143 research outputs found
Reflexiones sobre el aprendizaje-servicio en la educación superior europea
Over the last two decades, there has been a growing emphasis on the transformation of higher education within Europe. The promotion of active and democratic citizenship through formal higher education is a primary concern. Service-learning (SL) has proven to be a powerful didactic methodology for achieving these ideals. The objective of this paper is to highlight some reflections that permeate SL european experiences, published in the European Observatory of Service-Learning in Higher Education, between January 2020 and September 2021. The counting and percentages of the valued attitudes of SL experiences were collected to explore the guiding philosophy, historical roots, purposes, and underpinning features of SL, contextual factors affecting the practice of SL in the partner institutions and countries, and future challenges and opportunities. Conclusionsfocus onSLgrowth and mainstreaming; SL as a core strategic pillar for developing deeper community-higher education partnerships and for strengthening civic engagement across higher education; the need to develop future research to explore these connections and the potential that SLcan play in terms of increased civic, work-life and theoretical understandings and skillsDurante las últimas dos décadas, ha habido un énfasis creciente en la transformación de la educación superior en Europa. La promoción de una ciudadanía activa y democrática a través de la educación superior formal es una preocupación primordial. El aprendizaje-servicio (ApS) ha demostrado ser una poderosa metodología didáctica para lograr estos ideales. El objetivo de este trabajo es resaltar algunas reflexiones que impregnan las experiencias europeas de ApS, publicadas en el Observatorio Europeo de Aprendizaje-Servicio en EducaciónSuperior, entre enero de 2020 y septiembre de 2021. Se recogieron los recuentos y porcentajes de las actitudes valoradas de las experiencias de ApS,explorandola filosofía rectora, las raíces históricas, los propósitos y las características fundamentalesdel ApS, los factores contextuales que afectan la práctica delApSen las instituciones y países socios, y los desafíos y oportunidades futuras. Las conclusiones se centran en el crecimiento y la integración del ApS; el ApScomo un pilar estratégico central para desarrollar asociaciones más profundas entre la comunidad y la educación superior y para fortalecer el compromiso cívico en la educación superior; la necesidad de desarrollar investigaciones futuras para explorar estas conexiones y el potencial que el ApSpuede jugar en términos de una mayor comprensión y habilidades cívicas, laborales y teóricasDurant les dues últimes dècades, hi ha hagut un èmfasi creixent en la transformacióde l'educaciósuperior a Europa. La promocióde la ciutadania activa i democràtica a través de l'educaciósuperior formal és una preocupacióprimordial. L'aprenentatge servei (ApS) ha demostrat ser una potent metodologia didàctica per assolir aquests ideals. L'objectiu d'aquest article és destacar algunes reflexions que impregnen les experiències europees d'ApS, publicades a l'Observatori Europeu de l'Aprenentatge-Servei al'EducacióSuperior, entre gener de 2020 i setembre de 2021. El recompte i els percentatges de les actituds valorades de les experiències d'ApS es van recollir per explorar la filosofia rectora, les arrels històriques, els propòsits i les característiques subjacents de l’ApS, els factors contextuals que afecten la pràctica de l’ApSa les institucions i països associats, i els reptes i oportunitats futurs. Les conclusions se centren en el creixement de l’ApS; l’ApScom a pilar estratègic bàsic per desenvolupar associacions més profundes entre la comunitat i l'educaciósuperior i per enfortir el compromís cívic en l'educaciósuperior; la necessitat de desenvolupar investigacions futures per explorar aquestes connexions i el potencial que l'ApSpot tenir en termes d'augment de les competències i habilitats cíviques, laborals i teòrique
Reflexiones sobre el aprendizaje-servicio en la educación superior europea
Over the last two decades, there has been a growing emphasis on the transformation of higher education within Europe. The promotion of active and democratic citizenship through formal higher education is a primary concern. Service-learning (SL) has proven to be a powerful didactic methodology for achieving these ideals. The objective of this paper is to highlight some reflections that permeate SL european experiences, published in the European Observatory of Service-Learning in Higher Education, between January 2020 and September 2021. The counting and percentages of the valued attitudes of SL experiences were collected to explore the guiding philosophy, historical roots, purposes, and underpinning features of SL, contextual factors affecting the practice of SL in the partner institutions and countries, and future challenges and opportunities. Conclusionsfocus onSLgrowth and mainstreaming; SL as a core