106 research outputs found

    La Prueba Anticipada como Herramienta para reducir la Cultura de Litigio Recurriendo al Derecho Comparado

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    The following article is developed with the notion of offering possible solutions to reduce the litigation culture and that the parties may have mechanisms to reach consensual agreements and resolve the conflict, all this from elements that the same legal regulations typify, for this I propose a brief but necessary analysis in comparative law to demonstrate what is the notion, that the world is having in terms of the relevance of the parties to resolve their conflicts, I also offer the mechanism of advance evidence as a new notion, with characteristics of autonomy with the mere intention of information, mainly influenced by the current Brazilian procedural law and Common Law origin.El siguiente artículo está desarrollado con la noción de ofrecer posibles soluciones para reducir  la cultura de litigios  y que las partes puedan tener mecanismos para poder llegar a acuerdos consensuados y resolver el conflicto, todo esto desde elementos que la misma normativa jurídica tipifica,  para ello planteo un breve pero necesario análisis en derecho comparado para demostrar cual es la noción, que el mundo está teniendo en cuanto a la relevancia de las partes para resolver sus  conflictos, asimismo ofrezco el mecanismo de la prueba anticipada como una nueva noción, con características de autonomía con la mera intención de información, influenciada principalmente por el derecho brasileño procesal vigente y de origen de Common Law

    Apoyo social funcional y calidad de vida en mujeres víctimas de violencia de la ciudad de Chimbote, 2023

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    La violencia como tal es descrita como un problema de salud pública, donde muchos de estos actos que conlleva este problema esta direccionado en mayor proporción hacia la mujer, causando consigo problemas en la salud física y psicológica por parte de su propio agresor. Es así, que la presente investigación tuvo como objetivo establecer la relación entre apoyo social funcional y calidad de vida en mujeres víctimas de violencia en la ciudad de Chimbote, donde el diseño de investigación fue correlacional simple, con una muestra de 203 mujeres mayores de 18 años. La recopilación de datos se hizo con el Cuestionario de Apoyo Social Funcional Duke - UNC 11 y el Cuestionario de Calidad de Vida Whoqol-Bref. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran una correlación significativa positiva entre apoyo social funcional y la calidad de vida (rs=.69***), de igual manera se evidencia una correlación positiva significativa entre apoyo social confidencial (rs=.65***) y apoyo social afectivo (rs=.66***) con relación a la calidad de vida. Se concluye cuanto mejor se perciba el apoyo social, mejor será la calidad de vida o viceversa

    Análisis del potencial energético Undimotriz para la generación eléctrica en Tumbes y Piura

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    La Industria de generación undimotriz, es una nueva alternativa energética renovable, no convencional, con mucho futuro, pues su mayor factor de planta, debido a la mayor presencia horaria de las olas, durante el día y la noche, la regularidad de la intensidad de su entrega energética, los hace mucho más estable en sistemas interconectados nacionales, para reemplazar alternativas de generación eléctrica, como la térmica a petróleo Diésel, térmica a carbón , térmica a gas Natural, tanto en ciclo simple, como en ciclo combinado, con mucha mayor eficiencia de rampa eléctrica que las alternativas Eólica, solar fotovoltaica, entre otros. En cuanto a los objetivos específicos tenemos que determinar cuáles son las tecnologías vigentes de generación undimotriz aplicables al Perú en General y a la costa de Piura y Tumbes, con las tecnologías de boyas flotadoras, serpentines de aprovechamiento entre otros y su posibilidad de aplicarlas a las Regiones Tumbes y Piura, también analizaremos el potencial undimotriz, de las Regiones Tumbes y Piura y sus restricciones aplicando los conocimientos adquiridos sobre la zona y las tecnologías vigentes en generación undimotriz. Diseñaremos las principales características del sistema de generación undimotriz para las Regiones Tumbes y Piura de tal manera que se permita evaluar la factibilidad técnica y económica de los sistemas de generación undimotriz, es decir su viabilidad de su sistema ante unos ingresos por venta marginal de energía eléctrica y potencia eléctrica, frente a una inversión en canales, boyas flotantes, mecanismos de conversión de energía, y gastos de operación y mantenimiento de acuerdo a lo recomendado por los fabricantes

