71 research outputs found

    Signatures of electronic polarons in La1x_{1-x}Sr1+x_{1+x}MnO4_4 observed by electron energy-loss spectroscopy

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    The dielectric properties of La1x_{1-x}Sr1+x_{1+x}MnO4_4 single crystals with x = 0, 0.125, 0.25, and 0.5 were studied by means of electron energy-loss spectroscopy as a function of temperature and momentum transfer. A clear signature of the doped holes is observed around 1.65 eV energy loss, where spectral weight emerges with increasing x. For all x0x \neq 0, this doping-induced excitation can propagate within the ab-plane, as revealed by a clear upward dispersion of the corresponding loss peak with increasing momentum transfer. The hole-induced excitation also shifts to higher energies with the onset of magnetic correlations for x = 0.5, implying a strong coupling of charge and spin dynamics. We conclude that (i) the loss feature at 1.65 eV is a signature of electronic polarons, which are created around doped holes, and that (ii) this low-energy excitation involves the charge transfer between manganese and oxygen. The finite dispersion of these excitations further indicates significant polaron-polaron interactions.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Plasmons and Interband Transitions of Ca11_{11}Sr3_3Cu24_{24}O41_{41} investigated by Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy

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    Electron energy-loss spectroscopy studies have been performed in order to get a deeper insight into the electronic structure and elementary excitations of the two-leg ladder system Ca11_{11}Sr3_3Cu24_{24}O41_{41}. We find a strong anisotropy of the loss function for momentum transfers along the a and c-crystallographic axis, and a remarkable linear plasmon dispersion for a momentum transfer parallel to the legs of the ladders. The investigated spectral features are attributed to localized and delocalized charge-transfer excitations and the charge carrier plasmon. The charge carrier plasmon position and dispersion in the long wave-length limit agree well with expectations based upon the band structure of the two-leg ladder, while the observed quasi-linear plasmon dispersion might be related to the peculiar properties of underdoped cuprates in general.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figure

    Evidence for an orbital dependent Mott transition in the ladders of (La,Ca)x_xSr14x_{14-x}Cu24_{24}O41_{41} derived by electron energy-loss spectroscopy

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    The knowledge of the charge carrier distribution among the different orbitals of Cu and O is a precondition for the understanding of the physical properties of various Cu-O frameworks. We employ electron energy-loss spectroscopy to elucidate the charge carrier plasmon dispersion in (La, Ca)x_xSr14x_{14-x}Cu24_{24}O41_{41} in dependency of xx as well as temperature. We observe that the energy of the plasmon increases upon increasing Ca content, which signals an internal charge redistribution between the two Cu-O subsystems. Moreover, contrary to an uncorrelated model we come to the conclusion that the holes transferred to the Cu2_2O3_3 ladders are mainly located in the bonding and not in the anti-bonding band. This is caused by an orbital dependent Mott transition

    Experimental evidence that a high electric field acts as an efficient external parameter during crystalline growth of bulk oxide

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    International audienceA new crystal growth device, in which a high static external electric voltage (up to 14 kV) is added to a floating zone method, is described. Our first experiments show that the application of such an electric field acts like an external force, introducing a pressure effect which is in direct competition with temperature in the solid/liquid thermodynamic equilibrium. High electric fields could therefore be an additional parameter in crystal growth, opening original routes to the synthesis of new materials


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    Український народ у своїй історії має великий досвід духовного життя, бо з покоління в покоління передає набуті навички, що стали невід’ємною части-ною нашої національності. Але з кожним роком наше покоління, на жаль, втра-чає зв’язок з попередніми поколіннями. Тому, щоб зберегти традиції, націона-льні особливості, в різні часи різноманітні інститути, товариства, окремі дослі-дники намагались створити найоптимальнішу методику організації та прове-дення історико-краєзнавчих експедицій

    Theoretical principles of petroleum hydrogeology of the West Siberian megabasin (WSMB)

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    Comprehensive study of the chemical and gas composition, temperatures, levels, pressure of deep underground water in deep wells is associated with the beginning of the systematic development of the oil and gas potential in Western Siberia and the first discovery of large deposits here. The development of new branches of hydrogeology is due to the fact of more and more available data. Thus, fundamental understandings of the WSMB hydrogeological conditions are being translated into new theories. Geodynamically, the WSMB structure was revised and based on hydrogeological data, regional and local prediction of oil and gas occurrence exploration criteria were developed. Based on the dispersion halo water-dissolved substance theory, exploration methodology of "neglected" deposits were formulated, conceptual issues of technogenic changes of oil and gas hydrogeosphere areas were being developed

    Determining the Short-Range Spin Correlations in Cuprate Chain Materials with Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering

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    We report a high-resolution resonant inelastic soft x-ray scattering study of the quantum magnetic spin-chain materials Li2CuO2 and CuGeO3. By tuning the incoming photon energy to the oxygen K-edge, a strong excitation around 3.5 eV energy loss is clearly resolved for both materials. Comparing the experimental data to many-body calculations, we identify this excitation as a Zhang-Rice singlet exciton on neighboring CuO4-plaquettes. We demonstrate that the strong temperature dependence of the inelastic scattering related to this high-energy exciton enables to probe short-range spin correlations on the 1 meV scale with outstanding sensitivity.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Текстильные материалы (ТМ) как фактор термической опасности на ранней стадии развития пожара

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    Объектом исследования являются хлопчатобумажные текстильные материалы различной поверхностной плотности. Цель работы – снижение риска термической опасности текстильных материалов на ранней стадии развития пожара. В процессе исследования проводился эксперимент по определению огнестойкости текстильных материалов, которые были пропитаны огнезащитными составами.The objects of the study are cotton textiles different surface density. Objective - thermal hazard risk reduction textile materials at an early stage of fire development. The study conducted an experiment to determine the fire resistance of textile materials that have been impregnated with flame retardants