strategic pillar for developing deeper community-higher education partnerships and for strengthening civic engagement across higher education; the need to develop future research to explore these connections and the potential that SLcan play in terms of increased civic, work-life and theoretical understandings and skillsDurante las últimas dos décadas, ha habido un énfasis creciente en la transformación de la educación superior en Europa. La promoción de una ciudadanía activa y democrática a través de la educación superior formal es una preocupación primordial. El aprendizaje-servicio (ApS) ha demostrado ser una poderosa metodología didáctica para lograr estos ideales. El objetivo de este trabajo es resaltar algunas reflexiones que impregnan las experiencias europeas de ApS, publicadas en el Observatorio Europeo de Aprendizaje-Servicio en EducaciónSuperior, entre enero de 2020 y septiembre de 2021. Se recogieron los recuentos y porcentajes de las actitudes valoradas de las experiencias de ApS,explorandola filosofía rectora, las raíces históricas, los propósitos y las características fundamentalesdel ApS, los factores contextuales que afectan la práctica delApSen las instituciones y países socios, y los desafíos y oportunidades futuras. Las conclusiones se centran en el crecimiento y la integración del ApS; el ApScomo un pilar estratégico central para desarrollar asociaciones más profundas entre la comunidad y la educación superior y para fortalecer el compromiso cívico en la educación superior; la necesidad de desarrollar investigaciones futuras para explorar estas conexiones y el potencial que el ApSpuede jugar en términos de una mayor comprensión y habilidades cívicas, laborales y teóricasDurant les dues últimes dècades, hi ha hagut un èmfasi creixent en la transformacióde l'educaciósuperior a Europa. La promocióde la ciutadania activa i democràtica a través de l'educaciósuperior formal és una preocupacióprimordial. L'aprenentatge servei (ApS) ha demostrat ser una potent metodologia didàctica per assolir aquests ideals. L'objectiu d'aquest article és destacar algunes reflexions que impregnen les experiències europees d'ApS, publicades a l'Observatori Europeu de l'Aprenentatge-Servei al'EducacióSuperior, entre gener de 2020 i setembre de 2021. El recompte i els percentatges de les actituds valorades de les experiències d'ApS es van recollir per explorar la filosofia rectora, les arrels històriques, els propòsits i les característiques subjacents de l’ApS, els factors contextuals que afecten la pràctica de l’ApSa les institucions i països associats, i els reptes i oportunitats futurs. Les conclusions se centren en el creixement de l’ApS; l’ApScom a pilar estratègic bàsic per desenvolupar associacions més profundes entre la comunitat i l'educaciósuperior i per enfortir el compromís cívic en l'educaciósuperior; la necessitat de desenvolupar investigacions futures per explorar aquestes connexions i el potencial que l'ApSpot tenir en termes d'augment de les competències i habilitats cíviques, laborals i teòrique
Ethnomuseology: from collection to exhibition.
Anthropologists attached to museum often wonder: what is the point of badly documented kept ethnographic collections, piled up in dusty museum back-rooms, threatened by mildew and termite infestation? It is true that they represent the heritage American aborigènes left to the nations built upon their territory. However, how to extract from these bumb objects, lacking any subsidiary data, some scientific, cultural and symbolic information? This article inquires answers to some of these questions.Antropólogos ligados a museus questionam: de que valem coleções etnográficas mal documentadas e mal conservadas, acumuladas em reservas técnicas poeirentas, ameaçadas de mofo e infestação de cupim? Representam, é certo, o acervo dos aborígines americanos legado à Nação que se construiu sobre seu território. Como extrair, porém, informação científica, cultural e simbólica de objetos mudos, carentes de dados mínimos para subsidiá-los? Este artigo busca respostas para algumas dessas questões
B-Learning : o Ensino Secundário Recorrente entre dois modelos : um estudo com estudantes do curso multimédia de uma escola de Lisboa
Dissertação de Mestrado em Supervisão Pedagógica apresentada à Universidade AbertaAs mudanças que ocorreram no mundo e na sociedade, nos últimos anos, assim como a integração das Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TIC) em todos os aspectos da vida actual têm implicações ao nível do ensino e da actuação de todos os intervenientes no processo ensino aprendizagem. O estudo B-Learning: o Ensino Secundário Recorrente Entre Dois Modelos, analisa o modelo de ensino/aprendizagem semi-presencial e misto, estudando o modo como são utilizadas plataformas de aprendizagem Learning Managing System (LMS) por estudantes adultos do ensino secundário recorrente com o intuito de compreender como é perspectivado por estes intervenientes o modelo de ensino/aprendizagem semi-presencial e misto - b-learning (blended learning).
