240 research outputs found

    Capitalismo Dependente e Universidade: Crítica à decadência ideológica na América Latina e a atualidade do movimento de Córdoba

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    TCC (Graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Socioeconômico. Serviço Social.Este Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso propõe-se analisar a partir de um estudo teórico bibliográfico a configuração ídeo-teórica e cultural das sociedades latino americanas, com ênfase na problematização do papel da Universidade na reprodução do paradigma cultural e sua particularidade nas sociedades periféricas. Buscamos assim, empreender uma análise do debate da produção sociológica nos países latino-americanos e especificamente no Brasil, com a finalidade de evidenciar a construção de seu paradigma ídeo-teórico e cultural caracterizando a decadência ideológica na América Latina. Nesse percurso concluímos que a Universidade não está estagnada na forma tradicional que se cristalizou em seu surgimento, pelo contrário encontra-se em constante movimento, desse modo consideramos como a principal força renovadora da Universidade latino-americana - o movimento de reforma universitária em Córdoba na Argentina, por isso reivindicamos nesse trabalho a atualidade de seu legado, propondo a atualizar o debate por meio da descrição de duas tendências da Universidade Brasileira Contemporânea. O fio condutor da análise decorre da latinoamericanização do debate, considerando que é imperativo retomarmos uma razão que nos explique a partir da crítica ao capitalismo desde sua particularidade em nossa própria realidade. O referencial-teórico-metodológico deriva, essencialmente, da perspectiva dialética-materialista, em uma dimensão, alinhada com o pensamento das ciências sociais latino-americanas

    The impact of CoRoT on close binary research

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    The space experiment CoRoT will provide continuous monitoring and high accuracy light curves of about sixty thousand stars. Selected binary systems will be observed in the Additional Program frame as targets of long and continuous pointed observations. Moreover, thousands of new binaries will certainly be detected and hundreds of them will have extremely accurate light curves. This will allow studies of fine effects on the light curves, monitoring of stellar activity and, in combination with ground-based observations, will provide exquisite determination of stellar parameters. Among the new discoveries of interesting systems of special value will be those of low mass binaries.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, contribution to "Colse binaries in the 21th century", Syros (Greece), June 2005. To be published by Ap&S

    O desenvolvimento sustentável e a língua portuguesa no 1º CEB

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    mestrado: Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino no 1º Ciclo do Ensino BásicoO presente trabalho foi realizado com uma turma do 4º ano de escolaridade do 1º ciclo do ensino básico e teve como principais objetivos promover a sensibilização à diversidade linguística e cultural em prol do desenvolvimento sustentável e relacionar a sensibilização à diversidade linguística e cultural com as componentes económica e ambiental do desenvolvimento sustentável. Como se trata de uma investigação do tipo investigação-ação, foi possível recolher dados ao longo do projeto de intervenção através da observação, de inquéritos por questionário e trabalhos produzidos pelos/com os alunos. A análise dos dados permitiu concluir que os alunos adquiriram conhecimentos referentes a diversas áreas e desenvolveram práticas positivas relativamente ao consumo responsável, contribuindo assim para uma sociedade mais consciente para os problemas existentes no nosso planeta, mais concretamente ao nível económico e ambiental, relacionando assim as duas dimensões do DS.This work was undertaken with a 4th grade group of students (1st cycle of basic education). The main objectives were to promote linguistic and cultural awareness for a sustainable development and relate the Linguistic and Cultural Awareness with the economic and environmental components of sustainable development. As this is an action research, it was possible to collect data throughout the project intervention through observation, questionnaires, and materials created by/with the students. Data analysis led us to conclude that students developed their knowledge regarding various areas and developed positive practices towards responsible consumption, thus contributing to a better society, being aware of the problems on our planet, more specifically the economic and environmental, by linking the two dimensions of Sustainable Development

