3,706 research outputs found

    High affinity binding of the peptide agonist TIP-39 to the parathyroid hormone 2 (PTH₂) receptor requires the hydroxyl group of Tyr-318 on transmembrane helix 5

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    TIP39 (“tuberoinfundibular peptide of 39 residues”) acts via the parathyroid hormone 2 receptor, PTH₂, a Family B G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR). Despite the importance of GPCRs in human physiology and pharmacotherapy, little is known about the molecular details of the TIP39-PTH₂ interaction. To address this, we utilised the different pharmacological profiles of TIP39 and PTH(1-34) at PTH₂ and its related receptor PTH₁: TIP39 being an agonist at the former but an antagonist at the latter, while PTH(1-34) activates both. A total of 23 site-directed mutations of PTH₂, in which residues were substituted to the equivalent in PTH₁, were made and pharmacologically screened for agonist activity. Follow-up mutations were analysed by radioligand binding and cAMP assays. A model of the TIP39-PTH₂ complex was built and analysed using molecular dynamics. Only Tyr318-Ile displayed reduced TIP39 potency, despite having increased PTH(1-34) potency, and further mutagenesis and analysis at this site demonstrated that this was due to reduced TIP39 affinity at Tyr318-Ile (pIC50 = 6.01±0.03) compared with wild type (pIC₅₀ = 7.81±0.03). The hydroxyl group of the Tyr-318’s side chain was shown to be important for TIP39 binding, with the Tyr318-Phe mutant displaying 13-fold lower affinity and 35-fold lower potency compared with wild type. TIP39 truncated by up to 5 residues at the N-terminus was still sensitive to the mutations at Tyr-318, suggesting that it interacts with a region within TIP39(6-39). Molecular modelling and molecular dynamics simulations suggest that the selectivity is based on an interaction between the Tyr-318 hydroxyl group with the carboxylate side chain of Asp-7 of the peptide

    Assessing the effect of dynamics on the closed-loop protein-folding hypothesis

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    The closed-loop (loop-n-lock) hypothesis of protein folding suggests that loops of about 25 residues, closed through interactions between the loop ends (locks), play an important role in protein structure. Coarse-grain elastic network simulations, and examination of loop lengths in a diverse set of proteins, each supports a bias towards loops of close to 25 residues in length between residues of high stability. Previous studies have established a correlation between total contact distance (TCD), a metric of sequence distances between contacting residues (cf. contact order), and the log-folding rate of a protein. In a set of 43 proteins, we identify an improved correlation ( r 2 = 0.76), when the metric is restricted to residues contacting the locks, compared to the equivalent result when all residues are considered ( r 2 = 0.65). This provides qualified support for the hypothesis, albeit with an increased emphasis upon the importance of a much larger set of residues surrounding the locks. Evidence of a similar-sized protein core/extended nucleus (with significant overlap) was obtained from TCD calculations in which residues were successively eliminated according to their hydrophobicity and connectivity, and from molecular dynamics simulations. Our results suggest that while folding is determined by a subset of residues that can be predicted by application of the closed-loop hypothesis, the original hypothesis is too simplistic; efficient protein folding is dependent on a considerably larger subset of residues than those involved in lock formation. </jats:p

    Harnessing oscillatory fluid behaviour to improve debris wash-out in ureteroscopy

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    In ureteroscopy, a common method for kidney stone removal, a ureteroscope is inserted into the patient’s kidney, through which working tools such as a laser are inserted. During the procedure, the renal space proximal to the scope tip is irrigated with fluid in order to clear stone particles and debris. However, even with continual fluid flow into and out of the kidney, stone dust may become trapped in vortical structures, significantly impairing the operating clinician’s field of view. Key to overcoming this challenge is a clear understanding of the flow patterns within an irrigated kidney calyx, and a modelling framework that enables to interrogate how different flow conditions impact on the wash-out time of debris. Previous theoretical studies have uncovered the interplay between fluid structure, in particular the presence of vortical regions, and dust washout, but only in a regime of steady inlet flow conditions. In this paper we model a kidney calyx in an idealised 2D cavity geometry, in which we investigate the presence and potential disturbance of vortical structures due to an oscillatory inlet condition, and the impact on dust washout, modelled as a passive tracer in the flow. By varying the flow amplitude and frequency at the inlet, we uncover a delicate relationship with vortex size and vortex disturbance, and we demonstrate the potential for significant decrease in wash-out time with low-frequency high-amplitude conditions. We then compare this result to the commonly used practice of flushing, a discrete and temporary increase in flow, and we also demonstrate the qualitative robustness of our findings to changes in cavity geometry

