500 research outputs found

    The Downs-Thompson paradox in multimodal networks

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    Users of the transportation networks generally choose their routes in an independent and uncoordinated way in order to minimize their own perceived costs. This non-cooperative behaviour can lead to a suboptimal utilization of the network and, in some situations, increasing the network capacity can make the subutilization even worse. Such phenomenon is described in literature as traffic or network paradoxes. This paper provides a review on two famous network paradoxes, and also introduces a new one

    Thermodynamic effects drive countergradient responses in the thermal performance of Littorina saxatilis across latitude.

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    Thermal performance curves (TPCs) provide a powerful framework to assess the evolution of thermal sensitivity in populations exposed to divergent selection regimes across latitude. However, there is a lack of consensus regarding the extent to which physiological adjustments that compensate for latitudinal temperature variation (metabolic cold adaptation; MCA) may alter the shape of TPCs, including potential repercussion on upper thermal limits. To address this, we compared TPCs for cardiac activity in latitudinally-separated populations of the intertidal periwinkle Littorina saxatilis. We applied a non-linear TPC modelling approach to explore how different metrics governing the shape of TPCs varied systematically in response to local adaptation and thermal acclimation. Both critical upper limits, and the temperatures at which cardiac performance was maximised, were higher in the northernmost (cold-adapted) population and displayed a countergradient latitudinal trend which was most pronounced following acclimation to low temperatures. We interpret this response as a knock-on consequence of increased standard metabolic rate in high latitude populations, indicating that physiological compensation associated with MCA may indirectly influence variation in upper thermal limits across latitude. Our study highlights the danger of assuming that variation in any one aspect of the TPC is adaptive without appropriate mechanistic and ecological context

    Spatial and temporal shift in the factors affecting the population dynamics of Calanus copepods in the North Sea.

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    The swap in abundance between two Calanus species in the North Sea during the 1980s constitutes a quintessential example of regime shift, with important ecosystemic and economic repercussions because these copepods constitute a major component of the diet of larval and juvenile cods. It is hypothesized that this transition was driven by gradual changes in primary productivity, the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and sea surface temperatures (SST), and yet how these factors contribute to the population dynamics of these two species and the overall regime shift remains unclear. Here, we combine a highly resolved and spatially structured longitudinal dataset with population dynamics theory-based models to obtain a thorough and more detailed description of populations’ responses to the regime shift observed in the North Sea. Our analyses highlight that this transition exhibits a clear spatial structure and involved a decoupling between the dynamics of Calanus finmarchicus and the NAO in western regions and between Calanus helgolandicus and SST in the eastern regions of the North Sea. Consequently, the observed switch in abundance between these species reflects the interaction between species-specific attributes, a well-defined spatial structure with a marked east–west axis and a decoupling between the ecological drivers and Calanus population dynamics following the shift. Succinctly, we suspect that higher water temperatures have favored C. helgolandicus and resulted in restrictive conditions for C. finmarchicus, eventually overshadowing the effects of NAO detected in historical records. Overall, our study illustrates how population dynamics theory can be successfully employed to disentangle the complex and multifactorial nature of a regime shift in response to gradually changing environmental conditions

    Thermal strategies vary with life history stage.

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    With both global surface temperatures and the incidence and intensity of extreme temperature events projected to increase, the assessment of species' sensitivity to chronic and acute changes in temperature has become crucial. Sensitivity predictions are based predominantly on adult responses, despite the fact that early life stages may be more vulnerable to thermal challenge. Here, we compared the sensitivity of different life history stages of the intertidal gastropod Littorina obtusata using thermal death time curves, which incorporate the intensity and duration of heat stress, and used these to calculate upper critical thermal limits (CTmax) and sensitivity to temperature change (z). Early (larval) life stages had both a lower CTmax and a lower z than adults, suggesting they are less good at withstanding short-term extreme thermal challenges but better able to survive moderate temperatures in the long term. This result supports the predicted trade-off between acute and chronic tolerance to thermal stress, and is consistent with the different thermal challenges that these stages encounter in the intertidal zone. We conclude that different life history stages employ different thermal strategies that may be adaptive. Our findings caution against the use of predictions of the impact of global warming that are based on only adult responses and, hence, which may underestimate vulnerability

