2,216 research outputs found

    Los manuales de convivencia escolar : Una apuesta por una sana convivencia

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    73 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEsta investigaci?n tiene como prop?sito compartir y socializar el proceso, los resultados y las conclusiones derivados de la revisi?n y an?lisis descriptivo de 21 manuales de convivencia escolar, que equivalen al 10% de las instituciones educativas oficiales del departamento del Tolima, frente al cumplimiento de la normatividad para la garant?a de derechos de la comunidad educativa. Los instrumentos utilizados incluyeron variables de los aspectos m?nimos que debe contener un manual de convivencia, como el enfoque de g?nero, DDHH, los derechos y deberes de los integrantes de la comunidad educativa; mecanismos de elecci?n de gobierno escolar; acuerdos de convivencia e implementaci?n de la Ley 1620 de 2013, entre otros. Se realiz? una revisi?n extensiva de cada uno de los manuales y las recomendaciones para que las IE adelanten el proceso de ajuste y cualificaci?n de los MCE. A partir de la revisi?n, se evidencio en los Manuales de Convivencia Escolar aspectos relacionados con disposiciones que afectan el libre desarrollo de la personalidad, como el corte del cabello, la prohibici?n del uso del maquillaje, los tatuajes, los piercing, otros accesorios; el uso del informe el cual se encuentra discriminado por g?nero que no es garante del derecho a la identidad de g?nero. No promueven los contenidos m?nimos de la norma legal relacionada con el enfoque de g?nero, DDHH, participaci?n y responsabilidad democr?tica, enfoque poblacional y respeto por la diversidad y aborda el ambiente escolar con medidas pedag?gicas desde una perspectiva de castigo y sanciones que conllevan a suspensi?n, exclusi?n o expulsi?n de los estudiantes de las IE. As? mismo, se incluyen contenidos que no corresponden con la naturaleza de los MCE en virtud de las directrices y normatividad que regula la materia.This resarch has the pourpose of share and socialice the processes, results and conclussions based on the review and descriptive analysis of 21 coexistence school manuals, that are equivalent of the 10% of the total of schools in the departament of Tolima, facing to the accomplishment of the regulation for the warranty of the education community. The resources used in this investigation included variables of the minimmun requirements that a coexistence manual should include, such as the gender approach, Human rights, the rights and duties of the education community, Mechanisms of choice of school government; Agreements of coexistence and implementation of Law 1620 of 2013, among others. An extensive review of each of the manuals and recommendations was made for educational institutions to advance the process of adjustment and qualification of the schoolar coexistence manuals. Based on the research, it was possible to determined that the coexistences manuals often included rules that affect the free development of the personality, like the cut of the hair, the prohibition of the use of makeup, tattoos, piercing, other accessories; The use of the uniform which is discriminated by gender and does not guarantee the right to gender identity. Nor do they promote the minimmun content of the general regulation regarding gender approach, human rights, participation and responsabilities in democracy, poblational focus and respect for the diversity and Addresses the school environment with pedagogical measures from a perspective of punishment and sanctions that lead to suspension, exclusion or expulsion of students. Also, they include contents that do not correspond with the nature of the schools coexistence manuals under the guidelines and regulation that conduct the subject. Keywords: manual, coexistence, educational institutions, school climate, rights and duties

    Business strategy and earnings quality

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    ABSTRACT: Using the Miles and Snow (1978) strategy typology, this study investigates whether business strategy is associated with the quality of reported earnings. In a sample of U.S. listed firms, we predict and find that defender strategy firms are associated with higher levels of earnings management and prospector-strategy firms are associated with higher levels of accounting conservatism. However, this relation between business strategy and earnings quality is altered during high and low economic growth periods. In high-growth periods, while prospector firms exhibit lesser accounting conservatism, defender firms exhibit lesser earning management. In low-growth periods, the prospector firms become more conservative in reporting while the defender firms engage in more aggressive earnings management. Our findings provide direct evidence of the link between business strategy and earnings quality

