52 research outputs found

    Assessing the impact of public debt on economic growth: an analysis on Portugal

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    In the current economic framework, characterized by a global increase in the public debt burden and weak performances concerning economic growth, it is imperative to study and to understand the hypothetical impact of public debt on economic growth. Although there already exist several studies in this field, this research aspires to provide information regarding this phenomenon in Portugal. A Markov switching model is estimated, using quarterly data spanning the period from 2000 to 2015, in order to assess the impact of public debt on economic growth when the economy is either in an expansionary or contractionary environment. The result extracted from this empirical analysis suggests that public debt harmed economic growth in Portugal during recessions, having no impact during economic expansions

    COVID 19 Impact on Aircraft Ground Time at Congonhas Airport (CGH)

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    This project aims to research and analyze the impact of the increase of ground time at Congonhas Airport caused by the new safety procedures in aviation to avoid the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Aviation is a highly regulated industry, with the high cost and tiny margins. It focuses on optimizing one of the most expensive assets, the aircraft. To keep aircraft flying is one of the airline\u27s primary goals as aircraft on the ground means no revenue generation and cost increase. Congonhas Airport is one of the busiest airports in Brazil and already operated on its limited capacity before the crisis; higher ground time will bring operational and financial impact to the airlines, airport administrators, and suppliers. We selected the public database from ANAC and ABEAR that contains detailed data about arrivals and departures at Congonhas Airport to analyze the impact. We also used v available data from INFRAERO about the capacity and operational restrictions of the airport. In the first phase of the analysis, we worked with Python to measure the ground time duration before and after implementing the new procedures and validating the ground time increase hypothesis. The second phase was performed using Arena Software to simulate the airport\u27s movements, considering airlines\u27 ground time before and after implementing the new procedures. The results from both analyzes were complementary and allowed to confirm the hypothesis and identify the impact of the increase in the ground time due to the new cleaning and social distancing measures adopted during the COVID-19 pandemic

    Evaluation of New Dwarf Elephant Grass Genotypes for Grazing

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    Elephant grass stands out for its production potential, forage quality and acceptance by animals. However, its tall size makes management under grazing difficult and dwarf cultivars have been selected and evaluated to overcome this limitation. The objective was to characterize agronomic aspects of dwarf elephant grass genotypes submitted to two defoliation intensities. The experiment was installed in a 5 x 2 factorial scheme, with five elephant grass genotypes (2022, 1810, 2111, 2035, BRS Kurumi) and two residue heights after defoliation (25 and 45 cm). A randomized block design with three replications in 4x3m plots was used. Forage above the residue height was cut whenever the canopy reached 93-95% light interception. Residue heights did not influence leaf/stem ratio, basal and total tillering, and dry matter production. On the other hand, influence of residue height on canopy height, aerial tillering and forage accumulation rate was observed. The forage accumulation rate increased by 19% for the 45 cm residue compared to the 25 cm residue. No interaction was observed between genotype and residue height for the variables canopy height, leaf:stem ratio, basal tillering, aerial tillering, forage mass and forage accumulation rate. In relation to tillering, BRS kurumi showed greater total and aerial tiller number, 31% higher than the average of the other materials. Although the cultivar BRS kurumi has more vigorous tillering, the variables leaf:stem ratio and forage accumulation rate were higher in the new materials, especially material 1810, which presented better performance compared to the control. In view of this, it is concluded that the new grass genotypes have a higher proportion of leaves and forage accumulation rate than BRS Kurumi, and that the residue height of 45 cm provides a higher forage accumulation rate