    Dimensionalidad de un ítem único de preocupación por el cáncer mediante modelos de ecuaciones estructurales

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    The study aims to analyze the influence of the latent variable cancer concern (PPC) on the measurement of the single item Cancer Worry Chart (CWC) through the method of structural equations (SEM). 165 healthy adults with a family history of cancer participated (Mage = 40.25 years; SD = 12.99), who attended the outpatient clinic of health institutions in Peru. The CWC has a predominance of responses that express less concern about cancer (M = 2.27; SD = .98). The use of SEM reports very good adjustment rates for the model (SB-χ2 = .0051; gl = 1; p = .943; CFI = 1.00; RMSEA [IC90%] = .00 [.00, .04]; SRMR = .007), with a factor load of .949 and communality of .90. The PPC construct explains 90% of the variability of the CWC scores. This finding provides complementary evidence of CWC construct validity.El estudio tiene como objetivo analizar la influencia de la variable latente preocupación por el cáncer (PPC) sobre la medida de ítem único Cancer Worry Chart (CWC) a través del método de ecuaciones estructurales (SEM). Participaron 165 adultos sanos con historia familiar de cáncer (Medad= 40.25 años; DE= 12.99), que asistían a la consulta externa de instituciones de salud de Perú. El CWC presenta un predominio de respuestas que expresan una menor preocupación por el cáncer (M= 2.27; DE = .98). El uso de SEM, reporta índices de ajuste muy buenos para el modelo (SB-χ2 = .0051; gl = 1; p = .943; CFI = 1.00; RMSEA [IC90%] = .00 [.00, .04]; SRMR = .007), con una carga factorial de .949 y comunalidad de .90. El constructo PPC explica el 90% de la variabilidad de los puntajes del CWC. Este hallazgo brinda evidencia complementaria de validez de constructo del CWC

    "Psychometric evidence of a new short version in Spanish of the COVID-19 impact scale: A study based on confirmatory factor analysis, graded response model, multigroup analysis, and path analysis"

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    "The aim of the study was to translate and evaluate the psychometric evidence of the Spanish version of the COVID19 impact scale in the general population of Peru, to measure psychological stress responses produced by the COVID-19 pandemic, including emotional responses and difficulty in performing activities of daily living. Participants were 601 Peruvians, who responded to an online survey consisting of questions designed to collect sociodemographic data, the CIS and the fear of COVID-19 scale. The forward and backward translation method was used to translate the English version into Spanish. A confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), graded response model was used to estimate the discrimination (a) and difficulty (b) parameters of the items. Multi-group CFA was used to assess measurement invariance. Regarding validity based on the validity in relation to other variables, an explanatory model was proposed using the SEM path method. The unidimensional structure of the 10-item CIS was not confirmed. Therefore, it was suggested that a six-item model of the CIS (CIS-6) provides a better fit and reliable score. The multigroup CFA showed that the CIS-6 does not exhibit measurement invariance between males and females. In addition, the CIS-6 items present adequate discrimination and difficulty indices. A higher presence of the latent trait (in this case, perception of the impact of COVID-19) is required to answer the higher response categories. The findings would help to assess those individuals more prone to the impact of the COVID19 pandemic and to have evidence for the development of interventions aimed at decreasing the impact.

