1,042 research outputs found

    Aquaporin and Blood Brain Barrier

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    Large water fluxes continuously take place between the different compartments of the brain as well as between the brain parenchyma and the blood or cerebrospinal fluid

    Resveratrol and SIRT1 Activators for the Treatment of Aging and Age-Related Diseases

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    Reduced calorie intake is a religious and medical practice known since very old times, but its direct influence on life span in all organisms, included humans, has been demonstrated in the modern era. Not only periodic fasting, but also natural or synthetic compounds that mimic this phenomenon are growing to slow aging and the onset of chronic morbidities. Resveratrol (RSV), a plant polyphenol, is an elixir of longevity for simple organisms and preclinical rodent models even if a beneficial role in humans is still debated. Its main rejuvenating mechanism copes with the activation of specific longevity genes called sirtuins. Among seven known mammalian sirtuins, sirtuin 1 is the most studied. This pleiotropic nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD)-based deacetylase maintains longevity by removing acetyl group in nuclear histones, transcription factors, and other DNA repairing proteins. Actually, an exciting challenge is to discover and test novel sirtuin 1 activators to extend life span and to treat age-associated disabilities. This chapter updates on the antiaging effect of RSV and sirtuin 1 activators in experimental animals and in humans. Finally, pros and cons on RSV analogues and sirtuin 1 activators tested in preclinical and clinical trials to hamper neurological deficit, cardiovascular complications, diabetes, bone and muscle deterioration, and cancer are discussed

    NF-κB — A Key Factor in Atherogenesis and Atheroprogression

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    Atherosclerosis is the major cause of cardiovascular diseases and it is responsible for a large proportion of mortality in the Western society

    A comparison of melatonin and α-lipoic acid in the induction of antioxidant defences in L6 rat skeletal muscle cells.

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    Aging is characterized by a progressive deterioration in physiological functions and metabolic processes. The loss of cells during aging in vital tissues and organs is related to several factors including oxidative stress and inflammation. Skeletal muscle degeneration is common in elderly people; in fact, this tissue is particularly vulnerable to oxidative stress since it requires large amounts of oxygen, and thus, oxidative damage is abundant and accumulates with increasing age. Melatonin (N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine) is a highly efficient scavenger of reactive oxygen species and it also exhibits beneficial anti-inflammatory and anti-aging effects. This study investigated the susceptibility of rat L6 skeletal muscle cells to an induced oxidative stress following their exposure to hydrogen peroxide (50 μM) and evaluating the potential protective effects of pre-treatment with melatonin (10 nM) compared to the known beneficial effect of alpha-lipoic acid (300 μM). Hydrogen peroxide-induced obvious oxidative stress; it increased the expression of tumour necrosis factor-alpha and in turn promoted nuclear factor kappa-B and overrode the endogenous defence mechanisms. Conversely, pre-treatment of the hydrogen peroxide-exposed cells to melatonin or alpha-lipoic acid increased endogenous antioxidant enzymes, including superoxide dismutase-2 and heme oxygenase-1; moreover, they ameliorated significantly oxidative stress damage and partially reduced alterations in the muscle cells, which are typical of aging. In conclusion, melatonin was equally effective as alpha-lipoic acid; it exhibited marked antioxidant and anti-aging effects at the level of skeletal muscle in vitro even when it was given in a much lower dose than alpha-lipoic acid

    Privatizacion of youth criminal justice.Doesthe merchantability of closed climate schools of minors come to or disengande in the ligth of article 45.3 of law5/2000?

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    [EN] In this paper it is going to be analysed the article 45.3 of the 5/2000 of January 12, regulating the criminal responsibility of minors, gave free rein to the privatization of juvenile institutions, leaving the management of the sacred social value of security in hands of business men and politicians. Added to this, it is necessary to mention that control of the State is near to none, companies have a very vast range of discretion to committee abuses and corruption. It is indispensable to remarked that children are not objects of consume, they are subjects of law in constant development. Finally, in conclusion it is going to be set up the bases to re-discuss de problem of youth political criminal law and achieve a turn into the paradigm.[ES] En este trabajo se analiza como a partir del artículo 45.3 de la Ley Orgánica 5/2000 de 12 de enero, reguladora de la responsabilidad penal de menores, se dio vía libre a la privatización de las instituciones de menores, quedando el valor social de la seguridad en manos de empresarios y políticos de turno. Por otra parte se destaca que la supervisión que ejerce el Estado hacia las corporaciones es nula, dejándose un gran margen de discrecionalidad para la comisión de abusos y corrupción por parte de las empresas. Asimismo, se acentúa que los menores no son objetos de consumo sino sujetos de derecho en constante desarrollo. Por último, se considera que es necesario replantear el problema desde las políticas criminales y a partir de la transversalidad lograr un cambio de paradigma.Rezzani, A. (2017). Privatización en la Justicia de Menores. ¿Acierto o desacierto en la mecantilización de los centros de régimen cerrado de menores a la luz del artículo 45.3 de la Ley 5/2000?. Revista sobre la infancia y la adolescencia. (13):45-56. doi:10.4995/reinad.2017.7408455613Garapon, A. "Juez y Democracia", Madrid, Editorial Flor del Viento, 1997.Garland, D. "La Cultura del Control: crimen y orden social en la sociedad contemporánea", Barcelona, Editorial Gedisa, 2005.Gomez-aller, J. D. "Prisiones de empresa, reformatorios privados. Dos estudios de Política Penitenciaria", Valencia, Editorial Tirant Lo Blanch, 2011.Rodríguez, A. - Mayorga, M. J. - Madrid, D. "Los Menores en un Estado de derecho: normativa internacional, nacional, autonómica: prevención de la delincuencia infanto-juvenil, Madrid Editorial Dykinson, 2011.Sanz, E. "Las Prisiones Privadas: La participación Privada en la Ejecución Penitenciaria", Madrid, Editorial Edisofer Sl, 2000.Silva J. M. "La Expansión del Derecho penal. Aspectos de la política criminal en las sociedades postindustriales", Madrid, Editorial Civitas 1999.Zaffaroni, E. R. La Pachamama y el humano, Bs. As, Editorial Colihue, 2012
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