27 research outputs found

    Electromovilidad en transporte forestal. ¿Es factible? Percepción de implementación en la industria chilena

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    This paper examines the different impressions and perspectives related to the implementation of electromobility in log transportation via trucks with a load capacity of up to 45 tons in the forestry sector of the eighth and sixteenth regions of Chile. The objective of this work is to establish the critical variables identified and perceived by key stakeholders of the forestry industry the correct implementation of high tonnage electric trucks. To this effect, a qualitative methodological study with a non-experimental design is proposed, which is based on semi-structured interviews conducted with stakeholders of the forestry sector of the study area. A convenience sample is employed, which was applied to four businessmen in the sector, three executives from the main forestry companies, and two truck distributor representatives. The data show that there is currently little knowledge due to the lack of specific projects and platforms for disseminating information that consider this technology in the field, but, on the contrary, they show a willingness to implement pilot plans aiming for the perceived economic sustainability of electromobility. A concentration of critical aspects is evidenced, which must be addressed in order to implement electromobility in forest transport, and which, given handling by public-private work, would enable the sector and the country to obtain the economic and environmental benefits of this technology.Este trabajo examina las distintas impresiones y perspectivas relacionadas con la implementación de electromovilidad en el transporte de rollizos con camiones de capacidad de carga de hasta 45 toneladas en el sector forestal de la octava y decimosexta región de Chile. El objetivo de este trabajo es establecer los aspectos críticos que los actores claves de la industria forestal identifican y perciben para una correcta implementación de camiones eléctricos de alto tonelaje. Para esto se propone un estudio metodológico de tipo cualitativo con un diseño no experimental basado en entrevistas semiestructuradas dirigidas a actores del sector forestal de la zona estudio. Se utiliza una muestra por conveniencia aplicada a 4 empresarios del rubro, 3 ejecutivos de empresas forestales principales y 2 representantes de distribuidores de camiones. Los datos muestran que actualmente hay poco conocimiento, derivado de la inexistencia de proyectos y plataformas de difusión específicos que consideren la tecnología en el rubro, pero, por el contrario, demuestran que existe una buena disposición por parte de los actores para implementar planes piloto con miras a la sustentabilidad económica que se le proyecta a la electromovilidad. Se evidencia una concentración de aspectos críticos que es necesario abordar para implementar la electromovilidad en el transporte forestal y que, atendidos por un trabajo público-privado, permitirían al rubro y al país obtener los beneficios económicos y ambientales de esta tecnología.


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    Indexación: Web of Science; ScieloRESUMEN: La flotación espumosa usa diversos reactivos, orgánicos e inorgánicos, para aumentar el rendimiento y selectividad del proceso. La flotación utiliza sustancias tensoactivas que se adsorben en la interfase aire/agua. Como potenciales sustitutos de los espumantes usados actualmente, se consideran los residuos orgánicos de origen animal, como los biosólidos. Este estudio, evalúa el uso de biosólidos y ácidos húmicos como agentes espumantes para flotación espumosa, cuantificándose su capacidad tensoactiva y para formar y estabilizar espumas. Biosólidos son capaces de cambiar la tensión superficial de una solución, crear y estabilizar espumas. Dosis menores a 4 g L-1 muestran un afecto tensoactivo mayor comparado con reactivos espumantes, tipo MIBC. Para un uso efectivo de biosólidos, se requiere realizar una etapa de preacondicionamiento, que permita separar la fracción soluble y coloidal que tiene la capacidad tensoactiva. El uso de biosólidos a gran escala necesita investigación adicional para escalar los resultados obtenidos en laboratorio.ABSTRACT: Froth flotation uses various organic and inorganic reagents to increase performance and selectivity of the flotation process. Froth flotation takes place mediated by tensioactive substances that are adsorbed on the air/water interface. Potential substitutes for the currently used frothers, organic wastes of animal origin, like biosolids are found. This study was to evaluate biosolids and humic acids as foaming agents in froth flotation by quantification of their tensioactive capabilities, foam-forming potential and foam stability. Biosolids was able to change the surface tension of a solution, creating and stabilizing foams. Dosages under 4 g L-1 of flotation reagents showed a better tensioactive effect using biosolids instead of conventional flotation reagents, type MIBC. For an effective use of these substances as frothers, it is recommended to consider a preconditioning stage. That stage will permit separating soluble and colloidal fractions that show a tensioactive effect. Further research will be needed in order to scale-up current laboratory assays to operational mining scales.http://ref.scielo.org/y9j24