    Seed removal by ants in Brazilian savanna: optimizing fieldwork

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    There has been an increase in the number of studies using seed removal by ants to evaluate ecosystem functioning; however, these studies encompassed varying time periods and used different types of seeds. Therefore, our aim was to evaluate differences in the proportion of seeds removed by ants in impacted and non-impacted sites in Brazilian savanna. Furthermore, we evaluated seed removal (1) during the morning and after a 24h period of seed exposure and (2) using natural and artificial seeds (manipulated resource to resemble natural seeds). The proportion of seeds removed was higher after the 24h exposure period (artificial seeds) regardless of site status, and more artificial seeds were removed than natural seeds. Our recommendations regarding sampling period depend on whether evaluating impacted or non-impacted sites. Although seed removal was greater after 24h in both impacted and non-impacted sites, we suggest that research evaluating the proportion of seeds removed in non-impacted sites should be performed only in the morning period to optimize the sampling time (removal of 60% during this period). When the aim is to compare non-impacted and impacted sites, we suggest evaluating after 24h of exposure, since the impacted sites experienced a higher proportion of seed removal during the afternoon and/or night time periods. Furthermore, we recommend the use of artificial seeds because they are easier to obtain and manipulate, and allow us to do comparisons between studies at different regions. We consider these findings an important first step towards standardizing future research on seed removal in Brazilian savannas by facilitating fieldwork and allowing comparisons to be made among different studies

    Introducing CARESSER: A framework for in situ learning robot social assistance from expert knowledge and demonstrations

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    Socially assistive robots have the potential to augment and enhance therapist’s effectiveness in repetitive tasks such as cognitive therapies. However, their contribution has generally been limited as domain experts have not been fully involved in the entire pipeline of the design process as well as in the automatisation of the robots’ behaviour. In this article, we present aCtive leARning agEnt aSsiStive bEhaviouR (CARESSER), a novel framework that actively learns robotic assistive behaviour by leveraging the therapist’s expertise (knowledge-driven approach) and their demonstrations (data-driven approach). By exploiting that hybrid approach, the presented method enables in situ fast learning, in a fully autonomous fashion, of personalised patient-specific policies. With the purpose of evaluating our framework, we conducted two user studies in a daily care centre in which older adults affected by mild dementia and mild cognitive impairment (N = 22) were requested to solve cognitive exercises with the support of a therapist and later on of a robot endowed with CARESSER. Results showed that: (i) the robot managed to keep the patients’ performance stable during the sessions even more so than the therapist; (ii) the assistance offered by the robot during the sessions eventually matched the therapist’s preferences. We conclude that CARESSER, with its stakeholder-centric design, can pave the way to new AI approaches that learn by leveraging human–human interactions along with human expertise, which has the benefits of speeding up the learning process, eliminating the need for the design of complex reward functions, and finally avoiding undesired states.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Saúde mental e superexploração da força de trabalho: análise das tendências na produção do serviço social

