44 research outputs found

    Estudio sobre el empleo de macroalgas marinas como suplemento de minerales en vacuno de leche en régimen ecológico

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    A produción ecolóxica é un sistema global de xestión das explotacións agrícolas e de produción de alimentos que combina as mellores prácticas ambientais, un alto nivel de biodiversidade, a conservación dos recursos naturais, así como a promoción do desenvolvemento rural, a aplicación de normas de benestar animal e un método de produción acorde á preferencia de certos consumidores por produtos feitos a partir de substancias e procesos naturais. O piar fundamental da gandería ecolóxica é a alimentación animal. A normativa da gandería ecolóxica, prevé que polo menos o 60% do alimento nas granxas, debe ser forraxe fresco ou conservado e non permiten o uso rutineiro de vitaminas e minerais o que pode levar a deficiencias de minerais. As prácticas de manexo e a composición da dieta determinan en gran parte o nivel, tanto de elementos esenciais como tóxicos ao que está exposto o gando, e polo tanto, as concentracións destes elementos en produtos de orixe animal. Sabemos que as algas mariñas son ricas nunha ampla gama de aminoácidos, oligoelementos e vitaminas, con todo, e a pesar do alto contido de minerais da maioría das especies de algas, o seu uso como suplemento mineral non foi estudado, agás para o iodo. O obxectivo xeral deste traballo concéntrase en avaliar a posibilidade de utilización de macroalgas mariñas da costa de Galicia como unha fonte de minerais. Para iso, realizaranse os seguintes obxectivos específicos: (i) establecer o perfil mineral do gando leiteiro en España e avaliar se existe unha diferenza entre os sistemas ecolóxicos e convencionais, utilizando análise quimiométrica. (ii) realizar o que cremos ser o primeiro estudo sobre as concentracións de elementos esenciais e tóxicos en leite de granxas ecolóxicas, no norte de España, en comparación coa produción convencional. (iii) establecer a composición mineral (elementos tóxicos e esenciais) en algas do litoral de Galicia (NO España) e realizar un suplemento a base de algas con capacidade de aumentar os niveis de minerais, especialmente iodo e selenio nos animais. (iv) avaliar a viabilidade do uso de algas mariñas da costa de Galicia como unha fonte de minerais, sobre todo iodo e outros minerais en vacas leiteiras en produción ecolóxica. (v) avaliar o efecto da suplementación de algas soas ou en combinación cun suplemento mineral convencional (bolos ruminais) para mellorar o estado mineral de vacún de leite en granxas ecolóxicas e estimar o seu efecto sobre a composición mineral, a produción de leite e a composición (% de graxa, % de proteína e reconto de células somáticas)

    The use of seaweed from the Galician coast as a mineral supplement in organic dairy cattle

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    This study was designed to assess the value of seaweeds from the Galician coast as a source of minerals (especially iodine (I) but also other micro-minerals) in organic dairy cattle. It was conducted in an organic dairy farm in the Lugo province that typically represents the organic milk production in NW Spain. The animal’s diet consisted mainly of local forage (at pasture or as hay and silage in the winter) and 5 kg of purchased concentrate/day per animal (representing 23.5% of feed intake). Based on the mineral composition of the diet, the physiological requirements and the EU maximum authorised levels in feed, a supplement composed by Sea Lettuce (Ulva rigida) (as flakes, 80%), Japanese Wireweed (Sargasum muticum) (flakes, 17.5%) and Furbelows (Saccorhiza polyschides) (powder, 2.5%) was formulated to give 100 g/animal per day. Sixteen Holstein Friesian lactating cows were randomly selected and assigned to the control (n=8) and algae-supplemented groups (n=8). Both groups had exactly the same feeding and management with the exception of the algae supplement, which was mixed with the concentrate feed and given to the animals at their morning milking for 10 weeks. Heparinised blood (for plasma analysis) and milk samples were collected at 2-week intervals and analysed for toxic and trace element concentrations by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry or inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry. The algae supplement significantly improved the animals’ mineral status, particularly I and selenium that were low on the farm. However, the effect of the algae supplement on the molybdenum status in cattle needs further investigation because of its great relevance on copper metabolism in ruminants. The I supply deserves special attention, since this element is at a very high concentration in brown-algae species and it is excreted in the milk proportionally to its concentration in plasma concentrations (mean±s.e. in the algae-supplemented and control groups were 268±54 and 180±42 µg/l, respectively)This work was supported by the Spanish Government (projectcode AGL2010-21026) and Centro Tecnológico Agroalimentario de Lugo (CETAL)S

    Short communication: The main factors affecting somatic cell count in organic dairy farming

