1,930 research outputs found

    Optical spectroscopy of rare-earth ions doped KY(WO4)2 thin films

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    KY(WO4)2 thin films doped with Dy3+, Tb3+, Yb3+, were grown onto KY(WO4)2 substrates using liquid-phase epitaxy. Spectroscopic investigations of the grown layers were performed. Obtained results were compared with spectra given for bulk crystals. Upconversion experiments after direct Yb3+ excitation in Dy3+-Yb3+ and Tb3+-Yb3+ codoped layers will be also presented

    Viñedo y vino en Montilla a finales del Siglo XIX

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    Necropolitics in Sinan Antoon’s The Corpse Washer

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    Sinan Antoon’s The Corpse Washer (2013) constitutes an account of post-war Iraq narrated by an Iraqi youth and authored by an Iraqi émigré. It is thus a valuable alternative to American fiction on the conflict and its aftermath. From this premise, this article explores how the myth of the trauma hero, which has whitewashed the American invasion in redemptive terms, is here replaced by a more nuanced discourse. Mbembe’s necropolitics—i.e. the “subjugation of life to the power of death” (2003: 39)—helps explain the story of Jawad, the corpse washer of the title, and of Iraq as one of dehumanization, wounding and spatialization inflicted by Western supremacy and alleged ‘rationality.’ The novel challenges Western necropolitics in two main ways: Iraqi stereotypes are questioned, especially their identification with terrorism and martyrdom. On the other hand, surrealism and gothic elements help the protagonist and his country to sublimate the trauma derived from American neocolonial politics

    The Social Appraisal of Techno-Experiments: Whirlpools and Mosaics of Smart Urbanism

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    Technology-driven experiments—techno-experiments—have become a central mode of spatial intervention in a paradigm of smart growth. They are often considered a manifestation of a techno-managerial approach to governance, built upon the increasing influence of IT corporations on urban politics. Yet, there is little evidence indicating how these interests articulate techno-experiments and shape their legacies over the long run. This paper questions the varied politics of techno-experiments by comparing four projects in Stockholm and Amsterdam: two smart energy grid pilots and two online community-based platforms. Mobilizing the notion of the “social appraisal of technology,” it argues that techno-experiments can take different forms depending on how the role of digital technology is defined and negotiated by actors throughout the process of experimentation. The paper empirically shows that experiments can evolve in two main ways, defined as “whirlpools” and “mosaics.” As whirlpools, they upscale self-referentially; as mosaics, they instead extend into a set of scattered spin-offs. The key factors producing such outcomes, these cases show, are the form of partnership established at the outset of techno-experiments, and the ability of research funding and governmental agencies to steer projects as they develop

    Factores ambientales condicionantes de la presencia de la lagartija de Carbonell Podarcis carbonelli (Pérez-Mellado, 1981) en la comarca de Doñana

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    The Carbonell lizard (Podarcis carbonelli) is an Iberian endemism. The region of Doñana is its southernmost and more isolated stronghold. We used logistic regressions to investigate the factors conditioning the presence of this lizard in Doñana. All selected models retained the distance to the coast as the main variable. This variable is related with less humidity and more continental climatic conditions, including more extreme temperatures, when further from the coast. This climatic factor was observed both spatially and temporarily, with adult lizards drastically reducing their activity both in winter and in summer. We observed juveniles from June to January, with a maximum in September. Scrubland management was another important environmental factor affecting the presence of lizards. The probability of finding this species was higher where the scrubland was partially cleared, and lower in areas with a high plant cover (hygrophytic scrubland) or in areas with sparse vegetation (dune scrubland), probably due to a lower amount of incident light and less protection when moving between refuges, respectively.La lagartija de Carbonell es un endemismo ibérico que encuentra en la comarca de Doñana el reducto más meridional y aislado de su área de distribución. Mediante el uso de regresiones logísticas se ha intentado conocer qué factores condicionan la presencia de la lagartija de Carbonell en Doñana. La variable principal de los distintos modelos fue la distancia a la costa. Ésta se relaciona con un menor grado de humedad y una mayor continentalidad del clima, con temperaturas más extremas, a medida que nos alejamos del mar. Este condicionante climático se ha observado tanto espacial como temporalmente, reduciéndose drásticamente la actividad de los animales adultos en verano e invierno. Los juveniles se observan desde junio a enero con un máximo en septiembre. Otro de los factores importantes ha resultado ser la gestión del matorral. Se ha observado una mayor probabilidad de encontrar la lagartija de Carbonell en zonas en las que el matorral ha sido parcialmente clareado, ya que evita los lugares con elevadas densidades de plantas (matorral hidrofílico), que reducirían el paso de la luz, o con una densidad muy baja (matorral de las dunas), que no permitiría el tránsito seguro entre refugios