    Electron energy-loss spectrometry on lithiated graphite

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    Transmission electron energy-loss spectrometry was used to investigate the electronic states of metallic Li and LiC6, which is the Li-intercalated graphite used in Li-ion batteries. The Li K edges of metallic Li and LiC6 were nearly identical, and the C K edges were only weakly affected by the presence of Li. These results suggest only a small charge transfer from Li to C in LiC6, contrary to prior results from surface spectra obtained by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Effects of radiation damage and sample oxidation in the transmission electron microscopy are also reported

    Butterflies (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea and Hesperioidea) from the Research Center Nataima (Tolima-Colombia)

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    P?ginas 11-18En el Centro de Investigaci?n Nataima (Tolima, Colombia) durante abril y mayo de 2009 se realiz? un inventario de las mariposas diurnas presentes en cuatro diferentes lotes cultivados. Se coleccionaron 209 individuos pertenecientes a seis familias y 26 especies; Anartia jatrophae fue la m?s abundante (15 %). En el caso de Siproeta stelenes su abudancia es debida a las preferencias alimenticias de los adultos, mientras que para A. jatrophae, por su capacidad de desplazar otras especies de mariposas. El an?lisis de rarefacci?n demostr? que el n?mero de especies registrado no se aproxima a la riqueza real (X2 = 8.62, g.l = 7, p < 0.001), por lo que es necesario muestreos intensivos. Los valores de riqueza y diversidad fueron mayores en los lotes con vegetaci?n m?s heterog?nea. Los an?lisis de similaridad de Jaccard evindencian una baja afinidad (<21 %) en la comunidad de mariposas entre los lotes y ?pocas evaludas (abril y mayo).ABSTRACT. A survey of diurnal butterflies was carried out in four different crops, in the Nataima Research Center (Tolima, Colombia) during April and May 2009. A total of 209 specimens belonging to six families and 26 species were collected, Anartia jatrophae was the most abundant (15 %). The abundance of Siproeta stelenes is due to food preferences by adults, meanwhile A. jatrophae?s is because of its ability to displace other species of butterflies. The rarefaction analysis showed that the number of recorded species does not approach the real richness (X2 = 8.62, g.l = 7 p<0.001), requiring more intensive sampling. The richness and diversity values were higher in crops with more heterogeneous vegetation. Jaccard similarity analyses demonstrated a low affinity (<21 %) in the community of butterflies among the lots and periods evaluated (April and May)

    White Lines and 3d-Occupancy for the 3d Transition-Metal Oxides

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    Electron energy-loss spectrometry was employed to measure the white lines at the L23 absorption edges of the 3d transition-metal oxides and lithium transition-metal oxides. The white-line ratio (L3/L2) was found to increase between d^0 and d^5 and decrease between d^5 and d^10, consistent with previous results for the transition metals and their oxides. The intensities of the white lines, normalized to the post-edge background, are linear for the 3d transition-metal oxides and lithium transition-metal oxides. An empirical correlation between normalized white-line intensity and 3d occupancy is established. It provides a method for measuring changes in the 3d-state occupancy. As an example, this empirical relationship is used to measure changes in the transition-metal valences of Li_{1-x}Ni_{0.8}Co_{0.2}O_2 in the range of 0 < x < 0.64. In these experiments the 3d occupancy of the nickel ion decreased upon lithium deintercalation, while the cobalt valence remained constant.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    Proyecto de novela gr?fica: Las cuatro fases de Eva

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    55 p. Recurso Electr?nicoLas cuatro fases de Eva es un proyecto de novela gr?fica que se divide en cuatro cap?tulos, una luna por cada cual (luna nueva, luna creciente, luna llena y luna menguante). A partir de una pregunta base se empiezan a establecer diversos cuestionamientos sobre el lugar que ocupo dentro de esta sociedad, asimismo el ejercicio me abastece de m?ltiples posibilidades que voy desarrollando a lo largo del proceso de creaci?n e investigaci?n para construir una propuesta pl?stica. Palabras claves: SociedadThe four phases of Eve is a project of graphic novel that is divided into four chapters, a moon for each (new moon, waxing moon, full moon and waning moon). From a question base begin to establish various inquiries about the place I occupy in this society, also the exercise supplies me many possibilities that I developed throughout the process of creation and research to build a proposal plastic. Keywords: Societ

