1,791 research outputs found

    Prediction of protein-protein interaction types using association rule based classification

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    This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund - Copyright @ 2009 Park et alBackground: Protein-protein interactions (PPI) can be classified according to their characteristics into, for example obligate or transient interactions. The identification and characterization of these PPI types may help in the functional annotation of new protein complexes and in the prediction of protein interaction partners by knowledge driven approaches. Results: This work addresses pattern discovery of the interaction sites for four different interaction types to characterize and uses them for the prediction of PPI types employing Association Rule Based Classification (ARBC) which includes association rule generation and posterior classification. We incorporated domain information from protein complexes in SCOP proteins and identified 354 domain-interaction sites. 14 interface properties were calculated from amino acid and secondary structure composition and then used to generate a set of association rules characterizing these domain-interaction sites employing the APRIORI algorithm. Our results regarding the classification of PPI types based on a set of discovered association rules shows that the discriminative ability of association rules can significantly impact on the prediction power of classification models. We also showed that the accuracy of the classification can be improved through the use of structural domain information and also the use of secondary structure content. Conclusion: The advantage of our approach is that we can extract biologically significant information from the interpretation of the discovered association rules in terms of understandability and interpretability of rules. A web application based on our method can be found at http://bioinfo.ssu.ac.kr/~shpark/picasso/SHP was supported by the Korea Research Foundation Grant funded by the Korean Government(KRF-2005-214-E00050). JAR has been supported by the Programme Alβan, the European Union Programme of High level Scholarships for Latin America, scholarship E04D034854CL. SK was supported by Soongsil University Research Fund

    Study of conditions for anisotropic plasma etching of tungsten and tungsten nitride using SF6/Ar gas mixtures

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    Results of the study of reactive ion etching of tungsten, tungsten nitride, and silicon in SF6/Ar gas mixtures are presented. For plasma diagnostics, optical emission spectroscopy (actinometry) was used. Using the actinometry technique, it was possible to show that etching mechanisms were different for Si-F and W-F chemistries. Anisotropic etching of tungsten/tungsten nitride using conventional reactive ion etcher has been obtained, and conditions of achieving anisotropic etching have been analyzed. A correlation is found between anisotropy of tungsten etching and the ratio of Si/W etch rates. Mechanisms of fluorine redistribution between the bottom/sidewall surfaces due to surface diffusion and/or reflection are proposed as possible reasons for the observed correlation.1493G179G18

    How young can children reliably and validly self-report their health-related quality of life?: An analysis of 8,591 children across age subgroups with the PedsQL™ 4.0 Generic Core Scales

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    BACKGROUND: The last decade has evidenced a dramatic increase in the development and utilization of pediatric health-related quality of life (HRQOL) measures in an effort to improve pediatric patient health and well-being and determine the value of healthcare services. The emerging paradigm shift toward patient-reported outcomes (PROs) in clinical trials has provided the opportunity to further emphasize the value and essential need for pediatric patient self-reported outcomes measurement. Data from the PedsQL™ Database(SM )were utilized to test the hypothesis that children as young as 5 years of age can reliably and validly report their HRQOL. METHODS: The sample analyzed represented child self-report age data on 8,591 children ages 5 to 16 years from the PedsQL™ 4.0 Generic Core Scales Database(SM). Participants were recruited from general pediatric clinics, subspecialty clinics, and hospitals in which children were being seen for well-child checks, mild acute illness, or chronic illness care (n = 2,603, 30.3%), and from a State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) in California (n = 5,988, 69.7%). RESULTS: Items on the PedsQL™ 4.0 Generic Core Scales had minimal missing responses for children as young as 5 years old, supporting feasibility. The majority of the child self-report scales across the age subgroups, including for children as young as 5 years, exceeded the minimum internal consistency reliability standard of 0.70 required for group comparisons, while the Total Scale Scores across the age subgroups approached or exceeded the reliability criterion of 0.90 recommended for analyzing individual patient scale scores. Construct validity was demonstrated utilizing the known groups approach. For each PedsQL™ scale and summary score, across age subgroups, including children as young as 5 years, healthy children demonstrated a statistically significant difference in HRQOL (better HRQOL) than children with a known chronic health condition, with most effect sizes in the medium to large effect size range. CONCLUSION: The results demonstrate that children as young as the 5 year old age subgroup can reliably and validly self-report their HRQOL when given the opportunity to do so with an age-appropriate instrument. These analyses are consistent with recent FDA guidelines which require instrument development and validation testing for children and adolescents within fairly narrow age groupings and which determine the lower age limit at which children can provide reliable and valid responses across age categories

