7 research outputs found

    Caracterización de la fauna de vertebrados atropellada en la carretera br 174, amazonas, brasil

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    The pavement of highway BR-174 in the year of 1996, favored the development of economic activity and development the town. However, that road it dammed courses d' water and in this time, his margins were busy by peoples, bathers and by communities, giving initiate to the colonization and occupation of the same one. The wild fauna had his divided territory by the trail of asphalt, which way vehicles for the town of Presidente Figueiredo, for Roraima and to for the Venezuela. The present study had for objective, study the impact of the Highway BR- 174 about the fauna of vertebrates in road Manaus - President Figueiredo, in the State of the Amazon. They were carried out 111 surveys, in the period of March of 2003 to March of 2005. The animals knocked down were identified with use a guide of field, noted the equivalent kilometers and the date. As they turned out, twenty-seven species of wild animals were knocked down and dead, being that the more reached were to Common Opossum Didelphis marsupialis, (129 individuals), dog Canis lupus familiaris (23), Collared Anteater Tamandua tetradactyla and the Giant Marine Toad Rhinella marina, Coragyps atratus, (22 each), vulture (9) and the cat Felix catus (8). For it reduce and low the impact of that highway about the native fauna, is urgent the need of be established signals and limits of speed in the local of bigger incidence of accidents and promote a campaign of education for the traffic in that highway.La pavimentación de la carretera BR-174, en 1996 ayudó a incrementar la actividad económica y el desarrollo del municipio. Sin embargo, esta carretera represó ríos y con el tiempo, sus márgenes fueron ocupadas por los agricultores, los bañistas y de las comunidades, dando origen a la colonización y la ocupación de los mismos. La fauna tuvo su territorio dividido por una pista de asfalto, donde los vehículos viajan a la ciudad de Presidente Figueiredo, al estado de Roraima hasta Venezuela. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo estudiar el impacto de la carretera BR-174 en la fauna de vertebrados en el tramo entre las ciudades de Manaus y Presidente Figueiredo, ambas situadas en el estado de Amazonas. Fueron realizadas 111 expediciones durante el período de marzo 2003 al marzo 2005. Los animales atropellados fueron identificados utilizando guías de campo, con anotaciones de la fecha y su distancia equivalente en kilómetros. Fueron registrados 27 especies de animales silvestres atropellados y muertos. Los más afectados fueron la gamba Didelphis marsupialis (129 individuales), perros domésticos Canis lupus familiaris (23), hormiguero de collar Tamandua tetradactyla (22), sapo grande Rhinella marina (22), buitre Coragyps atratus (9) y el gato doméstico Felix catus (8).Para reducir y minimizar el impacto de la carretera sobre la fauna nativa, 293 existe una necesidad urgente de establecer indicadores, limitadores de velocidad en los lugares de mayor incidencia de accidentes y promover una campaña de educación para el tránsito por esta carretera

    Direct evidence for phosphorus limitation on Amazon forest productivity

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    The productivity of rainforests growing on highly weathered tropical soils is expected to be limited by phosphorus availability1. Yet, controlled fertilization experiments have been unable to demonstrate a dominant role for phosphorus in controlling tropical forest net primary productivity. Recent syntheses have demonstrated that responses to nitrogen addition are as large as to phosphorus2, and adaptations to low phosphorus availability appear to enable net primary productivity to be maintained across major soil phosphorus gradients3. Thus, the extent to which phosphorus availability limits tropical forest productivity is highly uncertain. The majority of the Amazonia, however, is characterized by soils that are more depleted in phosphorus than those in which most tropical fertilization experiments have taken place2. Thus, we established a phosphorus, nitrogen and base cation addition experiment in an old growth Amazon rainforest, with a low soil phosphorus content that is representative of approximately 60% of the Amazon basin. Here we show that net primary productivity increased exclusively with phosphorus addition. After 2 years, strong responses were observed in fine root (+29%) and canopy productivity (+19%), but not stem growth. The direct evidence of phosphorus limitation of net primary productivity suggests that phosphorus availability may restrict Amazon forest responses to CO2 fertilization4, with major implications for future carbon sequestration and forest resilience to climate change.The authors acknowledge funding from the UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), grant number NE/L007223/1. This is publication 850 in the technical series of the BDFFP. C.A.Q. acknowledges the grants from Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) CNPq/LBA 68/2013, CNPq/MCTI/FNDCT no. 18/2021 and his productivity grant. C.A.Q., H.F.V.C., F.D.S., I.A., L.F.L., E.O.M. and S.G. acknowledge the AmazonFACE programme for financial support in cooperation with Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) and the National Institute of Amazonian Research as part of the grants CAPES-INPA/88887.154643/2017-00 and 88881.154644/2017-01. T.F.D. acknowledges funds from FundacAo de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de SAo Paulo (FAPESP), grant 2015/50488-5, and the Partnership for Enhanced Engagement in Research (PEER) programme grant AID-OAA-A-11-00012. L.E.O.C.A. thanks CNPq (314416/2020-0)

