1,604 research outputs found

    Safety of permanent pacemaker implantation: a prospective study

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    Although pacemaker implantation is considered to be low risk, it is not exempt from complications and technical failures during the procedure, both in the short and long term, and the complications that such patients may present remain unknown. The aim has been to analyze the complication rates associated with permanent pacing and to identify if these differ between patients with or without previous antithrombotic therapy. We used a prospective, single center, observational study of 310 adult patients with indications of permanent pacing. They were hospitalized from 1 January to 31 December 2014 and followed up for 6 months after the pacemaker implant. The participants were distributed into two groups according to the antithrombotic therapy prior to the implant. The most frequent major complications were pneumothorax (3.87%) and lead dislodgement (8.39%), while superficial phlebitis (12.90%) and uncomplicated hematomas (22.58%) were presented as the most recurrent minor complications. Hematomas were the most frequent minor complication in the antithrombotic therapy cohort, and shoulder pain was reported as the most recurrent minor complication in the non-exposed group. Finding out about complications in pacemaker implants enables a complete view of the process, and hence the prioritization of actions aimed at improving safety and reducing associated risks

    Rediseño de la identidad visual corporativa de la Universidad de Sevilla

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    Para la realización de este proyecto se toma como punto de partida crear un rediseño de la identidad visual corporativa de la Universidad de Sevilla en base a todos los criterios aprendidos durante la formación académica. A través de un análisis de la marca, sus aplicaciones y errores se establece una nueva identidad visual corporativa con las respectivas aplicaciones tanto para medios impresos como para medios digitales, generando una actualización de la marca con mayor unidad visual facilitando su reconocimiento en base a los criterios del diseño. Todo el trabajo realizado se hace con el fin de que la Universidad de Sevilla tenga una nueva estrategia que aporte una óptima comunicación empresarial a partir de su identidad

    Pardela cenicienta atlántica – Calonectris borealis (Cory, 1881)

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    Aves - Orden Procellariiformes - Familia Procellariidae en la Enciclopedia Virtual de Vertebrados Españoles, http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/.A comprehensive review of the natural history of the Cory's Shearwater Calonectris borealis in Spain.Peer reviewe

    Pardela cenicienta – Calonectris diomedea (Scopoli, 1769)

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    Aves - Orden Procellariiformes - Familia Procellariidae en la Enciclopedia Virtual de Vertebrados Españoles, http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/. Versiones anteriores: 20-02-2012A comprehensive review of the natural history of the Cory's Shearwater Calonectris diomedea in Spain.Peer reviewe

    Approaching In Vivo Models of Pneumococcus–Host Interaction: Insights into Surface Proteins, Capsule Production, and Extracellular Vesicles

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    Infections caused by the Gram-positive bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae have become a major health problem worldwide because of their high morbidity and mortality rates, especially in developing countries. This microorganism colonizes the human upper respiratory tract and becomes pathogenic under certain circumstances, which are not well known. In the interaction with the host, bacterial surface structures and proteins play major roles. To gain knowledge into gradual changes and adaptive mechanisms that this pathogen undergoes from when it enters the host, we mimicked several in vivo situations representing interaction with epithelial and macrophage cells, as well as a condition of presence in blood. Then, we analyzed, in four pneumococcal strains, two major surface structures, the capsule and extracellular vesicles produced by the pneumococci, as well as surface proteins by proteomics, using the “shaving” approach, followed by LC-MS/MS. We found important differences in both surface ultrastructures and proteins among the culture conditions and strains used. Thus, this work provides insights into physiological adaptations of the pneumococcus when it interacts with the host, which may be useful for the design of strategies to combat infections caused by this pathogen

    Relative abundance and distribution of fisheries influence risk of seabird bycatch

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    Fisheries provide an abundant and predictable food source for many pelagic seabirds through discards, but also pose a major threat to them through bycatch, threatening their populations worldwide. The reform of the European Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), which intends to ban discards through the landing obligation of all catches, may force seabirds to seek alternative food sources, such as baited hooks from longlines, increasing bycatch rates. To test this hypothesis we performed a combined analysis of seabird-fishery interactions using as a model Scopoli's shearwaters Calonectris diomedea in the Mediterranean. Tracking data showed that the probability of shearwaters attending longliners increased exponentially with a decreasing density of trawlers. On-board observations and mortality events corroborated this result: the probability of birds attending longliners increased 4% per each trawler leaving the longliner proximity and bird mortality increased tenfold when trawlers were not operating. Therefore, the implementation of the landing obligation in EU waters will likely cause a substantial increase in bycatch rates in longliners, at least in the short-term, due to birds switching from trawlers to longliners. Thus the implementation of the landing obligation must be carefully monitored and counterbalanced with an urgent implementation of bycatch mitigation measures in the longline fleet

    Permutation flowshop scheduling problem with total core idle time minimization

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    -Part of special issue 10th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control MIM 2022: Nantes, France, 22-24 June 2022 -Copyright © 2022 The Authors. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)In this paper, we present a deterministic permutation flowshop scheduling problem with a new objective function, the total core idle time. The interest of this objective is related to reduce the energy consumption of the system, taking into account that the energy needed during the processing times is constant, and that machines are switched off during the front and back idle times. Therefore, the energy consumption is dependent on the time where machines are in stand-by mode, i.e during the idle time of machines between jobs, named as core idle times. Constructive heuristics and metaheuristics are adapted from the permutation flowshop scheduling literature for classical objectives as makespan and total completion time. Additionally, a new variant of one of the metaheuristic is proposed, the VBIH-P. An experimental evaluation has been carried out to analyse the performance of all the methods. The results show an excellent performance of the VBIH-P compared to the adapted methods


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    This article is based on the theoretical foundations of the fundamentals of the research carried out by the students of the career as a way to complete studies, as well as the master's and doctoral theses in the Didactics of Integral Social History. It starts from the experience of the authors as professors of the career, in the thesis workshops, as well as in the realization of presentations and participation in the courts of completion of studies in undergraduate and postgraduate studies to make didactic and investigative details that allow a higher quality in the preparation of written memory, as well as in the preparation of students, teachers and doctoral candidates to promote the creativity of research teachers.El presente artículo está sustentado en la fundamentación teórica de los fundamentos de las investigaciones que desarrollan los estudiantes de la carrera como vía para la culminación de estudios, así como las tesis de maestría y doctorados en la Didáctica de la Historia Social Integral. Se parte de la experiencia de los autores como profesores de la carrera, en los talleres de tesis, así como en la realización de ponencias y la participación en los tribunales de culminación de estudios en el pregrado y posgrado para realizar precisiones didácticas e investigativas que posibilitan una mayor calidad en la preparación de la memoria escrita, así como en la preparación de estudiantes, maestrantes y doctorandos para promover la creatividad de los docentes investigadores