13 research outputs found

    Measuring Head Circumference in Neonates Weighing Less Than 2500 Grams

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    Background: Anthropometric measures are important research goals especially because of racial differences and also variation in measurement techniques. In this study, head circumference in neonates weighing less than 2500 grams in Emam-Hosein hospital in 2018 was assessed. Aim: The aim of this study was to Measuring Head Circumference in Neonates Weighing Less Than 2500 Grams. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 200 neonates weighing less than 2500 grams in Emam-Hosein hospital in 2018 were enrolled. The head circumference in neonates was determined and also was compared according to gestational age, birth weight, and sex. Results: There were 53% males and 47% females. There were 85.5% preterm neonates. Birth weight was less than 2000 gram in 12.5%. Head circumference was low in 148 cases (74%). The head circumference was not differed by gestational age, birth weight, and sex (p > 0.05). Conclusion: Totally, it may be concluded that head circumference is normal only in ¼ of neonates weighing less than 2500 grams and it is not an optimal goal for growth pattern monitoring

    Investigating the normal dimensions and sizes of human eye orbit by MRI in Labafinejad Hospital patients in 2016 in Tehran

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    Background: Anthropometry is one of the principal researches in. The eye orbit is involved in most cranial abnormalities. Concerning the lack of adequate information in Iranian populations and the effect of factors including gender, age, and geographical region, the aim of this study was to investigate the normal dimensions and sizes of human eye orbit through MRI.Materials and Methods: This was a descriptive, analytical, and prospective study which was performed on 120 patients referring to the MRI center of Labafinejad and Torfeh hospitals. In fact, 20 patients were excluded due to eye-associated disorders. The longitudinal and transversal axes, as well as the eye orbit volume were measured, and the age, gender, and the sidedness of eye were reported and evaluated.Results: The mean age was 38, and the eye orbit volume, longitudinal axis, and transversal axes were measured as 5593 mm3, 22 mm, and 21.9 mm, respectively. The minimum average measured value was related to the distance between the posterior edge of the frontal processes of the upper jaw bones (21 mm in females and 23 mm in males), while the maximum average was measured across the posterior poles of the two eye orbits (26 mm in females and 29 mm in males) (P<0.4).Conclusion: The data suggestd that the longitudinal and transversal axes, as well as the volume of right and left eyes are larger in men than in women. The difference in the eye orbit volume of men, as compared to women can be attributed to a large body mass in men

    Investigating Neurocranial Sizes And Cephalic Indices Of Male Newborns In North of Tehran Using Millimetric Cephalometry

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    Background: Anthropometric studies have been introduced as the second priority of research in the field of medical sciences in Iran. Information obtained from such studies are used in industry and medical sciences, including the manufacturing of prostheses, gas masks, and surgical instruments. Considering the effect of genetic, age, sexual, climatic, and geographical factors and their high importance on anthropometric sizes, the aim of the present project is to investigate the neurocranial sizes of the cephalic indices of one-day-old male newborns in north of Tehran.Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out on 100 neurocranial sizes of one-day-old male newborns in Shohada-e-Tajrish Hospital in Tehran using millimetric cephalometry. Measurements were performed according to the protocol and by a ruler, cephalometer, and tape meter (0.5mm precision rate). The data were collected and recorded in the relevant forms and then processed and analyzed by a biostatistics software. Results: The present research showed that the mean head length, head width, ear height, head circumference, brain volume, brain weight, cephalic index, and the brain index was 118.2 mm, 94.3 mm, 71.3 mm, 348.5 mm, 415.1 ml, 429.2 g, 78.1%, and 12.8%, respectively. Frequency of different head phenotypes has been reported according to the cephalic index as follows: round head (65%), long head (20%), broad head (12%), and super-broad head (3%).Conclusion: The results of the present study showed that the cephalic index of one-day-old male newborns in Tehran was lower than those born in Kermanshah, Sistan and Baluchestan, and Qazvin, which can be explained by the impact of gender, climate, and geographical area on neurocranial dimensions and sizes

