255 research outputs found

    Elaboració de material docent avançat per a l'ensenyament de l'estructura metàl·lica

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    El Departament de Resistència de Materials i Estructures a l’Enginyeria està elaborant un material docent per a l’ensenyament pràctic de l’estructura metàl•lica, que està composat de tres parts principals: un llibre en format paper amb exemples de càlcul i informació d’aplicació pràctica, un programari d’anàlisi i comprovació d’estructures i uns models gràfics en format electrònic d’un conjunt d’estructures reals construïdes recentment. En aquesta presentació s’inclou una explicació general sobre el projecte complert i sobre l’experiència en l’ús dels models d’estructures exemple en classes amb alumnes amb nivells de coneixements diferents. S’ha comprovat que aquests models son una eina docent potent que es pot fer servir com a material per a l’aprenentatge individual i com a material audiovisual en classes expositives convencionals

    Teaching architectural design through creative practices

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    [EN] This article provides investigation details of teaching architectural design as a fundamental part of the architectural discipline. This line of research delves into learning about the most creative action of the architectural production process, design, taking into account that creativity must be complemented by disciplinary training that combines both theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Considering these observations, this text provides information about the experience accomplished by four teachers from the School of Architecture of the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (ETSA-UPV) on the subject of Design Studio 1 for the first-year studies. The propaedeutic character of this subject shows additional difficulties given the complexity of introducing the students into the field of architectural design. The article begins with a description of the historical background of teaching architecture, contextualizing the object of study and also the different processes used as reference during the accomplishment of the teaching experience. The second section includes a description of basic methodology of the specific case of the first-year subject taught in the ETSA-UPV. It provides analysis of its evolution, detection of the problems and suggested variations of the learning method in order to improve the final results. The canonical teaching method is based on a linear process starting with the theory, followed by architectural analysis, finishing with project synthesis, which generates important doubts for the first-year students when implementing the theory in the project phase. Therefore, resuming the cycle of circular learning studied by David Kolb, several creative practices have been introduced into the subject, where the order of the stages depends on the particular characteristics of each individual and learning takes place by combining practices of perception and comprehension. Keeping in mind the main goal of the new teaching approach, the third part of the text includes a description of several activities. They are designed using a methodology capable to promote the transfer of knowledge between the analysis phase and the project phase. Creative practices are based on the learning by doing process, where reflection, conceptualization and experimentation are carried out with two basic tools: hand drawing and the three-dimensional model. With the practices and these two manual tools we seek a triple objective for students: to acquire a greater creative capacity, to develop spatial vision and to recognize how materiality affects the definition and perception of space. The methodology of the practices includes thinking with the hands, folding the space, inhabiting the space and building the space, and it is compared to the results obtained during the academic year 2017-2018. Finally, these results, together with the surveys completed by the students, lead to following conclusions: introducing creative activities in the first year of architectural design has shown a substantial improvement of the work carried out by students and has allowed settling the acquired theoretical knowledge. It helps to understand it not only as concepts that can be observed and analysed in reality, but also as tools of the creative process itself. On the one hand, the construction of models supports intuitive learning, allowing the students to directly recognize the consequences of their actions during the constructive process and its implications in the final result. On the other hand, the activities developed using hand drawing techniques confirm the value of the drawn plans as a tool to define the results and verify their correctness. Experiencing architecture with the hands implicitly involves a work of reflection through which the students are able to understand that space is the actual key element of the architectural project.Lizondo Sevilla, L.; Bosch Roig, L.; Ferrer Ribera, MC.; Alapont-Ramón, J. (2019). Teaching architectural design through creative practices. Journal of the Faculty of Architecture. 36(1):41-59. https://doi.org/10.4305/METU.JFA.2019.1.8S415936

    Life Cycle Thinking for the environmental and financial assessment of rice management systems in the Senegal River Valley