A investigação foi realizada junto de uma comunidade educativa do ensino secundário recorrente que frequentou no ano lectivo 2006/2007, numa escola da zona oriental de Lisboa, os décimo, décimo primeiro e décimo segundo anos do Curso de Multimédia no modelo de ensino presencial, com a possibilidade de utilizar uma plataforma de aprendizagem – Dokeos e/ou Moodle – no âmbito dos trabalhos de algumas disciplinas, o que possibilitou realizar algumas actividades didácticas a distância na modalidade b-learning, implicando por parte dos professores intervenientes uma mudança na sua forma de actuação, mais como um supervisor promotor de diferentes estratégias de aprendizagem junto desta comunidade, permitindo deste modo o acompanhamento das actividades por parte dos estudantes com problemas de assiduidade e contribuindo para o seu sucesso educativo.
A revisão da literatura permitiu verificar que já foram realizadas algumas actividades neste âmbito, a nível nacional, assim como possibilitou realizar uma reflexão sobre a utilização das plataformas de ensino aprendizagem junto de alunos do ensino secundário recorrente. Para o efeito, recorreu-se a instrumentos de natureza quantitativa – questionário – e de natureza qualitativa – entrevista. Os resultados revelaram a importância destes recursos informáticos para a motivação e sucesso escolar dos estudantes adultos e, principalmente, como factor determinante para não abandonarem os estudos.The changes that occurred in the world and in the society, in the last years, and the integration of Information and Communication Technologies (TIC) in all aspects of the current life have implications in the way of teaching and acting of all the actors of the teaching and learning process. The b-Learning: o Ensino Secundário Recorrente Entre Dois Modelos study, analyses the semi-presential and mixt teaching and learning model, studying the way that Learning Managing System (LMS) are used by adult students of the secondary school, with the goal of understand how the b-learning (blended learning) model is perspectivated by these intervinients.
The investigation was realized with a learning communities of secondary students that have studied in the years 2006/2007, in one school of the eastern side of Lisbon, on the 10th, 11th and 12th grade of a Multimedia course by the presential model of teaching, with the possibility of using the Learning Managing System – Dokeos and/or Moodle – on the activities of some subjects, giving the possibilities of realizing some didactic activities at distance in the b-learning model, and involving the teachers in a change of their way of acting, more like a supervisor promoting different learning strategies near this community, permitting by this way, to the students with difficulties to be present in school to survey the learning activities, and helping them in their learning success.
Literature revision allowed to verify that some activities like this one were made, in Portugal, and made possible doing a reflection about the using of Learning Managing Systems near the secondary adult students. For this study were used quantitative nature instruments – questionnaire – and qualitative nature – interview. The results revealed the importance of this informatic resources for the motivation and scholar success of the adult students and, most of all, the determinant factor that helped students to not give up school and their studie
Resposta da amendoeira a diferentes estratégias de rega na região de Trás-os-Montes: rendimento e eficiência do uso da água
Nas regiões de clima mediterrânico onde a amendoeira tem uma grande expressão em termos
de área cultivada e importância económica, as secas sazonais que ocorrem durante parte do seu
ciclo vegetativo são frequentes e responsáveis por quebras elevadas do rendimento. Apesar de a
amendoeira ser uma espécie tolerante à seca, não há dúvidas de que a rega é um factor crítico para
o aumento da produtividade e qualidade da amêndoa. As limitações em termos de disponibilidade
de água, que tenderão a agravar-se no contexto das alterações climáticas, obrigarão os produtores
a lidar com a escassez de água através da implementação de estratégias de rega deficitária que
conduzam a um aumento da eficiência do uso da água.Este trabalho foi realizado no âmbito do projeto PRODER 54610 - Estratégias
integradas para o aumento da produtividade da amendoeira em Trás-os-Montes, financiado pelo
Programa de Desenvolvimento Rural (PRODER) no âmbito da medida 4.1 - Cooperação para a
