1,950 research outputs found

    An Analysis of the Evolution of Tourism Destinations from the Point of View of the Economic Growth Theory

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    In this paper we try to build a bridge between the traditional analysis of the evolution of tourism destinations and economic growth theory. With such an aim we develop an environmental growth model for an economy specialized in tourism and we derive the pattern of tourism development with numerical calculations. The results of our simulations do not contradict the general pattern of evolution implied in the Tourism Area Life Cycle Hypothesis, being environmental deterioration and public goods congestion the main reasons for the stagnation of the tourism destination. We also show the importance of the quality of private tourism services in the evolution of the tourism destination.Tourism, Economic growth, Tourism lifcycle

    Land, Environmental Externalities and Tourism Development

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    In a two sectors dynamic model we analyze the process of tourism development based on the accumulation of capital (building of tourism facilities) and the reallocation of land from traditional activities to the tourism sector. The model incorporates the conflict between occupation of the territory by the tourism facilities, other productive activities and availability of cultural, natural and environmental assets that are valued by residents and visitors. We characterize the process of tourism development in two settings: the socially optimal solution and a situation where the costs of tourism expansion are external to the decision makers, where externalities on residents as well as intraindustry externalities are considered. Regarding the optimal solution, we show that it is optimal to limit tourism expansion before it reaches its maximum capacity even in a context where the economic attractiveness of tourism relative to other productive sectors rise continuously. However, in this context and when all the costs of tourism development are externalities the only limit to tourism quantitative expansion is its maximum capacity determined by the availability of land. Finally, we show that excessive environmental degradation from the future generations’ point of view is not a problem of discounting the future but rather a problem of externalities that affects negatively the current and future generations.Intertemporal land allocation, Structural economic change, Tourism industry

    Hysteresis in vibrated granular media

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    Some general dynamical properties of models for compaction of granular media based on master equations are analyzed. In particular, a one-dimensional lattice model with short-ranged dynamical constraints is considered. The stationary state is consistent with Edward's theory of powders. The system is submitted to processes in which the tapping strength is monotonically increased and decreased. In such processes the behavior of the model resembles the reversible–irreversible branches which have been recently observed in experiments. This behavior is understood in terms of the general dynamical properties of the model, and related to the hysteresis cycles exhibited by structural glasses in thermal cycles. The existence of a “normal” solution, i.e., a special solution of the master equation which is monotonically approached by all the other solutions, plays a fundamental role in the understanding of the hysteresis effects.Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnica (Spain) through Grant No. PB98-112


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    The depreciation rate for capital assets may have endogenous and exogenous components. Change in the exogenous component depends on technological change and/or environmental factors, shifts the production function, and independently affects profitability and investment. Change in the endogenous component does not. These hypotheses are tested using data on Uruguayan grass-legume pastures.Land Economics/Use,

    Lattice Induced Resonances in One Dimensional Bosonic Systems

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    We study the resonant effects produced when a Feshbach dimer crosses a scattering continuum band of atoms in an optical lattice. We numerically obtain the exact spectrum of two particles in a one-dimensional lattice and develop an effective atom-dimer Hamiltonian that accurately captures resonant effects. The lattice-induced resonances lead to the formation of bound states simultaneously above and below the scattering continuum and significantly modify the curvature of the dimer dispersion relation. The nature of the atom-dimer coupling depends strongly on the parity of the dimer state leading to a novel coupling in the case of negative parity dimers. From the exact solutions we extract the dimer Wannier function from which we quantitatively determine the effective Hamiltonian parameters for a many-body description.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, published versio

    La risa, una actividad de la inteligencia.

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    S With rich description anó exasnples, the author revises Humour as an elementary social and intellectual tool, which has been used by great writers from the past and present times to express how human mmd can go further than reason. Ayee des exaniples et descriptions trés tiches l'auteur nous expose le con-cept de l'J--Iumourcomme un instrument intellectuel et social, qui a été utilisé par des grands écrivains et artistes du passé et du présent pour communiquer comment la pensée humaine peut aller plus bm que la raison. Mit lebendige Beschreibungen und Bildungen der Autor erzáhlt der Be-griff des Humor als ein intelektuelles und gesselschaftliches Werkzeug, das dic grésste Kunstler und Scriftsteller von alíe Zeite utilisiert haben und ein Symbol ist der menschliche Fahigkeit, weiter entfern der Verntinft gehen

