1,500 research outputs found

    New Evidence of the Effect of Literacies in Reducing Disinformation and Fake News

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    Context: The production of scientific knowledge is not clearly understood by most individuals. In the information age, society faces challenges generated by discrediting institutions, including science, the proliferation of false news, disinformation and the relativisation of truth. These are significant issues that the school cannot refrain from discussing if it wants to educate for citizenship. Objectives: To investigate how conceptions about science influence and are influenced by fake news conveyed by the media and the contribution of literacy to minimise the effects of misinformation. Design: The methodology used in this research used a mixed-methods approach through content analysis of students’ responses combined with descriptive statistical techniques. Environment and participants: The research was carried out with 32 students, divided into two groups, attending the 9th grade of an elementary public school in Bom Princípio/RS. Data collection and analysis: Two questionnaires were applied: one for the conceptions about science and another to identify fake news. Results: Most students have a limited view of science and find it difficult to identify fake news through verification criteria. A correlation between student perceptions and the identification of false news was observed. Conclusions: Knowledge about science possibly enhances students’ perception of doubtful information. It is crucial to develop mediatic and information literacy skills as they can positively impact the identification of fake news and reduce its shares

    Um Jogo de Tabuleiro como Recurso Didático para o Ensino de Luz e Cores no Ensino Médio

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    In the teaching-learning process that include all levels of education, educators are often no longer able to stimulate the interest of their students. The classroom ends up being transformed into a huge space of anti-creation. In this sense, we aim to evaluate the pedagogical potential of a Physics game entitled “Playing with Light and Colors”. Our work is part of the field of qualitative research and can be classified as descriptive and for the constitution of the data we implemented the game with a group of 19 Physics teachers from different regions of the state of Paraná, who were attending the Professional Masters in Teaching of Physics, at the Federal Technological University of Paraná (32 Polo) and the 'National Program for Teacher Training', the instrument for constituting the data was the field diary produced by the researchers. For data analysis, we used Bardin's content analysis assumptions. Through our data it is possible to infer that, in general, teachers evaluate the game as a resource with great potential for the teaching of Physics, the results showed that students experienced a positive attitude towards the method, a reduction in anxiety towards the end. of classes and an increase in your motivation for learning.No processo de ensino-aprendizagem que abrange todos os níveis de ensino, os educadores, muitas vezes, não mais são capazes de estimular o interesse de seus alunos. A sala de aula acaba se transformando num imenso espaço de “anti-criação”. Nesse sentido, objetivamos avaliar o potencial pedagógico de um jogo de Física intitulado “Brincando com Luz e cores”. Nosso trabalho, insere-se no campo da pesquisa qualitativa e pode ser classificada como descritiva e para a constituição dos dados implementamos o jogo com um grupo de 19 professores de Física de diferentes regiões do estado do Paraná, que cursavam o Mestrado Profissional em Ensino de Física, na Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (Polo 32 do MNPEF) e o ‘Programa Nacional de Formação de Professores’ (PARFOR), o instrumento de constituição dos dados foi o diário de campo produzido pelos pesquisadores. Para a análise dos dados, utilizamos os pressupostos da análise de conteúdo de Bardin. Por meio dos nossos dados é possível inferir que de maneira geral os professores avaliam o jogo como um recurso com grande potencial para o ensino de Física, os resultados mostraram que os alunos experimentaram uma atitude positiva em relação ao método, uma redução da ansiedade pelo final das aulas e um aumento na sua motivação para aprendizado

    New applanation tonometer for myopic patients after laser refractive surgery

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    Ajuts: MI received a personal research grant from the Catalonian Ophthalmology Society 2016-2018 Barcelona, Spain. This society played no role in the design or conduct of this research.This study assesses the agreement between intraocular pressure (IOP) measurements taken with the Goldmann applanation tonometer (GAT) and a new experimental applanation tonometer with a convexly shaped apex (CT) after laser myopic refractive surgery. Two different CT radii (CT1 and CT2) were designed with a finite element analyser, and a prospective double masked study on 102 eyes from 102 patients was carried out. A Bland-Altman plot and intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) were calculated to assess the agreement between GAT measurements and the measurements of both CT1 and CT2 before and after myopic laser assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK; n = 73) and photorefractive keratectomy (PRK; n = 29). We evaluated a subset of two subgroups (n = 36 each) for intra and inter-observer (IA/IE) error. From the whole cohort, the best IOP agreement was observed between GATpre and CT1post surgery: 16.09 ± 2.92 vs 16.42 ± 2.87 (p 0.8 (95% CI) in all cases. CT1 proved more accurate in the LASIK subgroup. In conclusion, our new version of GAT could be used with post-surgery LASIK patients as a more accurate measurement device compared to the current reference tonometer

