181 research outputs found

    Transformation of Plastic Waste into Fuel by Pyrolysis

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    Given the scenario of difficulty of equalizing treatment and disposal costs, environmental risks and reduction of mass and volume of waste, the pyrolysis process presents itself as a promising option of heat treatment for the most varied types of waste. The present work aims to enable the transformation of plastic waste into combustion engine fuels. And specifically, perform the pyrolysis process for fuel generation through plastic waste, and describe the benefits generated by the transformation process. The methodology used is the case study, with qualitative approach. To obtain the fuel, it was necessary to use equipment that can degrade the plastic waste by heating it, being possible with the use of a pyrolysis oven. Heating the plastic residue inside the oven without the presence of oxygen causes the residue to melt without burning, releasing vapors, which upon exiting the heating chamber and finding the condensation chamber turns the vapor into liquid, more precisely into fuel oil. However, it was noticed that the transformation of plastic waste into fuel through pyrolysis causes the reduction of the impacts generated by solid waste disposal in the environment, water and air. In addition, it enables a new form of fuel generation, since previously it could only generate fuel from oil

    Management System Design Using Smart-Grids in Manaus

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    With the large increase in population among the capitals of the Brazilian states Manaus is a city with great energy potential being in the national interconnected system (SIN), reconciling the expansion of its generation capacity fits the scope provided for in the Ten Year Plan for Expansion of Electricity that The objective is for the energy sector planning, with benefits in terms of increased reliability, reduction of production costs and reduction of environmental impacts, already in the plan through distributed generation, which aims to fit micro generation of as a way to increase supply capacity the plan that provides targets for the country to comply with the COP24 Plan of Countries with the largest amount of clean energy to reduce the environmental impacts caused by the warming of the atmosphere caused by emission of pollutant gases such as the case of CO_2, thinking about how to improve the use of energy juice generated in its capital and partially supplied by the national system, this work has the purpose of collecting data pertinent to the consumption in order to create a possible projection of the increase and influence of renewable energies in Manaus City through the Smart Grid system as an insertion model the diversification of the capital\u27s generation park

    Economic analysis of an automated lighting system with presence sensor at a state school in the city of Manacapuru-AM

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    This work addresses the consumption of electricity in a state school in the interior of Amazonas, highlighting the importance of the search for available technologies to reduce energy consumption. In this context, the main objective of this study is to demonstrate the energy costs in the lighting system of a state school in the city of Manacapuru, and also to analyze economically the feasibility of an automated lighting system with presence sensor in classrooms. Since, the lighting of the classrooms is manual and depends exclusively on the need for a public servant to turn on and off the switches, thus, the energy consumption of the luminaires and the time in which the exacerbated consumption occurs directly affects the energy bills of the place. In the development of research, it was found that the use of presence sensors would result in both financial savings and an environmental issue. The results showed that it is possible to have a saving of 31.43% in the value of energy compared to the value currently paid. Therefore, the amount of the investment that costs R$ 1.998,00 would be paid in two and a half months. This way, it would contribute to the useful life of the lamps and thus avoid their early disposal, thus avoiding an environmental impact because the replacement and disposal of these materials are usually very harmful to the environment

    A Sustainability Analysis of Different Types of Asphalts

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    The present work aimed to analyze ecological asphalts, aiming at their influence on the tripod of sustainability in the social, environmental and economic spheres. The option of using eco-rubber asphalt and EVA as a raw material for paving roads and highways is a bet for a more resistant material that requires less nature degradation and easier maintenance. One of the main reasons for the degradation of flexible pavement is the wear caused by the time of use, as well as the traffic of vehicles carrying excessive loads. This study reports some alternatives to multiply the improvement of reverse logistics of waste tires and EVA (ethyl vinyl acetate) plastics, facing problems related to environmental impacts, which directly affect the Brazilian population. This project is important because it is directly linked to sustainability and the development of the environment, facing renewable and suitable alternatives to be employed, such as ecological asphalts, and their benefits. Among the benefits of ecological asphalt we can mention the contribution to the environment by reducing the amount of waste tires improperly discarded in nature and the durability of ecological asphalt compared to conventional asphalt where it showed greater resistance to climate fatigue. The research used the qualitative method being a study based on bibliographies, analyze and discuss the reuse of solid waste and the mitigation of environmental impacts through asphalt. Ecological asphalt seems to be more expensive than the bituminous asphalt used today, however it is environmentally friendly and its effectiveness, durability and safety are noticeable advantages