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    Preventive management practices are essential for maintaining acceptable udder health status, especially in organic farming, in which the use of antimicrobials is restricted. The contribution of the following factors to somatic cell count (SCC) was assessed in 788 cows from 15 organically reared herds in northern Spain: milk production, lactation number, treatments applied, selective dry cow therapy and teat dipping routines. The data were examined by linear logistic regression. Lactation number was the main factor affecting logSCC (β= 0.339, p<0.001) followed in order of importance by milk production (β= -0.205, p<0.001), use of alternative treatments (β=0.153, p<0.001), selective dry cow therapy (β=0.120, p=0.005) and teat dipping routines (β=-0.076, p=0.028). However, the model only explained 17.0% of the total variation in SCC. This variable depends on factors other than those considered here, amongst which udder infection is probably one of the most important. Nonetheless, the study findings enabled us to determine the contribution of the main management factors that should be taken into account to improve udder health status on organic farms

    The main factors affecting somatic cell count in organic dairy farming

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    Preventive management practices are essential for maintaining acceptable udder health status, especially in organic farming, in which the use of antimicrobials is restricted. The contribution of the following factors to somatic cell count (SCC) was assessed in 788 cows from 15 organically reared herds in northern Spain: milk production, lactation number, treatments applied, selective dry cow therapy and teat dipping routines. The data were examined by linear logistic regression. Lactation number was the main factor affecting logSCC (β= 0.339, p<0.001) followed in order of importance by milk production (β= -0.205, p<0.001), use of alternative treatments (β=0.153, p<0.001), selective dry cow therapy (β=0.120, p=0.005) and teat dipping routines (β=-0.076, p=0.028). However, the model only explained 17.0% of the total variation in SCC. This variable depends on factors other than those considered here, amongst which udder infection is probably one of the most important. Nonetheless, the study findings enabled us to determine the contribution of the main management factors that should be taken into account to improve udder health status on organic farms.Spanish Government (AGL2010-21026); Centro Tecnológico Agroalimentario de Lugo, Spain (CETAL); IO is in receipt of a FPU fellowship (Ref. FPU14/01473) from the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and SportsS

    Evaluation of trace element status of organic dairy cattle

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    The present study aimed to evaluate trace mineral status of organic dairy herds in northern Spain and the sources of minerals in different types of feed. Blood samples from organic and conventional dairy cattle and feed samples from the respective farms were analysed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry to determine the concentrations of the essential trace elements (cobalt (Co), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), iodine (I), manganese (Mn), molybdenum (Mo), nickel (Ni), selenium (Se) and zinc (Zn)) and toxic trace elements (arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg) and lead (Pb)). Overall, no differences between organic and conventional farms were detected in serum concentrations of essential and toxic trace elements (except for higher concentrations of Cd on the organic farms), although a high level of inter-farm variation was detected in the organic systems, indicating that organic production greatly depends on the specific local conditions. The dietary concentrations of the essential trace elements I, Cu, Se and Zn were significantly higher in the conventional than in the organic systems, which can be attributed to the high concentration of these minerals in the concentrate feed. No differences in the concentrations of trace minerals were found in the other types of feed. Multivariate chemometric analysis was conducted to determine the contribution of different feed sources to the trace element status of the cattle. Concentrate samples were mainly associated with Co, Cu, I, Se and Zn (i.e. with the elements supplemented in this type of feed). However, pasture and grass silage were associated with soil-derived elements (As, Cr, Fe and Pb) which cattle may thus ingest during grazingThis study was supported by the Spanish Government (project code AGL2010-21026). Inmaculada Orjales is in receipt of a FPU fellowship (Ref. FPU14/01473) from the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and SportsS

    Osteoarticular Expression of Musashi-1 in an Experimental Model of Arthritis

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    Background. Collagen-induced arthritis (CIA), a murine experimental disease model induced by immunization with type II collagen (CII), is used to evaluate novel therapeutic strategies for rheumatoid arthritis. Adult stem cell marker Musashi-1 (Msi1) plays an important role in regulating the maintenance and differentiation of stem/precursor cells. The objectives of this investigation were to perform a morphological study of the experimental CIA model, evaluate the effect of TNFα-blocker (etanercept) treatment, and determine the immunohistochemical expression of Msi1 protein. Methods. CIA was induced in 50 male DBA1/J mice for analyses of tissue and serum cytokine; clinical and morphological lesions in limbs; and immunohistochemical expression of Msi1. Results. Clinically, TNFα-blocker treatment attenuated CIA on day 32 after immunization (). Msi1 protein expression was significantly higher in joints damaged by CIA than in those with no lesions () and was related to the severity of the lesions (Spearman’s rho = 0.775, ). Conclusions. Treatment with etanercept attenuates osteoarticular lesions in the murine CIA model. Osteoarticular expression of Msi1 protein is increased in joints with CIA-induced lesion and absent in nonlesioned joints, suggesting that this protein is expressed when the lesion is produced in order to favor tissue repair.This investigation was partially supported by Research Group #CTS-138 (Junta de Andalucía, Spain)

    Developing a new innovative methodology to integrate geophysical techniques into characterization of potential CO2 storage sites: Lopín structure (Southern Ebro basin, Spain)