    Reconstructing North Atlantic marine climate variability using an absolutely-dated sclerochronological network

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from Elsevier via the DOI in this record.Reconstructing regional to hemispheric-scale climate variability requires the application of spatially representative and climatically sensitive proxy archives. Large spatial networks of dendrochronologies have facilitated the reconstruction of atmospheric variability and inferred variability in the Atlantic Ocean system. However, the marine environment has hitherto lacked the direct application of the spatial network approach because of the small number of individual absolutely-dated marine archives. In this study we present the first analyses of a network of absolutely-dated annually-resolved growth increment width chronologies from the marine bivalves Glycymeris glycymeris and Arctica islandica. The network contains eight chronologies spanning > 500 km along the western British continental shelf from the southern Irish Sea to North West Scotland. Correlation analysis of the individual chronologies and a suite of climate indices, including the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO), Central England surface air temperature (CET), northeast Atlantic sea surface temperatures (SST's) and the winter North Atlantic Oscillation (wNAO), demonstrates that, despite the large geographical distances been sites and the heterogeneous nature of the marine environment, the increment width variability in these series contains an element of coherence likely driven by a common response to changing environmental forcing. A nested Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to construct five composite series which explain between 31% and 74% of the variance across the individual chronologies. Linear regression analyses indicate that the composite series explain up to 41% of the variance in Northeast Atlantic SSTs over the calibration period (1975–2000). Calibration verification (reduction of error [RE] and coefficient of efficiency [CE]) statistics indicate that the composite series contains significant skill at reconstructing multi-decadal northeast Atlantic SST variability over the past two centuries (1805–2010). These data suggest that composite series derived from sclerochronology networks can facilitate the robust reconstruction of marine climate over past centuries to millennia providing invaluable baseline records of natural oceanographic variability.This work was supported financially by the NERC funded project Climate of the Last Millennium Project (CLAM; project No. NE/N001176/1) and the Marie Curie Frame work Partnership Annually Resolved Archives of Marine Climate Change (ARAMACC; Project No. FP7 604802). The authors would like to thank the three anonymous reviewer‘s for their constructive comments during the peer review process

    Likelihood inference for exponential-trawl processes

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    Integer-valued trawl processes are a class of serially correlated, stationary and infinitely divisible processes that Ole E. Barndorff-Nielsen has been working on in recent years. In this Chapter, we provide the first analysis of likelihood inference for trawl processes by focusing on the so-called exponential-trawl process, which is also a continuous time hidden Markov process with countable state space. The core ideas include prediction decomposition, filtering and smoothing, complete-data analysis and EM algorithm. These can be easily scaled up to adapt to more general trawl processes but with increasing computation efforts.Comment: 29 pages, 6 figures, forthcoming in: "A Fascinating Journey through Probability, Statistics and Applications: In Honour of Ole E. Barndorff-Nielsen's 80th Birthday", Springer, New Yor

    Modifiable healthcare factors affecting 28-day survival in bloodstream infection: a prospective cohort study

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    Background: Bloodstream infection is common in the UK and has significant mortality depending on the pathogen involved, site of infection and other patient factors. Healthcare staffing and ward activity may also impact on outcomes in a range of conditions, however there is little specific National Health Service (NHS) data on the impact for patients with bloodstream infection. Bloodstream Infections – Focus on Outcomes is a multicentre cohort study with the primary aim of identifying modifiable risk factors for 28-day mortality in patients with bloodstream infection due to one of six key pathogens. Methods: Adults under the care of five NHS Trusts in England and Wales between November 2010 and May 2012 were included. Multivariable Cox regression was used to quantify the association between modifiable risk factors, including staffing levels and timing of appropriate therapy, and 28-day mortality, after adjusting for non-modifiable risk factors such as patient demographics and long-term comorbidities. Results: A total of 1676 patients were included in the analysis population. Overall, 348/1676 (20.8%) died within 28 days. Modifiable factors associated with 28-day mortality were ward speciality, ward activity (admissions and discharges), movement within ward speciality, movement from critical care, and time to receipt of appropriate antimicrobial therapy in the first 7 days. For each additional admission or discharge per 10 beds, the hazard increased by 4% (95% CI 1 to 6%) in medical wards and 11% (95% CI 4 to 19%) in critical care. Patients who had moved wards within speciality or who had moved out of a critical care ward had a reduction in hazard of mortality. In the first 7 days, hazard of death increased with increasing time to receipt of appropriate antimicrobial therapy. Conclusion: This study underlines the importance of appropriate antimicrobials within the first 7 days, and the potential for ward activity and ward movements to impact on survival in bloodstream infection