Inovação (Apoio à Inovação na Agricultura, Agroindústria e Floresta).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Effects of foliar and soil boron fertilization on yield, leaf physiological traits and fruit attributes in rainfed almond orchards
Boron (B) fertilizers are recognized as essential for ensuring yield and fruit quality. However,
the importance of soil and foliar B fertilization in almond orchards under rainfed conditions is
presently unclear. To address this literature gap, in the present study, the impact of soil and foliar
application of B on leaf gas exchange, leaf photosynthetic pigments, yield, and fruit quality in
almonds was investigated across three consecutive growing seasons. Boron fertilizer was applied to
the soil at four rates (0, 1, 2, and 3 kg ha−1) in the presence or absence of foliar application (0.36 g L−1)
of the same micronutrient. Borax pentahydrate was used as the B source. When compared to foliar
B fertilization, the soil application of B positively affected the gas exchange parameters, mainly
the net CO2 assimilation rate, stomatal conductance, and transpiration rate (percentage of gain
between 15% and 80%), but did not influence the chlorophyll content. The almond yield and fruit
characteristics were also enhanced (about 25–72%) in response to lower soil B fertilization rates. In
the 3 kg ha−1 dose, B had an adverse effect on the yield and resulted in lighter fruits. On the other
hand, foliar B fertilization did not benefit any of the evaluated parameters. Overall, these results
suggest that, under the studied conditions, almond orchards do not respond to higher B rates in soil
or foliar B fertilization.This research work was funded by the project “Estratégias integradas para o aumento da
produtividade da amendoeira em Trás-os-Montes”, no. 54611, funded by the EAFRD (European
Agricultural Fund for Rural Development), and by the Portuguese State through the “Medida
4.1. Cooperação para a Inovação do programa PRODER-Programa de Desenvolvimento Rural”.
The authors also acknowledge to the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal) and
FEDER under Programme PT2020 for financial support to CIMO (UIDB/00690/2020) and CITAB
Ecklonia maxima and glycine-betaine-based biostimulants improve blueberry yield and quality
The consumption of blueberries has increased in recent years due to their excellent flavor and high antioxidant activity, which promote human well-being and health. Several sustainable cultural practices, such as biostimulants, have been applied to increase crop performance. The pre-harvest foliar application of two doses of a biostimulant based on the macroalgae Ecklonia maxima (EM), two doses of a glycine–betaine (GB) biostimulant, and two doses of the combination of the biostimulants in ‘Duke’ and ‘Draper’ blueberry cultivars in 2022 and 2023 were studied. The application of 4 L ha−1 EM significantly increased the yield of ‘Draper’ blueberries, while the same occurred in ‘Duke’ fruits treated with 4 L ha−1 EM + 4 kg ha−1 GB. The blueberries sprayed with both doses of EM + GB were heavier and larger. ‘Duke’ fruits treated with EM were firmer and, following 4 L ha−1 EM + 4 kg ha−1 GB treatment, presented a lower concentration of organic acids, determined by HPLC, greater sensorial sweetness, and lower acidity. Therefore, these biostimulants are recommended for a more environmentally friendly production perspective, as they may increase blueberry yield and improve fruit quality.This work was supported by National Funds from FCT—Portuguese Foundation for Science
and Technology, MCTES, and FSE, grant number 2021.07171.BD, and under the projects UIDB/04033/2020
(https://doi.org/10.54499/UIDB/04033/2020) (CITAB), LA/P/0126/2020 (Inov4Agro), UIDB/04469/2020
(CEB) and LA/P/0029/2020 (LABBELS—Associate Laboratory in Biotechnology, Bioengineering,
and Microelectromechanical Systems).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Combined soil and foliar nitrogen fertilization effects on rainfed almond tree performance