    Approximating Mexican highways with slime mould

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    Plasmodium of Physarum polycephalum is a single cell visible by unaided eye. During its foraging behavior the cell spans spatially distributed sources of nutrients with a protoplasmic network. Geometrical structure of the protoplasmic networks allows the plasmodium to optimize transport of nutrients between remote parts of its body. Assuming major Mexican cities are sources of nutrients how much structure of Physarum protoplasmic network correspond to structure of Mexican Federal highway network? To find an answer undertook a series of laboratory experiments with living Physarum polycephalum. We represent geographical locations of major cities by oat flakes, place a piece of plasmodium in Mexico city area, record the plasmodium's foraging behavior and extract topology of nutrient transport networks. Results of our experiments show that the protoplasmic network formed by Physarum is isomorphic, subject to limitations imposed, to a network of principle highways. Ideas and results of the paper may contribute towards future developments in bio-inspired road planning

    Clinical pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of cerliponase alfa, enzyme replacement therapy for CLN2 disease by intracerebroventricular administration

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    Cerliponase alfa is recombinant human TPP1 delivered by intracerebroventricular (ICV) infusion for CLN2, a pediatric neurodegenerative disease caused by deficiency in lysosomal enzyme TPP1. We report the PK and PD of cerliponase alfa, the first ICV enzyme replacement therapy, characterized in a Phase 1/2 study. Escalating doses (30-300 mg every two weeks, Q2W) followed by 300 mg Q2W for ≥48 weeks were administered in 24 patients aged ≥3 years. Concentrations peaked in CSF at the end of ~4-hour ICV infusion and 8 hours thereafter in plasma. Plasma exposure was 300-1000 fold lower than in CSF, with no correlation in the magnitude of Cmax or AUC between body sites. There was no apparent accumulation in CSF or plasma exposure with Q2W dosing. Inter- and intra-patient variability of AUC, respectively, were 31-49% and 24% in CSF versus 59-103% and 80% in plasma. PK variability was not explained by baseline demographics, as gender, age, weight, and CLN2 disease severity score did not appear to impact CSF or plasma PK. No apparent correlation was noted between CSF or plasma PK and incidence of adverse events (pyrexia, hypersensitivity, seizure, and epilepsy) or presence of antidrug antibodies in CSF and serum. There was no relationship between magnitude of CSF exposure and efficacy (change in CLN2 score from baseline), indicating maximum benefit was obtained across the range of exposures with 300 mg Q2W. Data from this small trial of ultra-rare disease were leveraged to adequately profile cerliponase alfa and support 300 mg ICV Q2W for CLN2 treatment

    Activation of the innate immune receptor Dectin-1 upon formation of a 'phagocytic synapse'.

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    Innate immune cells must be able to distinguish between direct binding to microbes and detection of components shed from the surface of microbes located at a distance. Dectin-1 (also known as CLEC7A) is a pattern-recognition receptor expressed by myeloid phagocytes (macrophages, dendritic cells and neutrophils) that detects β-glucans in fungal cell walls and triggers direct cellular antimicrobial activity, including phagocytosis and production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). In contrast to inflammatory responses stimulated upon detection of soluble ligands by other pattern-recognition receptors, such as Toll-like receptors (TLRs), these responses are only useful when a cell comes into direct contact with a microbe and must not be spuriously activated by soluble stimuli. In this study we show that, despite its ability to bind both soluble and particulate β-glucan polymers, Dectin-1 signalling is only activated by particulate β-glucans, which cluster the receptor in synapse-like structures from which regulatory tyrosine phosphatases CD45 and CD148 (also known as PTPRC and PTPRJ, respectively) are excluded (Supplementary Fig. 1). The 'phagocytic synapse' now provides a model mechanism by which innate immune receptors can distinguish direct microbial contact from detection of microbes at a distance, thereby initiating direct cellular antimicrobial responses only when they are required