    The ability of mouse nuclear transfer embryonic stem cells to differentiate into primordial germ cells

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    Nuclear transfer embryonic stem cells (ntESCs) show stem cell characteristics such as pluripotency but cause no immunological disorders. Although ntESCs are able to differentiate into somatic cells, the ability of ntESCs to differentiate into primordial germ cells (PGCs) has not been examined. In this work, we examined the capacity of mouse ntESCs to differentiate into PGCs in vitro. ntESCs aggregated to form embryoid bodies (EB) in EB culture medium supplemented with bone morphogenetic protein 4(BMP4) as the differentiation factor. The expression level of specific PGC genes was compared at days 4 and 8 using real time PCR. Flow cytometry and immunocytochemical staining were used to detect Mvh as a specific PGC marker. ntESCs expressed particular genes related to different stages of PGC development. Flow cytometry and immunocytochemical staining confirmed the presence of Mvh protein in a small number of cells. There were significant differences between cells that differentiated into PGCs in the group treated with Bmp4 compared to non-treated cells. These findings indicate that ntESCs can differentiate into putative PGCs. Improvement of ntESC differentiation into PGCs may be a reliable means of producing mature germ cells

    بررسي مباحث تشريحي فتق‌هاي جداره قدامي شكم از ديدگاه ابن سينا و مقايسه آن با منابع پزشكي نوين

