1,617 research outputs found

    Recycled Photons Traveling Several Millimeters in Waveguides Based on CsPbBr3 Perovskite Nanocrystals

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    Reabsorption and reemission of photons, or photon recycling (PR) effect, represents an outstanding mechanism to enhance the carrier and photon densities in semiconductor thin films. This work demonstrates the propagation of recycled photons over several mm by integrating a thin film of CsPbBr3 nanocrystals into a planar waveguide. An experimental set-up based on a frequency modulation spectroscopy allows to characterize the PR effect and the determination of the effective decay time of outcoupled photons. A correlation between the observed photoluminescence redshift and the increase of the effective decay time is demonstrated, which grows from 3.5 to near 9 ns in the best device. A stochastic Monte Carlo model reproduces these experimental results and allows the extraction of the physical mechanisms involved. In the waveguide under study recycled photons follow a drift (directional enhancement) velocity ≈5.7 × 105 m s−1, dominating over the diffusive regime observed in a standard thin film (D ≈ 420 m2 s−1). This means that recycled photons propagate mm-distances in shorter traveling times in the waveguide (≈5 ns) as compared to the film (>20 ns). These results are expected to pave the road for exploiting the PR effect in future optoelectronic and photonic devices

    A new species of Enyalioides (Iguanidae: Hoplocercinae) from southwestern Ecuador

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    We describe a new species of Enyalioides from lowland cloud forests in southwestern Ecuador. This represents the third species in the genus known to occur west of the Andes in South America; the other two species are E. heterolepis and E. oshaughnessyi. Among other characters, the new species can be distinguished from other members in the genus by having small, keeled, paravertebrals; a series of skin folds on the lateral aspects of body and neck; size-homogeneous scales on body and limbs; distinct caudal segments; and an extensive dark patch on the gular region of adult males. Morphological similarity suggests that the new species, which we call E. touzeti, is closely related to E. oshaughnessyi.Describimos una especie nueva de Enyalioides del bosque nublado al suroccidente de Ecuador. Esta representa la tercera especie de este género que habita al occidente de los Andes en América del Sur; las otras dos especies occidentales son E. heterolepis y E. oshaughnessyi. La especie nueva se diferencia de otras especies del género por tener, entre otras características, paravertebrales pequeñas y quilladas, pliegues dermales a los lados del cuello y cuerpo, escamas homogéneas en el cuerpo y extremidades, segmentos caudales visibles, y un parche oscuro que cubre gran parte de la región gular en machos. Semejanzas morfológicas sugieren que la especie nueva, a la cual llamamos E. touzeti, está cercanamente relacionada con E. oshaughnessyi

    Single-Exciton Amplified Spontaneous Emission in Thin Films of CsPbX3 (X = Br, I) Perovskite Nanocrystals

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    CsPbX3 perovskite nanocrystals (PNCs) have emerged as an excellent material for stimulated emission purposes, with even more prospective applications than conventional colloidal quantum dots. However, a better understanding of the physical mechanisms responsible for amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) is required to achieve more ambitious targets (lasing under continuous wave optical or electrical excitation). Here, we establish the intrinsic mechanisms underlying ASE in PNCs of three different band gaps (CsPbBr3, CsPbBr1.5I1.5, and CsPbI3). Our characterization at cryogenic temperatures does not reveal any evidence of the biexciton mechanism in the formation of ASE. Instead, the measured shift toward long wavelengths of the ASE band is easily explained by the reabsorption in the PNC layer, which becomes stronger for thicker layers. In this way, the threshold of ASE is determined only by optical losses at a given geometry, which is the single-exciton mechanism responsible for ASE. Experimental results are properly reproduced by a physical model

    Role of Smac/DIABLO in cancer progression

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    Second mitochondria-derived activator of caspase/direct inhibitor of apoptosis-binding protein with low pI (Smac/DIABLO) is a proapoptogenic mitochondrial protein that is released to the cytosol in response to diverse apoptotic stimuli, including commonly used chemotherapeutic drugs. In the cytosol, Smac/DIABLO interacts and antagonizes inhibitors of apoptosis proteins (IAPs), thus allowing the activation of caspases and apoptosis. This activity has prompted the synthesis of peptidomimetics that could potentially be used in cancer therapy. For these reasons, several authors have analyzed the expression levels of Smac/DIABLO in samples of patients from different tumors. Although dissimilar results have been found, a tissue-specific role of this protein emerges from the data. The objective of this review is to present the current knowledge of the Smac/DIABLO role in cancer and its possible use as a marker or therapeutic target for drug design

    Rediseñar los procesos del área de consultas de servicios bancarios de una institución financiera mediante BPM, con el soporte de la inteligencia artificial del asistente virtual IBM WATSON

