44 research outputs found
Emerging technologies for treatment of antibiotic residues from wastewater influent/effluent for sustainable environment: A case study with NFC-doped titania immobilized on polystyrene as an efficient technology
In this study, 5 urban and 2 industrial wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) were investigated. Raw wastewaters and effluents of WWTPs were characterized in terms of both organic and inorganic pollutants and antibiotic residues. According to the analysis results; organic pollutants for raw wastewaters and influents in urban WWTP were measured between 412 and 921 ?mg ?L?1 for COD, 345–421 ?mg ?L?1 for TOC, 61–160 ?mg ?L?1 for COD, 48–83 ?mg ?L?1 for TOC, respectively. However, in industrial WWTPs, these values were determined in raw wastewaters between 1404 and 2367 ?mg ?L?1 for COD, 821–826 ?mg ?L?1 for TOC and in effluents between 272 and 408 ?mg ?L?1 for COD and 97–208 ?mg ?L?1 for TOC, respectively. In addition, in the characterization study of antibiotic residues by the results of HPLC/MS-MS measurements, the amounts of Ciprofloxacin (from the fluoroquinolones), Erythromycin (from the macrolides group) and Sulfamethoxasol (from the sulfonamide group), which are one of the three main groups of antibiotics in the waste water samples, were found in high amounts in both urban and industrial WWTPs despite the biological treatment process. More antibiotic residues (Erythromycin-ERY, Ciprofloxacin-CIP and Sulfamethoxasol-SMX) were detected in untreated raw wastewater compared to effluent wastewater. While CIP antibiotic was not found only one urban WWTP, the highest amounts in the effluents of 4 urban WWTPs were measured between 13,800 ?ng ?L?1 and 38,800 ?ng ?L?1. Moreover, ERY is only detected in high amount in one urban WWTP raw and effluent wastewater as 23,100 ?ng ?L?1 and 5430 ?ng ?L?1, respectively. The SMX was detected in 2 separates urban WWTPs at a value of 19,700 ?ng ?L?1 in the raw wastewater sample and at a value 10,100 ?ng ?L?1 in effluent sample of another urban WWTP. Antibiotic residue removal ratios after Advanced Oxidation Process using specially prepared NFC-doped TiO2 photocatalyst immobilized on polystyrene (PS) cup inner surface at amount 0.45 ?g were determined as 97%–~100% for CIP, 100% for ERY, 86%–~100% for SMX, 57%–64% for COD and 61,5%–72% for TOC, respectively. According to the above mentioned results, this study proved that photocatalytic oxidation processes performed under visible light with a specially prepared immobilized form (PS/Cup–NFC–0.45 ?g) photocatalyst provide higher antibiotic removal from both urban and industrial wastewater. Thus, these results showed us that if the application of NFC-doped Titania, immobilized on polystyrene, can be integrated with an appropriate reactor design on the real/pilot scale, this technology can be proposed as an efficient technology for sustainable environment. © 2021 Elsevier LtdThis study was supported by the Scientific Research Council of Tekirda? Nam?k Kemal University via Grant No. NKUBAP.06.GA.16.053.This study was supported by the Scientific Research Council of Tekirdağ Namık Kemal University via Grant No. NKUBAP.06.GA.16.053
Meriç- Ergene Havzasında Yer Alan Evsel Ve Endüstriyel Arıtılmış Atıksulardaki Antibiyotik Kalıntılarının Tespiti Ve NFC-Doplu Tio2 İle Fotokatalitik İleri Oksidasyon Prosesi İle Giderimi (NFC-Doplu Tio2/IOP )
İlaçların temel gruplarından olan antibiyotikler, alıcı ortamlara deşarjlarındaki ciddi ve geri dönüşümsüz artışları nedeniyle gittikçe artan sorun haline gelen önemli kirleticilerdendir. Antibiyotikler kullanıldıktan sonra kendi etken maddeleri değişmeden ya da metabolitleri şeklinde vücuttan atılarak atıksuya karışmakta ve genellikle parçalanmaya direnç gösterdiklerinden atıksu arıtma tesislerindeki biyolojik prosesleri inhibe edebilmektedir. Daha da önemlisi, antibiyotik kalıntıları içeren sularla sulama yapılan tarım ürünlerinin tüketilmesi sonucu gıda zinciri yoluyla tekrar insan vücuduna alındıklarında endokrin sistemleri üzerine büyük zararlı etkilere yol açmaktadır. Bu kapsamda bu çalışmada; Trakya bölgesi için önemli miktarda sulama ve içme suyu kaynağını barındıran Meriç-Ergene Havzası’nda faaliyet halinde olan Kırklareli, Malkara, Lüleburgaz ve Karpuzlu Evsel Atıksu Arıtma Tesisleri (AAT), Çorlu Deri OSB ve Çerkezköy OSB Endüstriyel AAT’nde oluşan ham atıksular ile bunların Meriç-Ergene Havzası yerüstü sularına deşarj edilen biyolojik arıtma prosesi sonrasındaki çıkış sularının KOİ, TOK, Renk, Sıcaklık, pH, İletkenlik, Çözünmüş Oksijen ve Antibiyotik Kalıntıları açısından karakterizasyonu yapılmıştır. Karakterizasyona esas alınan evsel ve endüstriyel biyolojik arıtma tesis çıkış sularında miktarı fazla olarak tespit edilen ve antibiyotiklerin ana gruplarını temsil eden 3 adet antibiyotik (Eritromisin, Siprofloksasin ve Sülfametoxasol) seçilmiştir. Ardından, laboratuvar ortamında etkin ve ucuz olacak şekilde özel olarak sol-jel metoduna göre hazırlanan ve daha önce literatürde hiç çalışılmamış yeni nesil NFC-doplu Titanyum Dioksit (TiO2) ile UV görünür ışık altında söz konusu atıksulardaki antibiyotik kalıntılarının giderim verimliliği, KOİ ve TOK parametreleri ile birlikte değerlendirilmiştir. Kırklareli, Malkara, Lüleburgaz ve Karpuzlu Evsel AAT’leri ile Çorlu Deri OSB ve Çerkezköy OSB Endüstriyel AAT’lerinin biyolojik arıtma tesisi giriş ve çıkış noktalarından mevsimsel değişiklikleri takip etmek için Mayıs, Haziran ve Kasım ayları içinde 1’er kez olmak üzere atık su numuneleri alınmıştır. Atıksu numunelerinin alınması ile eş zamanlı olarak Hach marka multimetre cihazı ile pH, sıcaklık, iletkenlik veçözünmüş oksijen parametreleri yerinde ölçülmüş, ilaveten KOİ, TOK, AKM ve antibiyotik içeriği açısından karakterizasyonu da laboratuvar ortamında gerçekleştirilmiştir. KOİ ve Renk analizleri dışındaki tüm analizler APHA, 1998 Standart Metodlara göre yapılmıştır. KOİ ölçümleri, ISO 6060 standardına ve renk ölçümleri de ISO 7887 standardına göre yapılmıştır. Atıksu numunelerinin antibiyotik kalıntı içeriğinin belirlenmesi için HPLC/MS-MS cihazi kullanılmıştır. Akabinde laboratuar ortamında sol-jel metoduna göre, daha önce literatürde çalışılmamış olan N-F-C üç doplu TiO2 fotokatalist hazırlanmıştır. Hazırlanan özel fotokatalistin anataz formda olduğuna dair karakterizasyonu için 785 nm diodelaser Laser Raman (Dispersive Micro- Raman (Invia, Renishaw)) spektrum ile Raman şiftleri tespit edilmiştir. Yine karakterizasyon için yapılan UV –Vis DRS ölçümleri RSA-PE-20 Perkin Elmer spektrometre (Labsphere Inc., North Sutton, NH) ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Fotokatalitik deneyler, 40 cm uzunluğunda 20 cm çapındaki silindirik, çift çıkışlı pyrex cam özel yapım bir r eaktörde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Fotokatalitik testlerde oksidasyon süresi ilk önce 3 saat daha sonra da arıtım verimliliğini arttırmak için 7 saat olarak seçilmiştir. Literatürde yapılan