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    Introduction - anterior abdominal hernias is the most important subject of anatomical and surgical books which is teaching in all of medical schools because the number of people who going to surgical rooms for this kind of surgery are over hundred thousands yearly and it is a routine program for general hospitals. In Avicenna’s Cannon there is a wide chapter for anterior abdominal hernias, the goal of this article is comparison of abdominal hernia from Avicenna’s Canon with the new anatomical and surgical books. Materials and methods - From a lithographic Avicenna’s Canon printed in 16th AC century, related to American University of Beirut and another lithographic Avicenna’s Cannon related to Shahid Beheshti Medical Sciences University, both of them are written in Arabic language the chapters that are related to abdominal hernias selected, the mentioned chapters named in Arabic tharb va sifagh, (Arabic: tharb fat + sifagh peritoneum), and basic knowledge of Avicenna’s Canno about abdominal hernias compared with same parts in modern Medical English books such as Gray’s Anatomy, Schwartz principal surgery, from anatomical, surgical, pathological, semiological and differential diagnosis point of view. Results - the finding of this study shows that Avicenna is write in the Cannon principles of anatomt of abdominal hernias such as skin, abdominal subcutaneous fat, visceral and parietal peritoneum, greater omentum, inguinal canal, deep inguinal foramens, inguinal canal, direct and indirect inguinal hernia, umbilical hernia, relationships of greater omentum and umbilical hernia, scrotal hernia, hydrocele, differential diagnosis of intestinal hernia and hydrocele. Discussion and Conclusion - in modern anatomical and surgical books are written that  in anterior abdominal hernias its layers are very important from anatomical and surgical points of view and also Avicenna’ Cannon regarded anatomy of layers of the anterior abdominal such as the skin ,subcutaneous fat, abdominal muscles , parietal and visceral peritoneum transversal is fascia and also relation of peritoneum with inguinal hernia and scrotal hernia is very important points in the mentioned modern books which regarded also by Avicenna, invagination of the greater omentum into umbilical hernia looked by modern references also by Avicenna, process vaginalis is in first sight for hydrocele description in the new references and Avicenna mentioned it a thousand years ago and also Avicenna discovered deep inguinal hiatus and inguinal canal and named it in Arabic language correctly: soghbane zayyeghan that means two contracted hiatus and cells , and beside of anatomical and surgical points, Avicenna’s Cannon discussed about pathological, semiological, and etiological sides of  anterior abdominal hernias.زمينه: در كليه دانشكده‌هاي پزشكي جهان، مبحث فتق‌هاي شكمي يكي از مهم‌ترين بخش‌هاي كتابهاي كالبد شناسي و جراحي است، زيرا هر ساله چند صد هزار نفر در معرض اين نوع جراحي قرار مي‌گيرند و جراحي فتق‌هاي جدار قدامي شكم جزو عمل‌هاي روتين بيمارستانهاي عمومي محسوب مي‌شود، معالجه كامل اين بيماران وابسته به شناخت كامل مباني تشريحي و مهارت‌هاي جراحي است. ابن سينا در كتاب مشهور قانون، در اين زمينه مباحث گسترده‌اي را به رشته تحرير در آورده است، لذا هدف اصلي اين مقاله بررسي ديدگاه ابن سينا در موضوع فتق‌هاي جدار قدامي شكم و مقايسه آن با منابع پزشكي جديد است. روش و ابزار: طي يك بررسي كتابخانه‌اي مطالب مربوط به مبحث  فتق‌هاي ناحيه جدار قدامي شكم از نسخه‌هاي عربي معتبر كتاب قانون و نسخه‌هاي الكترونيك موجود در سايت اينترنتي معاونت تحقيقات و فنآوري وزارت بهداشت را انتخاب نموده و مباني كالبد شناسي، جراحي، آسيب شناسي، نشانه‌شناسي مندرج در اين منابع را با منابع پزشكي عصر جديد، مقايسه و مورد بحث قرار داده‌ايم. يافته‌ها: نتايج اين مطالعه نشان مي‌دهد كه در كتاب قانون اصول تشريحي، جراحي، آسيب شناسي، نشانه شناسي، داروشناسي فتق، به صورت موشكافانه مورد بررسي قرار گرفته و در آن كتاب، لايه‌هاي پوشاننده شكم، عضلات شكم، صفاق  جداري و احشائي و رابطه صفاق با غلاف پوششي كيسه بيضه، چادر بزرگ، مجراي مغبني و سوراخ عمقي آن، انواع فتق نافي و مغبني، آب آوردن كيسه بيضه، تشخيص افتراقي انواع فتق و روشهاي درماني آنها مورد بحث و برسي قرار گرفته است. بحث و نتيجه‌گيري: مقايسه يافته هاي حاصل از اين مطالعه با نتايج پژوهش‌هاي عصر حاضر نشان مي‌دهد كه ابن سينا در مورد فتق‌هاي جدار قدامي شكم، همانند كالبد شناسان و جراحان عصر حاضر به اصول و مباني تشريحي فتق مانند: پوشش شكم، عضلات و صفاق و غشا‌ها و پرده‌هاي (فاسياها) جدار قدامي شكم توجه كامل داشته و در كتاب قانون براي اولين بار به سوراخ‌هاي عمقي مجراي مغبني اشاره نموده و آنرا ثقبان ضيقان (دو سوراخ تنگ) ناميده است و در مورد ارتباط چادر بزرگ با فتق نافي، و انواع فتق‌هاي مغبني، فتق نافي و فتق كيسه بيضه و رابطه آب آوردن كيسه بيضه‌ها با غلاف پوششي آن‌ها و نيز رابطه پوشش غلافي با صفاق شكمي، آن چنان بحث نموده است كه حتي بعد از گذشت بيش از يك هزار سال، اصول تشريحي و جراحي آن با منابع معتبر پزشكي عصر حاضر انطباق دارد

    Decay resistance of modified wood

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    EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    The ability of mouse nuclear transfer embryonic stem cells to differentiate into primordial germ cells