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Sócio-Econômico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Serviço Social, Florianópolis, 2019.A presente dissertação é resultado de um estudo teórico que visa analisar a relação e a articulação entre saúde mental e trabalho na produção teórica do Serviço Social, tendo como ponto de partida a particularidade do desenvolvimento e da formação sócio histórica latino-americana, de modo singular, a brasileira. Como principal recurso metodológico, adotou-se a pesquisa bibliográfica, ademais realizou-se uma pesquisa empírica de natureza quanti-qualitativa, nos anais dos Encontros Nacionais de Pesquisadores/as em Serviço Social (ENPESS) e dos Congressos Brasileiros de Assistentes Sociais (CBAS) no período de 2010-2018. O objetivo desta pesquisa é mapear as tendências da produção do conhecimento no Serviço Social sobre saúde mental e sua correlação com o trabalho, bem como problematizar as perspectivas teórico-metodológicas e ético-políticas expressas nessas produções nos últimos oito anos. A hipótese investigativa é que a produção teórica do Serviço Social sobre a temática tende a desconsiderar os elementos estruturais e estruturantes, tais como o racismo, o patriarcado e a superexploração da força de trabalho no processo de sofrimento e adoecimento psíquico dos trabalhadores nestas latitudes? sustenta-se que tais elementos formam o chamado complexo da dependência que configura a formação social brasileira e o capitalismo dependente. Conclui-se a partir da pesquisa empírica que as produções teóricas pesquisadas abordam a temática a partir de uma visão eurocêntrica tendo como ponto de partida e chegada o desenvolvimento capitalista dos países centrais, desconsiderando os processos de vida e exploração dos trabalhadores desde a periferia do capitalismo.Abstract: The present dissertation is the result of a theoretical study that aims to analyze the relationship and articulation between mental health and work in the theoretical production of Social Work, having as its starting point the peculiarity of the development and the socio-historical formation in Latin America, in a unique way, the Brazilian. As the main methodological resource, the bibliographical research was adopted, in addition an empirical research of quantitative and qualitative nature was realized, in the annals of the National Meetings of Researchers in Social Work (ENPESS) and the Brazilian Congresses of Social Assistants (CBAS) in the period 2010-2018. The objective of this research is to map the trends of knowledge production in Social Work on mental health and its correlation with work, as well as to problematize the theoretical-methodological and ethical-political perspectives expressed in these productions in the last eight years. The investigative hypothesis is that the theoretical production of Social Work on the theme tends to disregard the structural and structuring elements, such as racism, patriarchy and overexploitation of the workforce in the process of suffering and mental illness of workers in these latitudes. These elements form the so-called dependency complex that shapes Brazilian social formation and dependent capitalism. It is concluded from the empirical research that the researched theoretical productions approach the theme from a Eurocentric view having as starting point and arrival the capitalist development of the central countries, disregarding the processes of life and exploitation of workers from the periphery of capitalism

    Contributos da visita domiciliária de enfermagem obstétrica no sucesso do aleitamento materno e ansiedade estado aos três meses após o parto

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    Dissertação no âmbito do mestrado em Enfermagem de Saúde Materna e Obstetrícia apresentado na Escola Superior de Saúde de Viana do Castelo do Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo (Consórcio IPB, IPVC e UTAD)Introdução: A importância da iniciação e a manutenção do aleitamento materno exclusivo encontra-se documentada por várias entidades nacionais e internacionais, pois os ganhos que se lhe associam justificam o investimento na sua promoção. A ansiedade e a depressão são comuns durante a gravidez e após o parto revelando consequências prejudiciais para a mulher e para o desenvolvimento da criança. Objectivos: este estudo teve como objetivo analisar o contributo da visita domiciliária da enfermeira especialista em saúde materna, obstétrica e ginecológica, no sucesso do aleitamento materno e na ansiedade em estado primíparas. Metodologia: Estudo pré-experimental, realizado numa amostra de 20 primíparas com ansiedade traço ≥ 40, que frequentaram curso de preparação para o parto e parentalidade distribuídas em dois grupos: experimental e controlo. A variável independente foi a visita domiciliária da enfermeira especialista realizada entre o quarto e o oitavo dias do pós-parto. As variáveis dependentes foram o sucesso em aleitamento materno, onde se considerou a sua duração aos três meses de vida da criança, a gestão de intercorrências mamárias e a satisfação com o aleitamento materno; e a saúde mental da mulher, onde se considerou a ansiedade estado. A colheita de dados ocorreu ao terceiro mês do pós-parto através de questionário, da Maternal Breastfeeding Evaluation Scale de Leff (1994) e do State-Trait Anxiety Inventory de Spielberg, Gorsuch e Lushene (1970). Resultados: A pA pA prevalência de aleitamento materno exclusivo e de aleitamento materno predominante aos três meses de vida da criança foi de 55% e 15%. A gestão de intercorrências mamárias ocorreu, para a maioria das mulheres, com a enfermeira especialista. A satisfação com o aleitamento materno foi elevada. A ansiedade estado das primíparas foi em média de 34,95 ±7,99. Entre os grupos não se registaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas, pelo que não se verificaram efeitos decorrentes da intervenção. Conclusões: o sucesso em aleitamento materno e a gestão da ansiedade são processos complexos, que derivam das dimensões biopsicossociais das mulheres, crianças e familias. A visita domiciliária não teve efeitos, no entanto não se observaram efeitos negativos. A intervenção dos enfermeiros deverá conjugar estas dimensões e desenhar-se ao longo do ciclo gravidico-peurperal.Background: The benefits of the initiation and duration of exclusive breastfeeding is documented by several national and international entities since the outcomes justify the investment that must be given to their promotion. Anxiety and Depression are common during pregnancy and after childbirth revealing adverse consequences for the woman and child development.Objective: This study aimed to analyze the contribution of home visit by midwife in successful breastfeeding and state anxiety in primiparous. Methods: Pre-experimental study with a sample of 20 primiparous with trait anxiety ≥ 40, who attended program for childbirth and parenthood preparation divided into two groups: experimental and control. The independent variable was the home visit by the midwife between the fourth and the eigth days after delivery. The dependent variables were the successful breastfeeding in which was considered its duration at three months old children, the management of breast problems and the satisfaction with the breastfeeding; and the mental health of the woman, in which the state anxiety was considered. Data collection occurred three months after delivery through a questionnaire, the Maternal Breastfeeding Evaluation Scale and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. Results: The prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding and predominant breastfeeding at three months of the child's life were, 55% and 15%. The management of breast complications occurred, in the majority of women, with the support of the midwife. Satisfaction with breastfeeding was high. The state anxiety of the primiparous averaged 34,95 ± 7,99. Between the groups there were no statistically significant differences, so there were no effects of the intervention. Conclusions: The success in breastfeeding and anxiety management is a complex process, which is derived from the biopsychossocial dimensions of women, children and families. The home visit had no effect, however, there weren’t observed negative effects. The midwife`s practice should combine these dimensions and be drawn along the pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum

    How does landscape anthropization affect the myrmecofauna of urban forest fragments?

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    We evaluate whether landscape variables surrounding urban remnant forest fragments influence ant diversity and its components in urban areas. The study was conducted in six riparian forest fragments in midwestern Minas Gerais State, Brazil, by sampling epigaeic and arboreal ants. Arboreal ants respond to fragmente isolation with changes in alpha, beta and gamma diversities. Isolation likely hinders dispersion and re-colonization such that the more isolated a fragment is, the less likely that new species arrive there. On other hand, epigaeic diversity did not show any response to variables of the surroundings or fragments, probably because natural periodic floods constitute a more severe disturbance for these ants. In addition, throughout the process of urbanization, anthropogenic improvements, such as paving, that prevent the natural percolation of water, increase the flooding of riparian soil. Arboreal ant species composition responds to percentage of urban area, fragment area and distance from the urban center, while epigaeic ants respond only to fragment area and percentage of urban area. We believe that even with the loss of species diversity and anthropogenic influences on fragments within urban centers, these areas are still important for species conservation. We also suggest the development of environmental protection projects for riparian áreas within urban centers, including investments in ecological corridors connecting fragments and public policies seeking to preserve these areas

    AI-based glioma grading for a trustworthy diagnosis: an analytical pipeline for improved reliability

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    Glioma is the most common type of tumor in humans originating in the brain. According to the World Health Organization, gliomas can be graded on a four-stage scale, ranging from the most benign to the most malignant. The grading of these tumors from image information is a far from trivial task for radiologists and one in which they could be assisted by machine-learning-based decision support. However, the machine learning analytical pipeline is also fraught with perils stemming from different sources, such as inadvertent data leakage, adequacy of 2D image sampling, or classifier assessment biases. In this paper, we analyze a glioma database sourced from multiple datasets using a simple classifier, aiming to obtain a reliable tumor grading and, on the way, we provide a few guidelines to ensure such reliability. Our results reveal that by focusing on the tumor region of interest and using data augmentation techniques we significantly enhanced the accuracy and confidence in tumor classifications. Evaluation on an independent test set resulted in an AUC-ROC of 0.932 in the discrimination of low-grade gliomas from high-grade gliomas, and an AUC-ROC of 0.893 in the classification of grades 2, 3, and 4. The study also highlights the importance of providing, beyond generic classification performance, measures of how reliable and trustworthy the model’s output is, thus assessing the model’s certainty and robustness.Carla Pitarch is a fellow of Eurecat’s “Vicente López” PhD grant program.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version