28 research outputs found

    University Excellence with Level 5 Leadership Approach: A Qualitative Study

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    Universities are the driving engines of countries in the knowledge age. The excellence of universities depends on the success of the faculty. One of the success models for organizations is Level 5 Leadership. The purpose of this research was to identify the characteristics of the 5th level leaders from the viewpoint of faculty members. Methods: This research was a kind of qualitative research that was done using content analysis approach. The statistical population consisted of faculty members of Guilan University of Medical Sciences in 2017. With targeted sampling method, 19 people were selected as participants in the study. In order to obtain validity and validity reliability of the data, two methods of reviewing the participants and reviewing nonparticipating experts in the research were used. Results: After data analysis, 66 primary and 4 main categories were classified. Main categories included attributes, solutions, barriers and achievements. Sub-themes included management abilities, moral excellence, compliance with law and management principles, necessary incentives, meritocracy, structural barriers, individual and motivational barriers, individual and structural excellence, economic, educational and research, political and social factors. Conclusion: Considering the importance of educational, health and medical activities of Medical Universities, Level 5 leadership can be a good model for organizational excellence. The dimensions identified in Level 5 leadership should also be considered in the selection of corporate executive

    Using Word Embedding and Convolution Neural Network for Bug Triaging by Considering Design Flaws

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    Resolving bugs in the maintenance phase of software is a complicated task. Bug assignment is one of the main tasks for resolving bugs. Some Bugs cannot be fixed properly without making design decisions and have to be assigned to designers, rather than programmers, to avoid emerging bad smells that may cause subsequent bug reports. Hence, it is important to refer some bugs to the designer to check the possible design flaws. Based on our best knowledge, there are a few works that have considered referring bugs to designers. Hence, this issue is considered in this work. In this paper, a dataset is created, and a CNN-based model is proposed to predict the need for assigning a bug to a designer by learning the peculiarities of bug reports effective in creating bad smells in the code. The features of each bug are extracted from CNN based on its textual features, such as a summary and description. The number of bad samples added to it in the fixing process using the PMD tool determines the bug tag. The summary and description of the new bug are given to the model and the model predicts the need to refer to the designer. The accuracy of 75% (or more) was achieved for datasets with a sufficient number of samples for deep learning-based model training. A model is proposed to predict bug referrals to the designer. The efficiency of the model in predicting referrals to the designer at the time of receiving the bug report was demonstrated by testing the model on 10 projects

    The stress-strain behaviour of silty sands in the range of very small to largestrains

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    De senaste åren har bankerna genomgått en hastig digital förändring och utvecklingen har inneburit stora omställningar, inte minst för bankernas privatkunder. Framväxten av flertalet nya elektroniska tjänster har inneburit stora förändringar inom finansbranschen. Privatkunder anammar dock denna nya teknik i olika takt, vilket har föranlett intresset att utföra denna studie där vi vill undersöka hur användande av självserviceteknik påverkas av olika aspekter av kundernas tekniknivå.Med detta som bakgrund genomfördes vår studie utifrån följande problemformulering: ”Hur kan svenska banker öka användandet av sina digitala banktjänster bland privatkunder?” Vi har använt oss av tidigare forskning och teorier om teknikberedskap, innovationsanammning, teknikacceptans samt tjänstemarknadsföring, och med hjälp av en kvantitativ studie undersökt hur dessa påverkar användandet av självserviceteknik, (SST) som är kärnan i denna studie.Då vi har undersökt privata bankkunder så har dessa varit grunden i vår kvantitativa undersökning där datainsamlingen skedde via en Webbenkät som besvarats av 185 respondenter. Utifrån enkätsvaren har vi gjort omfattande statistiska och deskriptiva analyser, samt grupperat olika respondenter efter olika faktorer såsom ålder, olika användarkombinationer, inställning till risk, förändring och inflytande, och liknande. För dessa olika grupperingar har vi sedan analyserat skillnader i användande av digitala banktjänster. Genom flertalet statistiska tester och analyser där bland annat chi-två-tester och regressionsanalyser använts har vi funnit förklaringsgrader, och signifikanta variabler utifrån enkätsvaren, som vi med hjälp av korstabeller använt till fler och djupare analyser.Det resultat och slutsatser som studien visar på är att informationsnivån hos bankkunder är för låg för vissa banktjänster, och att denna bör höjas då den har direkt betydelse för anammande av digitala tjänster. Bankerna bör fysiskt demonstrera sina banktjänster på kontoren, samt känna av varje enskild kund, och sälja in tjänsterna på rätt sätt till olika slags kunder, då dessa anammar tekniken i olika takt. Vi har kategoriserat respondenter utifrån studiens teori, och inom dessa grupperingar visat på skillnader i användande av digitala banktjänster

    The Effect of Antimicrobial Photodynamic Therapy with Radachlorin® on Staphylococcus Aureus and Escherichia Coli: An in Vitro Study