    La memoria, caja negra de la comunicación

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    Platon, Aristoteles y San Agustin son el punto de partida para una reflexion sobre la memoria, que prosigue con Bergson y con James. Los marcos sociales de la memoria, de Halbwachs, introducen un analisis de la memoria colectiva, asociado al codigo y a los mensajes. La doble naturaleza de la informacion –ontologica y gnoseologica-, y la consideracion de la memoria como caja negra de la comunicacion politica, concluyen en una reflexion sobre la memoria y la identidad.Plato, Aristotle and Saint Agustin are the points of depart of a reflection about memory which continues with Bergson and James. Social frames of memory of Halbachs introduce an analysis of collective memory, relied with codes and with messages. The double nature of information –at the same time ontological and epistemological –and the perspective of memory as a “black box” of political communication lead us to a reflection about memory and identity

    Aplicación de compuestos de coordinación como sensores ópticos

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    [Abstract]: Nitration of tyrosine residues of proteins has been found to be related to the onset and the progression of neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s. In cells, this protein modification is mediated by peroxynitrite, which is produced under oxidative stress conditions. The aim of this work is the design and synthesis of a luminescent sensor for oxidative stress. The basis is to use a lanthanide-peptide complex whose luminescence signal will increase under oxidative stress conditions, by using the generated 3-nitrotyrosine chromophore as lanthanide sensitizer. Thus, two peptides, having the same sequence but one of them containing a nitrated tyrosine residue, were synthesized following standard Fmoc solid phase peptide synthesis protocols. In addition, two different DOTA derivative ligands were synthesized following stablished synthetic methodologies, and those were coupled to the peptides at an orthogonally deprotected Glu residue side chain, while the peptides are still attached to the solid support. The expected products were obtained, although without full completion of the reaction. HPLC-MS and NMR were the techniques used in order to characterize the products and to follow the reactions.[Resumen]: La nitración de residuos de tirosina en proteínas está relacionada con el inicio y la progresión de enfermedades neurodegenerativas como el Parkinson. En las células, esta modificación de las proteínas es producida por moléculas de peroxinitrito, que se generan en condiciones de estrés oxidativo. El objetivo de este trabajo es el diseño y síntesis de un sensor luminiscente de estrés oxidativo. La base es usar un complejo péptido-lantánido cuya señal de luminiscencia aumentará en condiciones de estrés oxidativo, al utilizar el cromóforo 3-nitrotirosina generado como sensibilizador del lantánido. Por lo tanto, se sintetizaron dos péptidos, que tienen la misma secuencia pero uno de ellos contiene un residuo de tirosina nitrado, siguiendo protocolos habituales de síntesis de péptidos en fase sólida utilizando la estrategia Fmoc. Además, se sintetizaron dos ligandos derivados del DOTA, siguiendo metodologías sintéticas establecidas, y estos se acoplaron a los péptidos en la cadena lateral de un residuo de Glu ortogonalmente desprotegida, mientras los péptidos todavía están unidos al soporte sólido. Se obtuvieron los productos esperados, pero sin producirse la conversión total de los productos de partida. HPLC-MS y RMN fueron las técnicas utilizadas para caracterizar los productos y seguir las reacciones.[Resumo]: A nitración de residuos de tirosina en proteínas está relacionada co inicio e a progresión de enfermidades neurodexenerativas como o Parkinson. Nas células, esta modificación das proteínas é producida por moléculas de peroxinitrito, que se xeran en condicións de estrés oxidativo. O obxectivo deste traballo é o deseño e síntese dun sensor luminescente de estrés oxidativo. A base é usar un complexo péptido-lantánido cuxa sinal de luminescencia aumentará en condicións de estrés oxidativo, ao utilizar o cromóforo 3-nitrotirosina xerado como sensibilizador do lantánido. Polo tanto, sintetizáronse dous péptidos, que teñen a mesma secuencia pero un deles contén un residuo de tirosina nitrado, seguindo protocolos habituais de síntese de péptidos en fase sólida utilizando a estratexia Fmoc. Ademais, sintetizáronse dous ligandos derivados do DOTA, seguindo metodoloxías sintéticas establecidas, e estes acopláronse aos péptidos na cadea lateral dun residuo de Glu ortogonalmente desprotexida, mentres os péptidos aínda están unidos ao soporte sólido. Obtivéronse os produtos esperados pero sen producirse a total conversión dos produtos de partida. HPLC-MS e RMN foron as técnicas utilizadas para caracterizar os produtos e seguir as reaccións.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.CIE). Química. Curso 2017/201