çalışmalarda, pH değişimlerinden fazla etkilenmediği göz önünde bulundurularak prosesin işletme maliyetlerini optimize etmek için atıksuların orijinal pH değerlerinde çalışmalar yürütülmüştür. Konvansiyonel kirletici parametreler açısından karakterizasyon sonuçlarına göre, evsel atıksu arıtma tesisleri biyolojik arıtılmış çıkış sularının orta, endüstriyel atıksu arıtma tesisleri biyolojik arıtılmış çıkış sularının ise kuvvetli bir kirlilik karakteri sergilediği ölçümlerle belirlenmiştir. Antibiyotik kalıntıları açısından yapılan karakterizasyon sonuçlarına göre, numune alımı gerçekleştirilen arıtma tesislerinde uygulanan biyolojik arıtma işlemine rağmen ilginç bir şekilde ikincil arıtma çıkış sularının, arıtılmamış ham giriş atıksularına göre daha yüksek miktarda antibiyotik içerdiği tespit edilmiştir. Bu durum, konvansiyonel sistemlerle antibiyotik giderimi gerçekleştirilemediğini, literatürde de mevcut olan benzer çalışmalarda da belirtildiği gibi evsel atıksulardaki bazı antibiyotiklerin muhtemelen önce dışkı içine hapsolduğu ve biyolojik arıtma sonrasında da serbest kalmalarından dolayı konvansiyonel sistemlerle arıtılamadıkları şeklinde açıklanmıştır.Söz konusu evsel ve endüstriyel arıtma tesislerinden alınan ham giriş ve arıtılmış çıkış sularında HPLC/MS-MS ile gerçekleştirilen antibiyotik kalıntı miktarları ölçüm sonuçlarına göre; Florokinolonlar grubundan Siprofloksasin (CIP-Ciprofloxacin), Makrolidler grubundan Eritromisin (ERY-Erythromicin) ve Sulfonamid grubundan Sülfametoksasol (SMX- Sulphametoxasol) miktarları en yüksek miktarda bulunan antibiyotikler olarak belirlenmiştir. Malkara, Lüleburgaz, Karpuzlu ve Kırklareli Evsel AAT çıkış sularında CIP antibiyotik içeriği sırasıyla 38800 ng/L, 16100 ng/L,14000 ng/L ve 13800 ng/L olarak ölçülmüştür. HPLC/MS-MS ölçümleri sonucunda Çorlu Deri OSB ve Endüstriyel Atıksu çıkış sularında ERY ve CIP olmadığı sadece düşük miktarda SMX kalıntısı olduğu tespit edildiği için, fotokatalitik oksidasyon test çalışmalarına sadece SMX kalınt miktarı Çorlu OSB’ye nazaran daha yüksek olarak ölçülen Çerkezköy OSB Endüstriyel AAT’nin çıkış suyu dahil edilmiştir. Bu çalışma da gerçekleştirilen Malkara Evsel AAT çıkış suyunda; 7 saatlik NFC-doplu TiO2 fotokatalitik oksidasyon prosesi ile CIP giderim veriminin %99,998 oranında olduğu ve 0,96 ng/L’lik bir kısmının giderilemediği, ERY ve SMX’ün ise tamamen giderilebildiği ortaya konulmuştur. Görünür ışık altında 7 saat süren NFC-doplu TiO2 fotokatalitik oksidasyon prosesinin uygulandığı Kırklareli Evsel AAT çıkış suyunda; CIP giderim veriminin %99,998 oranında olduğu ve 0,27 ng/L’lik bir kısmının giderilemediği, ERY’nin tamamen giderilebildiği, SMX giderim veriminin ise %99,962 oranında olduğu ve 3,79 ng/L’lik bir kısmının giderilemediği belirlenmiştir. Lüleburgaz Evsel AAT çıkış suyunda; 3 saatlik NFC-doplu TiO2 fotokatalitik oksidasyon prosesi ile CIP ve ERY’nin tamamen giderilebildiği, SMX giderim veriminin %94,377 oranında olduğu ve 289 ng/L lik bir kısmının giderilemediği ve oksidasyon süresinin 7 saate çıkarılması ile SMX giderim veriminin %99,955’e (2,32 ng/L kalıntı kaldığı) çıkarılabildiği tespit edilmiştir. 7 saatlik doplu TiO2 fotokatalitik oksidasyon prosesinin uygulandığı Karpuzlu Evsel AAT çıkış suyunda; CIP giderim veriminin %99,994 oranında olduğu ve 0,89 ng/L lik bir kısmının giderilemediği, ERY’nin tamamen giderilebildiği, SMX giderim veriminin ise %99,935 oranında olduğu ve 3,21 ng/L lik bir kısmının giderilemediği belirlenmiştir.Bu verilere paralel olarak, biyolojik arıtılmış evsel atıksularda fotokatalitik oksidasyon ile %73 ile %79 arasında KOİ, %73 ile %86 arasında da TOK giderim verimi elde edilirken, Çerkezköy Endüstriyel AAT’nin arıtılmış atıksularda ise bu verim her iki parametre için %62 olarak tespit edilmiştir. Elde edilen ölçüm sonuçlarından da görüldüğü gibi; bu çalışma için özel olarak hazırlanan NFC-doplu TiO2 fotokatalist özellikle evsel ve ardından da endüstriyel atıksulardan antibiyotik gideriminde oldukça başarılı sonuçlar ortaya koymuştur. Bu çalışmalardan yola çıkılarak, tasarlanacak özel fotoreaktörlerin NFC-doplu TiO2 fotokatalistlerle desteklenmesi sonucu, bu prosesin antibiyotik gideriminde konvansiyonel arıtma sistemlerini başarılı bir şekilde destekleyeceği ve bu anlamda alternatif bir ileri arıtma yöntemi olarak kullanılabileceği anlaşılmıştır.Antibiotics, which are the main groups of drugs, are important contaminants that have become increasingly problematic due to the serious and irreversible increases in discharge to the receiving environment. Once antibiotics are used, their active ingredients, unchanged or metabolites, have been thrown away into the wastewater. The presence of these organic pollutants and primary disinfectants in the influent wastewater can inhibit the biological processes in the wastewater treatment plants and generally resists to degradation. Moreover, the consumption of agricultural products, irrigated with water containing antibiotic residues, leads to major harmful effects on the endocrine and reproductive systems when taken back to the human body through the food chain. Even if they are produced industrially and used commercially, the possible effects on the environment need to be assessed in a comprehensive manner. In this context; a characterization was made in terms of COD, TOC, color, temperature, pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen and antibiotic residues of untreated raw wastewater from Kırklareli Malkara, Lüleburgaz and Karpuzlu Domestic and Çorlu Leather and Çerkezköy Organized Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plants located in the Meriç-Ergene Basin, to where has been discharged secondary treated effluent (biological treatment effluent) wastewater to to surface water of which contains a significant amount of irrigation and drinking water resources for Trakya Region. Selected three of antibiotics (Erythromicine, Ciprofloxacine, Sulphametoxasole), which represent the major groups of antibiotics and which were detected in excess amount in the domestic and industrial secondary treatment effluent based on characterization. After that, a new generation NFC-doped titanium dioxide photocatalyst, which has never been studied in the literature before, was prepared according to the sol-gel method. Antibiotic removal efficiency of this special prepared photocatalyst was evaluated with the results of HPLC/MS-MS together Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) and Total Organic Carbon (TOC) parameters by means of photocatalytic process using this specific and effective photocatalyst in the presence of UV visible light.Wastewater samples were taken from influent and biologically treated effluent water of Malkara, Lüleburgaz, Karpuzlu and Kırklareli Domestic and Çorlu Leather and Çerkezköy Organised Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plants in May, June and Nowember in order to observe seasonal changes. Measurements of temperature, pH, conductivity and