    Periodontitis-associated risk factors in pregnant women

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    OBJECTIVE: The main objective of this study was to investigate the risk factors associated with periodontitis in pregnant women. METHODS: This study was conducted in two stages. In Stage 1, a cross-sectional study was conducted to determine the prevalence of periodontitis among 810 women treated at the maternity ward of a university hospital. In Stage 2, the factors associated with periodontitis were investigated in two groups of pregnant women: 90 with periodontitis and 720 without. A hierarchized approach to the evaluation of the risk factors was used in the analysis, and the independent variables related to periodontitis were grouped into two levels: 1) socio-demographic variables; 2a) variables related to nutritional status, smoking, and number of pregnancies; and 2b) variables related to oral hygiene. Periodontitis was defined as a probing depth > 4 mm and an attachment loss > 3 mm at the same site in four or more teeth. A logistic regression analysis was also performed. RESULTS: The prevalence of periodontitis in this sample was 11%. The variables that remained in the final multivariate model with the hierarchized approach were schooling, family income, smoking, body mass index, and bacterial plaque. CONCLUSION: The factors identified underscore the social nature of the disease, as periodontitis was associated with socioeconomic, demographic status, and poor oral hygiene

    Cariri Consciente, o conhecimento transforma o cidadão

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    O objetivo deste relato é expor as ações de extensão desenvolvidas no período de 2020 a 2022. Em síntese, são publicadas notícias no blog Cariri Transparente, que, desde sua criação, possui 169 postagens, mais de 10.000 visualizações e 4.340 visitantes, assim como promove a realização de cursos de educação fiscal nas escolas de ensino fundamental e médio do perímetro CRAJUBAR, além da participação anual na realização dos Seminários de Educação Fiscal do Cariri. O controle social e a educação fiscal são instrumentos para o exercício da cidadania, relacionando-se com a participação do indivíduo na sociedade, acompanhando e fiscalizando as ações governamentais, de modo a solucionar os problemas, zelando para que seus direitos não sejam violados e cumprindo seus deveres. Nesse sentido, o programa de extensão “Cariri Consciente: o conhecimento transforma o cidadão”, vinculado à Pró-reitoria de Extensão da Universidade Federal do Cariri, visa incentivar o controle social da população caririense. Logo, percebe-se que o programa contribui ao despertar os cidadãos sobre seu papel na fiscalização dos entes públicos, melhorando seus serviços e reduzindo as desigualdades sociais

    Tratamento antiretroviral para a infecção pelo HIV/AIDS e o risco de desenvolver hiperglicemia e dislipidemia

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    A cross-sectional study with internal comparison groups was conducted to describe sociodemographic characteristics, as well as verify the association between the type of antiretroviral treatment used and hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia, with special attention to the use of HIV protease inhibitors. The data was obtained through an interview questionnaire, as well as blood and urine samples that were collected for the laboratory exams. A total of 418 patients were interviewed. 46 of these, however, met the exclusion criteria. The sample was therefore composed by 372 HIV positive patients, attended at the laboratory of the Correia Picanço State Hospital for the collection of blood, to estimate the HIV viral load and/or TCD4 cell counts from August to November 2000. The association between the variables was tested using the chi-square test and the p-value. A multiple logistic regression analysis was carried out to adjust for potential confounding factors. A greater frequency of patients with high glucose levels was observed among those making use of antiretroviral therapy without protease inhibitors, but the number of patients limited the comparisons. An association was verified between the total serum cholesterol level and the use of HIV protease inhibitors (p = 0.047) even after controlling for age. An association was also observed between the triglyceride levels and the use of HIV protease inhibitors, which remained after adjustment for age, sex and creatinine levels (p < 0.001). The levels of glucose and TSH, the presence of proteinuria and the practice of physical activity were not associated either with the levels of cholesterol or with the levels of tryglicerides thus they were not confounders of the associations described.Um estudo epidemiológico transversal, com caráter analítico, foi realizado para descrever características sócio-demográficas bem como verificar a associação entre o tipo de tratamento antiretroviral empregado e hiperglicemia e hiperlipidemia, com especial atenção aos pacientes em uso de inibidores da protease do HIV. As informações foram obtidas a partir de um questionário e da coleta de sangue e urina para a execução dos exames laboratoriais. Foram entrevistados 418 pacientes, sendo que 46 indivíduos foram excluídos do estudo. A amostra foi então composta por 372 pacientes soropositivos para o HIV atendidos no ambulatório do Hospital Correia Picanço da Secretaria Estadual de Saúde, no período de agosto a novembro de 2000. O teste do Qui-quadrado foi usado para testar as associações e a regressão logística múltipla para ajustar pelos potenciais fatores de confusão. Observou-se uma maior frequência de pacientes com níveis elevados de glicose entre aqueles que faziam uso de terapia antiretroviral sem inibidores da protease, mas o pequeno número de indivíduos limitou as comparações. Verificou-se uma associação entre o colesterol total e o uso de inibidores da protease (p = 0,047) mesmo após o ajuste por idade. Verificou-se também uma associação entre os níveis de triglicerídeos e o uso de inibidores da protease que permaneceu estatisticamente significante mesmo após o ajuste por idade, sexo e níveis de creatinina (p < 0,001). Os níveis de glicose, de TSH, a presença de proteinúria e a pratica de exercícios físicos não estiveram associados com os níveis de colesterol ou com os níveis de triglicerídeos, não se caracterizando como fatores de confusão das associações descritas