    A feasibility study with survival in swine model

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    Transrectal access still has some unsolved issues such as spatial orientation, infection, access and site closure. This study presents a simple technique to perform transcolonic access with survival in a swine model series. A new technique for NOTES perirectal access to perform retroperitoneoscopy, peritoneoscopy, liver and lymphnode biopsies was performed in 6 pigs, using Totally NOTES technique. The specimens were extracted transanally. The flexible endoscope was inserted through a posterior transmural incision and the retrorectal space. Cultures of bacteria were documented for the retroperitoneal space and intra abdominal cavity after 14 days. Rectal site was closed using non-absorbable sutures. There was no bowel cleansing, nor preoperative fasting. The procedures were performed in 6 pigs through transcolonic natural orifice access using available endoscopic flexible instruments. All animals survived 14 days without complications, and cultures were negative. Histopathologic examination of the rectal closure site showed adequate healing of suture line and no micro abscesses. The results of feasibility and safety of experimental Transcolonic NOTES potentially brings new frontiers and future wider applications for minimally invasive surgery. The treatment of colorectal, abdominal and retroperitoneal diseases through a flexible Perirectal NOTES Access (PNA) is a promising new approach

    Futsal match-related fatigue affects running performance and neuromuscular parameters but not finishing kick speed or accuracy

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    Purpose: The aim of the present study was to investigate the influence of futsal match-related fatigue on running performance, neuromuscular variables, and finishing kick speed and accuracy. Methods: Ten professional futsal players participated in the study (age: 22.2±2.5 years;) and initially performed an incremental protocol to determine maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max : 50.6±4.9 mL.kg-1.min-1). Next, simulated games were performed, in four periods of 10 min during which heart rate and blood lactate concentration were monitored. The entire games were video recorded for subsequent automatic tracking. Before and immediately after the simulated game, neuromuscular function was measured by maximal isometric force of knee extension, voluntary activation using twitch interpolation technique, and electromyographic activity. Before, at half time, and immediately after the simulated game, the athletes also performed a set of finishing kicks for ball speed and accuracy measurements. Results: Total distance covered (1st half: 1986.6±74.4 m; 2nd half: 1856.0±129.7 m – P=0.00) and distance covered per minute (1st half: 103.2±4.4 m.min-1; 2nd half: 96.4±7.5 m.min-1 – P=0.00) demonstrated significant declines during the simulated game, as well as maximal isometric force of knee extension (Before: 840.2±66.2 N; After: 751.6±114.3 N – P=0.04) and voluntary activation (Before: 85.9±7.5%; After: 74.1±12.3% – P=0.04), however ball speed and accuracy during the finishing kicks were not significantly affected.Conclusion: Therefore, we conclude that despite the decline in running performance and neuromuscular variables presenting an important manifestation of central fatigue, this condition apparently does not affect the speed and accuracy of finishing kicks

    Effects of partial root-zone drying irrigation on cluster microclimate and fruit composition of field-grown Castelão grapevines

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    The partial root-zone drying (PRD) irrigation technique has been proposed for viticulture as a possible way to save water without compromising yield. Half of the plant root system is slowly dehydrating whereas the other half is irrigated; after about two weeks the opposite side of vines is irrigated. A PRD irrigation system (50 % of the crop evapotranspiration - ETc) was installed in a vineyard (Vitis vinifera L. cv. Castelão) in Southern Portugal and compared with two other irrigation systems, deficit irrigation, DI (50 % ETc) and full irrigation, FI (100 % ETc), as well as with non-irrigated vines (NI). Water was applied twice a week, from fruit set (mid-June) until one week before harvest (September 3). While FI vines remained well watered during the ripening period, a severe water stress developed in NI plants. PRD and DI vines exhibited mild water deficits during the same period. A significant decrease in vegetative growth (shoot weight, pruning weight, leaf layer number and percentage of water shoots) was observed in NI and PRD vines when compared to DI and FI. In denser canopies (FI and DI) berry temperature was always lower than that of the more open ones (NI and PRD). The higher degree of cluster exposition in PRD and NI had a positive influence on berry composition due to temperature and incident radiation, leading to higher concentrations of anthocyanins and total phenols in the berry skin compared to DI and FI vines. Irrigation did not significantly affect berry sugar accumulation and pH in berries. Compared to FI, PRD and DI treatments water use efficiency (the amount of fruit produced per unit of water applied) was doubled since at the same yield the amount of water applied, was reduced by 50 %.