dissolved oxygen parameters were performed simultaneously with the sampling time of the samples by a Hach multimeter. Characterization were carried out within the context of COD, Total Organic Carbon TOC, Suspended Solid Material (SSM) parameters and content of antibiotic residues at laboratory conditions. All analyzes were made according to APHA, 1998 Standard Methods except for KOI and color measurements. KOI was performed based on the ISO 6060 standard and color measurements were based on the ISO 7887 standard. HPLC-MS / MS instrument was used to determine the antibiotic residue contents of wastewater samples. After this antibiotic characterization study, NFC-doped Titanium Dioxide (TiO2), which has never been studied in the literature before, was prepared according to the sol-gel metod at laboratory scale. For the characterization of this prepared photocatalyst in anatase form, Raman shifts were determined at a range of 100-2500 cm-1 with a 785 nm Diode Laser Laser Raman (Dispersive Micro-Raman (Invia, Renishaw)) spectrum, additionally measurements of UV-Vis DRS with a RSA-PE-20 Perkin Elmer spectrometer (Labsphere Inc., North Sutton, NH). Photocatalytic experiments were carried out in a specially constructed reactor of cylindrical, double outlet designed made in pyrex glass with a length of 40 cm and a diameter of 20 cm. In photocatalytic tests, the oxidation time was chosen to be 3 hours first, and then 7 hours to increase the yield efficiency. Experiments had been carried out on the original pH values of wastewaters in order to optimize the operating costs of the process. According to the conventional characterization results of domestic and industrial wastewater samples in terms of pollutant parameters; domestic wastewater treatment plant’s effluent waters have moderate pollutant characterization, industrial wastewater treatment plant’s effluent waters have strong pollutant characterization.Besides all these, according to the characterization results of antibiotic residues, it has been unexpectedly found that the influent wastewater contains more antibiotics than the effluent wastewater despite biological process applied at the treatment plants where the sampling was carried out. This suggests that antibiotic removal could not be achieved by means of biological conventional systems. This can be explained by the fact that some antibiotics in domestic wastewaters are probably already trapped in feces and can not be purified by conventional systems because just after biological treatment they are released, as mentioned in similar studies in the literature. According to the measurement results of the antibiotic residue quantities, carried out by HPLC/MS-MS in raw influent and effluent water taken from said domestic and industrial treatment plants; Ciprofloxacin (CIP-Ciprofloxacin) from the group of fluoroquinolones, Erythromycin (ERY-Erythromycin) from the macrolides group and Sulfamethoxazole (SMX-Sulphametoxasol) from the Sulfonamides group were found to be the highest antibiotics in the industrial secondary treatment effluent. The highest amount of CIP antibiotic was measured as 38800 ng/L, 16100 ng/L, 14000 ng/L and 13800 ng/L, respectively in the effluent wastewater sample of Malkara, Lüleburgaz, Karpuzlu and Kırklareli Domestic Wastewater Treatment Plants. Effluent wastewater samples, taken from Çorlu Leather Organized Wastewater Treatment Plant, were not included in to photocatalytic test study due to only quite little amount of SMX residues detected but no ERY and CIP contents. Removal efficiency of CIP, ERY and SMX were 99.998% (0,96 ng/L could not be removed), 100%, 100% respectively by a 7 hour photocatalytic oxidation in Malkara. In Kırklareli, removal efficiencies were 99,988% (0,27 ng/L could not be removed), 100%, 99,962% (3,79 ng/L could not be removed), respectively during 7 hours. In Lüleburgaz, removal efficiencies were 100%, 100%, 94,377% (289 ng/L could not be removed), respectively during 3 hours, SMX removal efficiency was enhanced to 99,955% (2,32 ng/L could not be removed) by a 7 hour photocatalytic oxidation. In Karpuzlu, removal efficiencies were 99,994% (0,89 ng/L could not be removed), 100%, 99,935% (3,21 ng/L could not be removed), respectively during a 7 hour photocatalyticoxidation. SMX removal of Çerkezköy was 99,881% during a 7 hour photocatalytic oxidation process. This study has proved that it is possible to treat the secondary effluent waters, at the level to be reused, with advanced oxidation process by using effective NFC-doped photocatalyst. In the near future, this type of three-doped photocatalytic oxidation processes can compete with conventional methods, by designing effective and cheap photocatalytic reactors
Erythrocyte arginase activity in lung cancer patients
Amaç: Bu çalışmada, akciğer kanserli hastalarda kanda eritrosit arginaz aktivitesi ve hücre tipi ve ekstrapulmoner metastazın bu aktiviteye etkisi incelendi. Hastalar ve Yöntemler: Çalışmaya akciğer kanserli 46 hasta (ort. yaş 63.1) ve sağlıklı 29 birey (ort. yaş 57.2) alındı. Eritrosit arginaz aktivitesi Geyer ve Dabich yöntemi ile ölçüldü. Ayrıca, küçük hücreli akciğer kanserli 15 hasta, küçük hücreli dışı akciğer kanserli 31 hasta, ekstrapulmoner metastazı olan 23 hasta ve metastazı olmayan 23 hastanın eritrosit arginaz aktiviteleri karşılaştırıldı. Bulgular: Sağlıklı kontroller ile karşılaştırıldığında, akciğer kanserli tüm hastaların (p<0.01), küçük hücreli akciğer kanserli hastaların (p<0.05), küçük hücreli dışı akciğer kanserli hastaların (p<0.01), ekstrapulmoner metastazı olan (p<0.01) ve olmayan (p<0.01) hastaların eritrosit arginaz aktiviteleri anlamlı derecede yüksek bulundu. Öte yandan, küçük hücreli ve küçük hücreli dışı akciğer kanserli hastalar arasında ve metastazı olan ve olmayan hastalar arasında eritrosit arginaz aktivitesi yönünden anlamlı farklılık görülmedi. Sonuç: Akciğer kanserli hastalarda eritrosit arginaz aktivitesinde sağlıklılara göre anlamlı bir artış olduğunu; ancak, hücre tipi veya ekstrapulmoner metastazın bu artış üzerinde etkisi olmadığını söyleyebiliriz.Objectives: We investigated blood erythrocyte arginase activity in lung cancer patients and the effect of cell type and extrapulmonary metastasis on this activity. Patients and Methods: The study included 46 lung cancer patients (mean age 63.1 years) and 29 healthy subjects (mean age 57.2 years). Erythrocyte arginase activity was determined with the use of the Geyer-Dabich method. Erythrocyte arginase activity was compared between patients with small cell lung cancer (n=15), non-small cell lung cancer (n=31), extrapulmonary metastases (n=23), and no metastasis (n=23). Results: Compared to healthy controls, erythrocyte arginase activity was significantly increased in all lung cancer patients (p<0.01), and in patient groups with small cell lung cancer (p<0.05), non-small cell lung cancer (p<0.01), extrapulmonary metastases (p<0.01), and no metastasis (p<0.01). On the other hand, erythrocyte arginase activity did not differ significantly between patients with small cell lung cancer and non-small cell lung cancer, and between patients with and without extrapulmonary metastases. Conclusion: Our data suggest that, compared to healthy subjects, erythrocyte arginase activity is significantly increased in lung cancer patients, with no additional effect of cell type or extrapulmonary metastases