    Epidemics on contact networks: a general stochastic approach

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    Dynamics on networks is considered from the perspective of Markov stochastic processes. We partially describe the state of the system through network motifs and infer any missing data using the available information. This versatile approach is especially well adapted for modelling spreading processes and/or population dynamics. In particular, the generality of our systematic framework and the fact that its assumptions are explicitly stated suggests that it could be used as a common ground for comparing existing epidemics models too complex for direct comparison, such as agent-based computer simulations. We provide many examples for the special cases of susceptible-infectious-susceptible (SIS) and susceptible-infectious-removed (SIR) dynamics (e.g., epidemics propagation) and we observe multiple situations where accurate results may be obtained at low computational cost. Our perspective reveals a subtle balance between the complex requirements of a realistic model and its basic assumptions.Comment: Main document: 16 pages, 7 figures. Electronic Supplementary Material (included): 6 pages, 1 tabl


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    The conducted studies comprised the analyses of activity of extracts derived from selected plants of the Geranium family on some processes of large white butterfly (Pieris brassicae) development (oviposition, survival of eggs and caterpillar feeding). The results proved that all tested extracts showed activity against large white butterfly. Geranium pratense L. and Geranium senquineum L. showed better activity than other Geranium plants. Water extracts from these species protected cabbage plants against laying eggs, while applied on eggs caused their mortality. Alcohol and water extracts from G. pratense L. and water extracts from G. senquineum L. increased an amount of food put on mass gain of caterpillars.Analizowano oddziaływanie ekstraktów uzyskanych z wybranych roślin z rodziny Bodziszkowate na: rozwój bielinka kapustnika (przebieg składania jaj, przeżywalność jaj oraz na żerowanie gąsienic). Stwierdzono, że wszystkie testowane wyciągi, wykazywały aktywne działanie w stosunku do bielinka kapustnika. Szczególnie wyróżniały się bodziszek łąkowy i bodziszek czerwony. Wodne wyciągi z tych roślin chroniły rośliny kapusty przed składaniem na nie jaj przez samice, a zastosowane na jaja, powodowały ich zamieranie. Alkoholowy i wodny wyciąg z bodziszka łąkowego oraz wyciąg wodny z bodziszka czerwonego wpływały na zwiększenie ilości pokarmu zużywanego na przyrost masy ciała gąsienic

    Freelisting as a suitable method to estimate the composition and harvest rates of hunted species in tropical forests

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    The aim of this study was to test the use of measures obtained from freelisting as possible surrogates of the harvest rate of game species. For this purpose, we interviewed 100 rural and urban hunters in southwestern Amazonia to obtain the frequency of citations of each hunted species through freelisting and gather information on the number of individuals hunted per species in the last five hunting events through hunting recalls. We assessed the relationship between the percentage of records per species by each method through a generalized linear model, and then compared the predicted values obtained from this model with the values observed in our dataset using Pearson’s correlation. During freelisting, forty-three taxa were listed in 608 citations as hunted by the informants. Freelisting provided data on around twice the number of species obtained from recalls. During the last five hunting trips, urban hunters reported the hunting of 164 individuals of 18 species, representing 54.5% of the freelisted species. Rural hunters caught 146 individuals of 21 species, 60.0% of the freelisted species. We found a strong logistic relationship between the harvest rates, i.e., percentage of individuals hunted per species from recalls, and the freelisting percentage citations of game species, with the estimated and observed values of harvest rates highly matching (Pearson's R = 0.98, p < 0.0001). The freelisting method allowed a good estimate of the composition and the harvest rates of hunted species. The formula produced in this study can be used as a reference for further studies, enabling researchers to use freelisting effectively to assess the composition of hunted species and to address the difficulty of obtaining reliable data on species harvest rates in tropical forests, especially in short-term studies and contexts in which hunters distrust research

