36 research outputs found

    Tecnologia assistiva e suas relações com a qualidade de vida de pessoas com deficiência

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    Introdução: A tecnologia assistiva apresenta produtos, recursos, métodos, estratégias, práticas e serviços que promovem a funcionalidade de pessoas com deficiência, visando sua autonomia, independência, qualidade de vida e inclusão social. Seu desenvolvimento e disponibilização podem ser considerados uma tentativa de neutralizar as barreiras causadas pela deficiência. Objetivo: Compreender e apontar as relações existentes entre tecnologia assistiva e qualidade de vida de pessoas com deficiência. Método: Utilizou-se a história de vida tópica. Foram entrevistadas três pessoas com deficiência física/motora, três com deficiência visual, e três com deficiência auditiva. Identificou-se individualmente a relação entre tecnologia assistiva e qualidade de vida, e os traços em comum nas respostas considerando o “grupo” da deficiência. Resultado: As aplicações da tecnologia assistiva englobam atividades da vida diária, atividades instrumentais de vida diária, educação, trabalho e lazer, que implicam diferentes relações com a qualidade de vida. Conclusão: A tecnologia assistiva está relacionada à qualidade de vida de pessoas com deficiência ao facilitar e possibilitar a realização das atividades, promovendo autonomia e independência, gerando efeitos positivos individuais e sociais.Introduction: Assistive technology offers products, resources, methods, strategies, practices and services that promote functionality, autonomy, independence, quality of life and social inclusion for people with disabilities. Its development and deployment can be considered an attempt to neutralize the barriers caused by disability. Objective: To understand and point out the relationship between assistive technology and quality of life of people with disabilities. Method: We used the topical life story. Three subjects with physical/motor disability, three with visual impairment and three with hearing impairment were interviewed. The relationship between assistive technology and quality of life was investigated individually for each subject, in addition to the common patterns in responses considering the “group” of disability. Result: Applications of assistive technologie include activities of daily living, instrumental activities of daily living, education, work and leisure, playing different relationships with quality of life. Conclusion: Assistive technologie is related to the quality of life of people with disabilities facilitating and making possible the activities performances, promoting autonomy and independence, creating individual and social positive effects

    Taxa de infecção por COVID-19 e tempo gasto em casa: análise do começo da pandemia

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    Background and Objectives: Evidence suggests that the failure of epidemiological control impedes the resumption of socioeconomic activities.  Therefore, this study aimed to describe epidemiological aspects and the pattern of mobility on each continent and to verify the association between the COVID-19 infection rate and time spent at home. Methods: We analyzed reports from Global Positioning System of 97 countries and their epidemiological indicators until May 27, 2020. Results: Cases of COVID-19 ranged from 22 to 1,745,803, and deaths ranged from 0 to 102,107. The highest rates per 100,000 population were observed in Europe and America. Approximately 54% of COVID-19 cases occurred in America and 51% of deaths in Europe. Countries reduced mobility in retail and recreation (-43.45%±20.42%), grocery and pharmacy (-17.95%±20.82%), parks (-18.77%±37.34%), transit stations (-43.09%±20.31%), workplaces (-21.74%±19.92%), and increased time spent at home (13.00%±8.80%). Linear regression showed that European inhabitants stayed at home less when compared those on the American continent (β=-4.933, SE=0.976, p<.001). In addition, every unit increase in the infection rate per 100,000 population increased 0.005 points in the mean time spent at home (β=0.005, SE=0.001, p<.001). Conclusions: We provide evidence that increased infection rate of COVID-19 is associated with increased length of stay at home. As a main lesson, COVID-19 showed that in the absence of pharmacological resources, government authorities need to act quickly to contain the spread of infectious diseases.Justificación y Objetivos: Dificultades en el control epidemiológico dificultan la reactivación de actividades socioeconómicas. Nuestros objetivos fueron describir aspectos epidemiológicos y el patrón de movilidad en cada continente y verificar la asociación entre tasa de infección por COVID-19 y duración de estancia en casa. Métodos: Examinamos informes del Global Positioning System de 97 países y sus indicadores epidemiológicos hasta 27 de mayo de 2020. Resultados: Casos de COVID-19 oscilaron entre 22 y 1.745.803, y muertes entre 0 y 102.107. Tasas más altas por 100.000 habitantes ocurrieron en Europa y América. Aproximadamente 54% de los casos de COVID-19 ocurrieron en América y 51% de las muertes en Europa. Los países redujeron la movilidad en comercio y recreación (-43,45%±20,42%), tienda de comestibles y farmacia (-17,95%±20,82%), parques (-18,77%±37,34%), estaciones de tránsito (-43,09%±20,31%), lugares de trabajo (-21,74%±19,92%), y aumentaron la duración de la estancia en casa (13,00%±8,80%). La regresión lineal (R²=0,906) mostró que los europeos permanecían menos tiempo en casa en comparación con los del continente americano (β=-4,933, EE=0,976, p<0,001). Además, cada unidad de aumento de la tasa de infección por 100.000 habitantes aumentó la duración media de la estancia en casa en 0,005 puntos (β=0,005, EE=0,001, p<0,001). Conclusiones: Mostramos que el aumento de la tasa de infección de COVID-19 se asocia con una mayor duración de la estancia en casa. Como lección clave, COVID-19 demostró que, en ausencia de recursos farmacológicos, las autoridades gubernamentales deben actuar rápidamente para contener la propagación de enfermedades infecciosas.Justificativa e objetivos: Evidências sugerem que as dificuldades no controle epidemiológico impedem a retomada das atividades socioeconômicas.  Diante disso, tivemos os objetivos de descrever aspectos epidemiológicos e o padrão de mobilidade em cada continente e verificar a associação entre a taxa de infecção por COVID-19 e o tempo de permanência em casa. Métodos: Analisamos relatórios de Global Positioning System de 97 países e seus indicadores epidemiológicos até 27 de maio de 2020. Resultados: Casos de COVID-19 variaram de 22 a 1.745.803, e as mortes variaram de 0 a 102.107. Maiores taxas por 100.000 habitantes foram observadas na Europa e América. Aproximadamente 54% dos casos de COVID-19 ocorreram na América e 51% dos óbitos na Europa. Os países reduziram a mobilidade no varejo e recreação (-43,45% ± 20,42%), mercearia e farmácia (-17,95%±20,82%), parques (-18,77%±37,34%), estações de trânsito (-43,09%±20,31%), locais de trabalho (-21,74%±19,92%), e aumentaram o tempo em casa (13,00% ± 8,80%). A regressão linear mostrou que os habitantes europeus ficaram menos tempo em casa do que os habitantes do continente americano (β=-4,933, EP=0,976, p<0,001). Além disso, cada unidade de aumento na taxa de infecção por 100.000 habitantes aumentou 0,005 pontos no tempo médio de permanência em casa (β=0,005, EP=0,001, p<0,001). Conclusões: Fornecemos evidências de que o aumento da taxa de infecção por COVID-19 está associado ao aumento do tempo de permanência em casa. Como lição principal, a COVID-19 mostrou que, na ausência de recursos farmacológicos, as autoridades governamentais precisam agir rapidamente para conter a propagação de doenças infecciosas

