292 research outputs found

    Cross correlations of the American baby names

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    The quantitative description of cultural evolution is a challenging task. The most difficult part of the problem is probably to find the appropriate measurable quantities that can make more quantitative such evasive concepts as, for example, dynamics of cultural movements, behavior patterns and traditions of the people. A strategy to tackle this issue is to observe particular features of human activities, i.e. cultural traits, such as names given to newborns. We study the names of babies born in the United States of America from 1910 to 2012. Our analysis shows that groups of different correlated states naturally emerge in different epochs, and we are able to follow and decrypt their evolution. While these groups of states are stable across many decades, a sudden reorganization occurs in the last part of the twentieth century. We think that this kind of quantitative analysis can be possibly extended to other cultural traits: although databases covering more than one century (as the one we used) are rare, the cultural evolution on shorter time scales can be studied thanks to the fact that many human activities are usually recorded in the present digital era.Comment: submitted for consideration to PNA

    Puesta a punto de un método espectrofotométrico para el dosaje de SiO2 en maderas

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    Fil: Ricci, Enzo. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentina

    Addressing fairness in artificial intelligence for medical imaging

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    A plethora of work has shown that AI systems can systematically and unfairly be biased against certain populations in multiple scenarios. The field of medical imaging, where AI systems are beginning to be increasingly adopted, is no exception. Here we discuss the meaning of fairness in this area and comment on the potential sources of biases, as well as the strategies available to mitigate them. Finally, we analyze the current state of the field, identifying strengths and highlighting areas of vacancy, challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.Fil: Ricci Lara, María Agustina. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional; Argentina. Hospital Italiano. Departamento de Informática En Salud.; ArgentinaFil: Echeveste, Rodrigo Sebastián. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Investigación en Señales, Sistemas e Inteligencia Computacional. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Hídricas. Instituto de Investigación en Señales, Sistemas e Inteligencia Computacional; ArgentinaFil: Ferrante, Enzo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Investigación en Señales, Sistemas e Inteligencia Computacional. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Hídricas. Instituto de Investigación en Señales, Sistemas e Inteligencia Computacional; Argentin

    Structure Solution of NaYO2 Compound Prepared by Soft Chemistry from X-Ray Diffraction Powder Data

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    In this work we reveal the structure of a NaYO2 compound solved from the X-ray diffraction powder pattern using the “ab-initio” structure solution approach. The compound turned out to be of trigonal structure, S. G. R-3m isomorphous with α-NaFeO2 layered compound. The lattice parameters are a = 3.404 and c = 16.602 Å, respectively, the atoms being located in Wickoff sites (cba) for O, Na and Y, respectively, leading to a calculated density of 4.31 g/cm3. The ordering of sodium and yttrium atoms into alternate (111) planes of the cubic close-packed oxygen lattice of NaYO2 is very regular. The octahedra are slightly distorted, the positive deviation of the Oz parameter from 0.25 elongates the NaO6 octahedra while compressing the YO6 octahedra. Actually the Na-O and Y-O bond distances are 2.58 (1) and 2.25 (1) Å, respectively, as it is expected from their ionic radii values reported (1.16 vs 1.04 radii for both ion-species octahedral coordination). Finally, the Na-Y, Y-Y, and Na-Na next neighbor distances are close to 3.40 Å.JRC.F.2-Energy Conversion and Storage Technologie

    A Non-Disordered Glassy Model with a Tunable Interaction Range

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    We introduce a non-disordered lattice spin model, based on the principle of minimizing spin-spin correlations up to a (tunable) distance R. The model can be defined in any spatial dimension D, but already for D=1 and small values of R (e.g. R=5) the model shows the properties of a glassy system: deep and well separated energy minima, very slow relaxation dynamics, aging and non-trivial fluctuation-dissipation ratio.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Il confinamento ci sta aiutando, e molto

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    Tutti ci stiamo domandando quale sia stato fino ad oggi l’effetto delle misure di mitigazione dell’epidemia di Covid-19. Non è facile dirlo guardando i dati che la Protezione Civile comunica ogni giorno alle 18. Infatti le misure adottate riducono il numero delle persone che si contagiano, ma i dati invece ci raccontano di quando le persone sono risultate positive, ospedalizzate, guarite e anche, sfortunatamente, decedute. Questi sono tutti eventi che avvengono a distanza di molti giorni o di settimane dal momento del contagio, e che possono quindi solo darci delle fotografie di momenti già passati. Ricostruire la progressione dei contagi a partire da questi dati è un’impresa molto difficile

    remitting relapsing carbamazepine overdosage mimicking vertebrobasilar transient ischemic attacks