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    Indexación: Web of Science; ScieloRESUMEN: Este trabajo presenta el control de un secador rotatorio directo basado en optimización no lineal. Esta metodología permite auto-sintonizar dinámicamente un controlador PI o PID, mejorando claramente el control del proceso respecto de la sintonización clásica. El control del proceso se realiza a través de simulación computacional vía Matlab y su verificación a través de un proceso piloto, lo que permite apreciar la potencialidad de la sintonía dinámica que se propone. Los resultados, tiempo de respuesta y dinámica de control posibilitan que investigación futura pueda escalar esta propuesta desde el laboratorio a procesos industriales.ABSTRACT: This paper presents the control of a direct rotary dryer based on nonlinear optimization. This methodology allows the dynamic self-tuning of PI or PID controller, clearly improving process control over the classic tuning approach. Process control is done through Matlab via computer simulation and verification through a pilot process, which allows us to appreciate the potential of the proposed dynamic tuning. The results, response time and dynamic control allow us to scale future research from the laboratory (pilot scale) to industrial processes.http://ref.scielo.org/swb3h

    Metodologías ágiles: un análisis de los desafíos organizacionales para su implementación

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    The objective of this research is to determine the main existing gaps before implementing agile methodologies in IT-SMEs (Information Technology - Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises) with traditional methodology for project management. To this effect, a qualitative approach to the opinions of three managers, two project engineers, and six programmer analysts of a company is proposed, which is based on semi-structured interviews, considering a convenience sample, in order to understand the existing difficulties in the company under study, contrasting this reality through surveys aimed at 29 IT professionals from other organizations. The results of the analysis reveal that the main gaps for the implementation of agile methodologies in SMEs are organizational culture at odds with agility, lack of commitment from management, and resistance to change. It is concluded that the proposal turns out to be effective for understanding the main gaps to be solved before starting the implementation of an agile methodology in an IT-SME, thus allowing the organization to be aligned with agility.Este trabajo analiza las principales brechas que influyen en las PyMEs TI (pequeñas y medianas empresas de tecnología de la información) con metodología tradicional, al iniciar la implementación de metodologías ágiles para la gestión de proyectos. El objetivo de esta investigación es determinar las principales brechas existentes antes de implementar metodologías ágiles en una PyME TI con metodología tradicional para la gestión de proyectos. Para lograrlo se propone una aproximación cualitativa a las opiniones de tres gerentes, dos ingenieros de proyecto y seis analistas programadores de la empresa, basada en entrevistas semiestructuradas, considerando una muestra por conveniencia, para entender las dificultades existentes en la empresa de estudio, contrastando dicha realidad mediante encuestas dirigidas a 29 profesionales de áreas TI de otras organizaciones. Los resultados del análisis revelan que las principales brechas para la implementación de metodologías ágiles en la PyME son la cultura organizacional en desacuerdo con la agilidad, la falta de compromiso de la gerencia y la resistencia al cambio. Se concluye que la propuesta resulta ser efectiva para conocer las principales brechas a resolver antes de comenzar la implementación de una metodología ágil en una PyME TI, permitiendo alinear a la organización con la agilidad

    Container stacking revenue management system: A fuzzy-based strategy for Valparaiso port

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    This article presents an intelligent system for container stacking based on fuzzy logic. The method establishes a defined criterion for accepting or rejecting in real time an entry request to the stacking areas of the port in Valparaiso, Chile. A case study based on expert knowledge illustrates the proposed method with real data. First, the optimum solution is determined for a problem of maximization of entries, based on historical records from the traffic and information center of Valparaiso Port. Second, this solution is used to establish a strategy for making “the best possible decisions.” The combination of the optimization and the fuzzy results (which consider the type of cargo, prices, and capacity) is performed at two levels. First, the optimization results are used as feed for the fuzzy system to determinate a ratio of future acceptances. Second, the optimization results are compared to the fuzzy system results in order to estimate a parameter to establish the minimal percentage value for accepting a request. As a result, a proper use of the stacking area is achieved, which results in an increase of profits and revenue management

    Control basado en optimización de un secador rotatorio directo

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    Este trabajo presenta el control de un secador rotatorio directo basado en optimización no lineal. Esta metodología permite auto-sintonizar dinámicamente un controlador PI o PID, mejorando claramente el control del proceso respecto de la sintonización clásica. El control del proceso se realiza a través de simulación computacional vía Matlab y su verificación a través de un proceso piloto, lo que permite apreciar la potencialidad de la sintonía dinámica que se propone. Los resultados, tiempo de respuesta y dinámica de control posibilitan que investigación futura pueda escalar esta propuesta desde el laboratorio a procesos industriales

    Assessment of the flotability of chalcopyrite, molybdenite and pyrite using biosolids and their main components as collectors for greening the froth flotation of copper sulphide ores.