    Experimental design and statistical rigor in phylogenomics of horizontal and endosymbiotic gene transfer

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    A growing number of phylogenomic investigations from diverse eukaryotes are examining conflicts among gene trees as evidence of horizontal gene transfer. If multiple foreign genes from the same eukaryotic lineage are found in a given genome, it is increasingly interpreted as concerted gene transfers during a cryptic endosymbiosis in the organism's evolutionary past, also known as "endosymbiotic gene transfer" or EGT. A number of provocative hypotheses of lost or serially replaced endosymbionts have been advanced; to date, however, these inferences largely have been post-hoc interpretations of genomic-wide conflicts among gene trees. With data sets as large and complex as eukaryotic genome sequences, it is critical to examine alternative explanations for intra-genome phylogenetic conflicts, particularly how much conflicting signal is expected from directional biases and statistical noise. The availability of genome-level data both permits and necessitates phylogenomics that test explicit, a priori predictions of horizontal gene transfer, using rigorous statistical methods and clearly defined experimental controls

    Persistence of anticancer activity in berry extracts after simulated gastrointestinal digestion and colonic fermentation

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    Fruit and vegetable consumption is associated at the population level with a protective effect against colorectal cancer. Phenolic compounds, especially abundant in berries, are of interest due to their putative anticancer activity. After consumption, however, phenolic compounds are subject to digestive conditions within the gastrointestinal tract that alter their structures and potentially their function. However, the majority of phenolic compounds are not efficiently absorbed in the small intestine and a substantial portion pass into the colon. We characterized berry extracts (raspberries, strawberries, blackcurrants) produced by in vitro-simulated upper intestinal tract digestion and subsequent fecal fermentation. These extracts and selected individual colonic metabolites were then evaluated for their putative anticancer activities using in vitro models of colorectal cancer, representing the key stages of initiation, promotion and invasion. Over a physiologically-relevant dose range (0–50 µg/ml gallic acid equivalents), the digested and fermented extracts demonstrated significant anti-genotoxic, anti-mutagenic and anti-invasive activity on colonocytes. This work indicates that phenolic compounds from berries undergo considerable structural modifications during their passage through the gastrointestinal tract but their breakdown products and metabolites retain biological activity and can modulate cellular processes associated with colon cancer

    A combined estimator using TEC and b-value for large earthquake prediction

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    [EN] Ionospheric anomalies have been shown to occur a few days before several large earthquakes. The published works normally address examples limited in time (a single event or few of them) or space (a particular geographic area), so that a clear method based on these anomalies which consistently yields the place and magnitude of the forthcoming earthquake, anytime and anywhere on earth, has not been presented so far. The current research is aimed at prediction of large earthquakes, that is with magnitude M-w 7 or higher. It uses as data bank all significant earthquakes occurred worldwide in the period from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2018. The first purpose of the research is to improve the use of ionospheric anomalies in the form of TEC grids for earthquake prediction. A space-time TEC variation estimator especially designed for earthquake prediction will show the advantages with respect to the use of simple TEC values. Further, taking advantage of the well-known predictive abilities of the Gutenberg-Richter law's b-value, a combined estimator based on both TEC anomalies and b-values will be designed and shown to improve prediction performance even more.Baselga Moreno, S. (2020). A combined estimator using TEC and b-value for large earthquake prediction. Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica Hungarica. 55(1):63-82. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40328-019-00281-5S6382551Abordán A, Szabó NP (2018) Metropolis algorithm driven factor analysis for lithological characterization of shallow marine sediments. Acta Geod Geophys 53:189–199. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40328-017-0210-zAkhoondzadeh M, Saradjian MR (2011) TEC variations analysis concerning Haiti (January 12, 2010) and Samoa (September 29, 2009) earthquakes. 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