    Armazéns Sommer’de (Lizbon) açığa çıkarılan Roma Mozaiği. Arkeoloji ve ikonograf

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    Aiming the construction of a new hotel (Hotel Cais de Santarém) using the previous basement of the large storage known as Sommer, located in Rua Cais de Santarém, nºs 40 up to 64, and limited by Rua de São João da Praça northwards and by Travessa de São João da Praça eastwards, in the city of Lisbon, a large amount of archaeological contexts were uncovered that uniquely illustrate the stratification of the city of Lisbon between the Iron Age and the first half of the 20th century. Concerning Roman urban contexts was found a domus with rooms well preserved with painted walls plaster and a pavement covered with mosaic. In this paper the authors will present the monument and further discussions will take place on excavation levels, iconographic and architectural features.Lizbon kentinde, Rua Cais de Santarém’de, 40-64 numaralı parseller arasında, kuzeyde Rua de São João da Praça ve doğuda Travessa de São João da Praça ile sınırlanan alanda, Sommer olarak bilinen eski ve oldukça geniş bir deponun temelleri üzerine inşa edilmesi planlanan Cais de Santarém isimli yeni bir otel çalışmaları esnasında, Demir Çağı’ndan başlayarak 20. yüzyılın ilk yarısına kadar uzanan geniş bir zaman dilimini kapsayan ve Lizbon kentinin zaman içerisindeki gelişimini benzersiz bir şekilde gözler önüne seren arkeolojik tabakalanma tespit edilmiştir. Roma kent konseptine ilişkin olarak iyi korunmuş odalara, boyalı duvar plasterlerine ve mozaik döşemesine sahip bir domus tespit edilmiştir. Bu çalışmada, söz konusu yapı tanıtılacak olup, kazı çalışmaları, tabakalanma, mimari ve ikonografik özellikler tartışılacaktır

    The initial steps for developing the South American K index from the embrace magnetometer network

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    In this paper we present the first steps given towards the development of the South American K index (Ksa) based on the measurements made by the Embrace Magnetometer Network. We present: (a) a description of the magnetometer and of the network; (b) the procedure used to calibrate the network equipments; (c) the procedure to obtain each station K scale and its corresponding upper limits of ranges for the three-hour-range station K index (thereafter referred as K9 threshold); and (d) some particularities regarding the Quiet Day Curve (QDC) deviation and its long term variation.No presente artigo, apresentamos os primeiros passos realizados para desenvolvermos o índice K sul-americano (Ksa) baseado nas medidas feitas pela rede Embrace de magnetômetros. Apresentamos (a) uma descrição do equipamento utilizado, bem como da rede de magnetômetros; (b) o procedimento adotado para calibrar todos os equipamentos individuais da rede; (c) o procedimento para se obter a escala K de cada estação magnética e o seu correspondente limite superior para o índice K de três horas (doravante denominado limiar K9); e (d) algumas particularidades com respeito à obtenção da curva do Dia Quieto (QDC) e suas variações de longos períodos.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísica

    The initial steps for developing the South American K index from the embrace magnetometer network

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    In this paper we present the first steps given towards the development of the South American K index (Ksa) based on the measurements made by the Embrace Magnetometer Network. We present: (a) a description of the magnetometer and of the network; (b) the procedure used to calibrate the network equipments; (c) the procedure to obtain each station K scale and its corresponding upper limits of ranges for the three-hour-range station K index (thereafter referred as K9 threshold); and (d) some particularities regarding the Quiet Day Curve (QDC) deviation and its long term variation.No presente artigo, apresentamos os primeiros passos realizados para desenvolvermos o índice K sul-americano (Ksa) baseado nas medidas feitas pela rede Embrace de magnetômetros. Apresentamos (a) uma descrição do equipamento utilizado, bem como da rede de magnetômetros; (b) o procedimento adotado para calibrar todos os equipamentos individuais da rede; (c) o procedimento para se obter a escala K de cada estação magnética e o seu correspondente limite superior para o índice K de três horas (doravante denominado limiar K9); e (d) algumas particularidades com respeito à obtenção da curva do Dia Quieto (QDC) e suas variações de longos períodos.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísica

    The initial steps for developing the South american K index from the embrace magnetometer network