    Rainfall Prediction in the State of Paraíba, Northeastern Brazil Using Generalized Additive Models

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    The state of Paraíba is part of the semi-arid region of Brazil, where severe droughts have occurred in recent years, resulting in significant socio-economic losses associated with climate variability. Thus, understanding to what extent precipitation can be influenced by sea surface temperature (SST) patterns in the tropical region can help, along with a monitoring system, to set up an early warning system, the first pillar in drought management. In this study, Generalized Additive Models for Location, Scale and Shape (GAMLSS) were used to filter climatic indices with higher predictive efficiency and, as a result, to perform rainfall predictions. The results show the persistent influence of tropical SST patterns in Paraíba rainfall, the tropical Atlantic Ocean impacting the rainfall distribution more effectively than the tropical Pacific Ocean. The GAMLSS model showed predictive capability during summer and southern autumn in Paraíba, highlighting the JFM (January, February and March), FMA (February, March and April), MAM (March, April and May), and AMJ (April, May and June) trimesters as those with the highest predictive potential. The methodology demonstrates the ability to be integrated with regional forecasting models (ensemble). Such information has the potential to inform decisions in multiple sectors, such as agriculture and water resources, aiming at the sustainable management of water resources and resilience to climate risk

    Cell Therapy in Chagas Disease

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    Chagas disease which is caused by the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi is an important cause of cardiomyopathy in Latin America. In later stages chagasic cardiomyopathy is associated with congestive heart failure which is often refractory to medical therapy. In these individuals heart transplantation has been attempted. However, this procedure is fraught with many problems attributable to the surgery and the postsurgical administration of immunosuppressive drugs. Studies in mice suggest that the transplantation of bone-marrow-derived cells ameliorates the inflammation and fibrosis in the heart associated with this infection. Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging reveals that bone marrow transplantation ameliorates the infection induced right ventricular enlargement. On the basis of these animal studies the safety of autologous bone marrow transplantation has been assessed in patients with chagasic end-stage heart disease. The initial results are encouraging and more studies need to be performed

    Associations between clinical features and therapy with macrophage subpopulations and T cells in inflammatory lesions in the aorta from patients with Takayasu arteritis

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    Takayasu arteritis (TAK) is a large-vessel granulomatous vasculitis; the inflammatory infiltration in arteries comprises macrophages, multi-nucleated giant cells, CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, γδ T cells, natural killer (NK) cells and neutrophils. However, it is unknown which subtype of macrophages predominates. This study aims to evaluate macrophages subpopulations in the aorta in TAK. Immunohistochemistry was performed in the aorta from TAK patients (n = 22), patients with atherosclerotic disease (n = 9) and heart transplant donors (n = 8) using the markers CD68, CD86, CD206, CD3, CD20 and CD56. Active disease was observed in 54·5% of patients and active histological lesions were found in 40·9%. TAK patients presented atherosclerotic lesions in 27·3% of cases. The frequency of macrophages, M1 macrophages, T, B and NK cells was higher in the aorta from TAK and atherosclerotic patients compared to heart transplant donors. In TAK, macrophages and T cells were the most abundant cells in the aorta, and the expression of CD206 was higher than CD86 (P = 0·0007). No associations were found between the expression of cell markers and active disease or with atherosclerotic lesions. In TAK patients, histological disease activity led to higher T cell counts than chronic fibrotic lesions (P = 0.030), whereas prednisone use was associated with lower T cell counts (P = 0·035). In conclusion, M1 macrophages were more frequent in TAK and atherosclerotic patients compared to heart transplant donors, while M2 macrophages dominated M1 macrophages in TAK. T cells were associated with histological disease activity and with prednisone use in TAK