The examination of adolescents' loneliness in terms of keeping secrets and locus of control
Yüksek Lisans Tezi. YÖK Tez No: 348752Bu çalışmada ergenlik dönemindeki bireylerin yalnızlık düzeylerinin sır saklama ve denetim odağı açısından incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Ergenlerde sır saklama, yalnızlık ve denetim odağının ilişkisini incelemek, denetim odağı ve sır saklamanın ergenlerde yalnızlığı yordama düzeyini ortaya koymak amaçlanmıştır. Araştırma ilişkisel tarama modeline uygun olarak yapılmıştır. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu, 2011-2012 eğitim öğretim yılında Ankara ili Haymana ilçesinde öğrenim gören 14-18 yaş aralığında bulunan toplam 790 ergen oluşturmuştur. Katılımcıların %49,5i kız (n=391), % 50,5 i erkek (n=399) bireylerden oluşmuştur. Araştırmada sır saklama düzeyini belirlemek için Kendini Gizleme Ölçeği, yalnızlık düzeyini belirlemek için UCLA Yalnızlık Ölçeği, denetim odağını belirlemek için Kontrol Odağı Ölçeği ve kişisel bilgi formu kullanılmıştır. Pearson Momentler Çarpımı Korelasyonu ve aşamalı regresyon analizi, verilerin analizinde yararlanılan temel istatistikler olmuştur. Yapılan korelasyon analizi sonuçlarına göre, ergenlerde yalnızlık ile sır saklama arasında orta düzeyde pozitif bir ilişkinin olduğu bulunmuştur. Yalnızlık ile denetim odağı ve denetim odağı ile sır saklama arasındaki ilişki ise pozitif yönlü, düşük düzeyde bulunmuştur. Yapılan aşamalı çoklu regresyon analizi sonuçları, regresyon modelinin istatistiksel olarak anlamlı olduğunu göstermektedir. Analiz sonuçlarına göre sır saklamanın, varyansa yaptığı katkı açısından, yalnızlığı anlamlı olarak yordayan önemli bir değişken olduğu bulunmuştur. Denetim odağının değişkeninin yalnızlığı yordama düzeyi sır saklamaya oranla daha düşüktür. Sonuç olarak elde edilen bulgular, ergenlerde sır saklamanın yalnızlık ile ilişkili olduğu, sır saklama eğilimi yüksek olan ergenlerin yalnızlık düzeylerinin de yüksek olduğunu; sır saklamanın ergenlerde yalnızlığı anlamlı düzeyde yordadığını göstermektedir. Denetim odağı da yalnızlık düzeyini etkileyen önemli bir değişkendir. Dıştan denetimlilik arttıkça ergenlerde yalnızlık düzeyi artmaktadır. Sır saklama ile denetim odağı arasındaki pozitif ilişki ise, dıştan denetimli bireylerin daha fazla sır saklama eğiliminde olduklarını gösterir.The main aim of this study is to examine the level of loneliness in individuals with period of adolescents in terms of keeping secrets and focus of control. It is aimed to examine the relationship among tendency to secrecy, loneliness and focus of control and to present the level of predicting loneliness through focus of tendency and secrecy during adolescence. This research has been made according to relational survey model. Working group of the research includes 790 adolescents between 14-18 ages studying Haymana district in Ankara in 2011-2012 academic year. 49.5 percent of the participant are females (n=391) and 50.5 percent of the participant are males. During the research to determine the level of secrecy `Self Concealment Scale? was used, to determine the level of loneliness `UCLA Loneliness Scale? was used and to determine the focus of control `Focus of Control Scale? and personal information forms were used. The main statistics used for the analysing data are Pearson Product- Moment Correlation and stepwise regression analyse. According to the results of the correlation analysis, it has been found that in adolescents there has been a positive relation between loneliness and secrecy at important level. The relation between loneliness and focus of control and focus of control and secrecy are positive at low level and according to research. According to result of the stepwise multi-regression analyse regression model is important statistically. According to the result of analyse due to the secrecy?s contribution to variance, it is one of the important variable predicting the loneliness at important level. The level of focus of control?s variable predicting loneliness is lower than secrecy. As a result according to the findings secrecy in adolescents correlates with the loneliness, in adolescents whose levels of keeping secret is high also have the high rate of loneliness, keeping secret in adolescents predicts the loneliness at important level. Focus of control also one of the variable affecting the level of loneliness. When the external control rate increases the level of loneliness increases also. The positive relation between secrecy and focus of control shows that the externally controlled individuals have more tendency to keep secret
The Lıbrary As A Publıc Relatıons Tool Of The Women'S Struggle
Bu çalışmada, toplumda yüzyıllar içerisinde eril dilin tahakkümü altında oluşmuş olan
kadın bilincinden beslenerek kurulan toplumsal cinsiyet rolleri ile bu yerleşik bilincin
değiştirilmesi hedefiyle kurulan Kadın Eserleri Kütüphanesi'nin etkilerini tespit etmek
amaçlanmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın ana odağı, bu erkek egemen dil ile kurulan tarih
sahnesinden silinen kadınların uğradığı bellek kaybıdır. Jan Assman'ın iletişimsel ve
kültürel bellek kuramından hareketle kadınların kolektif bellek yaratma çabaları öz benlik,
sosyal benlik ve kültürel benlik üzerinden zaman, kişilik ve bellek olmak üzere üç aşamada
incelenmektedir. Kadın Eserleri Kütüphanesi toplumsal cinsiyet rolleri karşısında kadını ve
diğerlerini bilinçlendirmek ve kadını tarih sahnesinde tekrar görünür kılmak istemektedir.
Yeni bir kadın tarihi ve söylemi oluşturan kütüphane, bu doğrultuda halkla ilişkiler
çalışmaları aracılığıyla kadınlar arasında kolektif bir bilinç oluşturmaktadır. Kütüphanenin
bilinç oluşturma çalışmaları kadın tarihini tekrar ortaya koymakta, patriarkal toplumsal
düzene karşı tarih sahnesinden silinen kadınları yeniden gün yüzüne çıkartmakta ve bu
sayede kadınların toplumsal belleğini canlı tutan kütüphane kadın mücadelesinde aktif bir
rol üstlenmektedir.In this study, it's aimed to reveal the social gender roles fed with women's consciousness
which was formed in the society throughout the centuries under the domination of the
masculine language, and to determine the effects of The Women's Library in Istanbul
established with the intent of changing this settled consciousness. The main focus of this
study is the women's exposition to the loss of memory, who were went out of existence in
the historical stage built up by the masculine language. On the basis of Jan Assman's
theory of communicative and cultural memory, the efforts of women aiming to create a