    Human consumption of meat from roadkilled animals in the Southwestern Amazon

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    The harvest of meat from wild animals is essential for the nutrition of many human populations in the Neotropics. Specific techniques are used to access wild meat, but collecting meat from road killed animals, or purposely run over animals to kill and consume the meat have not been documented so far. In this study we interviewed four residents of the state of Rondônia who claimed to consume roadkilled animals. Respondents cited only medium and large mammals (10 species in total) as the group from which wild meat is harvested, with one respondent claiming to intentionally run over the animals. The interviewees analyse the smell/putrefaction, swelling and exposure of viscera as criteria for not collecting the meat. The meat from roadkilled animals may pose a risk to the health of humans who consume it due to the foodborne diseases it may spread after the decomposition process. In addition, the practice of running over animals for consumption of their meat can cause potential impacts to the fauna and humans since it can reduce animal numbers and also cause serious accidents. Further investigations are needed to clarify whether this is widespread phenomenon occurring in other places of the Amazon and of the Neotropics

    Elucidating the neuroimmunology of traumatic brain injury: methodological approaches to unravel intercellular communication and function

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    The neuroimmunology of traumatic brain injury (TBI) has recently gained recognition as a crucial element in the secondary pathophysiological consequences that occur following neurotrauma. Both immune cells residing within the central nervous system (CNS) and those migrating from the periphery play significant roles in the development of secondary brain injury. However, the precise mechanisms governing communication between innate and adaptive immune cells remain incompletely understood, partly due to a limited utilization of relevant experimental models and techniques. Therefore, in this discussion, we outline current methodologies that can aid in the exploration of TBI neuroimmunology, with a particular emphasis on the interactions between resident neuroglial cells and recruited lymphocytes. These techniques encompass adoptive cell transfer, intra-CNS injection(s), selective cellular depletion, genetic manipulation, molecular neuroimaging, as well as in vitro co-culture systems and the utilization of organoid models. By incorporating key elements of both innate and adaptive immunity, these methods facilitate the examination of clinically relevant interactions. In addition to these preclinical approaches, we also detail an emerging avenue of research that seeks to leverage human biofluids. This approach enables the investigation of how resident and infiltrating immune cells modulate neuroglial responses after TBI. Considering the growing significance of neuroinflammation in TBI, the introduction and application of advanced methodologies will be pivotal in advancing translational research in this field

    Hunting practices in southwestern Amazonia: a comparative study of techniques, modalities, and baits among urban and rural hunters

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    Background: Hunting is a vital means of obtaining animal in various human populations. Hunters rely on their knowledge of species ecology and behavior to develop and employ hunting techniques and increase their chances of success. The comparison of the hunting practices of different human societies can shed light on the sustainability of hunting and the impact it has on species’ populations. In this study, we examine and compare the techniques, modalities, and baits used by urban and rural hunters in Rondônia, a state in southwestern Amazonia, Brazil. We expected that rural hunters would use these elements and have greater knowledge when compared to urban hunters. We also expect that the use of specific hunting techniques and modalities will have greater selectivity and specificity of capture for rural hunters and that this knowledge will differ between groups. Methods: We conducted 106 semi-structured interviews with rural and urban hunters from October 2018 to February 2020. We analyzed the data using PERMANOVA and Network analyses to compare and contrast the hunting practices of each group. Results: We recorded four main hunting techniques divided into ten modalities with three techniques and seven modalities being the preferred choices among hunters. Waiting for at a Fruit Tree was cited as the primary technique employed by hunters living in urban and rural areas indicated. While the techniques and modalities were similar among hunters, the composition of species targeted and baits used differed between groups. Our network approach showed that modularity in urban areas was numerically lower than in rural areas. All species had one to more techniques associated with their capture. Conclusions: Hunters living in urban and rural environments showed high similarity in their practices, probably due to sharing similar environments to hunt containing similar species, as well as targeting preferably the same species