Cultivation of almond in the Mediterranean region is traditionally done under rainfed conditions and poorly established cropping practices resulting in low yields. Despite the importance of nitrogen (N) fertilization to increase yield in cultivated species, this practice is usually neglected in rainfed managed almond orchards. Selection of the most appropriate rate and method of nitrogen (N) application are utmost factors to maximize almond yield in the considered conditions. Therefore, the aim of this study was to understand how soil and foliar N fertilization affect physiological and biochemical performance, almond yield, and fruit quality of almond trees grown under rainfed conditions. A 3-year experiment comprised four soil-applied N rates (0, 25, 50, and 100 kg ha−1) with and without 0.5% foliar N application of urea during the growing season, which was arranged in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Nitrogen soil fertilization did not influence the leaf gas exchange parameters and the content of photosynthetic pigments but significantly improved almond yield. There were no particular advantages in foliar fertilization. Soil application of small doses of fertilizer (e.g., 25 kg N ha−1) per year was optimal for maintaining appropriate physiological behavior of almond trees under the conditions in which the experiment was carried out, without compromise almond yield and fruit quality. Thus, the annual application at 25 kg N ha−1 enables substantial reduction of almond production costs being a positive contribution to environment-friendly farming practices.The authors acknowledge the financial support of the
European Agricultural and Rural development fund (FEADER) under the
Project “Estratégias Integradas para o aumento da produtividade da
amendoeira em Trás-os-Montes n° 54611,” and by Portuguese State
through the “Medida 4.1. Cooperação para a Inovação do programa
PRODER - Programa de Desenvolvimento Rural.” Maria Morais,
Alfredo Aires, Berta Gonçalves, and Ana Silva acknowledge the support
of the National Funds by FCT—Portuguese Foundation for Science and
Technology, under the project UID/AGR/04033/2020. David Barreales,
Manuel Rodrigues, and António Ribeiro are grateful to the Foundation
for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal) for financial support by
national funds FCT/MCTES to CIMO (UID/AGR/00690/2018). The authors
are also grateful to Ana Monteiro, Cristiana Teixeira, Iva Prgomet,
Ivo Oliveira, Linton Dinis, Sara Bernardo, Sílvia Afonso, and Silvina
Morais for their support in the field and in the laboratory.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Physiological and biochemical performance of almond trees under deficit irrigation
The almond tree is generally recognized as drought-tolerant, though it depends on water resources to achieve
high yields. During the summer months of two consecutive years, several physiological and biochemical parameters
were observed, to understand the almond tree’s seasonal sensitivity and behavior under different irrigation
strategies based on crop evapotranspiration (ETc): T100 optimal water requirement regime (applying
100% ETc); T70 and T35 sustained deficit irrigation regimes (applying 70% and 35% ETc); T100-35 regulated
deficit irrigation regime (reducing the application to 35% ETc during fruit filling stage); and T0 (rainfed). The
total leaf chlorophyll and carotenoid reduction in T0 and T35 treatments was significant compared to T100-35.
Leaf soluble proteins and total soluble sugar contents were significantly higher in non-irrigated trees compared
to other treatments, while the starch content showed the opposite trend. Rainfed trees were under obvious water
stress, displaying the lowest values for relative water content (RWC), stomatal conductance (gs), photosynthetic
rate (A), and transpiration rate (E), and the highest for intrinsic water use efficiency (A/gs). Plant hormones
(ABA and IAA) generally accumulated more in non-irrigated trees. The almond tree has been confirmed as a
drought-tolerant species, and when water is scarce, reducing the water application to 35% ETc during fruit filling
stage, results in no yield losses, and the plant status remains unstressed. However, to get the maximum crop
potential, in years and areas where water is not restricted, full irrigation requirements have been shown to boost
almond tree performance.IP acknowledges the financial support provided by the FCTPortuguese
Foundation for Science and Technology (SFRH/BD/52539/
2014), under the Doctoral Programme “Agricultural Production Chains
– from fork to farm” (PD/00122/2012). This work was also supported
by National Funds by FCT - Portuguese Foundation for Science and
Technology, under the project UID/AGR/04033/2019 and by the project
PRODER “Estratégias Integradas para o aumento da produtividade da
amendoeira em Trás-os-Montes, nº 54611. 2014 a 2018. The authors wish
to acknowledge the help and support provided during field and laboratory
work by Ana Monteiro, Cristiana Teixeira, Helena Ferreira, Ivo
Oliveira, Linton Dinis, Sara Bernardo, Silvia Afonso, and Silvina Morais,
and thank João Santos and Chenyao Yang for help with climate data.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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