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    Nuclear transfer embryonic stem cells (ntESCs) show stem cell characteristics such as pluripotency but cause no immunological disorders. Although ntESCs are able to differentiate into somatic cells, the ability of ntESCs to differentiate into primordial germ cells (PGCs) has not been examined. In this work, we examined the capacity of mouse ntESCs to differentiate into PGCs in vitro. ntESCs aggregated to form embryoid bodies (EB) in EB culture medium supplemented with bone morphogenetic protein 4(BMP4) as the differentiation factor. The expression level of specific PGC genes was compared at days 4 and 8 using real time PCR. Flow cytometry and immunocytochemical staining were used to detect Mvh as a specific PGC marker. ntESCs expressed particular genes related to different stages of PGC development. Flow cytometry and immunocytochemical staining confirmed the presence of Mvh protein in a small number of cells. There were significant differences between cells that differentiated into PGCs in the group treated with Bmp4 compared to non-treated cells. These findings indicate that ntESCs can differentiate into putative PGCs. Improvement of ntESC differentiation into PGCs may be a reliable means of producing mature germ cells

    Determination of cephalic index and shape of head in adult female students in Birjand city during 2013

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    Background and Aim: Cephalometery, as one of the most significant section of anthropometry examines the facial and cephalic indeces. Since the measurements are affected by geographical factors, gender, age, and race, the obtained results are based on the community under study. Regarding lack of investigations on cephalometry in Birjand, the present study aimed at determining cephalic indexes and standard classification of neurocranium in 15-17 year old female students in the city in 2013. Materials and Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted on 437 healthy female 15-17 year old students in Birjand during 2013, who were selected through cluster sampling. Then, cephalic indices of the subjects were determined using standard Martin Scale Cephalometer, according to Gray's Anatomy Cephalometric Method. The obtained data were collected according were analyzed using SPSS soft ware (V:13). Results: Mean maximum head length and breadth in the subjects were found to be 177.6±7.54mm and 141.6±5.84mm, respectively. Total neurocranium index was determined 79.88±4.64 mm. The head shape of 43% of the individuals was mesocephalic, %33/4 brachycephalic, %12/12 hyperbrachycephalic and %11/44 dolichocephalic. Conclusion: The present study on cephalometry revealed that adult female students in Birjand city mostly have a mesocephalic phenotype

    Sertoli cell-conditioned medium can improve blood-testis-barrier function and spermatogenesis in azoospermia mice induced by scrotal hyperthermia: An experimental study

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    Background: An increase in the temperature of the testis is associated with damage to the epithelium of seminiferous tubules and disruption of sperm production. Objective: The current study aimed to investigate the effect of the Sertoli cell-conditioned medium (SCCM) on the blood-testis-barrier associated genes and spermatogenesis process following scrotal hyperthermia. Materials and Methods: In this experimental study, 40 adult NMRI mice (8 wk, 25–30 gr) were allocated into 4 groups: I) control, II) DMEM (10 μl Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium), III) scrotal hyperthermia, and IV) scrotal hyperthermia+SCCM (10 μl SCCM). Hyperthermia was induced by placing the mice scrotum in water at 43°C for 20 min every other day for 10 days. Mice were treated every other day for 5 wk. Then the animals were euthanized, and the tails of epididymis were removed to analyze sperm parameters, testis were taken for stereological assessment, reactive oxygen spices and glutathione levels, and the expression of Ocln, Gja1, Cdh2, and Itgb1. Results: The results of sperm analysis indicated that SCCM-treated mice significantly increased sperm count and motility and reduced DNA fragmentation. In addition, histological and molecular findings showed that the volume of testicular tissue, the number of germ cells, the glutathione level, and the expression of Ocln, Gja1, Cdh2, and Itgb1 genes were significantly increased in the SCCM-treated mice. Conclusion: Findings suggest that growth factors of SCCM stimulate the proliferation and differentiation of germ cells through paracrine effects and upregulate the blood-testis-barrier-associated genes in mice subjected to scrotal hyperthermia. Key words: Testis, Sertoli cells, Culture media, Hyperthermia, Spermatogenesis