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    Introduction: The aim of this study is the evaluation of the effect of Antimicrobial Photodynamic Therapy with Radachlorin on Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli.New windows are open in the antimicrobial field so-call Photodynamic therapy that incorporates a nonpoisonous photosensitizer (PS) with innocuous special wavelength photons to excite the PS.Methods: Two strains of bacteria used in this study were Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 33591; PTCC 1764) and Escherichia coli (ATCC 25922; PTCC1399). Concentrations of 0.2 ml of Radachlorin® were applied on 0.2 ml of bacterial suspensions and placed in a 48-well microtiter plate. The following groups were used: (I) L− PS− (no laser, no photosensitizer), (II) L−PS+ (treated only with PS), (III) L+ PS− (treated only with laser) and (IV) L+ PS+ (treated with laser and PS: photodynamic therapy group). Aliquots of bacterial suspensions were sensitized with Radachlorin® for 15 minutes in the dark at room temperature and then bacterial suspensions in group III and IV were irradiated with 210 mW (power density) and 12 J/cm2 (energy density) on continuous mode.Results: This study showed that photodynamic therapy reduces 0.14 log 10 in E.Coli (group IV) and there were significant differences for group IV (P<0.01). Photodynamic therapy in S.Aureus showed 6.28 log 10 colony count reduction (group IV) and there were highly significant differences in Photodynamic therapy group (P<0.0001).Conclusion: Radachlorin® have bactericidal effect on S.aureus (6.28 log 10) and bacteriostatic effect on E.coli (0.14 log 10)

    The role of auxin transport in the control of shoot branching

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    Branching is a highly plastic trait, enabling plants to adapt their growth form in response to environmental stimuli. In flowering plants, shoot branching is regulated through the activity of axillary buds, which grow into branches. Several classes of plant hormones have been shown to play pivotal roles in regulating bud outgrowth. Auxin derived from the primary shoot apex and active branches inhibits bud outgrowth, whereas cytokinin promotes it. Strigolactones also inhibit bud outgrowth, by changing properties of the auxin transport network, increasing the competition between buds. This occurs by modulating access to the polar auxin transport stream (PATS) in the main stem. The PATS provides directional, long distance transport of auxin down the stem, involving basal localisation of the auxin transporter PIN-FORMED1 (PIN1). Buds need to export their auxin across the stem towards the PATS in order to activate, but since PIN1 is mainly expressed in narrow files of cells associated with the stem vasculature, PIN1 itself it is unlikely to facilitate this connectivity. This thesis re-examines the role of auxin transport in the stem, showing that, besides the PIN1-mediated PATS, other auxin transport proteins constitute a more widespread and less polar auxin transport stream, allowing auxin exchange between the PATS and surrounding tissues. Disruption of this transport stream is shown to reduce bud-bud communication and to partially rescue the increased branching observed in strigolactone mutants. Furthermore, it is shown that distinct classes of auxin transport proteins within this stream can differentially affect bud outgrowth mediated by BRANCHED1 (BRC1). BRC1 is a transcription factor proposed to determine bud activation potential. Taken together, the data presented here provide a more comprehensive understanding of the shoot auxin transport network and its role in shoot branching regulation

    The survey of effect of competitive intelligence on competitive ability and industrial competitiveness in Lorstan industrial estate

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    The aim of this article is identify the factors that have effect on competitive intelligence, competitive ability and industrial competitiveness in Lorestan industrial estates and survey the effect of competitive intelligence on competitive ability and industrial competitiveness in Lorestan industrial estate. The research objective was applied and the research type was analytical survey. The statistical population was made up of over of firms and factory that work in Lorestan industrial estates. People the sample size was 140 cases which were obtained using random sampling - stratification. The validity of questionnaire was proved using content validity method and their reliability using Cronbach's alpha. In this article to test hypothesis and conceptual model structural equation approach and Amos 18 software were used. The result show that competitive intelligence have significant effect on competitive ability and industrial competitiveness in Lorestan industrial estates. Also the results show that the factors that have effect on competitive intelligence are market intelligence, competitor intelligence, technologic intelligence and strategic intelligence. In added to the factors that have effect on competitive ability identified are organizational performance, HR management, costumer and technologic and innovation management. Also the results show that market oriented performance, costumer oriented performance, and competitor’s oriented performance and internal performance have effect on industrial competitiveness

    Letter to editor

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    Introduction:   blended Learning is a new concept in the field of medical education. The high potential of entrepreneurship in health care personnel and the growing opportunities in society requires proper training. Because of the complexity of medical education and the high density of practical and apprenticeships, flipped classroom is good strategy , that can boost health entrepreneurship

    Identifying the Dimensions of the Needs of the Spiritual Life of Human Resources in Sahifa Sajadieh

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    The needs of spiritual life are related to the spiritual dimension of human existence, and the proper provision of these needs can form the fundamental basis for the growth of a healthy, capable and prosperous human being. In the organizational dimension, the existence of decent human resources is the main asset of any organization and, therefore, one of the most important factors in improving the productivity of the organization is the ability to motivate employees based on recognizing the spiritual needs of human beings. Also, cultural differences, harms caused by the use of Western motivational models, the need to increase productivity and the weakness of motivational tools in Iranian organizations require that indigenous models to identify human needs and motivation and in terms of spiritual delicacy based on Islamic culture. In line with this goal, in this study, Sahifa Sajadieh was used as a data source in order to develop a model. In this research, the content analysis method and Maxqda software were used to analyze the data and after exploring the data set, a new model of needs based on Islamic culture was presented called Need for Spiritual Life" whose fourteen organizing themes are defined. They are different from human resource needs