    Volumetric study of the maxillary sinus in patients with sinus pathology

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    OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study is 1) to obtain the area and volumes of the maxillary sinuses in patients affected by clinically unilateral sinus pathology by comparing the results to the contralateral sinus and 2) to determine the importance of the volumetric measures when diagnosing the percentage of sinus obliteration. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A single-centre observational retrospective clinical study was conducted in 214 patients with clinically unilateral sinus pathologies. Linear (mm), area (mm2) and volume (mm3) measurements were taken from Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) images of the affected sinus as well as from the contralateral ones. Histopathological study was performed using haematoxylin/eosin and PAS or Groccot stains. The lesions were classified into non-specific sinusitis, polyps, inverted papilloma, fungal sinusitis, cysts, mucocele and other lesions. Chi-squared test, ANOVA for independent samples and Pearson test were used for the statistical analysis. RESULTS: A total of 100 sinuses were measured in 50 patients (28 men and 22 women, with an age of 43.6 years (SD = 18.3), 50 pathological and 50 healthy contralateral sinuses. The three-dimensional occupation volume of the affected sinuses was 97.1 mm3 (62.5%) vs. 40.6 mm3 (22.8%) in the healthy ones (p<0.0001). The medial-lateral width of the sinus in the frontal plane was significantly higher in the cysts group (32.4 mm, CI: 23-41.8 mm). CONCLUSION: In medical terms, the global percentage of occupation determined using the classic manual determination method does not differ from the three-dimensional percentage calculated using specific complex software

    Estrategias participativas para la escuela de padres de los estudiantes del grado 5-1 de la Instituci?n Educativa T?cnica Ni?a Mar?a del Municipio Fresno - Tolima

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    134 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEl presente trabajo de investigaci?n se ocupa de valorar el nivel de participaci?n de los padres de familia en el proceso educativo de los estudiantes del grado 5-1 de la Jornada Tarde de la Instituci?n Educativa T?cnica Ni?a Mar?a del Municipio de Fresno - Tolima, contrast?ndolo con el cumplimiento de los estudiantes en actividades y tareas extraescolares, el rendimiento acad?mico y a partir de este an?lisis, proponer estrategias participativas como la escuela de padres con el fin de vincular a los mismos en las actividades escolares y formativas de sus hijos, mejorando as? la relaci?n existente entre familia - escuela que se ha visto afectada por la poca comunicaci?n que se genera en estos ambientes. Es por ello que se hace necesario realizar un trabajo investigativo en donde se toman como instrumentos la entrevista grupal aplicada a los estudiantes del grado 5-1, las encuestas aplicadas a los docentes del grado en referencia, as? como a padres de familia, desde los cuales se puede construir una propuesta de transformaci?n necesaria y pertinente entre escuela y familia, para el beneficio en la formaci?n intelectual, social, moral y volitiva de los estudiantes de este grado. Palabras Clave: Rendimiento Escolar, Escuela de Padres, Estrategias participativas.This research work is concerned with assessing the level of participation of parents in the educational process of students in grade 5-1 of the Afternoon Journey of the Technical Educational Institution of Ni?a Mar?a in the Municipality of Fresno - Tolima, contrasting it with students 'compliance with extracurricular activities and tasks, academic performance and, based on this analysis, propose participatory strategies such as the parents' school in order to link them to their children's school and training activities, thus improving the relationship existing between family - school that has been affected by the little communication that is generated in these environments. That is why it is necessary to carry out a research work where the group interview applied to students of grade 5-1 is taken as an instrument, the surveys applied to the teachers of the grade in reference, as well as to parents, from the which can be constructed a proposal of necessary and pertinent transformation between school and family, for the benefit in the intellectual, social, moral and volitional formation of the students of this degree. Keywords: School Performance, Parent School, Participatory Strategies
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