its potential reuse for recreational purposes.The methodology is exploratory and descriptive, based on the analysis of the environmental characteristics that make up the structure and functioning of the territory by matrices of carrying capacity type. As a result,it can be said that in terms is viable potential reuse of Antonio and Juana Cinque Park as a mechanism of reappropriation of local heritage, under certain conditions and integrating the area to the spatial and temporal context that gives it meanin

    Planning and Managing of Diagnostic Imaging Technologies in Healthcare: The Introduction of Managed Equipment Service (MES) for the System’s Sustainability

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    The lack of resources has driven healthcare management studies to recognise Private and Public Partnerships (PPP) as the solution in managing efficiency, effectiveness and profitability of technological innovation. Recent researchers have identified the buying model called Managed Equipment Service (MES), in which purchaser and seller share the risks of technology’s management and use, as an optimal problem-solving method. The aim of this research is to analyse the potential economic-financial and organizational benefits of MES introduction in healthcare, in particular for the acquisition of the diagnostic imaging technologies. The research applies the case study method. We have examined a representative Italian Local Health Authority for its dimensions, managerial characteristics and case-mix offered but, especially, for its high health standards. In the study we have involved the strategic figure of radiographer in diagnostic imaging. The data has been elaborated through statistical analysis to observe the correlations. Evidence demonstrates that MES costs are lower than all the other planning and purchasing methods analysed (between 11% - 239%). When correlations between age of facilities and effectiveness of provided services is strong, MES grants the maintenance of a lower average age of technologies and a more efficient use of resources and significant margins of profitability. The emerging model of PPP is a possible solution to the current issues surrounding economic and financial sustainability of healthcare systems, considered the fewer resources and the technological progress. MES in healthcare appears to be a highly efficient way of managing innovation, in particular for diagnostic imaging technologies. Keywords: Public Private Partnership (PPP), Managed Equipment Service (MES), middle-high technologies, diagnostic imaging