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    The objective of this article is to describe an atypical, remitting-relapsing presentation of carbamazepine toxicity due to its interaction with nebivolol. The method we use is a case report of an elderly epileptic patient in treatment with antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) and antihypertensive drugs, manifesting transient neurological symptoms in association with high blood pressure values. The case report is of a 72-year-old male by forty years of age had tonicclonic seizures related to the presence of a cerebral arteriovenous malformation. Seizures had been successfully controlled for many years by the same dosage of carbamazepine and lamotrigine, and recently total serum carbamazepine levels resulted within the "therapeutic range." He had also a history of controlled essential hypertension, but lately he manifested a scarce control of his blood pressure values. Few days after a modification of his antihypertensive therapy, the patient had two transient episodes of dysarthria, ataxia, and dizziness. At the emergency department, his blood pressure values were 190/110 mmHg, ECG and routine blood tests were normal, and a brain CT did not show acute lesions; about two hours later, his neurological examination was normal. Morning fasting carbamazepine serum levels were "normal" too; therefore, his symptoms were initially interpreted as vertebrobasilar transient ischemic attacks. However, the recurrence of similar episodes despite the normalization of his blood pressure suggested a carbamazepine intoxication. Indeed, its dosage resulted too high just in occasion of one of his attacks. A moderate reduction of carbamazepine was followed by cessation of toxicity. This case reminds us to be aware of adverse consequences of other drugs in patients assuming carbamazepine: in this case, its toxicity was consequential to a likely metabolic interaction with nebivolol

    An Immunological Analysis of Dystroglycan Subunits: Lessons Learned from a Small Cohort of Non-Congenital Dystrophic Patients

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    The dystroglycan (DG) expression pattern can be altered in severe muscular dystrophies. In fact, some congenital muscular dystrophies (CMDs) and limb-girdle muscular dystrophies (LGMDs) are caused by point mutations identified in six glycosyltransferase genes which are likely to target different steps along the posttranslational “O-glycosylation route” leading to a fully decorated and functional α-DG subunit. Indeed, hypoglycosylation of α-DG is thought to represent a major pathological event, in that it could reduce the DG’s ability to bind the basement membrane components, thus leading to sarcolemmal instability and necrosis. In order to set up an efficient standard immunological protocol, taking advantage of a wide panel of antibodies, we have analyzed the two DG subunits in a small cohort of adult dystrophic patients, whom an extensive medical examination had already clinically classified as affected by LGMD (5), Miyoshi (1) or distal (1) myopathy. Immunofluorescence analysis of skeletal muscle tissue sections revealed a proper sarcolemmal localization of the DG subunits in all the patients analyzed. However, Western blot analysis of lectin enriched skeletal muscle samples revealed an abnormal glycosylation of α-DG in two patients. Our work reinforces the notion that a careful immunological and biochemical analysis of the two DG subunits should be always considered as a prerequisite for the identification of new putative cases of dystroglycanopathy

    La letalità apparente e quella reale di COVID-19

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    I dati sulla pandemia comunicati dalle autorità di tutti i paesi colpiti hanno finito per generare nella popolazione una notevole confusione su quale sia l’effettivo andamento della pandemia. Qui, quattro scienziati esperti nel maneggiare dati statistici e modelli offrono una chiave di lettura per chiarire la complessa relazione fra la cosiddetta letalità apparente di COVID-19 e quella real

    Ma quanti sono gli ammalati di Covid-19 in Italia?

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    Mostriamo che la fase iniziale dell’epidemia in Cina ha avuto molto in comune con quella italiana, e che l’Italia ha avuto un ritardo di circa 40 giorni rispetto alla Cina Analizziamo il tempo che in media occorre ad una persona contagiata per sviluppare i primi sintomi e la data in cui i pazienti sono diventati sintomatici, e usiamo questa informazione per rendere il confronto fra il caso cinese e quello italiano più stringente. Difficoltà nella somministrazione dei tamponi in Italia hanno certamente portato a statistiche difficili da interpretare Facendo ragionevoli congetture emerge che il numero dei casi sintomatici in Italia potrebbe essere almeno quattro volte più grande di quello dichiarato (e forse anche di più) anche se siamo lontani da avere stime definitive La nostra analisi matematica suggerisce l’importanza di testare molto dei campioni statisticamente significativi di cittadini (misurandone anche gli anticorpi) e di rintracciare il maggior numero possibile di persone con cui i nuovi pazienti positivi sono state in contatto: misure di geo-localizzazione potrebbero essere cruciali Controlliamo infine che, a parte piccole discrepanze spiegabili in vari modi, i dati epidemiologici che la Cina ha fornito sembrano essere affidabil