267 research outputs found

    Tejano Music as an Expression of Cultural Nationalism

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    Outrigger Project

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    Outrigger Project Author: Jose Reyna ([email protected]) Co-Author: Tyler Hoffman ([email protected]) Mentors: Neil Hauff ([email protected]), Dr. Choi ([email protected]), Professor Pringle ([email protected]), Professor Bramble ([email protected]), Dr. J ([email protected]) Abstract Agricultural areas sometimes experience cold weather in early spring and risk damage to crops due to freezing. To combat this issue, farms can employ temporary fans to keep the blossoms from freezing. The design of a 17-foot-tall wind turbine mounted on 7-foot-wide trailer can help mix the warm air that’s above the wind turbine with the colder air that’s below to keep the crop from freezing. These wind turbines can produce up to 2000 lbs of thrust force. At a height of 17 feet, this force then becomes a moment of 34,000 lb-ft. This moment will tip the trailers over as they don’t cover a wide enough area to counter the moment. To counter this moment, telescoping outriggers were designed. Analysis was completed to determine the length of the outriggers, the dimensions of the square tubing used to manufacture the outriggers, and the max deflection allowable by the outriggers. A Solidworks model supported the calculations. The stabilizing legs design is contained in the report by Tyler Hoffman. Testing determined that the outriggers performed to the design specification. The outriggers weighed 550 pounds, they extended to a length of 16 feet, and retracted to a length of 7 feet. Under load the outriggers deflected less than 1 inch and maintained stability on a 15% grade. Keywords: Wind turbine, trailer, mechanical multiplier, thrust force, square tube

    Metabolic Reprogramming of Cystic Fibrosis Macrophages through the Unfolded Protein Response

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    Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a life-threatening autosomal genetic disease, which affects approximately 48,204 individuals in Europe and 29,887 in the USA. This condition is caused by mutations in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR). In CF, the mutated CFTR, in the case of DF508, causes accumulation of misfolded proteins leading to endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, with activation of the IRE1a-XBP1 pathway. This pathway is essential in the regulation of a subset of genes controlling proinflammatory and metabolic responses in immune cells; nevertheless, the metabolic rates of immune cells and the role of this pathway in CF remain elusive. In this study, it was shown that innate immune cells from patients with CF show significantly higher levels of ER stress, particularly in the IRE1a-XBP1 signalling pathway. Interestingly, ER stress was only present in neutrophils, monocytes and macrophages from patients with CF. Overactivation of the IRE1a-XBP1 signalling pathway rewires M1 macrophages from patients with CF, and increases macrophages’ metabolic rates, with high glycolytic rates and mitochondrial function. The increased activity of the IRE1a-XBP1 signalling pathway and the increased metabolic rates were associated with excessive production of TNF and IL-6. Specific inhibition of the RNase domain of the IRE1 arm decreased the excessive glycolytic rates, mitochondrial function and production of inflammatory cytokines. Furthermore, Orkambi, Symkevi and Ivacaftor had an essential impact in changing the metabolic profile of cells with CF mutations. This study shows how innate immune cells from CF patients are affected by ER stress, in particular, M1 macrophages. Moreover, the IRE1a-XBP1 signalling pathway is essential for the increased metabolic rates seen in M1 macrophages with CF mutations. Modulation of ER stress might be an exciting option to recover the metabolic fitness of cells with CF mutation

    Perfil del cirujano dentista en el diagnostico ortodontico - Trujillo 2016

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    El presente estudio tuvo como propósito determinar el perfil del cirujano dentista en el diagnóstico ortodóntico en la provincia de Trujillo, 2016. Este estudio prospectivo, transversal, descriptivo y observacional se desarrolló en los centros de trabajo de cada uno de los cirujanos dentistas que ejercen la especialidad de ortodoncia en Trujillo. La muestra estuvo conformada por un total de 81 cirujanos dentistas, que fueron entrevistados, evaluando diferentes aspectos sobre la especialidad de ortodoncia. Los resultados mostraron que los estudios complementarios más realizados por los cirujanos dentistas que ejercen la especialidad de ortodoncia fueron: modelos de estudios, fotografías, radiografías panorámicas y cefalométrica, siendo Steiner el análisis más usado manualmente. Por otro lado, los menos utilizados eran: las radiografías Carpal y Frontal con sus respectivos análisis, el montaje y análisis de los modelos de estudios. Los cirujanos dentistas que realizaron más exámenes complementarios y estudios de análisis para el diagnóstico fueron: el género femenino, mayores de 41 años de edad, más de 10 años ejerciendo la ortodoncia y los especialistas en ortodoncia y ortopedia maxilar. Siendo Ricketts digitalmente, el análisis más utilizado por todos a excepción del último, que lo realizaron manual y digitalmente.The purpose of this study was determine the profile of the dental surgeon in the orthodontic diagnosis in the province of Trujillo, 2016. This study, prospective, cross-sectional, descriptive and observational, was developed in the workplace of each of dent ist’s surgeons that practicing orthodontic specialty in Trujillo. The sample consisted of a total of 81 dental surgeons, who were interviewed, evaluating different aspects of orthodontic practice. The results showed that complementary studies more used by dentist’s surgeons that practicing orthodontic specialty were: studios models, photographs, panoramic and cephalometrics radiographs, being Steiner analysis manually more used. On the other hand, the least used were: Carpal and Front radiographs with their analysis, assembly and analysis of study models. Dentist’s surgeons that perform more complementary studies, studies of analyzes for the diagnosis were: female gender, older than 41 years old, more than 10 years practicing orthodontics and specialists in orthodontics. Being Ricketts digitally, the analysis more used by all except the last one that made, either manually or digital.Tesi

    Criminalidad organizada y proliferación del sicariato Juvenil en la ciudad de Ica, 2020

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    El presente trabajo de investigación titulado: “Crimen Organizado y Proliferación del Sicariato Juvenil”, tuvo por objeto determinar como el crimen organizado, homicidio y extorsión, influyen en la proliferación del sicariato juvenil en la ciudad de Ica 2020, basándose la presente al enfoque cualitativo, empleando para ello las técnicas de recolección de datos mediante las guías de entrevistas y análisis documental, arribando finalmente que la criminalidad organizada se equipa de los delincuentes más jóvenes, incluso menores de edad, a quienes le ofrecen dinero para que comentan los delitos de sicariato; así mismo el homicidio calificado en la mayoría de los casos son por encargo de las organizaciones criminales y lo ejecutan a través de sus jóvenes sicarios; finalmente el delito de extorsión son cometidos la mayor de las veces por organizaciones criminales los cuales cumplen con sus amenazas de acabar con la vida de quienes no se dejan extorsionar, valiéndose de los jóvenes sicarios de su organización

    Características y calidad editorial de las revistas científicas mexicanas: la aportación de Latindex

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    From existing records in the Latindex information system the Mexican scientific journals are analyzed from the perspective of their bibliographical features and editorial quality. The editorial profile of the publications is described in terms of their life-span, nature of its contents, distribution format, thematic orientation as well as publishing institutions; for online journals the type of access is also analyzed. Regarding editorial quality, a comparison was made with the results obtained in 1999 and 2015 that show an improvement in the fulfillment of editorial quality criteria, as well as the quality characteristics less observed by Mexican print and online journals. Finally, some impacts identified through the work carried out by Latindex in Mexico in relation to journals and the publishing and scientific information sector are exposed