7,369 research outputs found

    Estado Confusional Agudo após Corticoterapia Inalada

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    Background: The connection between corticotherapy and neuropsychiatric symptoms is widely known, being one of the first questions we need to assess when presenting with first episode psychiatric symptoms or confusional state. Aims: To date, data on cases related to inhaled corticotherapy and neuropsychiatric effects is scarce. In this paper we describe a rare case in a young woman. Methods: The clinical case presented led us to try to understand the data published on the subject in order to discuss it in greater length. Results and Conclusions: We present and discuss a 27-year-old patient’s case, with no previous psychiatric disease, who was admitted to our Psychiatric ward after the onset of severe acute behavioural disturbance characterized by aggressiveness, visual and auditory hallucinatory activity, misidentification and altered conscience status. It was later found that seven days earlier she had been prescribed inhaled corticotherapy for a minor respiratory infection. A few days after corticotherapy withdrawal, the clinical symptoms improved significantly.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Optical fiber sensors: a route from University of Kent to Portugal

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    In this work the authors first summarily describe the main topics that were the subject of their post-graduate activity in fiber sensing at the Applied Optics Group of University of Kent in the late 1980s and early 1990s. After their return to Porto, Portugal, the know-how acquired during their stay at Kent and the collaboration paths that followed between the University of Porto and University of Kent were instrumental in the start-up and progress of optical fiber sensing activity in Portugal. The main topics addressed in this field, the description of some of the relevant developments achieved in recent years, the present situation and the guidelines for the future research and development activity in Portugal in fiber sensing will be the core of this work.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Competição de linhagens de feijão-caupi de porte ereto e crescimento determinado do tipo Canapu no Vale do São Francisco.

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    Linhagens de feij„o-caupi de porte ereto e crescimento determinado e do tipoëCanapuí foram avaliadas para diversos caracteres, em v·rios ambientesirrigados e de sequeiro do Vale do S„o Francisco, visando ‡ recomendaÁ„o decultivares. As linhagens tipo ëCanapuí foram avaliadas na densidade deplantio de 100.000 plantas/ha, com espaÁamento de 1 m entre linhas,enquanto as linhagens de porte ereto e crescimento determinado foramavaliadas na densidade de plantio de 200.000 plantas/ha, com espaÁamentode 0,5 m entrelinhas, em regime irrigado, no segundo semestre, e desequeiro, no primeiro semestre, nos anos de 2007, 2008 e 2009. Ascultivares controle foram BRS Maratao„, Canapu e BRS Pujante para os doisexperimentos, os quais foram conduzidos no delineamento de blocos ao acasocom trÍs repetiÁ?es. Nas avaliaÁ?es do segundo semestre, quando ocorremas mais altas temperaturas, os genÛtipos Maratao„ e Canapu apresentaramas menores produtividades, nos dois experimentos. Foi observada diferenÁaestatÌstica significativa (p<0,01) para a interaÁ„o genÛtipo*ambiente, paraos dois experimentos. Duas linhagens tipo ëCanapuí e trÍs de porte ereto ecrescimento determinado, de diferentes cores, foram selecionadas paraavaliaÁ„o em macroparcelas em v·rios ambientes, visando ‡ recomendaÁ„ode cultivares para a regi„o do Vale do S„o Francisco.bitstream/item/17894/1/Boletim-de-Pesquisa.pd

    Avaliação de três acessos de Paspalum e dois cultivares (capim pojuca e Brachiaria decumbens) quanto à capacidade de rebrota.

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    No Brasil, o gênero Paspalum se destaca dentre as gramíneas com potencial forrageiro. A ampliação da variabilidade genética das forrageiras permite tornar os sistemas de produção animal menos vulneráveis às variações do ecossistema. O acúmulo de matéria seca em pastagens estabelecidas advém do aumento das áreas foliares que, conseqüentemente, incrementam a produção de assimilados, bem como de acréscimo do número de perfilhos e elevação dos entre nós [1]. O objetivo deste experimento foi avaliar a taxa de alongamento foliar de acessos do gênero Paspalum sp

    Acute segmental renal infarction due to factor V Leiden

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    OBJECTIVE: Renal infarction is rare and has variable clinical presentations causing diagnostic difficulties. Although most renal infarctions are caused by an obvious thromboembolic factor some are only explained by hereditary or acquired thrombophilia. The authors present a case of segmental renal infarction associated with factor V Leiden. METHODS/ RESULTS: A 48-year-old man presented with right flank pain that was unresponsive to analgesia for renal colic. CT scan was performed revealing a partial renal infarction. The etiologic study was only positive to factor V Leiden. In spite of the diagnosis and treatment it resulted in atrophy of the affected renal area. CONCLUSIONS: Renal infarction can be a presentation of thrombophilia that should be searched in the absence of an obvious embolic factor. Renal CT scan is the best way to a rapid diagnosis and treatment

    Stepwise API usage assistance using n-gram language models

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    Reusing software involves learning third-party APIs, a process that is often time-consuming and error-prone. Recommendation systems for API usage assistance based on statistical models built from source code corpora are capable of assisting API users through code completion mechanisms in IDEs. A valid sequence of API calls involving different types may be regarded as a well-formed sentence of tokens from the API vocabulary. In this article we describe an approach for recommending subsequent tokens to complete API sentences using n-gram language models built from source code corpora. The provided system was integrated in the code completion facilities of the Eclipse IDE, providing contextualized completion proposals for Java taking into account the nearest lines of code. The approach was evaluated against existing client code of four widely used APIs, revealing that in more than 90% of the cases the expected subsequent token is within the 10-top-most proposals of our models. The high score provides evidence that the recommendations could help on API learning and exploration, namely through the assistance on writing valid API sentences.info:eu-repo/semantics/submittedVersio