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    [EN] Rice is a staple food in Senegal, which however imports more than 70% of the rice consumed annually to meet its domestic demand. Despite governmental efforts to increase rice self-sufficiency, both rice supply and yields remain low. Senegalese farmers face challenges related to irrigation infrastructure and fertiliser access, besides those derived from climate change. This study applies Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) combined with financial Life Cycle Costing (LCC) to evaluate alternative scenarios for rice management in the Senegal River Valley and identify sustainability hotspots and potential improvements. Specifically, rice cultivation in Ross Be & PRIME;thio (Saint Louis, Senegal) is assessed based on the observed agricultural practices during the dry seasons of 2016 and 2017. Two scenarios capturing conventional (CONV) and intensive (INT) practices are compared to two reference scenarios (SAED scenarios) according to the recommendations of the official agricultural advisory service. The INT scenario generates the lowest impacts per kg of paddy rice in seven out of thirteen impact categories, including climate change, freshwater and marine eutrophication, ozone depletion and water scarcity. This is due to the higher yields (7.4 t ha(-1)) relative to CONV (4.8 t ha(-1)) and the two reference SAED scenarios (6.0 t ha(-1)). The two latter scenarios show the lowest values in the remaining categories, although they also generate slightly lower profits than INT (138 euro t(-1) vs. 149 euro t(-1)) due to increased labour costs for additional fertilisation treatments. The results from both LCA and LCC underline the importance of increasing yields to decrease environ -mental impacts and production costs of rice when estimated per kg of product. Well-designed fertiliser application doses and timing and increased mechanisation can deliver further environmental benefits. Additional improvements (e.g. in irrigation, crop rotations, straw management) could be considered to promote the long -term sustainability and profitability of rice production in Senegal. LCA in combination with financial LCC is identified as a decision-support tool for evaluating the sustainability of alternative crop management practices. Life Cycle Thinking can still benefit from experiential learning based on information exchange between farmers, researchers and extension agents to contribute to a sustainable agriculture and ultimately to food security in Africa.Authors acknowledge the Office of Development Cooperation of the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (CCD-UPV) for providing funds as part of the project AD1511-UPV. Authors also thank the support of Caritas Spain (especially Vittoria Garoffalo, Soledad Gutierrez, and Pablo Reyero) and Caritas Senegal (especially Alex Tendeng, Andre Diarigne Sene and Michael Diedhiou) for facilitating its implementation.Escobar, N.; Bautista, I.; Peña, N.; Fenollosa Ribera, ML.; Osca Lluch, JM.; Sanjuán Pellicer, MN. (2022). Life Cycle Thinking for the environmental and financial assessment of rice management systems in the Senegal River Valley. Journal of Environmental Management. 310:1-15. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2022.11472211531

    Integrated Genomic Analysis of Chromosomal Alterations and Mutations in B-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Reveals Distinct Genetic Profiles at Relapse

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    The clonal basis of relapse in B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia (BCP-ALL) is complex and not fully understood. Next-generation sequencing (NGS), array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH), and multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) were carried out in matched diagnosis-relapse samples from 13 BCP-ALL patients to identify patterns of genetic evolution that could account for the phenotypic changes associated with disease relapse. The integrative genomic analysis of aCGH, MLPA and NGS revealed that 100% of the BCP-ALL patients showed at least one genetic alteration at diagnosis and relapse. In addition, there was a significant increase in the frequency of chromosomal lesions at the time of relapse (p = 0.019). MLPA and aCGH techniques showed that IKZF1 was the most frequently deleted gene. TP53 was the most frequently mutated gene at relapse. Two TP53 mutations were detected only at relapse, whereas the three others showed an increase in their mutational burden at relapse. Clonal evolution patterns were heterogeneous, involving the acquisition, loss and maintenance of lesions at relapse. Therefore, this study provides additional evidence that BCP-ALL is a genetically dynamic disease with distinct genetic profiles at diagnosis and relapse. Integrative NGS, aCGH and MLPA analysis enables better molecular characterization of the genetic profile in BCP-ALL patients during the evolution from diagnosis to relapse

    Eco – matemáticas en las clases de magisterio

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    Cualquier tema puede servir de pretexto para plantear problemas de matemáticas. También es factible plantear problemas con extensiones para involucrar a alumnos de diversos niveles de rendimiento matemático, incluso para talentos matemáticos. En nuestra presentación comentaremos una experiencia llevada a cabo en la Universidad de Valencia con estudiantes del Grado de Maestro en E. Primaria, con dos objetivos: a) fomentar en los futuros profesores y, a través de ellos, en los niños de Primaria, el desarrollo de una cultura ecológica y b) atender en el aula a estudiantes de varios niveles en matemáticas: por debajo de la media, medio y alto o talento matemático. En nuestros cursos proponemos trabajos grupales, consistentes en elaborar un cuento, que pueda ser llevado al aula de Primaria, que: a) resalte algún problema medioambiental y b) establezca relación con problemas de matemáticas con nivel bajo, medio y alto de complejidad. Por otra parte, los futuros maestros deben también: a) relacionar el diseño curricular oficial con los problemas, b) realizar un análisis didáctico de los problemas, c) incluir manipulativos y TIC si procede y d) incluir una relación comentada de páginas web y bibliografía, que puedan ser interesantes para el profesor y/o para los niños