    Impact of the application of monosilicic acid to grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) on the chemical composition of young red Mencia wines

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    Impact of applying monosilicic acid to grapevines during ripening on chemical composition of Mencía red wines in an area where fungal diseases during summer are common was examined. The foliar application of monosilicic acid to grapevines led to a less oxidized wine, with lower levels of acetic acid, acetaldehyde, ethyl acetate and diacethyl; this should be considered as positive from a sensory point of view. Wines made with silicon-treated grapes also contained lower levels of gluconic acid and glycerol, which are chemical markers of wines made with botrytized grapes, as well as higher contents of total phenols, anthocyanins and tannins. Furthermore, the contents of several mid-chain alcohols were higher (p < 0.05) in wines made with grapes from silicon-treated plantsThe authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support by the FEDER/Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities Project: RTI2018-096268-B-I00. This work was partially supported by Comunidad de Madrid (Spain) and Structural Funds 2014–2020 (ERDF and ESF) (Project AGRISOST-CM S2018/BAA-4330

    Road encroachment mediates species occupancy, trait filtering and dissimilarity of passerine communities

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    Assessing the road effects on biodiversity is challenging because impacts may depend on both wildlife responses to roads and on the spatial arrangement of roads. We questioned whether an increase in road encroachment leads to significant changes in species occurrence and community composition. Using a large citizen-science dataset of point-counts performed throughout Iberian Peninsula, we modelled the effect of road density on the occurrence of common birds (n = 78 species), while accounting for potential confounding effects of environment and survey effort. We then tested if species' occurrence patterns would be linked to specific traits related to the ability to cope with human presence. Finally, we assessed how road density affects the community compositional dissimilarity. We estimated 36 (46%) and 18 (23%) species to be negatively and positively affected by roads, respectively. Increased road encroachment was positively related with urban dwelling and fecundity, and negatively related with nesting on the ground. Furthermore, increasing road density translated into an increasing community compositional dissimilarity, mostly due to species turnover. Overall, we found that different species-specific responses to roads translate into changes at the community level. Landscape and road-network management should be conceived acknowledging that roads are contributing to biodiversity changes. As so, building upon the concepts of land sharing/land sparing, conservation actions should be tailored according to the different species responses e.g., road verge management targeting species having a positive relation with road density; and compensation actions targeting species showing a negative response toward roads.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Evaluación de una técnica de RT-PCR específica para la detección del serotipo 8 del virus de la lengua azul en cabras

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    El virus de la lengua azul (vLA) es un Orbivirus transmitido por mosquitos hematófagos del género Culicoides. En el norte de España ha aparecido recientemente el serotipo 8, afectando a ovejas y vacas. Los serotipos de vLA son tan distintos entre sí, que las vacunas no ofrecen protección cruzada. Por tanto, es fundamental identificar cual afecta al animal para aplicar la vacuna correcta. En estudios recientes se ha desarrollado un ensayo de RT PCR para detectar el serotipo 8 de vLA en vacas y ovejas. En este estudio hemos evaluado dicha técnica para la detección específica del serotipo 8 en cabras. Se analizaron 15 sueros de cabras infectadas y sobrenadantes de cultivos celulares infectados con el serotipo 8. Las muestras de sueros analizados no dieron resultados positivos.Bluetongue virus (BTV) is an Orbivirus transmitted by haematophagous insects of the genus Culicoides. In the north of the Iberian Peninsula, BTV-8 has appeared recently, affecting sheep and cattle. Bluetongue serotypes are so different among them, that vaccines do not offer cross-protection. Thus, it is important to detect which serotype is affecting an animal, in order to apply the correct vaccine. An RT-PCR assay has been developed recently to detect BTV-8 in cattle and sheep. In this study we have evaluated this RT-PCR technique as a diagnostic tool for the specific detection of BTV- 8 in goats. Sera samples from 15 infected goats and supernatants from BTV-8 infected cell cultures were analyzed. No positive results were obtained for the analyzed samples