    Decreased mass specific respiration under experimental warming is robust to the microbial biomass method employed

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    Hartley et al. question whether reduction in Rmass, under experimental warming, arises because of the biomass method. We show the method they treat as independent yields the same result. We describe why the substrate-depletion hypothesis may not solely explain observed responses, and urge caution in interpretation of the seasonal data. © 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd/CNRS

    Annually resolved North Atlantic marine climate over the last millennium

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from Nature Publishing Group via the DOI in this record.Owing to the lack of absolutely dated oceanographic information before the modern instrumental period, there is currently significant debate as to the role played by North Atlantic Ocean dynamics in previous climate transitions (for example, Medieval Climate Anomaly-Little Ice Age, MCA-LIA). Here we present analyses of a millennial-length, annually resolved and absolutely dated marine ÎŽ(18)O archive. We interpret our record of oxygen isotope ratios from the shells of the long-lived marine bivalve Arctica islandica (ÎŽ(18)O-shell), from the North Icelandic shelf, in relation to seawater density variability and demonstrate that solar and volcanic forcing coupled with ocean circulation dynamics are key drivers of climate variability over the last millennium. During the pre-industrial period (AD 1000-1800) variability in the sub-polar North Atlantic leads changes in Northern Hemisphere surface air temperatures at multi-decadal timescales, indicating that North Atlantic Ocean dynamics played an active role in modulating the response of the atmosphere to solar and volcanic forcing.We thank the members of the RV Bjarni SĂŠmundsson (Cruise No. B05-2006). This work was supported by the NERC-funded ULTRA project (Grant Number NE/H023356/1), NERC-funded CLAM project; (Project No. NE/N001176/1) and EU Millennium Project (Project number 017008). This study is a contribution to the Climate Change Consortium for Wales (C3W). We thank Brian Long (Bangor University) and Dr Julia Becker (Cardiff University) for their technical support, and Dr Manfred Mudelsee for his assistance with the trend analysis. We thank Dr Jessica Tierney and an anonymous reviewer for providing the constructive comments in the reviewing process

    Effects of cash transfers on Children's health and social protection in Sub-Saharan Africa: differences in outcomes based on orphan status and household assets

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    BACKGROUND: Unconditional and conditional cash transfer programmes (UCT and CCT) show potential to improve the well-being of orphans and other children made vulnerable by HIV/AIDS (OVC). We address the gap in current understanding about the extent to which household-based cash transfers differentially impact individual children’s outcomes, according to risk or protective factors such as orphan status and household assets. METHODS: Data were obtained from a cluster-randomised controlled trial in eastern Zimbabwe, with random assignment to three study arms – UCT, CCT or control. The sample included 5,331 children ages 6-17 from 1,697 households. Generalized linear mixed models were specified to predict OVC health vulnerability (child chronic illness and disability) and social protection (birth registration and 90% school attendance). Models included child-level risk factors (age, orphan status); household risk factors (adults with chronic illnesses and disabilities, greater household size); and household protective factors (including asset-holding). Interactions were systematically tested. RESULTS: Orphan status was associated with decreased likelihood for birth registration, and paternal orphans and children for whom both parents’ survival status was unknown were less likely to attend school. In the UCT arm, paternal orphans fared better in likelihood of birth registration compared with non-paternal orphans. Effects of study arms on outcomes were not moderated by any other risk or protective factors. High household asset-holding was associated with decreased likelihood of child’s chronic illness and increased birth registration and school attendance, but household assets did not moderate the effects of cash transfers on risk or protective factors. CONCLUSION: Orphaned children are at higher risk for poor social protection outcomes even when cared for in family-based settings. UCT and CCT each produced direct effects on children’s social protection which are not moderated by other child- and household-level risk factors, but orphans are less likely to attend school or obtain birth registration. The effects of UCT and CCT are not moderated by asset-holding, but greater household assets predict greater social protection outcomes. Intervention efforts need to focus on ameliorating the additional risk burden carried by orphaned children. These efforts might include caregiver education, and additional incentives based on efforts made specifically for orphaned children