    Design of problems for research with mathematically talented students

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    In this workshop, through specific examples, we propose the attendees to "create" their own problems so that they fit specific research needs. The process for the design is based on reviewing the appropriate bibliography, consulting databases and programs addressed to talent, selecting related problems and modifying their components. Participants in this workshop will be organized in small groups and will make their own proposals, which will be discussed in the whole group, where the proposed schema for the design of tasks related to specific research will be completed

    Eco – matemáticas en las clases de magisterio

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    Cualquier tema puede servir de pretexto para plantear problemas de matemáticas. También es factible plantear problemas con extensiones para involucrar a alumnos de diversos niveles de rendimiento matemático, incluso para talentos matemáticos. En nuestra presentación comentaremos una experiencia llevada a cabo en la Universidad de Valencia con estudiantes del Grado de Maestro en E. Primaria, con dos objetivos: a) fomentar en los futuros profesores y, a través de ellos, en los niños de Primaria, el desarrollo de una cultura ecológica y b) atender en el aula a estudiantes de varios niveles en matemáticas: por debajo de la media, medio y alto o talento matemático. En nuestros cursos proponemos trabajos grupales, consistentes en elaborar un cuento, que pueda ser llevado al aula de Primaria, que: a) resalte algún problema medioambiental y b) establezca relación con problemas de matemáticas con nivel bajo, medio y alto de complejidad. Por otra parte, los futuros maestros deben también: a) relacionar el diseño curricular oficial con los problemas, b) realizar un análisis didáctico de los problemas, c) incluir manipulativos y TIC si procede y d) incluir una relación comentada de páginas web y bibliografía, que puedan ser interesantes para el profesor y/o para los niños

    Reflexiones al final de un inicio: estudio de asociación entre variables sociodemográficas y tipo de parto en la prevención de la violencia obstétrica en España

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    The aim of our work is to approach types of childbirth at the end of pregnancy from a sociodemographic point of view, with special emphasis in the number of C sections. Material and Method: The birth data in Spain provided by the National Institute of Statistics has been analyzed. Results: The results obtained from crossing the variables show that there are social determinants that should be considered in order to better understand the process of childbirth. Discussion: Our approach goes beyond the mere description and aims to show a causality that should be included in obstetric protocols. Conclusion: Health workers must be aware of the personal circumstances of the patients so that the delivery develops as easily as possible, taking into account the characteristics of the woman, and being not so much concerned with the number of cesarean sections they have to perform

    Cuestionadas : un acercamiento a la redefinición de la experiencia lactante de las madres a partir de las voces de las mujeres

