806 research outputs found

    Free Surface RANSE Analisys Around Fixed Fully Appended

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    This paper presents results of Free Surface RANSE (Reynolds Average Navier Stokes Equations) simulations of the flow around a MedCup TP52. Appendages forces calculations are important to know their hydrodynamic characteristics when they work jointly. In the ETSIN towing tank, some tests had begun to measure hydrodynamics forces in each appendage that allowed evaluate the forces distribution in different conditions. StarCCM+ has been used to compute drag, lift and wave elevation. It is shown how the CFD analysis has been prepared and the results obtained in these simulations comparing experimental with numerical results and the grid influence on it. Finally, it is observed that with limited resources, reasonable good results could be obtained

    The interrelationship between the demands of Corporate Social Responsibility and co-operative principles and values

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    Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and its integrated management in companies is leading to a new company model that willingly expands its concerns by giving equal consideration to economic, social and environmental aspects. Cooperative societies, in paying attention to the principles and values that define them, as shown in this work, are demonstrating that there is a close interrelationship with the basic demands of CSR, which can be a competitive advantage as long as it is driven by a strategy that leads to its integrated management. The singular structure and democratic composition of a cooperative’s management structure can guarantee the total integration of stakeholders in the decision-making process, as they are often not only owners, but also clients, suppliers and employees.Corporate Social Responsibility, management, interest groups, cooperatives, stakeholders.

    El desabastecimiento de trigo en Toledo en el siglo XV

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    Durante el siglo XV, la ciudad de Toledo padeció frecuentes situaciones de desabastecimiento de trigo, con los consiguientes problemas derivados de esa situación. La cuestión llegó a ser muy preocupante, dado que el pan, elaborado con harina de trigo, era la base fundamental de la alimentación. Por todo lo cual, y para evitar inconvenientes, el Ayuntamiento procuró ejercer un control sobre el comercio del cereal, estableciendo los lugares donde se tenía que vender y tomando medidas para que no faltase en la ciudad, lo que difícilmente se conseguía. Se procuraba evitar que se llevase a otros lugares fuera de su término y también, en los momentos de mayores dificultades, se intentaba traerlo de zonas alejadas. La situación resultó tanto más preocupante cuanto que, además, la ciudad se encontraba en un proceso de crecimiento demográfico.During the fifteenth century Toledo suffered frequent non-supply periods of wheat, with all the consequent derived problems. The problem caused worry because the bread, maked with wheat-flour, was the base of diet. In order to avoid disadvantages, the city council tried to practise a severe control on cereal trade, setting the place s where cereal must be sale and taking arrangements to prevent its lack in the city -something really difficult to get. The council procured to avoid that the wheat was take away to places out of the city landmark and, in the most critical phases, it was tried to bring it from distant regions. Situation was more and more worriyng because of demographic increase of the urban population

    Organización y uso del territorio por la comunidad Indígena Arhuaca de Nabusímake Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta (Colombia)

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    Esta investigación se realizó en la comunidad de Nabusímake Resguardo Arhuaco Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta-Colombia con el propósito de evidenciar el conocimiento ancestral relacionado con la organización y uso del territorio. Para ello se hizo una revisión de fuentes secundarias, en especial referencias temáticas como conocimiento ancestral, territorio, ordenamiento territorial, ecosistemas tropicales de montañas y estudios previos realizados en la zona. Igualmente, se utilizó una adoptaron herramientas de la metodología participativa como diálogo, entrevistas semi-estructuradas, cartografía social, y talleres, entre otras. Dentro de los resultados se evidencia que la comunidad reconoce como hitos importantes los cerros, los ríos, los caminos, y las kankurwas. De igual modo 14 especies con fines tintóreos pertenecientes a 14 familias y a 14 géneros también son reconocidas, y se resalta la importancia cultural del teñido en la comunidad Arhuaca. Se concluye que para esta comunidad el territorio, así como las plantas, tiene normas y leyes pre-establecidas desde el momento en que se originó el mundo y que éstas fueron entregadas a los Mamos como guía espiritual.This research project was made in the Nabusímake Community, Arhuaco Reservation in Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia. Its purpose is to unveil the community s ancestral knowledge about the organization and use of the territory. A review of secondary sources was made particularly related to ancestral knowledge, territory, terrestrial ordering, and tropical ecosystems in mountains. Another secondary source deals with previous studies performed in the region. A participatory methodology was used and, such tools as dialog, semi-structured interviews, social cartography and workshops among others were also utilized for collecting data. As important milestones, the community recognizes the mountains, the rivers, the paths, the kankurwas , as well as 14 dyeing species belonging to 14 families and 14 genres, of which some have been reported as serving this purpose. In the same way, the cultural significance of dyeing in the Arhuaco community is highlighted. The researcher concludes that, for this community, the territory as well as plants emerged from pre-established rules coming from the moment in which the world originated, and which were given to Mamos as spiritual guide.Ecólogo (a)Pregrad

    La arqueología medieval en un grado de arqueología. Medieval archaeology in a degree of archaeology

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    La Arqueología Medieval ha tenido un desarrollo tardío en España pero en los últimos años ha logrado una madurez en la investigación que no se corresponde con su escasa presencia en la enseñanza universitaria actual. La importancia de los restos medievales en nuestro país, la evolución de la Arqueología Medieval y la investigación puntera en algunos temas -se recoge un amplio elenco de líneas de actuaciónhacen muy atractiva a esta especialidad. Se argumenta sobre la capacidad de la Arqueología Medieval para formar arqueólogos y se defiende la absoluta necesidad de su inclusión en una futura titulación propia de arqueología que pueda crearse siguiendo la Declaración de Bolonia. La Arqueología Medieval conseguiría así ocupar el rango que le corresponde.Medieval archaeology has experimented a slow disciplinary development in Spain, but in the last decades has achieved a maturity in research that it does not corresponde with its weak presence in contemporary university teaching. The importance of medieval sites and objects, the evolution of Medieval archaeology as discipline and the outstanding research of some topics -a vast set of research lines are presented- make very attractive this archaeological speciality. Some arguments on the power of Medieval archaeology for training archaeologist are offered. On other hand, the necessity of its inclusion in a future degree in archaeology is defended. In that way Medieval archaeology will be able to occupy the required position in the university syste