    Representation of phosphorus cycle in Joint UK Land Environment Simulator (vn5.5_JULES-CNP)

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    Most land surface models (LSMs), the land components of Earth system models (ESMs), include representation of N limitation on ecosystem productivity. However only few of these models have incorporated phosphorus (P) cycling. In tropical ecosystems, this is likely to be particularly important as N tends to be abundant but the availability of rock-derived elements, such as P, can be very low. Thus, without a representation of P cycling, tropical forest response in areas such as Amazonia to rising atmospheric CO2 conditions remains highly uncertain. In this study, we introduced P dynamics and its interactions with the N and carbon (C) cycles into the Joint UK Land Environment Simulator (JULES). The new model (JULES-CNP) includes the representation of P stocks in vegetation and soil pools, as well as key processes controlling fluxes between these pools. We evaluate JULES-CNP at the Amazon nutrient fertilization experiment (AFEX), a low fertility site, representative of about 60 % of Amazon soils. We apply the model under ambient CO2 and elevated CO2. The model is able to reproduce the observed plant and soil P pools and fluxes under ambient CO2. We estimate P to limit net primary productivity (NPP) by 24 % under current CO2 and by 46 % under elevated CO2. Under elevated CO2, biomass in simulations accounting for CNP increase by 10 % relative to at contemporary CO2, although it is 5 % lower compared with CN and C-only simulations. Our results highlight the potential for high P limitation and therefore lower CO2 fertilization capacity in the Amazon forest with low fertility soils

    Direct evidence for phosphorus limitation on Amazon forest productivity

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    The productivity of rainforests growing on highly weathered tropical soils is expected to be limited by phosphorus availability1. Yet, controlled fertilization experiments have been unable to demonstrate a dominant role for phosphorus in controlling tropical forest net primary productivity. Recent syntheses have demonstrated that responses to nitrogen addition are as large as to phosphorus2, and adaptations to low phosphorus availability appear to enable net primary productivity to be maintained across major soil phosphorus gradients3. Thus, the extent to which phosphorus availability limits tropical forest productivity is highly uncertain. The majority of the Amazonia, however, is characterized by soils that are more depleted in phosphorus than those in which most tropical fertilization experiments have taken place2. Thus, we established a phosphorus, nitrogen and base cation addition experiment in an old growth Amazon rainforest, with a low soil phosphorus content that is representative of approximately 60% of the Amazon basin. Here we show that net primary productivity increased exclusively with phosphorus addition. After 2 years, strong responses were observed in fine root (+29%) and canopy productivity (+19%), but not stem growth. The direct evidence of phosphorus limitation of net primary productivity suggests that phosphorus availability may restrict Amazon forest responses to CO2 fertilization4, with major implications for future carbon sequestration and forest resilience to climate change

    Produção e teor de nutrientes da liteira fina de capoeiras em terra preta de índio e solos adjacentes