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    Biosolids and representative compounds of their main components ? humic acids, sugars, and proteins ? have been tested as possible environment-friendly collectors and frothers for the flotation of copper sulphide ores. The floatability of chalcopyrite and molybdenite ? both valuable sulphide minerals present in these ores ? as well as non-valuable pyrite was assessed through Hallimond tube flotation tests. Humic acids exhibit similar collector ability for chalcopyrite and molybdenite as that of a commercial collector (Aero 6697 promoter). Biosolids show more affinity for pyrite. The copper recovery (85.9%) and copper grade (6.7%) of a rougher concentrate obtained using humic acids as main collector for the flotation of a copper sulphide ore from Chile, were very similar to those of a copper concentrate produced by froth flotation under the same conditions with a xanthate type commercial collector. This new and feasible end-use of biosolids and humic acids should be new environment-friendly organic froth flotation agents for greening the concentration of copper sulphide ore. Now, further research is needed in order to scale current laboratory assays to operational mining scales to determine efficiencies to industrial scale

    Adsorption of biosolids and their main components on chalcopyrite, molybdenite and pyrite: Zeta potential and FTIR spectroscopy studies

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    Zeta potential measurements were used to assess the electrokinetic characteristics of chalcopyrite, molybdenite and pyrite in the presence of biosolids and their main components (humic acids, glucose and serum albumin) as well as a commercial collector (Aero 6697). Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) was then used to gain a deeper understanding of the interaction of these compounds with these sulfide minerals. It aims to achieve a better understanding of the surface chemistry of sulfide–water interfaces that improve froth flotation at industrial scale in the step of copper sulfide ore concentration. Zeta potential results show that hydrogen and hydroxide ions are potential determining ions for each sulfide mineral studied. The addition of 50 g/t biosolids or all the other chemicals used in this investigation shift the isoelectric point of chalcopyrite. Under the same conditions, only humic acid significantly affects the zeta potential of molybdenite, making it more negative in the pH range investigated, and shifting its isoelectric point about 6 pH units. These compounds seem to have a poor affinity with pyrite surfaces because their zeta potential is slightly modified. FTIR spectroscopy characterization shows that biosolids and their main components can interact with chalcopyrite, molydenite and pyrite surfaces through a complex mechanism involving chemical or physical linkages. The results reported here seem to indicate that biosolids may be used as new environment-friendly froth flotation agents to concentrate copper and molybdenum sulfide mineral

    Blockchain in Supermarkets: Mitigating the Problem of Organic Waste Generation

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    This work presents a proposal for a solution to the specific problem of organic waste generated by supermarkets and understood as t merchandise of organic and perishable composition that could not be marketed during its validity period. The goal of this research is to propose a solution based on Blockchain technology in Chile, which would allow an immutable, decentralized, and validated transaction record to be kept. Such a record would enable supermarkets to trace the life cycle of those products that make up organic and perishable merchandise in a transparent, reliable, and scalable way. To this end, the problem is modeled using the Blockchain Hyperledger Fabric platform (an open-source platform started by the Linux Foundation), which is fed with relevant information and data on the status of a representative set of organic merchandise products. At the same time, a qualitative approach is proposed to gather the opinions of executives and logistics operators through semi-structured interviews, and considering a convenience sample. With a sample of 6 executives, it is understood how the proposal is perceived and its applicability in supermarkets and distributors. The data show that both obtaining information and making decisions about it are achieved in a distributed and collaborative way, allowing for reliable and agile traceability, thereby mitigating the low quality of the information provided by the actors that make up the supply chain. This service is perceived as desirable by both customers and operators.  The model enables not only horizontal communications between suppliers, distributors, and consumers, but also vertical ones, and thus, ultimately, makes the company's income statement more efficient