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    In this paper we present the first steps given towards the development of the South American K index (Ksa) based on the measurements made by the Embrace Magnetometer Network. We present: (a) a description of the magnetometer and of the network; (b) the procedure used to calibrate the network equipments; (c) the procedure to obtain each station K scale and its corresponding upper limits of ranges for the three-hour-range station K index (thereafter referred as K9 threshold); and (d) some particularities regarding the Quiet Day Curve (QDC) deviation and its long term variation.No presente artigo, apresentamos os primeiros passos realizados para desenvolvermos o ´ındice K sul-americano (Ksa) baseado nas medidas feitas pela rede Embrace de magnetˆometros. Apresentamos (a) uma descric¸˜ao do equipamento utilizado, bem como da rede de magnetˆometros; (b) o procedimento adotado para calibrar todos os equipamentos individuais da rede; (c) o procedimento para se obter a escala K de cada estac¸˜ao magn´etica e o seu correspondente limite superior para o ´ındice K de trˆes horas (doravante denominado limiar K9); e (d) algumas particularidades com respeito `a obtenc¸˜ao da curva do Dia Quieto (QDC) e suas variac¸ ˜oes de longos per´ıodos.Fil: Denardini, Clezio Marcos. Centro de Previsao de Tempo e Estudos Climaticos. Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais; BrasilFil: Da Silva, Marlos Rockenbach. Centro de Previsao de Tempo e Estudos Climaticos. Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais; BrasilFil: Gende, Mauricio Alfredo. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Su Chen, Sony. Centro de Previsao de Tempo e Estudos Climaticos. Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais; BrasilFil: Fagundes, Paulo Roberto. Universidade do Vale do Paraíba; BrasilFil: Schuch, Nelson Jorge. Centro de Previsao de Tempo e Estudos Climaticos. Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais; BrasilFil: Petry, Adriano. Centro de Previsao de Tempo e Estudos Climaticos. Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais; BrasilFil: Resende Araújo, Laysa Cristina. Centro de Previsao de Tempo e Estudos Climaticos. Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais; BrasilFil: Moro, Juliano. Centro de Previsao de Tempo e Estudos Climaticos. Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais; BrasilFil: Lopes Padilha, Antonio. Centro de Previsao de Tempo e Estudos Climaticos. Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais; BrasilFil: Sant’Anna, Nilson. Centro de Previsao de Tempo e Estudos Climaticos. Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais; BrasilFil: Riberiro Alves, Livia. Centro de Previsao de Tempo e Estudos Climaticos. Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais; Brasi

    Low-wavenumber Raman scattering in glycerol

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    Analysis of the low-wavenumber Raman data of glycerol as a function of temperature is presented. For temperatures lower than the glass transition temperature the scattering intensity is interpreted on the basis of a model starting from the analogies between the density of vibrational states for the crystalline and the glassy phases and taking into account multiple-order scattering. Experimental results on depolarized Raman spectra are shown to be in good agreement with the model. For temperatures higher than the glass transition temperature, the quasi-elastic scattering is interpreted in terms of degrees of freedom released by H-bond breaking.(undefined

    Techno-economic assessment of two novel feeding systems for a dry-feed gasifier in an IGCC plant with Pd-membranes for CO2 capture

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    This study focuses on the application of Pd-based membranes for CO[subscript 2] capture in coal fueled power plants. In particular, membranes are applied to Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle with two innovative feeding systems. In the first feeding system investigated, CO[subscript 2] is used both as fuel carrier and back-flushing gas for the candle filters, while in the second case N[subscript 2] is the fuel carrier, and CO[subscript 2] the back-flushing gas. The latter is investigated because current dry feed technology vents about half of the fuel carrier, which is detrimental for the CO[subscript 2] avoidance in the CO[subscript 2] case. The hydrogen separation is performed in membrane modules arranged in series; consistently with the IGCC plant layout, most of the hydrogen is separated at the pressure required to fuel the gas turbine. Furthermore, about 10% of the overall hydrogen permeated is separated at ambient pressure and used to post-fire the heat recovery steam generator. This layout significantly reduces membrane surface area while keeping low efficiency penalties. The resulting net electric efficiency is higher for both feeding systems, about 39%, compared to 36% of the reference Selexol-based capture plant. The CO[subscript 2] avoidance depends on the type of feeding system adopted, and its amount of vented gas; it ranges from 60% to 98%. From the economic point of view, membrane costs are significant and shares about 20% of the overall plant cost. This leads in the more optimistic case to a CO[subscript 2] avoidance cost of 35 €/t[subscript CO2], which is slightly lower than the reference case.Seventh Framework Programme (European Commission) (Grant agreement no. 241342