collective memory was examined in three stages through time, personality, and memory
through self, social self, and cultural self. The women's Library's goal is to make women
and the others be aware of the gender roles and to bring women into view in the historical
stage. Forming a new women's history and discourse against masculine language The
Women's Library create awareness among women through public relations projects.
These efforts set forth the women's history once again, unearth them against the patriarchal
social order, and thus by keeping alive the women's social memory The Women's Library
plays an active role in the women's struggle
Planning Policies In Viewing The Sustainable Development Objectives And Protection Of Water Resources
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1996Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 1996Ülkemizde, 1960'lı yıllarda başlayan modernleşme, sanayileşme ve kalkınma çabaları ile birlikte, sanayinin özellikle büyük kentlerimizde gelişmesi sonucu, kırsal alanlardan kentsel alanlara öncelikle nüfusu 50.000'in üzerinde, bugün de yaygın olarak nüfusu 1 milyonun üzerinde olan kentlere doğru hızla gelişen bir içgöçten kaynaklanan kentleşme süreci yaşanmaktadır. Bu durum, hızlı nüfus artışına hazırlıksız olan özellikle büyük kentlerimizin, hızlı ve kontrolsüz biçimde büyümesi sonucunu getirmiştir. Ancak, bu büyüme plansız ve altyapısız bölgelerde yasadışı yapılaşmaların yaygınlaşmasıyla gerçekleştiğinden, sağlıklı bir kentleşmeyi değil, kentlerin sahip olduğu tarihsel, kültürel ve doğal değerlerin tüketilmesi sonucunu getirmektedir. Kentlerin plansız ve kontrolsüz olarak gelişmeleri, önceleri kent çevrelerinde yer alan orman ve tarım alanları, su kaynakları gibi doğal kaynaklar üzerinde büyük bir baskı yaratırken, aşın nüfus artışı ve çarpık kentleşme, kentlerin sürdürülebilir gelişmesini tehdit etmektedir. Oysa, yaşamsal önemi olan bu kaynakların korunması ve devamlılığının sağlanması, gelecek kuşaklar için de büyük önem taşımaktadır. Bu nedenle, ülkemizin ve kentlerin sürdürülebilir gelişmesini sağlamak üzere, ülke ve kent ölçeğinde uygulanan planlama politikaları sürdürülebilir kalkınma hedefleri ile uyumlu olarak geliştirilmeli ve etkin şekilde uygulanmalıdır. Korunması gerekli kaynak olarak su kaynakları, temel yaşamsal kaynaklarımızdan birisi olduğu gibi, ülke kalkınmasında da ekonomik kaynak olarak önemli bir role sahiptir. Yaşam kalitesinin yükseltilmesi ve sürdürülebilir bir gelişmeyi başarabilme amaçları için yeterli kalitede suyun, doğal kaynakların dengesini bozmadan korunması ve geliştirilmesi gereklidir. Bu nedenle, su kaynaklarının korunması ve geliştirilmesi, ülkenin genel kalkınma şartlarında, yani yüksek nüfus artışı, hızlı sanayileşme, hızlı kentleşme koşullarında değerlendirilmelidir. Bugün, su kaynaklarının korunmasında uygulanan stratejiler ve mevcut yasal düzenlemeler ile uygulamada başarı sağlanamadığı görülmektedir. Kentlerin hızla ve kontrolsüz büyümesi sonucu, yeni gelişme alanları ve kentsel faaliyetlerin plansız ve yasadışı olarak su havzalarında gelişmesi, su kaynaklarının devamlılığını ciddi şekilde tehlikeye düşürmektedir. Su kaynaklarının korunmasında, havzalardaki kontrolsüz gelişimlerin planlama ile denetim altına alınması ve arazi kullanımının kontrolü ve planlanmasının büyük önemi vardır. Bu amaçla, bu tez ile su toplama havzalarını planlama süreci ve havza planlamasında gözönüne alınması gereken planlama kriterleri ve uygulama stratejileri ortaya konulmaya çalışılmıştır.The world population has began to increase in relation to Industry Revolution and developments in agriculture since the middle of the 18th century. Today, nearly six billions of people are living in the world. United Nations estimates indicate that the world population which was 4.8 billions in 1985 will reach 6.1 billions in the year 2000 and 8.2 billions in 2025. Although the number of the people who inhabit in the world increase everyday, the amount of natural resources are limited. Natural resources, such as water resources, forests and soil resources used to meet the population requirements and to enhance life quality in the world. However, as the countries develop demand on these resources grows even bigger. Especially, the population of developing countries increased by one billion in last 1 5 years. Therefore, developing countries are more dependent on these resources than the others and the constrain on the natural resources is more clear in these countries. United Nations population forecasting demonstrates that more than 90% of the world population increase will take place in the developing countries, especially in the big cities of these countries. This proves, that urban problems will be existing mostly in the developing countries. On the contrary, urban managements of these countries can not afford to ensure urban services, like housing, education, health, transportation. Moreover, they have not adequate sources and qualified personnel. As a result, illegal buildings which have primary conditions become extensive, the population increase rapidly and unhealthy environment conditions emerge in these cities. Because of the over population and uncontrolled development, many natural resources is also being used up. On the other hand, increase in the urban population in Turkey is caused by the migration from rural areas to major urban centers with industrialization and development struggles which has intensified since 1950's. In this period, industry institutions which was developing recently have not been organizing in the rural areas, due to the insufficient infrastructure. Thus, industrialization process has achieved in big cities. Because of the over population and rapid urbanization, today's cities have developed rapidly unplanned and in an uncontrolled way. So many natural resources, such as forests, water resources of the cities have been affected by the results of the uncontrolled developments and they are being destroyed. Natural resources are not only the most important living sources, but they also have an unique role as an economic source in the development IX process. For these reasons, natural resources must be protected and improved to enhance quality of life and to achieve a sustainable development. Besides, it is very important to preserve these resources for the future generations. Sustainable development policies based on the management of the environment and the natural resources require different planning approach than the policies that have been carried out at the scale of the country and urban cities, up to now. Because, natural systems are closely linked to each others. In first stage of planning process, it is expected to be determined which natural systems will be affected and then land use decisions are taken. One of the major aims of this thesis is to put forward proposals connected to planning strategies which have been carried out at the scale of the country