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    The Amazonian Dark Earths (ADE) are stains of soils found in the so hole Amazon basin, mainly at the margins of the large rivers. They were likely originated the deposition for long periods of organic residues produced by the activities of pre- Columbian populations, living in old indigenous groupings, and production such anthropic soils, locally called Terra Preta de Índio . These soils are rich in nutrients (P, Ca, Mg and micronutrients) and, due to their fertility, are of great local importance, for small-holders agricultural production. Together with ADE generally occurs the Terra Mulata (TM), a transition between ADE and the adjacent soils of mineral origin, usually classified as Yellow Latosols (LA) (Oxisols). To study the dynamics of the fine litter in second growth (capoeiras) in 20 year-old on anthropogenic soils repeated plots in ADE, TM and LA measuring of 20 x 80 m were installed at four different locations: Manaus, Iranduba Rio Preto da Eva and Rio Urubu (All in Central Amazon). Fine litter fall was sampled every two weeks during the year of 2005, and the litter layer on soil surface at 3 month intervals. In the dry season a soil sampling (0-30 cm) was made for characterizing chemically the soil upper layers. Fine litter was sorted into components oven-dried at 65º during 72 hours, weighed and grinded. Soil and litter were analyzed at Thematic Laboratory for Soils and Plants, at INPA, where they determined macro and micronutrients. The results confirmed larger concentrations of nutrients in the anthropogenic soils when compared to LA, mainly for P, Ca, Mg, Cu, Mn and Zn. Exchangeable Al, H+ Al and Fe largest concentrations were found in the adjacent LA. The largest fine litter productions were found for the capoeiras in ADE and TM, except for the site located in Manaus. All capoeiras presented larger fine litter production during the dry season. The largest coefficient of decomposition for the litter layer (kL) was shown at the plots in ADE and TM. There were positive relationships among nutrients in the soil and nutrients in the fine litter for the upper soil layer (0-10 cm) mainly at the anthropogenic soils.As Terras Pretas de Índio (TP) são manchas de solos encontradas em toda bacia amazônica, sua origem está relacionada à deposição, por longos períodos, de resíduos produzidos pelas atividades de populações pré-colombianas nestas áreas, que no passado foram antigas aldeias indígenas. Estes solos de origem antrópica são ricos em macronutrientes como (P, Ca, Mg) e micronutrientes (Cu,Mn e Zn) e, devido à sua fertilidade têm grande importância local para a produção de alimentos por pequenos produtores, que praticam uma agricultura em escala familiar. Juntamente com as TP são encontradas as Terras Mulatas (TM), uma transição entre as TP e os solos adjacentes de origem mineral, geralmente classificados como Latossolos Amarelos (LA). Com o objetivo de conhecer às características químicas destes solos, e de entender melhor a dinâmica da liteira fina de capoeiras com 20 anos de idade, sobre esses solos antrópicos (TP e TM) e em solos adjacentes, foram instaladas parcelas de 20 x 80 m em TP, TM e LA em quatro sítios: Encontro das águas (EA), em Manaus, Lago Grande (LG) em Iranduba, Rio Preto (RP) e Rio Urubu (RU) em Rio Preto da Eva. As coletas de liteira fina foram realizadas a cada 15 dias durante o ano de 2005 e a camada de liteira sobre o solo foi medida com intervalos de 3 meses. Na estação seca, foi realizada a coleta dos solos com a finalidade de caracterizar quimicamente os mesmos. A liteira coletada foi triada, levada à estufa a 65º C por 72 horas, pesada e moída. O solo e a liteira fina foram analisados quimicamente para determinação de macro e micronutrientes. Os resultados comprovaram um maior teor de nutrientes nos solos antrópicos quando comparados aos LA adjacentes, principalmente para P, Ca, Mg, Cu, Mn e Zn.Os maiores teores de Al trocável, H+Al e Fe foram verificados no LA adjacente. Houve maior produção de liteira fina nos meses da estação seca e as maiores produções anuais ocorreram nas capoeiras sobre TP e TM, com exceção do sítio EA. A liteira fina produzida dos solos antrópicos apresentou os maiores teores de N, P, Ca, Mg Cu e Mn. A decomposição mais acelerada da liteira (maiores coeficientes de decomposição -kL) foram verificadas nos Tratamentos em TP e TM. Para P, K, Ca, Mg foi verificada relações significativas entre os nutrientes da camada superficial do solo e nutrientes da liteira fina das parcelas de TP e TM não havendo significânciapara o nitrogênio

    Caracterização da fauna de vertebrados atropelada na rodovia BR 174, Amazonas, Brasil