    Avaliação de sistema de irrigação por gotejamento para a produção de sementes agroecológicas no Sertão do Araripe – PE: Evaluation of a drip irrigation system for the agroecological seeds production in Araripe Hinterland

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    O semiárido nordestino é caracterizado por apresentar taxas de evapotranspiração maiores que de precipitação, que resulta em déficit hídrico e ocorrência predominante de fluxos ascendentes de água no solo. Essa condição inerente da região contribui para processos de salinização, perda de fertilidade dos solos. Neste contexto, o Projeto Algodão em Consórcios Agroecológicos, coordenado pela Diaconia, com apoio financeiro da Laudes Foundation, o Fundo Internacional para Desenvolvimento Agrícola (FIDA)/AKSAAM/UFV/IPPDS e a Inter American Foundation (IAF), em parceria com as ONGs Chapada, Caatinga e a associação de certificação orgânica participativa credenciada ao Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA) – Ecoararipe – Alto Sertão do Araripe - PE, assessora a implantação de sistema de irrigação por gotejamento para a produção de sementes agroecológicas. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar o sistema de irrigação por gotejamento quanto aos parâmetros de qualidade: eficiência de aplicação (EA); coeficiente de uniformidade de Christiansen (CUC); coeficiente de uniformidade de distribuição (CUD); e variação de vazão (ℇQ). Foram obtidos valores médios de CUC, CUD e EA de 97,91%, 99,86% e 88,12 %, respectivamente, assim como variação média de vazão de 5,17%, a eficiência de aplicação foi aceitável e ambos os coeficientes foram considerados excelentes

    Introduction of Basic Computer Programming Logic in Elementary and High Schools Using Logic Block

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    This document analyzes factors that make it difficult for computational programming logic to consolidate itself as a subject to be taught in schools and how to introduce it into the academic environment through a hypothetical curriculum based on studies and also including the logical block programming language, Scratch. Studies are conducted to create the basis of an experimental school grade. Said grade describes in detail the age groups it will reach and what knowledge will be taught to them. With a better understanding of programming and programming logic in mind, not only individuals who choose to work in the field will already have a larger knowledge base than today, but people who choose not to work in the field of computer technology will benefit of a more logical and cohesive line of reasoning


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    O planejamento é indispensável para o êxito dos projetos de infraestrutura urbana e rural voltados para as ações de saneamento e recursos hídricos, onde os estudos de avaliação de potencial de reúso de água estão inseridos. Nesse setor brasileiro, em que a administração pública é predominante, a morosidade das ações e a falta de planejamento levam à implantação de projetos sem garantia do alcance dos objetivos iniciais propostos. A contratação de serviços de consultoria especializada, neste caso, requer um planejamento mínimo com etapas obrigatórias a serem percorridas, tais como a elaboração do termo de referência. Este, por apresentar uma abordagem técnica, serve de caminho para outros documentos com maior carga jurídicoadministrativa, tais como o edital. Assim, a presente Nota técnica envolve aspectos relacionados ao caminho técnico para a contratação de serviços desse tipo, que levam em consideração a concepção e o planejamento do projeto. A concepção deve ser o mais abrangente possível e fiel às características gerais e específicas daregião de estudo. Diferentes concepções, comparáveis entre si, levam à adoção da concepção básica que será o objeto do termo de referência. Esse, por sua vez, documento objetivo conciso e contextualizado, deve abranger minimamente os objetivos do projeto e o escopo dos produtos esperados, cronograma, responsabilidade dos envolvidos, formas de pagamento e outros. A presente Nota Técnica tem como objetivo apresentar os elementos essenciais para o planejamento das ações de reúso de água, incluindo estudos de potencial, modalidades de financiamento e definição de parcerias