517 research outputs found

    Model order reduction strategies for weakly dispersive waves

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    We focus on the numerical modelling of water waves by means of depth averaged models. We consider in particular PDE systems which consist in a nonlinear hyperbolic model plus a linear dispersive perturbation involving an elliptic operator. We propose two strategies to construct reduced order models for these problems, with the main focus being the control of the overhead related to the inversion of the elliptic operators, as well as the robustness with respect to variations of the flow parameters. In a first approach, only a linear reduction strategies is applied only to the elliptic component, while the computations of the nonlinear fluxes are still performed explicitly. This hybrid approach, referred to as pdROM, is compared to a hyper-reduction strategy based on the empirical interpolation method to reduce also the nonlinear fluxes. We evaluate the two approaches on a variety of benchmarks involving a generalized variant of the BBM-KdV model with a variable bottom, and a one-dimensional enhanced weakly dispersive shallow water system. The results show the potential of both approaches in terms of cost reduction, with a clear advantage for the pdROM in terms of robustness, and for the EIMROM in terms of cost reduction

    Upwind Stabilized Finite Element Modelling of Non-hydrostatic Wave Breaking and Run-up

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    In the following report a new methodology is presented to model the propagation, wave breaking and run-up of waves in coastal zones. We represent the different coastal phenomena through the coupling of non-linear shallow water equations with the extended Boussinesq equations of Madsen and Sørensen. Each of the involved equations has a major role in describing a particular physical behaviour of the wave: the latter equations permit to model the propagation, while the non-linear shallow water ones lead waves to locally converge into discontinuities. We start from the third-order stabilized finite element scheme for the Boussinesq equations, developed in a previous scientific work (Ricchiuto and Filippini, J.Comput.Phys. 2014) and develop a non-linear variant, and detach the dispersive from the shallow water terms. A shock-capturing technique based on local non-linear mass lumping that permits in the shallow water regions to degrade locally the scheme to a first-order one across bores (shocks) and dry fronts is proposed. As for the detection of the breaking fronts, the shallow water areas, this involves physics based breaking criteria. We present different definitions of the breaking criterion, including a local implementation of the convective criterion of (Bjørkavåg and H. Kalisch, Phys.Letters A 2011), and the hybrid models of (Kazolea et. al, J.Comput.Phys. 2014), and (Tonelli and Petti, J.Hydr.Res. 2011). The behavior of different breaking criteria is investigated on several cases for which experimental data are available.On décrit une approche pour la simulation de la propagation et déferlement des vagues en proche cote basée sur la couplage entre les équations de Boussinesq améliorées de Madsen and Sorensen, pour la propagation, et les équations Shallow Water, pour le déferlement et le runup. La contruction de ce modele hybride passe d'abord la proposition une variante non-linéaire du schéma élément finis stabilisé de (Ricchiuto and Filippini, J.Comput.Phys. 2014) capable de résoudre les chocs de maniere monotone. Cela est obtenu par un operateur locale de condensation de la matrice de masse qui réduit le schéma de (Ricchiuto and Filippini, J.Comput.Phys. 2014) au schéma de Roe classique. Le couplage entre le modèle Boussinesq et Shallow Water est en suite étudié. On considere différents critères physiques de détection de fronts déferlants. En particulier, on présente une implémentation numérique locale du critère convectif de (Bjorkavag and H. Kalisch, Phys.Letters A, 2011), qui est comparée au critères proposés dans (Kazolea et. al, J.Comput.Phys., 2014) et (Tonelli and Petti, J.Hydr.Res. 2011). Le modèle obtenu est validé sur des nombreux benchmarks avec données expérimentales

    Fully well-balanced entropy controlled discontinuous Galerkin spectral element method for shallow water flows: global flux quadrature and cell entropy correction

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    We present a novel approach for solving the shallow water equations using a discontinuous Galerkin spectral element method. The method we propose has three main features. First, it enjoys a discrete well-balanced property, in a spirit similar to the one of e.g. [20]. As in the reference, our scheme does not require any a-priori knowledge of the steady equilibrium, moreover it does not involve the explicit solution of any local auxiliary problem to approximate such equilibrium. The scheme is also arbitrarily high order, and verifies a continuous in time cell entropy equality. The latter becomes an inequality as soon as additional dissipation is added to the method. The method is constructed starting from a global flux approach in which an additional flux term is constructed as the primitive of the source. We show that, in the context of nodal spectral finite elements, this can be translated into a simple modification of the integral of the source term. We prove that, when using Gauss-Lobatto nodal finite elements this modified integration is equivalent at steady state to a high order Gauss collocation method applied to an ODE for the flux. This method is superconvergent at the collocation points, thus providing a discrete well-balanced property very similar in spirit to the one proposed in [20], albeit not needing the explicit computation of a local approximation of the steady state. To control the entropy production, we introduce artificial viscosity corrections at the cell level and incorporate them into the scheme. We provide theoretical and numerical characterizations of the accuracy and equilibrium preservation of these corrections. Through extensive numerical benchmarking, we validate our theoretical predictions, with considerable improvements in accuracy for steady states, as well as enhanced robustness for more complex scenario