and urban cities in viewing the sustainable development objectives. It took 200 years for western countries to progress from being an agricultural society to industrial society. This progress has been taking place in Turkey only for the past 30-40 years. However, it has not yet reached to the standards which was intended to, it has met rapidly increasing environmental problems. For this reason, a policy must be determined to establish a specific location of the industry in the country in order to enable our population to become industrialized and to stimulate industry. Research results concerning this subject indicate that industry investments must be made in the cities with a population of between 100.000 -500.000 people and service functions must be improved in metropolitan cities with a population of more than 500.000 people. In case that the industry is controlled and it is determined where the industry is located, it is necessary to give credits to businesses to encourage the industry and investments for public services and communal facilities to the cities with a population of between 100.000-500.000. On the other hand, it is also necessary that these investments must be stimulated with Mass Housing Fund Credits for controlled urbanization. In fact, in location of the industry, it must be taken into consideration the criteria which to protect natural resources and environmental wealth so that sustainable development can be acquired. Thus, industry must be organized especially on the outside of natural areas, such as important agricultural lands, water products production areas, water storage areas, watering canals and plants areas, forests, recreation and tourism areas, historical environment and national parks. Due to the over population and uncontrolled urbanization, our big cities have been living with problems, such as unplanned construction, housing, transportation, incapacity of social and technical infrastructure, like the other developing countries. On the other hand, because of the uncontrolled and rapid growth of the cities, natural resources and historical wealth which are inside and around the city are being destroyed. Today, it is known that solutions of the rapid growth problems of the cities and inter- regional instabilities are connected to regional researches. Regional planning intend to achieve a stable urbanization on the country by directing migration to the nearest center of population that have a potential for development. At the same time, regional planning has an important role in passing from socio economic development plans at the scale of the country to urban development plans which control physical environment. On the other hand, with the regional planning, natural resources can be examined in a planned and controlled way. Although urbanization is a development process itself, the problem is to control this process unless it causes critical problems in life quality. Therefore, it must be urged to improve smaller city centers (the cities with a population of between 100.000-500.000) so that the pressure on the big cities can be reduced. In the urbanization process, new city policy is an effective application tool for development of the new population center on the country. In additioYi, new city aims to acquire stable distribution of industry and population, to reduce the inter-regional instabilities, to prevent over growth of the cities by creating new attraction centers and to protect natural and historical wealth of the cities. In the implementation of the new city policy, it is very important to implement the Mass Housing Credits to these cities. The Mass Housing is described as an effective implementation tool of the new city policy. Consequently, it is clear the necessity to appropriate urbanization process which preserve historical, natural and ecological wealth at the regional and urban scales and all stages of planning in order to acquire sustainable development. In the urbanization stage of today's cities, one of the main public services is to be ensured public transport facilities. In all the cities of the world, especially historical cities, it is accepted that railway systems are the only alternative for public transportation which can protect historical, cultural and natural wealth. So, urban transport must be improved in this regard. Today, due to the uncontrolled growth of the big cities that are metropolitan change process, new development areas of the cities grow in an unplanned way. It is necessary that these unplanned areas must be integrated with the urban system and urban services, social and technical infrastructural facilities must be in comparison with their population in order to enable the cities to develop in a planned and healthy way. The aim is to produce an urban development plan which is completed organization of social and technical infrastructure in whole of city. Eventually, local governments must be allocated technical and social infrastructure areas in new development areas so that they can protect the cities from unplanned developments in the future. In addition, local governments must ensure new housing facilities for low income groupes. Rapid urbanization that have been existing in our country is also an indicator of social change in manners, passing from rural society to urban XI society. In the passing from rural life culture to urban life culture, effective policies must be improved and applied by the local governments. Consequently, the necessity emerges that it must be reorganized generally in two main regards in order to enable our country to acquire sustainable development and environmental development. Firstly, it must be ensured integration between environmental subjects and connected with all economic sectors, such as agriculture, industry, tourism, and government policies. In short, it is necessary to integrate environment policies and development strategies. Secondly, all the environment laws and policies must be examined and reorganized concerning financial and institutional arrangements. As one of the most important natural resources, water resources have an important role in our life as an economic source and as one of the main living resources. For the aims of enhancement of life quality and acquirement of sustainable development, it is necessary that water resources must be protected and improved unless it changes natural ecosystem balances. Therefore, management and improvement of the natural resources must be evaluated in general development conditions of the country, such as high population increase, rapid industrialization, rapid urbanization. In our country, water resources have been protected from pollution in a way of forming prevention zones around lakes. This has been case since 1930's, likely practices of Germany and Italy. Today, two main bye-laws which determine the implementation of the water storage areas, Water Pollution Control Bye-law that is valid on whole