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    Abstract:One of the main challenges facing geological storage is to identify cost-effective methodologicalworkflows for characterizing and monitoring geological storage sites. In the framework of the ALGECO2 pro-ject, led by the IGME (Geological and Mining Institute, Spain), a preliminary study of the Lopín site in the NEof Spain indicated conditions were promising for geological storage of CO2. However, the poor quality of thelegacy seismic reflection data precluded thorough characterization. Within the H2020 PilotSTRATEGY pro-ject, one of the possible selected target reservoirs was the Lopín structure. In order to characterize its geometryand physical properties as required to properly evaluate its storage potential, IGME applied a new emergingmethodology that integrates reinterpreted reflection seismic data with newly acquired and interpreted gravity,passive seismic and petrophysical data. This methodology was successfully applied along one seismic profile. Inthis paper, we present the results of this integration as thefirst step towards characterizing the site and evaluatingits suitability for storage.Funding for this research came from the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme (European Climate,Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA), award 101022664

    Modelado 3D de fenómenos geológicos en Islandia. Nueva contribución al Canal Geología-Historia

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    En este Proyecto INNOVA-DOCENCIA “Modelado 3D de fenómenos geológicos en Islandia. Nueva contribución al Canal Geología-Historia” se ha realizado una nueva contribución al Canal de Vídeo "Geología e Historia (G&H)" con la película "Islandia: Naturaleza Extrema". En ella se muestra la Geología de Islandia y la explicación del fenómeno óptico de la doble refracción que presenta el Espato de Islandia, probable brújula solar que utilizaban los Vikingos para la navegación en días nublados. Este nuevo recurso docente incorporado al Canal Geología e Historia tiene la aportación de un modelado 3D que facilita la compresión de los fenómenos geológicos y ópticos

    Towards 3D databases and harmonized 3D models at IGME-CSIC

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    IGME-CSIC has a highly relevant geological and geophysical database that includes a continuous digital geological cartography at 1:50000; 1:200000 and 1:1000000 scales and a fair amount of geophysical data: gravity, magnetic, well-logs in tiff and LAS format, seismic lines in tiff and SEG-Y format, borehole and petrophysical data, together with other geophysical and geological studies. Since the 2004, an important effort has been done to undertake 3D geological and geophysical modelling ranging from local studies (mineral exploration or CO2 storage sites) to regional geology for a better understanding of the subsurface structure and its geodynamic evolution as a base for other studies on natural hazards or mineral resources. These studies were ¿stand alone¿ and now IGME is designing a new strategy. It includes the available data and models harmonization (stratigraphy sequences, structural interpretations, faults distribution, seismic velocity models, spatial distribution of physical properties such as density and magnetic susceptibility, workflows, methodologies, evaluation of uncertainties, visualization, etc.) to comply with the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) data standardization. In this way, the new 3D models will be easily integrated and available from the databases. This strategy includes collaboration with the Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières of France (BRGM) and Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia of Portugal (LNEG) in order to harmonize the Spanish geological data and models with their neighbours across national borders. The first step is being done in the framework of GeoERA projects. Plain-language Summary IGME-CSIC owns a large database that includes a highly valuable geological and geophysical data and geophysical studies containing the interpretation of some of the data of Spain (onshore and offshore) Since 2004 the authors of this work have been working in 3D geological and geophysical modelling that includes local (mineral exploration or CO2 storage sites) and regional studies. The goal is to improve our understanding of the subsurface structures and processes as a base for deepening our knowledge in how the natural hazards occur, how to improve the exploration for mineral resources, etc. These studies were made ad hoc within different projects and now IGME-CSIC is designing a workflow to harmonize these models in order to comply with the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) data standardization so the models will be available to being used beyond the initial objectives that generated their creation. This strategy includes collaboration with other European institutions like the Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières of France (BRGM) and Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia of Portugal (LNEG) in order to harmonize the models across national borders. The first step is already being done in the framework of the GeoERA projects

    pilotSTRATEGY project 2021-2026: “CO2 Geological Pilots in Strategic Territories”

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    [EN] The pilotSTRATEGY (2021-2026) is investigating geological CO2 storage sites in industrial regions to support development of large-scale carbon capture and storage (CCS). It is focused on deep saline aquifers–porous rock formations filled with brine several kilometres below ground – which promise a large capacity for storing captured CO2. The goal of the characterisation is to assess the site’s containment, injectivity, capacity, integrity, hydrodynamics, and monitorability in order to ensure safe and permanent storage of CO2. PilotSTRATEGY covers the initial stages of project development up to the pre-final investment decision (pre-FID), regulatory approval and permitting of storage, and applied on selected structures of Paris Basin in France, the Lusitanian Basin in Portugal and the Ebro Basin in Spain, and in lower detail, in West Macedonia in Greece and Upper Silesia in Poland.The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme (10.1 million Euros, No. 101022664).Peer reviewe