    Salvatora Marzo. Biografia di una guaritrice

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    Salvatora Marzo is recognized by the community of Nardò as the only female member of the Nardò little orchestra, made up of musician-therapists. Through the percussion of the frame drum this group used to take care of the women suffering from tarantism. The anthropological, autobiographical and visual research is focusing on the entire life story of Salvatora, derived mainly from the memories of her daughter Teresa Errico, enriched with some intervention by the two sisters, Angela and Antonietta

    Spectral Analysis of High Order Continuous FEM for Hyperbolic PDEs on Triangular Meshes: Influence of Approximation, Stabilization, and Time-Stepping

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    In this work we study various continuous finite element discretization for two dimensional hyperbolic partial differential equations, varying the polynomial space (Lagrangian on equispaced, Lagrangian on quadrature points (Cubature) and Bernstein), the stabilization techniques (streamline-upwind Petrov–Galerkin, continuous interior penalty, orthogonal subscale stabilization) and the time discretization (Runge–Kutta (RK), strong stability preserving RK and deferred correction). This is an extension of the one dimensional study by Michel et al. (J Sci Comput 89(2):31, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10915-021-01632-7), whose results do not hold in multi-dimensional frameworks. The study ranks these schemes based on efficiency (most of them are mass-matrix free), stability and dispersion error, providing the best CFL and stabilization coefficients. The challenges in two-dimensions are related to the Fourier analysis. Here, we perform it on two types of periodic triangular meshes varying the angle of the advection, and we combine all the results for a general stability analysis. Furthermore, we introduce additional high order viscosity to stabilize the discontinuities, in order to show how to use these methods for tests of practical interest. All the theoretical results are thoroughly validated numerically both on linear and non-linear problems, and error-CPU time curves are provided. Our final conclusions suggest that Cubature elements combined with SSPRK and OSS stabilization is the most promising combination

    Contributions to the development of residual discretizations for hyperbolic conservation laws with application to shallow water flows

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    In this work we review 12 years of developments in the field of residual based discretizations and their application to the solution of the shallow water equations. Fundamental concepts related to the topic are recalled and he construction of second and higher order schemes for steady problems is presented. The generalization to time dependent problems by means of multi-step implicit time integration, space-time, and genuinely explicit techniques is thoroughly discussed. Finally, the issues of C-property, super consistency, and wetting/drying are analyzed in this framework showing the power of the residual based approach

    Digital cultural heritage and public engagement. Storytelling partecipato al Museo etnografico della vita popolare di Tricase

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    This paper stems from some questions regarding the 'digital boom' that involved Culture since the COVID-19 pandemic. What scenarios will open up for cultural institutions once the pandemic crisis is over? While on the one hand now days the ancient art now better know the importance of storytelling, on the other hand it is increasingly crucial to involve users in the co-creation of the digital cultural heritage. Among the strategies of public engagement, I experimented a participatory storytelling process at the "Museo etnografico della vita popolare di Tricase", which contributes to enlivening the reality of the Ethnographic Museum of Popular Life in a peripheral area of Southern Italy, Tricase. The aim is to implement the guidelines of the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Property and the Council of Europe's Faro Convention

    Extrapolated shock fitting for two-dimensional flows on structured grids

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    Over the years the development of structured-grid shock-fitting techniques faced two main problems: the handling of a moving discontinuity on a fixed background grid and the capability of simulating complex flow configurations. In the proposed work, the authors present a new shock-fitting technique for structured-grid solvers that is capable of overcoming the limitations that affected the different approaches originally developed. The technique presented here removes the tight link between grid topology and shock topology, which characterizes previous shock fitting as well as front tracking methods. This significantly simplifies their implementation and more importantly reduces the computational overhead related to these geometrical manipulations. Interacting discontinuities and shocks interacting with a solid boundary are discussed and analyzed. Finally, a quantitative investigation of the error reduction obtained with the approach proposed via a global grid convergence analysis is presented

    Plasma synthetic jet actuators for biological indirect treatment: the role of the charged particles

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    Plasma Synthetic Jet Actuators (PSJA) have demonstrated their ability to produce a flow from the surface where the Dielectric Barrier Discharge (DBD) is ignited. This ionic wind is due to the Electro Hydro Dynamic (EHD) interaction. These fluid-dynamic actuators enhance the delivery of reactive species towards the target to be treated. The long-life charged particles are generated within the plasma region and then carried on by the induced flow. The disinfection efficacy of PSJA used to indirectly treat different pathogens was demonstrated. In particular, the inactivation effect of free charges advected by the ionic wind has been investigated. An assessment of the various factors that may affect the production and the effect of the free charges are analysed. It was observed that humidity rate weakly influences the charge deposition. Besides, the most notable effect is an increase of the deposition time for higher humidity rate. In addition, a higher applied electric field produces higher charge deposition rates. Moreover, different geometries and dielectric materials have been considered. Linear actuators have proven to be more effective in charge delivery with respect to annular actuators. The EHD interaction was measured also for a streamer corona discharge utilised for cancer cells treatment
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