of the country and İSKİ Bye- law that is valid on İstanbul water storage areas have accepted forming the prevention zones around lakes. These regulations have defined the construction conditions in the prevention zones that are formed according to distances from water resource. These zones for the lakes are absolute (0- 300 m), short (300-1 000m), middle (1000-2000m) and long prevention zone (2000 m-boarder of water storage area). With the regulations, it is allowed to be involved in these prevention zones, the settlements, industrial, agricultural and cattle-breeding activities on certain conditions. Although our country have had so many legislations, it has not achieved success in practice. Main reason for this is, because of the complexities that surround the forming of the regulations for 70 years. This complexities is seen especially in sharing the authority and responsibilities. On the other hand, success of the legislations in practice is connected with a control in good order. Therefore, it is very important that definition and formation of administrative establishments that will control the legislations. So, it must be revised the regulations as whole connected with water resources management and it must be defined clearly who is authorized with which subject. XII In Istanbul water storage areas, given an example within the scope of this thesis, it is seen that it has not acquired success in practice with the current regulations. Because of the uncontrolled development of the city, in the water collection areas which were around the city at the beginning, illegal and unplanned settlements and industry institutions have become extensive due to the over population. In researches concerning Istanbul drinking water storage areas, it is determined that the population increases in water basins has occured more than average population increase rate of Turkey (2,5%) and Istanbul's population increase rate. Between the year 1985-90 highest population increase rate has taken place, while the rate was 5,3% in Istanbul, it was 19.79 % in drinking water basins. This over population in water basins shows that the population growth in Istanbul has occured in these areas, especially after 1985. But, this growth has been due to extensive illegal constructions which have been created by migration population in the unplanned and sans substructure areas. So, concentrated population and settlements in these areas threaten the protection of the water resources and unplanned growth of these settlements cause critical problems concerning technical and social infrastructure. By the 1970's, there were agricultural settlements that had low population in water storage areas, today a total of 101 settlements are present in these areas. Although it is not allowed any buildings and activities in the absolute and short prevention zones with bye-laws, there are 19 settlements. Whereas, it is necessary to protect natural properties and natural vegetation of the absolute and short prevention zones which are the nearest to water resource. On the other hand, in the middle and long prevention zones, there are 80 settlements and about 90% of total population of the water basins are living in these areas. As it is accepted that a settlement with of population about 2000 as an agricultural settlement, the existing of 72 agricultural settlements is important inside total 101 settlements, there are agricultural activities, low density, so low pollution. But, the most part of the population (80%) is living in the settlements which have urban character and their population over 2000. Although the rate of urban character settlements is 29%, these settlements grow unplanned and in an uncontrolled way, because of the over population. In addition, concentration of urban activities in these areas increase pollution of the water resources. However, these settlements which are new development areas in the metropolitan development process grow in an unplanned way so that technical and social substructure problems appear beside environmental problems, like ground and surface water pollution, air pollution, garbage problem. Today, in the water storage areas that are being inhabited critical problems, the results of population forecasting for 2020 year indicate that total population will reach 1.313.350 with increasing three times, and the agricultural settlements which are majority today in the water basins will be XIII urbanized and their population will increase so many. Consequently, it will be impossible to solve the problems in the future if the unplanned and uncontrolled constructions can not be prevented on the water resources. Consequently, it is seen that the increase of the population and growth of urban functions in the water basins have not been prevented with the current legislations. The growth unplanned, uncontrolled and illegal way of the city in the water storage areas threaten the sustainable development of the city and the country. So, this uncontrolled development can be controlled with planning. With this thesis, it is put forward that water catchment areas will be protected and improved by planning of these areas. In protecting of the water resources, land use control and planning implement urban development to the most appropriate areas and decrease the pollution to the lowest level. Water Basin Master Plan is not only a plan that shows land uses, it is also a synthesis that balance between environmental sensitivities of water basins, dimensions of engineering and design, and the growth requirement of the area. After designing the Master Plan, local governments will be responsible for ensuring the social and technical infrastructure before appearing of the development. In this way, in future cost of preventing the negative effects of development will be decreased. Planning process of water storage areas consist of the stages, as follows: 1. Analysis of natural qualities and their additions to water quality, 2. Definition of restricting factors of development, 3. Analysis of current land uses around the water resources, 4. Improvement of growth models long and short terms and foreseeing the functions, like housing, working, recreation, transportation connected to current trends. 5. Definition of current and foresighted pollution dimensions. 6. Preparation of Land Use Master Plan connected to water quality and the other environment factors. 