201 research outputs found


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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar algumas características físico-químicas e organolépticas da rúcula cv. “Cultivada” produzida no sistema Baby Leaf e convencional. O experimento foi instalado em área experimental da Faculdade “Dr. Francisco Maeda”, situada em Ituverava/SP, durante o período de 14 de Novembro a 21 de Dezembro de 2007. O delineamento estatístico foi o DBC, com dois tratamentos e 15 repetições, e as características avaliadas foram: pH, sólidos solúveis, acidez, cor, aroma, textura, impressão global e minerais (P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Cu, Fe, Mn e Zn). Através dos resultados obtidos e nas condições em que o estudo foi realizado pode-se concluir que a rúcula produzida no sistema Baby Leaf apresentou maiores teores de ferro, magnésio, potássio, enxofre e fósforo em relação à rúcula cultivada no sistema convencional e que a colheita antecipada da rúcula (sistema Baby Leaf) não interferiu nas qualidades organolépticas; em relação à acidez titulável, sólidos solúveis e pH pode-se verificar que o tipo de sistema de cultivo interferiu nesses parâmetros


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    O Objetivo do trabalho foi verificar a viabilidade climática de Ribeirão Preto-SP para o cultivo da canola. Para o presente trabalho utilizaram-se dados médios anuais de precipitação e temperatura do ar de um período 18 anos (1991-2009) da cidade de Ribeirão Preto. O balanço hídrico climatológico foi elaborado conforme proposto por Thornthwaite; Mather (1955), através do programa BHnorm elaborado em planilha EXCEL® por Rolim et al. (1998), os limites climáticos para a determinação da viabilidade climática para a canola foram adaptados conforme literatura citada. Conforme resultados obtidos há viabilidade climática para o cultivo de canola em Ribeirão Preto-SP, sendo que a melhor época de semeadura se dá no início ou até meados de março, de forma a beneficiar a colheita devido à menor possibilidade de precipitaçã

    Evaluation and depreciation analisys of the immobile market value in the city of CODÓ-MA.

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    Due to the heterogeneity of the real estate market and its peculiarities, it is not always possible to develop a single model that is totally faithful and representative of the market reality, thus, the Evaluation Engineering is increasingly developing, with the use of increasingly advanced processes in the determination of the value of the good, such as the application of statistical inference and the use of physical depreciation. This study aims to determine the value of a property in the city of Codó-MA, using statistical inference through multiple linear regression and, later, to verify physical depreciation. The data were collected in the city of Codó,MA, in real estate, construction companies that work with the sale of houses, ads and, its statistical treatment was performed by the Sisdea software. After the statistical treatment some models were generated and the most effective one was used and the one that best met the requirements foreseen by NBR 14653-2 (2011) and, after the physical depreciation was verified by two different methods: survey of the cost of recovering the good and Ross Heidecke’s method. Finally, it was possible to determine the market value of the property and to make a critical analysis among the values found of physical depreciation by each method performed

    Influence of edge in the structure of the vegetation of an open Ombrophilous Forest in Alagoas

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    Understanding the influence of fragmentation on the behavior of forest essential elements in different vegetation formations is fundamental for the definition of conservation strategies. In this study, the aim was to evaluate the influence of the edge environment on the phytosociological structure of a fragment of Open Ombrophylous Forest, in Rio Largo, Alagoas. Five transects of 10.0 x 100.0 m were subdivided into ten 10.0 x 10.0 m plots to collect the data. All tree individuals with Chest Height Circumference ≥ 15 cm were sampled, measured and later identified in the herbarium of the Institute of the Environment of Alagoas. For the analysis, the phytosociological parameters Shannon-Wiener diversity (H'), Pielou equability (J') were calculated after defined the successional classes and dispersion syndromes of the species sampled. The edge effect was analyzed by comparing the richness, diversity, equability and number of individuals in the interior and at the edge of the fragment, using the Venn diagram technique. There were 581 arboreal individuals, of which 434 were identified as belonging to 20 families, 24 genera and 30 morphospecies. Among the raised species, there were higher occurrences of early secondary (46.67%) and late (23.33%), as well as those of zoocoric dispersion (53.33%). The diversity was 2.89 nats/ind., and the Pielou (J') equability was 0.8497. The edge environment did not influence the establishment of species. This may have occurred due to the environmental characteristics of the open ombrophylous forest

    Competências essenciais nos serviços de informática: analise das percepções entre profissionais, gestores e professores de graduação.

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    O estudo analisa as competências essenciais para os profissionais de computação, verificando a existência de um gap entre a percepção de três grupos de indivíduos: profissionais, gestores e professores. Verifica, ainda, o grau de relevância e as divergências das competências, segundo a percepção de cada grupo; e o gap existente entre as competências demandadas e ofertadas. A pesquisa é exploratória e descritiva, qualitativa e quantitativa e faz uma revisão da literatura sobre o tema. O marco teórico está fundamentado no Modelo de Competências de Le Boterf (2003) e no Modelo de Análise do Gap da Qualidade de Parasuraman, Zeithaml e Berry (1985), articulado com a Qualidade em Instituições de Ensino de Sirvanci (1996). A partir dos modelos referenciais, aplicou-se o Teste T para teste das hipóteses. Os resultados revelaram a existência de gaps entre os diferentes grupos pesquisados.

    Suscetibilidade da vegetação ao fogo no sul do amazonas sob condições meteorológicas atípicas durante a seca de 2005

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    Weather conditions play an important role in the behavior of fires both in agricultural and pasture management and in forest wildfires in Amazonia. In severe drought years, the fires used for the management of land can escape from human control and burn large areas of vegetation. Meteorological parameters and hotspot locations were used to evaluate the susceptibility of the vegetation to fire in the southern portion of the state of Amazonas in a year without drought (2004) and a year with severe drought (2005). The number of cells susceptible to fire was 84% higher in 2005 (72%) compared with 2004 (39%). In 2005, the number of cells with hotspots increased by 66% and the number of hotspots by 121%. In 2004, 65% of the hotspots occurred in locations with 40 and 90 mm precipitation, 96% with an average temperature of 26 to 28 º C, and 89% with less than 65% humidity. In 2005, 83% of the hotspots occurred when rainfall was less than 70 mm, 96% with average temperature between 24 and 28 º C and 99% with air humidity below 65%. The meteorological parameters differed between years but not between areas with and without hotspots (PC1 = 84%). There was a higher amplitude variation in these meteorological parameters in the severe drought year, providing hotter and drier weather, thus increasing the susceptibility of vegetation to fire. © 2015, Sociedade Brasileira de Meteorologia. All rights reserved