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    Proyecto que plantea rediseñar y automatizar el actual proceso de consultas de servicios bancarios con el A.V. integrado mediante la Gestión de Procesos de Negocios, por sus siglas en inglés BPM, que tradicionalmente son atendidos por un ejecutivo de servicios mediante un modelo BPM, y automatizar las respuestas de tal manera que puedan ser resueltas por la inteligencia artificial del asistente virtual de IBM WATSON, la mejora en el proceso de consultas en el área de servicios bancarios mediante BPM, viene de la mano con un rediseño del proceso actual. El asistente virtual provisto por IBM es un producto de inteligencia artificial que puede ser adaptado a cualquier canal de comunicación: mensajería instantánea, redes sociales, telefonía, puede ser entrenado y capacitado para mantener entornos conversacionales muy cercanas a las del humano

    Enhanced spontaneous emission of CsPbI3 perovskite nanocrystals using a hyperbolic metamaterial modified by dielectric nanoantenna

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    In this work, we demonstrate, theoretically and experimentally, a hybrid dielectric-plasmonic multifunctional structure able to provide full control of the emission properties of CsPbI3 perovskite nanocrystals (PNCs). The device consists of a hyperbolic metamaterial (HMM) composed of alternating thin metal (Ag) and dielectric (LiF) layers, covered by TiO2 spherical MIE nanoresonators (i.e., the nanoantenna). An optimum HMM leads to a certain Purcell effect, i.e., an increase in the exciton radiative rate, but the emission intensity is reduced due to the presence of metal in the HMM. The incorporation of TiO2 nanoresonators deposited on the top of the HMM is able to counteract such an undesirable intensity reduction by the coupling between the exciton and the MIE modes of the dielectric nanoantenna. More importantly, MIE nanoresonators result in a preferential light emission towards the normal direction to the HMM plane, increasing the collected signal by more than one order of magnitude together with a further increase in the Purcell factor. These results will be useful in quantum information applications involving single emitters based on PNCs together with a high exciton emission rate and intensity

    Interpretation of the photoluminescence decay kinetics in metal halide perovskite nanocrystals and thin polycrystalline films

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    In this paper we present critical analysis of different points of view on interpretation of the photoluminescence (PL) decay kinetics in lead halide perovskites prepared in the form of well passivated nanocrystals (PNCs) or thin polycrystalline layers. In addition to the literature data, our own measurements are also considered. For PNCs, a strong dependence of the PL lifetimes on the type of passivating ligand was observed with a consistently high PL quantum yield. It is shown that such ligand effects, as well as a decrease in the PL lifetime with decreasing temperature, are well qualitatively explained by the phenomenological model of thermally activated delayed luminescence, in which the extension of the PL decay time with temperature occurs due to the participation of shallow non-quenching traps. In the case of thin perovskite layers, we conclude that the PL kinetics under sufficiently low excitation intensity is determined by the excitation quenching on the layer surfaces. We demonstrate that a large variety of possible PL decay kinetics for thin polycrystalline perovskite films can be modelled by means of one-dimensional diffusion equation with use of the diffusion coefficient D and surface recombination velocity S as parameters and conclude that long-lived PL kinetics are formed in case of low D and/or S values

    Outstanding nonlinear optical properties of methylammonium- and Cs-PbX3 (X = Br, I, and Br–I) perovskites: Polycrystalline thin films and nanoparticles

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    Metal Halide Perovskites (MHPs) have arisen as promising materials to construct cost-effective photovoltaic and light emission devices. The study of nonlinear optical properties of MHPs is necessary to get similar success in nonlinear photonic devices, which is practically absent in the literature. The determination of the third order nonlinear coefficients is typically done by the Z-scan technique, which is limited by the scattering of polycrystalline thin films. In this work, we have studied nonlinear optical properties of polycrystalline CH3NH3PbX3 (MAPbX3) thin films and colloidal CsPbX3 nanoparticles with three different bandgaps (X3 = I3, Br3, and Br1.5I1.5). Their bright generation of photoluminescence under infrared illumination demonstrates an excellent efficiency of multiphoton absorption. The nonlinear absorption coefficient ( ) was studied by analyzing the transmitted light through the samples, observing the expected Eg −3 dependence with values as high as = 1500 cm/GW. In addition, we proposed the use of a modified Z-scan technique with imaging processing to analyze the nonlinear refraction coefficient (n2) under the laser damage threshold. Our experimental data agree quite well with theoretical predictions, demonstrating the accuracy of the method and potential applications to other thin films. Moreover, n2 parameter reaches values of 3.5 cm2/GW, indicating the suitability of MHPs for nonlinear photonics