37 research outputs found

    Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on bike-sharing uses in Toulouse

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    Urban areas have been dramatically impacted by the sudden and fast spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. As one of the most noticeable consequences of the pandemic, people have quickly reconsidered their travel options to minimize infection risk. Many studies on the Bike Sharing System (BSS) of several towns have shown that, in this context, cycling appears as a resilient, safe and very reliable mobility option. Differences and similarities exist about how people reacted depending on the place being considered, and it is paramount to identify and understand such reactions in the aftermath of an event in order to successfully foster permanent changes. In this paper, we carry out a comparative analysis of the effects of the pandemic on BSS usage in two French towns, Toulouse and Lyon. We used Origin/Destination data for the two years 2019 (pre-pandemic) and 2020 (pandemic), and considered two complementary quantitative approaches. Our results confirm that cycling increased during the pandemic, more significantly in Lyon than in Toulouse, with rush times remaining exactly the same as during the pre-pandemic year. Among several results, we note for example that BSS usage is more evenly spread throughout the day in 2020, peripheral/city center flow is more noticeable in Toulouse than in Lyon and that student BSS usage is more specific in Lyon. We also found that trip duration during the pandemic situation was longer on working days and shorter on weekends

    Are There Ovarian Responsive Indexes That Predict Cumulative Live Birth Rates in Women over 39 Years?

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    Objective: Ovarian response indexes have been proposed in assisted reproductive technology (ART) in order to optimize live birth rates (LBR), adjusting ovarian stimulation (OS), and minimizing risks. Gonadotropin doses are commonly adjusted according to ovarian reserve parameters, including antral follicle count (AFC), anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH), and basal follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) levels. The retrospective assessment of ovarian responses allows one to identify three primary indexes: (i) follicular output rate (FORT), the ratio of the number of pre-ovulatory follicles obtained at OS completion over AFC; (ii) follicle oocyte index (FOI), the ratio of oocytes retrieved over AFC; (iii) ovarian sensitivity index (OSI), the ratio of oocytes retrieved over the total gonadotropin dose administered. In recent publications, these indexes were reported to predict ART outcome. In the present study, we assessed the ability of these indexes to predict cumulative ART outcome in women ≥39 years. Materials and Methods: Retrospective cohort study. All patients ≥39 years who performed their first ART cycle with an antagonist protocol in our center between 01/2018 and 04/2020 were included. Patients with basal FSH > 20 IU/l, AMH < 0.1 ng/mL and severe male factors (azoospermia with testicular biopsy) were excluded. All patients received both recombinant FSH and human menopausal gonadotropin (hMG). Cumulative live birth rate (cLBR) was the primary outcome. Secondary outcomes included: the number of MII oocytes, cumulative implantation (cIR), and usable blastulation rates. Logistic regressions were performed to assess the predictive values of FORT, FOI, and OSI in cLBR and embryo culture success. For each parameter, the ability of the logistic regression models to predict embryo culture success was quantified by the area under the ROC curve (AUC). Only the significant findings related to FORT, FOI, and OSI were included in the multiple logistic regression model. Linear regression models were performed between cIR, cLB, FORT, FOI, and OSI. Each statistic model was adjusted for age. Concerning OR for OSI, values were multiplied *100 due to the very low value. Results: 429 patients met the inclusion criteria. There were 298 obtained usable blastocysts after ART treatment. Age-adjusted OSI was significantly associated with cLBR [OR = 17.58 95% CI (5.48–56.40), AUC = 0.707 95% CI (0.651–0.758)) and cIR (beta = 30.22 (SE: 7.88), p < 0.001, R2= 0.060). Both FOI (OR = 6.33 95% CI (3.27–12.25), AUC = 0.725 95% CI (0.675–0.771), R2 = 0.090, p < 0.001) and OSI (OSI*100; OR = 1808.93 95% CI (159.24–19,335.13), AUC = 0.790 95% CI (0.747–0.833), R2 = 0.156, p < 0.001) were independently, when age adjusted, associated with embryo culture success. OSI showed a main performance to explain successful embryo culture than FOI (R2 = 0.156 vs. R2 = 0.090, p < 0.001). In the age-adjusted linear regression model, FOI (R2 = 0.159, p < 0.001), OSI (R2 = 0.606, p < 0.001), and FORT (r2 = 0.030, p < 0.001) were predictive of the number of MII oocytes collected. Furthermore, for OSI (r2 = 0.759, p < 0.001) and FOI (r2 = 0.297, p < 0.001), the correlation with the number of metaphase II oocytes collected was significantly higher in the non-linear regression model. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that the best index, among those analyzed, to predict cIR and cLBR, is OSI. Both OSI and FOI predict embryo culture with success, but OSI is more accurate. OSI, FOI, and FORT are significantly related to the number of MII oocytes obtained

    Wild brown trout affected by historical mining in the Cévennes national park, France.

