169 research outputs found

    Diferencias regionales en la evolución del mercado laboral en España 2002-2013. El impacto diferencial de la crisis económica.

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    Este trabajo tiene como objetivo realizar un análisis de la evolución reciente del mercado de trabajo en España, prestando especial interés a la existencia de comportamientos diferenciales en la evolución de los mercados de trabajo regionales desde el inicio de la crisis económica a finales de 2007. A lo largo de este trabajo se analizará la evolución de los principales indicadores del mercado de trabajo en las diecisiete Comunidades Autónomas, como la tasa de actividad, la tasa de empleo, la tasa de paro y el empleo. Además, se estudian las diferencias en la dinámica experimentada por el empleo por regiones y ramas de actividad con mayor profundidad, mediante la utilización del análisis shift- share como técnica estadística. Por otro lado, se estudia la existencia de una posible relación entre las diferencias regionales en el nivel educativo alcanzado por la población activa y la tasa de paro. Para finalizar, se analizan las diferencias regionales en la evolución de los costes laborales unitarios y de los componentes necesarios para su cálculo, la productividad aparente del trabajo y la remuneración por asalariado

    Efecto de la densidad de siembra en el desarrollo vegetativo del aguaje (Mauritia flexuosa L.f.) en plantaciones forestales

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    In this work, the effect of two planting distances of Mauritia flexuosa on its height is studied, quantified the sex ratio and ecological requirements needed by the species, e.g. light and crown shape. We conducted this study in two plots, each one with a different planting distance, which were monitored throughout 6 years starting after 6 years of the establishment of the plantations. Increased planting distance in between individuals gave increased average height and thus increased growth. Individuals planted with higher vs lower distances grew in average 15.28 m and 13.1 m in height respectively. The proportion of fertile palms increased throughout time and was lower in plantations with higher palm densities. The presence of female individuals increased also with time. There was a strong competition among palm crowns related to light requirements in good and acceptable categories. We recommended to continue with the evaluation and future analysis of this species’ behavior.En este trabajo es estudiado el efecto de dos densidades de siembra de la palmera aguaje (Mauritia flexuosa L.f.) sobre su crecimiento en altura; cuantificamos la proporción de plantas según sexo y determinamos los requerimientos ecológicos de iluminación y forma de copa del aguaje. El estudio se desarrolló en dos subparcelas con diferente densidad de siembra que fueron monitoreadas por 6 años después de 6 años de haber sido plantadas. Los resultados muestran que los individuos presentan mayor altura promedio y por lo tanto mayor crecimiento a mayor densidad de siembra. Es así que a los 12 años de establecidas las plantaciones, los individuos tuvieron en promedio 15.28 m y 13.1 m de altura a densidades de siembra mayores y menores, respectivamente. La proporción de palmeras fértiles se fue incrementando con el tiempo, siendo por lo general mayor a bajas densidades e incrementando en el tiempo la presencia de plantas femeninas. Existe una marcada competencia entre las copas de las palmeras por requerimientos de luz en las categorías buena y aceptable, por lo que se recomienda continuar con la evaluación y analizar el comportamiento futuro de las palmeras

    Advances in bimodal AFM imaging of molecules in Liquid

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    Conferencia invitada presentada en la 14th International Conference on Noncontact AFM, celebrada en Lindau (Alemania).Improving spatial resolution, data acquisition times and material properties imaging are some long established goals in atomic force microscopy (AFM). Currently, the most promising approaches to reach those goals involve the excitation and detection of several frequencies of the tip’s oscillation. Usually those frequencies are associated with either the higher harmonics of the oscillation or the eigenmodes of the cantilever. Bimodal AFM is an emerging multifrequency technique that is characterized by a high signal-to-noise ratio and the versatility to measure simultaneously different forces. The method is also compatible with molecular resolution imaging under the application of sub-50 pN peak forces.Peer Reviewe

    Transcriptional Dynamics and Candidate Genes Involved in Pod Maturation of Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)