    "Psychometric evidence of a new short version in Spanish of the COVID-19 impact scale: A study based on confirmatory factor analysis, graded response model, multigroup analysis, and path analysis"

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    "The aim of the study was to translate and evaluate the psychometric evidence of the Spanish version of the COVID19 impact scale in the general population of Peru, to measure psychological stress responses produced by the COVID-19 pandemic, including emotional responses and difficulty in performing activities of daily living. Participants were 601 Peruvians, who responded to an online survey consisting of questions designed to collect sociodemographic data, the CIS and the fear of COVID-19 scale. The forward and backward translation method was used to translate the English version into Spanish. A confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), graded response model was used to estimate the discrimination (a) and difficulty (b) parameters of the items. Multi-group CFA was used to assess measurement invariance. Regarding validity based on the validity in relation to other variables, an explanatory model was proposed using the SEM path method. The unidimensional structure of the 10-item CIS was not confirmed. Therefore, it was suggested that a six-item model of the CIS (CIS-6) provides a better fit and reliable score. The multigroup CFA showed that the CIS-6 does not exhibit measurement invariance between males and females. In addition, the CIS-6 items present adequate discrimination and difficulty indices. A higher presence of the latent trait (in this case, perception of the impact of COVID-19) is required to answer the higher response categories. The findings would help to assess those individuals more prone to the impact of the COVID19 pandemic and to have evidence for the development of interventions aimed at decreasing the impact.

    "Psychometric evidence of a new short version in Spanish of the COVID-19 impact scale: A study based on confirmatory factor analysis, graded response model, multigroup analysis, and path analysis"

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    "The aim of the study was to translate and evaluate the psychometric evidence of the Spanish version of the COVID19 impact scale in the general population of Peru, to measure psychological stress responses produced by the COVID-19 pandemic, including emotional responses and difficulty in performing activities of daily living. Participants were 601 Peruvians, who responded to an online survey consisting of questions designed to collect sociodemographic data, the CIS and the fear of COVID-19 scale. The forward and backward translation method was used to translate the English version into Spanish. A confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), graded response model was used to estimate the discrimination (a) and difficulty (b) parameters of the items. Multi-group CFA was used to assess measurement invariance. Regarding validity based on the validity in relation to other variables, an explanatory model was proposed using the SEM path method. The unidimensional structure of the 10-item CIS was not confirmed. Therefore, it was suggested that a six-item model of the CIS (CIS-6) provides a better fit and reliable score. The multigroup CFA showed that the CIS-6 does not exhibit measurement invariance between males and females. In addition, the CIS-6 items present adequate discrimination and difficulty indices. A higher presence of the latent trait (in this case, perception of the impact of COVID-19) is required to answer the higher response categories. The findings would help to assess those individuals more prone to the impact of the COVID19 pandemic and to have evidence for the development of interventions aimed at decreasing the impact

    "Psychometric evidence of a new short version in Spanish of the COVID-19 impact scale: A study based on confirmatory factor analysis, graded response model, multigroup analysis, and path analysis"

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    "The aim of the study was to translate and evaluate the psychometric evidence of the Spanish version of the COVID19 impact scale in the general population of Peru, to measure psychological stress responses produced by the COVID-19 pandemic, including emotional responses and difficulty in performing activities of daily living. Participants were 601 Peruvians, who responded to an online survey consisting of questions designed to collect sociodemographic data, the CIS and the fear of COVID-19 scale. The forward and backward translation method was used to translate the English version into Spanish. A confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), graded response model was used to estimate the discrimination (a) and difficulty (b) parameters of the items. Multi-group CFA was used to assess measurement invariance. Regarding validity based on the validity in relation to other variables, an explanatory model was proposed using the SEM path method. The unidimensional structure of the 10-item CIS was not confirmed. Therefore, it was suggested that a six-item model of the CIS (CIS-6) provides a better fit and reliable score. The multigroup CFA showed that the CIS-6 does not exhibit measurement invariance between males and females. In addition, the CIS-6 items present adequate discrimination and difficulty indices. A higher presence of the latent trait (in this case, perception of the impact of COVID-19) is required to answer the higher response categories. The findings would help to assess those individuals more prone to the impact of the COVID19 pandemic and to have evidence for the development of interventions aimed at decreasing the impact