7. Definition of practice strategies including master plan control, growth management strategies, control of pollution sources, and legislations. It is very important that the implementation and control of the Water Basin Master Plan that will be prepared appropriately above planning process and upper level plans. It is put forward the implementation strategies to achieve success of Water Basin Master Plan, as follows:. After preparing the Master Plan a wholesum effect must be ensured with the preparation of Zoning Plans which are decided on general decisions of area, such as land use, transportation, density, and preparation of implementation development plans which will be base on practice.. In order to enable water basin development plans to acquire success in practice, development plans must be prepared at the same time XIV as land divided upto plots. In this way, it can be ensured that the plots control of the land. Thus, in housing areas around Water Basin Plans the plotting of the land must be done subjected to certain conditions with minimum plot size 5000 m2, TAKS 5%, the height is 6,5 m. and only one building on the same plot. In this way, illegal implementations and unlicensed constructions will be prevented.. During preparations and implementations of Water Basin Plans, declaration and cooperation amongst foundations must be organized with the ones that have authoritization for construction. This is necessary in order to achieve success in practice and entirety in planning.. In water basins in order to develop applicable plans, a law must be passed to decide how and who will make planning.Yüksek LisansM.Sc
Antecedenets and outcomes of brand love: An application in the Eastern Black Sea Region
Önceleri tüketiciler istek ve ihtiyaçlarını sınırlı seçenekler arasından karşılarken günümüzde teknolojinin gelişmesinin getirdiği erişim kolaylığı ile seçeneklerin sayısı artmıştır. Bu nedenle, markaya karşı duygusal ve tutkulu bağı ifade eden marka aşkı kavramı önem kazanmaya başlamıştır. Bu araştırmanın amacı; marka çağrışımları, marka güveni, marka farkındalığı, marka imajı ve algılanan kalitenin marka aşkı üzerindeki etkilerini; Marka aşkının da marka sadakati ve kulaktan kulağa pazarlama davranışı üzerindeki etkilerinin belirlenmesidir. Araştırmanın ana kütlesi Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesinde yaşayan ve Türkiye’de faaliyet gösteren ünlü bir elektronik markası müşterilerinden oluşmaktadır. Kolayda örnekleme yöntemi ile elde edilen 400 tüketiciye yüz yüze anket yöntemi uygulanmıştır. Verilerin geçerlilik ve güvenilirliklerini test etmek için faktör analizi ve cronbach alfa yöntemi uygulanmıştır. Araştırma hipotezleri yapısal eşitlik modellemesi ile test edilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda marka çağrışımları, marka güveni, marka farkındalığı, marka imajı ve algılanan kalitenin marka aşkını, marka aşkının da marka sadakati ve kulaktan kulağa pazarlama davranışını pozitif yönlü etkilediği tespit edilmiştir
Marka Aşkının Öncülleri ve Sonuçları: Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesinde Bir Uygulama
Önceleri tüketiciler istek ve ihtiyaçlarını sınırlı seçenekler arasından karşılarken günümüzde teknolojinin gelişmesinin getirdiği erişim kolaylığı ile seçeneklerin sayısı artmıştır. Bu nedenle, markaya karşı duygusal ve tutkulu bağı ifade eden marka aşkı kavramı önem kazanmaya başlamıştır. Bu araştırmanın amacı; marka çağrışımları, marka güveni, marka farkındalığı, marka imajı ve algılanan kalitenin marka aşkı üzerindeki etkilerini; Marka aşkının da marka sadakati ve kulaktan kulağa pazarlama davranışı üzerindeki etkilerinin belirlenmesidir. Araştırmanın ana kütlesi Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesinde yaşayan ve Türkiye’de faaliyet gösteren ünlü bir elektronik markası müşterilerinden oluşmaktadır. Kolayda örnekleme yöntemi ile elde edilen 400 tüketiciye yüz yüze anket yöntemi uygulanmıştır. Verilerin geçerlilik ve güvenilirliklerini test etmek için faktör analizi ve cronbach alfa yöntemi uygulanmıştır. Araştırma hipotezleri yapısal eşitlik modellemesi ile test edilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda marka çağrışımları, marka güveni, marka farkındalığı, marka imajı ve algılanan kalitenin marka aşkını, marka aşkının da marka sadakati ve kulaktan kulağa pazarlama davranışını pozitif yönlü etkilediği tespit edilmiştir
Characterization and removal of antibiotic residues by NFC-doped photocatalytic oxidation from domestic and industrial secondary treated wastewaters in Meric-Ergene Basin and reuse assessment for irrigation
Antibiotics are important contaminants that have become an increasingly big problem due to the discharge of the receiving environment. The presence of these organic based pollutants in influent wastewater can inhibit the biological processes and resist to degradation in wastewater treatment plants. Moreover, the consumption of agricultural products, irrigated with water containing antibiotic residues, leads to major harmful effects to the human body through the food chain. In this study; firstly, a conventional characterization was made in terms of COD, TOC, SS, color and of antibiotic residue characterization of untreated raw (influent) and biologically treated (effluent) water from domestic and industrial wastewater treatment plants located in the Meric-Ergene Basin. After that, photocatalytic activity test was run under visible light for selected antibiotics (Erythromycin, Ciprofloxacin, Sulphametoxasol) which were detected by HPLC MS/MS in excess amount. Finally, for the photocatalytic oxidation, a new generation NFC (Nitrogen-Floride-Carbon)-doped titanium dioxide photocatalyst, which has never been studied in the literature before, was prepared according to the sol-gel method without using thermal processing. Photocatalysts were characterized by UV-vis DRS reflectance and Laser Raman Spectra measurements. All other analyzes were made according to the standard methods. Considering the conventional characterization results; investigated domestic wastewaters exhibited moderate characteristics while industrial wastewater samples had strong characteristics in terms of COD, TOC and SS pollution in accordance with the literature. By the way, contrary to expectations, antibiotic residue results have proved that the effluent wastewater contains more antibiotics than the influent. This can be explained by the fact that, some antibiotics in domestic wastewaters are probably already trapped in feces and cannot be purified by conventional systems since they are released after biological treatment, as mentioned similar studies in the literature. Moreover, by means of 7 h NFC-doped photocatalytic oxidation under visible light, beside approximately % 62 to %79 COD and 62%-86% TOC removal, %99 to %100 removal of antibiotic residue was provided. According to these results, domestic and industrial secondary treated wastewaters in Meric-Ergene Basin can be advance treated, succesfully, with NFC-doped photocatalyst to remove antibiotic residues besides conventional pollutants. This result show that Meric-Ergene discharge criteria determined by Forest and Water Ministry of Turkey can be provided with this new type photocatalytic process and healthy reuse of this river for irrigation will be possible.Scientific Research Council of Namik Kemal UniversityNamik Kemal University [NKUBAP.06, 16.053]This paper was funded by the Scientific Research Council of Namik Kemal University via Grant No. NKUBAP.06.GA.16.053