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    8 pagesInternational audienceIn the protected area of the Cévennes National Park (Southern France), 114 wild brown trout (Salmo trutta fario) were captured at six locations affected to different extents by historical mining and metallurgy dating from the Iron Age to Modern Times. Cadmium and lead in trout livers and muscles reflect high sediment contamination, although an age-related effect was also detected for hepatic metal concentrations. Lead isotope signatures confirm exposure to drainage from mining and metallurgical waste. Developmental instability, assessed by fluctuating asymmetry, is significantly correlated with cadmium and lead concentrations in trout tissues, suggesting that local contamination may have affected fish development. Nowadays, the area is among the least industrialized in France. However, our results show that 60% of the specimens at one site exceed EU maximum allowed cadmium or lead concentration in foodstuffs. The mining heritage should not be neglected when establishing strategies for long-term environmental management

    Impact des anciens sites miniers et métallurgiques sur les ecosystemes actuels -synthèse des principaux résultats

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    International audienceLe Morvan et les Cévennes sont des massifs protégés pour leurs paysages et leur biodiversité exceptionnels. Cependant ces régions ont été le lieu d'activités minières et métallurgiques dès la Protohistoire. De telles activités peuvent affecter les écosys-tèmes de manière durable. Il est donc important de les localiser, puis de quantifier leur impact sur la faune et la flore. Le présent travail propose une démarche pluridisciplinaire alliant archéologie, géochimie, écologie et écotoxicologie. L'application de méthodes statistiques empruntées à la prospection minière a permis de dresser des cartes de potentiel minier, afin de guider l'ar-chéologue dans ses recherches de terrain. Des cartes de distribution spatiale des éléments traces métalliques ont été construites sur six sites (trois dans chaque parc). La biodisponibilité des éléments traces métalliques a été estimée à partir de l'étude de mulots, de truites et de mousses aquatiques, utilisées comme bioindicateurs. Une relation négative entre les indices de condition et la concentration en plomb dans les animaux, et dans certains cas une plus grande instabilité de développement a été mise en évidence, suggérant la présence d'effets délétères sur les organismes. L'impact des anciens sites miniers et métallurgiques est donc toujours décelable dans les écosystèmes actuels. Ces sites doivent être surveillés, notamment au sein des zones protégées supposées à tort exemptes de toutes contaminations anthropiques. AbstRAct The Morvan and the Cevennes Massifs are now protected areas because of their outstanding landscapes and biodiversity. However, from Prehistory onwards, mining and smelting activities existed in these regions. Such activities may have a lasting effect on ecosystems. Locating these ancient sites is therefore capital and impacts on fauna and flora must be quantified. The present work is based in on a multidisciplinary approach, combining archaeology, geochemistry, ecology and ecotoxicology. Statistical methods from modern prospection techniques were used to delineate geochemical anomalies, potentially due to mining exploitation, thus facilitating archaeological prospection. Spatial distribution maps of trace metals were created for six sites (three in each park). Bioavailability was assessed through analyses of wood mice, trout and aquatic mosses. A negative relationship between Pb concentrations in animals and their body condition indices was observed and, in some cases, developmental instability was higher, suggesting deleterious effects on wildlife. The impact of past mining and smelting works still remains traceable in ecosystems today. Such sites should therefore be monitored, particularly in protected areas, erroneously thought to be free of any anthropogenic contamination

    Le programme « Identification et impact des sites miniers abandonnés sur les écosystèmes aquatiques et terrestres actuels » : Bilan au sein du Parc naturel régional du Morvan

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    International audienceLe Parc naturel régional du Morvan a été le lieu d'activités minières et métallurgiques dès la protohistoire. Il est important de localiser ces dernières, puis de quantifi er leur impact sur les écosystèmes actuels. C'était l'objectif du programme « Identifi cation et impact des sites miniers abandonnés sur les écosystèmes aquatiques et terrestres actuels », un projet de recherche mené par l'université de Bourgogne-Franche-Comté (2009-2013) qui combinait archéologie, géochimie, écologie et écotoxicologie. Des cartes de potentiel minier ont d'abord été dressées afi n de guider l'archéologue dans ses prospections de terrain. La biodisponibilité des éléments traces métalliques dans les sols a été estimée, de même que leur impact sur la faune et la fl ore. Les eff ets délétères sur les organismes sont toujours observés, bien que les travaux ayant entraîné la contamination remontent souvent à plusieurs centaines, voire milliers d'années