604 research outputs found

    Reconstructing cosmic acceleration from f(R) modified gravity

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    A variant of the accelerating cosmology reconstruction program is developed for f(R)f(R) gravity. Reconstruction schemes in terms of e-foldings and by using an auxiliary scalar field are developed. An example of a model with a transient phantom behavior without real matter is explicitly discussed in both schemes. Detailed comparison of the two schemes of reconstruction is presented. It seems to support physical non-equivalence of the two frames.Comment: 3 pages. Contribution to the Proceedings of the Spanish Relativity Meeting (ERE) 2011, Madrid, Spai

    Newtonian, Post Newtonian and Parameterized Post Newtonian limits of f(R, G) gravity

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    We discuss in detail the weak field limit of f(R,G) gravity taking into account analytic functions of the Ricci scalar R and the Gauss-Bonnet invariant G. Specifically, we develop, in metric formalism, the Newtonian, Post Newtonian and Parameterized Post Newtonian limits starting from general f(R, G) Lagrangian. The special cases of f(R) and f(G) gravities are considered. In the case of the Newtonian limit of f(R, G) gravity, a general solution in terms of Green's functions is achieved.Comment: 26 page

    Història de la vegetació i ús del territori durant el Neolític a l'Estany de Banyoles

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    A través de l'estudi de la successió de vegetació i dades sedimentològiques, geoquímiques i geomorfològiques provinents de l'Estany de Banyoles (Girona), una recerca ha demostrat que l'Holocè mitjà va estar marcat per canvis climàtics d'aridesa i refredament i per l'ús territorial propi del neolític. La informació obtinguda és útil per a comprendre l'evolució ambiental i la història de la vegetació durant aquesta era i els rols que han tingut les progressives variacions climàtiques i la influència humana en tot plegat.A través del estudio de la sucesión de vegetación y datos sedimentológicos, geoquímicos y geomorfológicos provenientes del Estany de Banyoles (Girona), una investigación ha demostrado que el Holoceno medio estuvo marcado por cambios climáticos de aridez y enfriamiento y por el uso territorial propio del neolítico. La información obtenida es útil para comprender la evolución ambiental y la historia de la vegetación durante esta era y los roles que han tenido las progresivas variaciones climáticas y la influencia humana en ello.Through the study of the vegetation succession and sedimentological, geochemical and geomorphological data from the Lake of Banyoles (Girona, Spain), one study has shown that the Middle Holocene was marked by drying and cooling oscillations and by Neolithic land-use. The information obtained is useful in understanding the environmental evolution and vegetation history during this era and the roles progressive climatic variations and human influence have played

    Ekpyrotic universes in F(R)F(R) Ho\v{r}ava-Lifshitz gravity

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    The Ekpyrotic scenario is studied in the context of some extensions of Ho\v{r}ava-Lifshitz gravity. Some particular solutions that lead to cyclic Hubble parameters are analyzed, where the corresponding gravitational actions are reconstructed by using several techniques and auxiliary fields. Its comparison with standard F(R)F(R) gravity is performed. In addition, the so-called Little Rip, a stage of the universe evolution when some bounded systems may be dissolute, is also studied in this frame of theories.Comment: 12 pages. Version to be published in PR

    Doing new materialisms: an interview with Maria Tamboukou

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    Including an interview as part of the special issue responds to one specific question that has to do with the production of scientific knowledge. During the Training School, the context in which the current special issue is framed, we highlighted the importance of creating inter-generational knowledges able to transverse across disciplines and the historicity of matter itself. The interview that we are transcribing in this journal represents this specific moment between Beatriz Revelles-Benavente (co-editor and co-organizer of the Training School together with Ana M. González) and Maria Tamboukou, a recognized scholar on new materialist methodologies


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    Contemporary society is characterized for being endemically in a crisis that conveys several aspects of the very process of worlding. More than two years have passed since one of the most affective force shifted the very concept of worlding itself, that was the SARS-CO-2 pandemic. This pandemic is defined in this special issue as: A non-exceptional event indeed—the unfolding of entanglements—has been perceived as extraordinary—re-writing for instance, our routines, our productive system, our globalized capacity for mobility—only because we have never accounted for our entanglements and our “making-with” the alterities in the first place. (Daigle & Santoema, p. 91) As previous issues from this journal have analyzed already, it primordially meant that we adapted ourselves to new “techno-lifeworlds” as Christine Horn identifies in this issue. According to her, these techno-lifeworlds are “entanglements with communications media, where different types of technology become embedded in social practices and embodied routines” (p.31). The task that feminist new materialisms have, therefore, is to analyze which are the technological modes that are presented and how are social practices are modified by these and modifying these very “modalities” (Colman, 2019).COST IS1307: Networking European New Materialisms: How matter comes to matte


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    Present conditions of living for human and more-than-human lives are presenting difficult scenarios for an adequate development of the world’s own becoming. We are living in a permanent state of pandemic waved by a series of periods that fluctuate past, present and future in order to establish a new regime of power based upon the fiercest biopolitical power that Foucault (1978) could have had envisioned back in the seventies. If January 2021 started with an enfleshed materialization of Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale with the assault of the United States Capitol, June 2021, the international pride month, is manifested in Spain with a brutal homophobic assassination of Samuel, a young gay man who was in a videocall with a friend and the one year and five months detention of Patrick Zake (a postgraduate master student in the Erasmus Mundus GEMMA program) in Egypt for defending human rights internationally. This permanent state of alarm is focusing global attention to a particular health condition, which is COVID-19 but, at the same time, it is disregarding many other affections that humans and more-than-humans are suffering from. Not only the many other health diseases that keep on infecting and pandeming non-Western countries, but also the diseases that are affecting our environment as the Australian fires claimed on their own in 2019, or diseases that have to do with communicative practices as the spreading of fake news.COST IS1307: Networking European New Materialisms: How matter comes to matte

    Introducción al Derecho Penal

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    El contenido se estructura en bloques temáticos a través de los cuales se desarrollará la asignatura. Además del material docente teórico y práctico, se incluirá Glosario, Legislación, Canal de Derecho y Cine, Biblioteca, Noticias y Enlaces. Todo ello como instrumento complementario para el desarrollo de la materia


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