    Effects of combined resistance and power training on cognitive function in older women: a randomized controlled trial

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    The present study compared the effects of traditional resistance training (TRT) and combined power training (PT) and TRT (PTRT) on cognitive parameters and serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels in non-demented, well-functioning, community-dwelling older women. Forty-five older women were randomized into one of three experimental groups: TRT, PTRT, and control group (CG). Cognitive tests explored global cognitive function, short-term memory, and dual-task performance. Serum BDNF levels were assessed at baseline and after the intervention. Exercise sessions were performed twice a week over 22 weeks. In TRT, exercise sessions were based on three sets of 8–10 repetitions at “difficult” intensity. In PTRT, the first session was based on PT (three sets of 8−10 repetitions at “moderate” intensity), while the second session was similar to the TRT. Our analyses indicated that overall cognitive function, short-term memory, and dual-task performance were similarly improved after TRT and PTRT. Serum BDNF concentrations were not altered by any training protocol. In conclusion, the two RT programs tested in the present trial improved global cognitive function, short-term memory and dual task performance in non-demented, well-functioning, community-dwelling older women. In addition, our findings suggest that mechanisms other than BDNF may be associated with such improvements

    Acute Neuromuscular, Physiological and Performance Responses After Strength Training in Runners: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Background: Strength training (ST) is commonly used to improve muscle strength, power, and neuromuscular adaptations and is recommended combined with runner training. It is possible that the acute effects of the strength training session lead to deleterious effects in the subsequent running. The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to verify the acute effects of ST session on the neuromuscular, physiological and performance variables of runners. Methods: Studies evaluating running performance after resistance exercise in runners in the PubMed and Scopus databases were selected. From 6532 initial references, 19 were selected for qualitative analysis and 13 for meta-analysis. The variables of peak torque (PT), creatine kinase (CK), delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS), rating of perceived exertion (RPE), countermovement jump (CMJ), ventilation (VE), oxygen consumption (VO2), lactate (La) and heart rate (HR) were evaluated. Results: The methodological quality of the included studies was considered reasonable; the meta-analysis indicated that the variables PT (p = 0.003), DOMS (p < 0.0001), CK (p < 0.0001), RPE (p < 0.0001) had a deleterious effect for the experimental group; for CMJ, VE, VO2, La, FC there was no difference. By qualitative synthesis, running performance showed a reduction in speed for the experimental group in two studies and in all that assessed time to exhaustion. Conclusion: The evidence indicated that acute strength training was associated with a decrease in PT, increases in DOMS, CK, RPE and had a low impact on the acute responses of CMJ, VE, VO2, La, HR and submaximal running sessions. Keywords: Aerobic performance; Competitive training; Running; Strength training

    Cardiovascular Statistics - Brazil 2021.

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    This is the 2021 edition of the Cardiovascular Statistics – Brazil , a multi-institutional effort to periodically provide updated information on the epidemiology of heart diseases and stroke in Brazil. The report incorporates official statistics provided by the Brazilian Ministry of Health and other government agencies, by the GBD project led by the IHME of the University of Washington, as well as data generated by other sources and scientific studies, such as cohorts and registries, on CVDs and their risk factors. The document is directed to researchers, clinicians, patients, healthcare policy makers, media professionals, the public, and others who seek comprehensive national data available on heart disease and stroke


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