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    The authors want to thank the research facilities provided by the Campus de Excelencia Internacional Agroalimentario (CeiA3).Pod maturation of common bean relies upon complex gene expression changes, which in turn are crucial for seed formation and dispersal. Hence, dissecting the transcriptional regulation of pod maturation would be of great significance for breeding programs. In this study, a comprehensive characterization of expression changes has been performed in two common bean cultivars (ancient and modern) by analyzing the transcriptomes of five developmental pod stages, from fruit setting to maturation. RNA-seq analysis allowed for the identification of key genes shared by both accessions, which in turn were homologous to known Arabidopsis maturation genes and furthermore showed a similar expression pattern along the maturation process. Gene- expression changes suggested a role in promoting an accelerated breakdown of photosynthetic and ribosomal machinery associated with chlorophyll degradation and early activation of alpha-linolenic acid metabolism. A further study of transcription factors and their DNA binding sites revealed three candidate genes whose functions may play a dominant role in regulating pod maturation. Altogether, this research identifies the first maturation gene set reported in common bean so far and contributes to a better understanding of the dynamic mechanisms of pod maturation, providing potentially useful information for genomic-assisted breeding of common bean yield and pod quality attributes.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE) AGL2017-88174-R RTC2017-6198-2 AGL2017-88702-C2-2-RJunta de Andalucia 612

    Using multi-criteria decision-making for selecting a smart metering infrastructure

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    In this research a methodology based on multi-criteria decision analysis for the evaluation and selection of infrastructure energy smart metering in the Colombian context is presented. The selection process of these measurement infrastructures covers additional technical and financial criteria, becoming a complex problem. The methodology used in this work is the technique called Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) that considers seven assessment criteria (Technology, Finance, Environmental, Regulatory, Political, Infrastructure and SocioCultural). Of these assessment criteria, emerge 25 sub-criteria, which are integrated in a hierarchical structure to evaluate three energy smart metering alternatives. Nine experts were consulted to obtain the results. The results show the versatility of AHP method for making complex decisions with respect to the implementation of energy smart metering infrastructure, and provide a useful guide for assessing Smart Grid projects through multi-criteria analysis.In this research a methodology based on multi-criteria decision analysis for the evaluation and selection of infrastructure energy smart metering in the Colombian context is presented. The selection process of these measurement infrastructures covers additional technical and financial criteria, becoming a complex problem. The methodology used in this work is the technique called Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) that considers seven assessment criteria (Technology, Finance, Environmental, Regulatory, Political, Infrastructure and SocioCultural). Of these assessment criteria, emerge 25 sub-criteria, which are integrated in a hierarchical structure to evaluate three energy smart metering alternatives. Nine experts were consulted to obtain the results. The results show the versatility of AHP method for making complex decisions with respect to the implementation of energy smart metering infrastructure, and provide a useful guide for assessing Smart Grid projects through multi-criteria analysi

    El Sistema de Seguimiento de la Flora Vascular española. Perspectivas de futuro

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    . Año 2006. Proyecto Piloto de Diseño y Aplicación del Sistema de Seguimiento de la Biodiversidad Española . Año 2007. Ley 42/2007 del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Titulo I, Capitulo I, Artículo 9. Objetivos y contenido del Inventario Español del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Artículo 10. Sistema de Indicadores. Artículo 11. Informe sobre el estado del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. . Año 2008. Primera propuesta metodológica coordinada por Felipe Domínguez. . Año 2009. Taller en el IV Congreso de la SEBICOP de Almería . Año 2009. Reunión en Valencia . Finales del año 2009 y 2010. Finalización de la metodología y elaboración de la primera propuesta de trabajo de campo; coordinado por Felipe Martínez. . Año 2010. Estructura organizativa. Reunión en Madrid con Responsables Territoriales . Año 2010-2012*. Primera fase de trabajo de camp

    Using multi-criteria decision-making for selecting a smart metering infrastructure