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    En España, anualmente unas 340.000 mujeres dan a luz y se convierten en protagonistas de un proceso que las llevará a ejercer la maternidad en su sentido más amplio. Durante los primeros años, la lactancia emerge de forma central entre las prácticas maternas, ya que conecta con las formas de alimentar la nueva vida. De este modo, en el siguiente artículo nos acercamos al estudio de las vivencias de las mujeres alrededor de la lactancia. Qué expectativas tienen sobre la práctica lactante, qué posibilidades han vivido o qué cambios han transitado son cuestiones que nos han llevado a profundizar en este tema. Así pues, tras el objetivo inicial de conocer las experiencias de las mujeres que han sido madres, presentamos los resultados de una investigación de corte cualitativo que surge de la respuesta a un cuestionario abierto a 72 mujeres que habían dado a luz en los últimos cinco años. Entre los hallazgos, hemos podido observar que la lactancia es una gran preocupación para las mujeres, lo que nos ha llevado a preguntarnos si se ha producido o no una redefinición social de la lactancia materna. Concluimos que hay un juego de cruces entre las expectativas iniciales, los marcos disciplinarios que se configuran alrededor de la lactancia y las posibilidades de acción de las mujeres, de manera que es necesario repensar cómo se ofrece apoyo, acompañamiento e información por parte de las personas profesionales, y también un mejor conocimiento y concienciación en los círculos cercanos familiares y de la sociedad en general.A Espanya, anualment unes 340.000 dones donen a llum i es converteixen en protagonistes d'un procés que les portarà a exercir la maternitat en el seu sentit més ampli. Durant els primers anys, la lactància emergeix de manera central entre les pràctiques maternes, ja que connecta amb les maneres d'alimentar la nova vida. D'aquesta manera, en l'article següent ens acostem a l'estudi de les vivències de les dones al voltant de la lactància. Quines expectatives tenen sobre la pràctica lactant, quines possibilitats han viscut o quins canvis han experimentat són qüestions que ens han portat a aprofundir en aquest tema. Així doncs, després de l'objectiu inicial de conèixer les experiències de les dones que han estat mares, presentem els resultats d'una recerca de tall qualitatiu que sorgeix de la resposta a un qüestionari obert a 72 dones que havien donat a llum en els últims cinc anys. Entre aquests resultats, hem pogut observar que la lactància és una gran preocupació per a les dones, la qual cosa ens ha portat a preguntar-nos si s'ha produït o no una redefinició social de la lactància materna. Concloem que hi ha un joc d'encreuaments entre les expectatives inicials, els marcs disciplinaris que es configuren al voltant de la lactància i les possibilitats d'acció de les dones, de manera que cal repensar com s'ofereix suport, acompanyament i informació per part de les persones professionals, i també un millor coneixement i conscienciació en els cercles propers familiars i de la societat en general.Every year in Spain, some 340,000 women give birth, becoming the protagonists of a process that will lead them to exercise motherhood in its broadest sense. During the first years, breastfeeding emerges as a central part of maternal practices as it connects with the ways of nourishing the new life. Thus, in the following article we approach the study of women's experiences of breastfeeding. What expectations they have about breastfeeding, what possibilities they have experienced or what changes they have undergone are questions that have led us to delve deeper into this subject. Thus, after the initial objective of finding out about the experiences of women who have been mothers, we present the results of a qualitative research study based on the response to an open questionnaire to 72 women who had given birth in the last 5 years. Among the findings we have been able to observe how breastfeeding is a major concern for women, leading us to ask ourselves whether or not there has been a social redefinition of breastfeeding. We conclude that there is an interplay between initial expectations, the disciplinary frameworks that are configured around breastfeeding and women's possibilities for action, and that it is necessary to rethink how support, accompaniment and information are offered by professionals, as well as a better knowledge and awareness on the part of close family circles and society in general

    Cuestionadas: un acercamiento a la redefinición de la experiencia lactante de las madres a partir de las voces de las mujeres

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    En España, anualmente unas 340.000 mujeres dan a luz y se convierten en protagonistas de un proceso que las llevará a ejercer la maternidad en su sentido más amplio. Durante los primeros años, la lactancia emerge de forma central entre las prácticas maternas, ya que conecta con las formas de alimentar la nueva vida. De este modo, en el siguiente artículo nos acercamos al estudio de las vivencias de las mujeres alrededor de la lactancia. Qué expectativas tienen sobre la práctica lactante, qué posibilidades han vivido o qué cambios han transitado son cuestiones que nos han llevado a profundizar en este tema. Así pues, tras el objetivo inicial de conocer las experiencias de las mujeres que han sido madres, presentamos los resultados de una investigación de corte cualitativo que surge de la respuesta a un cuestionario abierto a 72 mujeres que habían dado a luz en los últimos cinco años. Entre los hallazgos, hemos podido observar que la lactancia es una gran preocupación para las mujeres, lo que nos ha llevado a preguntarnos si se ha producido o no una redefinición social de la lactancia materna. Concluimos que hay un juego de cruces entre las expectativas iniciales, los marcos disciplinarios que se configuran alrededor de la lactancia y las posibilidades de acción de las mujeres, de manera que es necesario repensar cómo se ofrece apoyo, acompañamiento e información por parte de las personas profesionales, y también un mejor conocimiento y concienciación en los círculos cercanos familiares y de la sociedad en general