139 research outputs found

    Purpose in corporate governance: the path towards a more sustainable world

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    In order to give a more realistic view of how ESG and sustainability are developed in organisations, this paper explores the development of purpose in corporate governance and the challenges faced. The theme is analysed at the intersection between stakeholder theory and business models in two dimensions: the capability of the market to align stakeholders’ interests (invisible hand) and the trade-offs between purpose and profit. The analysis conducted gave rise to four scenarios with a range of theoretical and practical implications focused on corporate governance

    A Mathematical Model to Study the Meningococcal Meningitis

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    AbstractThe main goal of this work is to introduce a novel mathematical model to study the spreading of meningococcal meningitis. Specifically, it is a discrete mathematical model based on cellular automata where the population is divided in five classes: sus- ceptible, asymptomatic infected, infected with symptoms, carriers, recovered and died. It catches the individual characteristics of people in order to give a prediction of both the individual behavior, and whole evolution of population

    Coarse-Grained Finite-Temperature Theory for the Condensate in Optical Lattices

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    In this work, we derive a coarse-grained finite-temperature theory for a Bose condensate in a one-dimensional optical lattice, in addition to a confining harmonic trap potential. We start from a two-particle irreducible (2PI) effective action on the Schwinger-Keldysh closed-time contour path. In principle, this action involves all information of equilibrium and non-equilibrium properties of the condensate and noncondensate atoms. By assuming an ansatz for the variational function, i.e., the condensate order parameter in an effective action, we derive a coarse-grained effective action, which describes the dynamics on the length scale much longer than a lattice constant. Using the variational principle, coarse-grained equations of motion for the condensate variables are obtained. These equations include a dissipative term due to collisions between condensate and noncondensate atoms, as well as noncondensate mean-field. To illustrate the usefulness of our formalism, we discuss a Landau instability of the condensate in optical lattices by using the coarse-grained generalized Gross-Pitaevskii hydrodynamics. We found that the collisional damping rate due to collisions between the condensate and noncondensate atoms changes sign when the condensate velocity exceeds a renormalized sound velocity, leading to a Landau instability consistent with the Landau criterion. Our results in this work give an insight into the microscopic origin of the Landau instability.Comment: 38 pages, 2 figures. Submitted to Journal of Low Temperature Physic

    Quantum charges and spacetime topology: The emergence of new superselection sectors

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    In which is developed a new form of superselection sectors of topological origin. By that it is meant a new investigation that includes several extensions of the traditional framework of Doplicher, Haag and Roberts in local quantum theories. At first we generalize the notion of representations of nets of C*-algebras, then we provide a brand new view on selection criteria by adopting one with a strong topological flavour. We prove that it is coherent with the older point of view, hence a clue to a genuine extension. In this light, we extend Roberts' cohomological analysis to the case where 1--cocycles bear non trivial unitary representations of the fundamental group of the spacetime, equivalently of its Cauchy surface in case of global hyperbolicity. A crucial tool is a notion of group von Neumann algebras generated by the 1-cocycles evaluated on loops over fixed regions. One proves that these group von Neumann algebras are localized at the bounded region where loops start and end and to be factorial of finite type I. All that amounts to a new invariant, in a topological sense, which can be defined as the dimension of the factor. We prove that any 1-cocycle can be factorized into a part that contains only the charge content and another where only the topological information is stored. This second part resembles much what in literature are known as geometric phases. Indeed, by the very geometrical origin of the 1-cocycles that we discuss in the paper, they are essential tools in the theory of net bundles, and the topological part is related to their holonomy content. At the end we prove the existence of net representations

    A Model of Graceful Exit in String Cosmology

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    We construct, for the first time, a model of graceful exit transition from a dilaton-driven inflationary phase to a decelerated Friedman-Robertson-Walker era. Exploiting a demonstration that classical corrections can stabilize a high curvature string phase while the evolution is still in the weakly coupled regime, we show that if additional terms of the type that may result from quantum corrections to the string effective action exist, and induce violation of the null energy condition, then evolution towards a decelerated Friedman-Robertson-Walker phase is possible. We also observe that stabilizing the dilaton at a fixed value, either by capture in a potential minimum or by radiation production, may require that these quantum corrections are turned off, perhaps by non-perturbative effects or higher order contributions which overturn the null energy condition violation.Comment: 17 pages including 9 figures, RevTeX. Uses epsfi

    Euler-Poincar\'e approaches to nematodynamics

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    Nematodynamics is the orientation dynamics of flowless liquid-crystals. We show how Euler-Poincar\'e reduction produces a unifying framework for various theories, including Ericksen-Leslie, Luhiller-Rey, and Eringen's micropolar theory. In particular, we show that these theories are all compatible with each other and some of them allow for more general configurations involving a non vanishing discination density. All results are also extended to flowing liquid crystals.Comment: 26 pages, no figure

    Time Evolution via S-branes

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    Using S(pacelike)-branes defined through rolling tachyon solutions, we show how the dynamical formation of D(irichlet)-branes and strings in tachyon condensation can be understood. Specifically we present solutions of S-brane actions illustrating the classical confinement of electric and magnetic flux into fundamental strings and D-branes. The role of S-branes in string theory is further clarified and their RR charges are discussed. In addition, by examining ``boosted'' S-branes, we find what appears to be a surprising dual S-brane description of strings and D-branes, which also indicates that the critical electric field can be considered as a self-dual point in string theory. We also introduce new tachyonic S-branes as Euclidean counterparts to non-BPS branes.Comment: 62 pages, 10 figures. v2 references adde

    Singularity free dilaton-driven cosmologies and pre-little-bang

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    There are no reasons why the singularity in the growth of the dilaton coupling should not be regularised, in a string cosmological context, by the presence of classical inhomogeneities. We discuss a class of inhomogeneous dilaton-driven models whose curvature invariants are all bounded and regular in time and space. We prove that the non-space-like geodesics of these models are all complete in the sense that none of them reaches infinity for a finite value of the affine parameter. We conclude that our examples represent truly singularity-free solutions of the low energy beta functions. We discuss some symmetries of the obtained solutions and we clarify their physical interpretation. We also give examples of solutions with spherical symmetry. In our scenario each physical quantity is everywhere defined in time and space, the big-bang singularity is replaced by a maximal curvature phase where the dilaton kinetic energy reaches its maximum. The maximal curvature is always smaller than one (in string units) and the coupling constant is also smaller than one and it grows between two regimes of constant dilaton, implying, together with the symmetries of the solutions, that higher genus and higher curvature corrections are negligible. We argue that our examples describe, in a string cosmological context, the occurrence of ``little bangs''(i.e. high curvature phases which never develop physical singularities). They also suggest the possibility of an unexplored ``pre-little-bang'' phase.Comment: 25 pages in LaTex style, 3 encapsulated figure
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