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    In this research a methodology based on multi-criteria decision analysis for the evaluation and selection of infrastructure energy smart metering in the Colombian context is presented. The selection process of these measurement infrastructures covers additional technical and financial criteria, becoming a complex problem. The methodology used in this work is the technique called Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) that considers seven assessment criteria (Technology, Finance, Environmental, Regulatory, Political, Infrastructure and SocioCultural). Of these assessment criteria, emerge 25 sub-criteria, which are integrated in a hierarchical structure to evaluate three energy smart metering alternatives. Nine experts were consulted to obtain the results. The results show the versatility of AHP method for making complex decisions with respect to the implementation of energy smart metering infrastructure, and provide a useful guide for assessing Smart Grid projects through multi-criteria analysis.In this research a methodology based on multi-criteria decision analysis for the evaluation and selection of infrastructure energy smart metering in the Colombian context is presented. The selection process of these measurement infrastructures covers additional technical and financial criteria, becoming a complex problem. The methodology used in this work is the technique called Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) that considers seven assessment criteria (Technology, Finance, Environmental, Regulatory, Political, Infrastructure and SocioCultural). Of these assessment criteria, emerge 25 sub-criteria, which are integrated in a hierarchical structure to evaluate three energy smart metering alternatives. Nine experts were consulted to obtain the results. The results show the versatility of AHP method for making complex decisions with respect to the implementation of energy smart metering infrastructure, and provide a useful guide for assessing Smart Grid projects through multi-criteria analysi

    Targeting Protein Kinase C in Glioblastoma Treatment

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    Glioblastoma (GBM) is the most frequent and aggressive primary brain tumor and is associated with a poor prognosis. Despite the use of combined treatment approaches, recurrence is almost inevitable and survival longer than 14 or 15 months after diagnosis is low. It is therefore necessary to identify new therapeutic targets to fight GBM progression and recurrence. Some publications have pointed out the role of glioma stem cells (GSCs) as the origin of GBM. These cells, with characteristics of neural stem cells (NSC) present in physiological neurogenic niches, have been proposed as being responsible for the high resistance of GBM to current treatments such as temozolomide (TMZ). The protein Kinase C (PKC) family members play an essential role in transducing signals related with cell cycle entrance, differentiation and apoptosis in NSC and participate in distinct signaling cascades that determine NSC and GSC dynamics. Thus, PKC could be a suitable druggable target to treat recurrent GBM. Clinical trials have tested the efficacy of PKC beta inhibitors, and preclinical studies have focused on other PKC isozymes. Here, we discuss the idea that other PKC isozymes may also be involved in GBM progression and that the development of a new generation of effective drugs should consider the balance between the activation of different PKC subtypes

    Decoding gene expression signatures underlying vegetative to inflorescence meristem transition in the common bean

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    The tropical common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is an obligatory short-day plant that requires relaxation of the photoperiod to induce flowering. Similar to other crops, photoperiod-induced floral initiation depends on the differentiation and maintenance of meristems. In this study, the global changes in transcript expression profiles were analyzed in two meristematic tissues corresponding to the vegetative and inflorescence meristems of two genotypes with different sensitivities to photoperiods. A total of 3396 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were identified, and 1271 and 1533 were found to be up-regulated and down-regulated, respectively, whereas 592 genes showed discordant expression patterns between both genotypes. Arabidopsis homologues of DEGs were identified, and most of them were not previously involved in Arabidopsis floral transition, suggesting an evolutionary divergence of the transcriptional regulatory networks of the flowering process of both species. However, some genes belonging to the photoperiod and flower development pathways with evolutionarily conserved transcriptional profiles have been found. In addition, the flower meristem identity genes APETALA1 and LEAFY, as well as CONSTANS-LIKE 5, were identified as markers to distinguish between the vegetative and reproductive stages. Our data also indicated that the down-regulation of the photoperiodic genes seems to be directly associated with promoting floral transition under inductive short-day lengths. These findings provide valuable insight into the molecular factors that underlie meristematic development and contribute to understanding the photoperiod adaptation in the common bean