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    The pavement of highway BR-174 in the year of 1996, favored the development of economic activity and development the town. However, that road it dammed courses d' water and in this time, his margins were busy by peoples, bathers and by communities, giving initiate to the colonization and occupation of the same one. The wild fauna had his divided territory by the trail of asphalt, which way vehicles for the town of Presidente Figueiredo, for Roraima and to for the Venezuela. The present study had for objective, study the impact of the Highway BR- 174 about the fauna of vertebrates in road Manaus - President Figueiredo, in the State of the Amazon. They were carried out 111 surveys, in the period of March of 2003 to March of 2005. The animals knocked down were identified with use a guide of field, noted the equivalent kilometers and the date. As they turned out, twenty-seven species of wild animals were knocked down and dead, being that the more reached were to Common Opossum Didelphis marsupialis, (129 individuals), dog Canis lupus familiaris (23), Collared Anteater Tamandua tetradactyla and the Giant Marine Toad Rhinella marina, Coragyps atratus, (22 each), vulture (9) and the cat Felix catus (8). For it reduce and low the impact of that highway about the native fauna, is urgent the need of be established signals and limits of speed in the local of bigger incidence of accidents and promote a campaign of education for the traffic in that highway.O asfaltamento da rodovia BR-174 no ano de 1996 favoreceu o incremento da atividade econômica e o desenvolvimento do município. No entanto, essa estrada represou cursos de água e com o tempo, suas margens foram ocupadas por sitiantes, banhistas e por comunidades, dando inicio à colonização e ocupação da mesma. A fauna silvestre teve seu território dividido pela pista de asfalto, por onde trafegam veículos para o município de Presidente Figueiredo, para Roraima e até para a Venezuela. O presente estudo teve por objetivo, estudar o impacto da Rodovia BR- 174 sobre a fauna de vertebrados no trecho Manaus - Presidente Figueiredo, no Estado do Amazonas. Foram realizados 111 expedições, no período de março de 2003 a março de 2005. Os animais atropelados foram identificados com uso de guias de campo, registrando a data e o quilômetro equivalente. Como resultado, vinte e sete espécies de animais silvestres foram atropelados e mortos, sendo que as mais atingidas foram a mucura (Didelphis marsupialis, 129 indivíduos), cachorro-doméstico (Canis lupus familiaris, 23), tamanduá-mambira (Tamandua tetradactyla) e o sapo-cururu (Rhinella marina, 22 cada), urubu-de-cabeça-preta (Coragyps atratus, 9) e o gato-doméstico (Felix catus, 8). Para reduzir e minimizar o impacto dessa rodovia sobre a fauna nativa, urge a necessidade de se estabelecer sinalizadores, limitadores de velocidade nos locais de maior incidência de acidentes e promover uma campanha de educação para o trânsito nessa rodovia.La pavimentación de la carretera BR-174, en 1996 ayudó a incrementar la actividad económica y el desarrollo del municipio. Sin embargo, esta carretera represó ríos y con el tiempo, sus márgenes fueron ocupadas por los agricultores, los bañistas y de las comunidades, dando origen a la colonización y la ocupación de los mismos. La fauna tuvo su territorio dividido por una pista de asfalto, donde los vehículos viajan a la ciudad de Presidente Figueiredo, al estado de Roraima hasta Venezuela. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo estudiar el impacto de la carretera BR-174 en la fauna de vertebrados en el tramo entre las ciudades de Manaus y Presidente Figueiredo, ambas situadas en el estado de Amazonas. Fueron realizadas 111 expediciones durante el período de marzo 2003 al marzo 2005. Los animales atropellados fueron identificados utilizando guías de campo, con anotaciones de la fecha y su distancia equivalente en kilómetros. Fueron registrados 27 especies de animales silvestres atropellados y muertos. Los más afectados fueron la gamba Didelphis marsupialis (129 individuales), perros domésticos Canis lupus familiaris (23), hormiguero de collar Tamandua tetradactyla (22), sapo grande Rhinella marina (22), buitre Coragyps atratus (9) y el gato doméstico Felix catus (8).Para reducir y minimizar el impacto de la carretera sobre la fauna nativa, existe una necesidad urgente de establecer indicadores, limitadores de velocidad en los lugares de mayor incidencia de accidentes y promover una campaña de educación para el tránsito por esta carretera