30 research outputs found

    Spécification d'un interpréteur de mini-langage algotithmique pour l'initiaition à la programmation

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    L'emploi des outils habituels de développement (éditeurs, compilateurs, etc.) dans l'initiation à l'algorithmique conduit à de nombreuses difficultés pratiques, parfois insurmontables par les étudiants. En réponse à ce problÚme, cet article présente les spécifications et les premiers éléments d'analyse d'un logiciel "d'aide à l'apprentissage de l'algorithmique" qui est en cours de réalisation à l'I.U.T. de Vannes.Conçu dans un objectif de formation professionnelle, ce logiciel didactique doit servir de prototype pour l'étude et la réalisation ultérieures d'outils modulaires d'aide au développement dans un contexte de recherche de Qualité Industrielle

    Effects of a four-year health systems intervention on the use of maternal and infant health services: results from a programme evaluation in two districts of rural Chad

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    BACKGROUND: Attendance of maternal and infant care services in rural Chad are consistently low. Our study aimed to assess the use of antenatal (ANC) and postnatal care (PNC) services, health facility delivery and infant health services after 4 years of a health systems intervention for improving the infrastructure, supplies, training and sensitization for maternal and infant health in two districts of rural Chad. METHODS: Data from a repeated cross-sectional household survey conducted in Yao and Danamadji in 2015 and in 2018 were analyzed. A stratified two-stage cluster sampling methodology was applied to achieve a representative sample of the rural settled and mobile population groups in the study area. A generalized linear model was applied to determine the health care utilization rates. Multivariate regression models were used to assess the association between the programme intervention and utilization outcomes of selected maternal and infant health services. RESULTS: Complete datasets were available for 1284 households at baseline. The endline analysis included 1175 households with complete survey data. The use of at least one ANC amongst pregnant women increased in both settled communities (from 80% in 2015 to 90% in 2018) and amongst mobile pastoralist communities (from 48% in 2015 to 56% in 2018). The rate of home delivery among settled communities and mobile pastoralists changed little between baseline and endline and remained high for both population groups. Individuals that were covered by the health systems intervention were however significantly more likely to attend ANC and less likely to give birth at home. PNC services only showed improvements amongst the settled communities (of 30%). Infants' reported health outcomes and vaccination coverage considerably improved; the latter especially among mobile pastoralist (from 15% in 2015 to 84% in 2018). CONCLUSION: A combination of health systems strengthening interventions was associated with an increased use of certain maternal and infant health services. However, to facilitate equitable access to and use of health care services in particular in times of increased vulnerability and by certain population groups in hard-to-reach areas, reinforced health education and culturally adapted communication strategies, including gender-specific messaging will be needed over a sustained period

    Conformational Plasticity of proNGF

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    Nerve Growth Factor is an essential protein that supports neuronal survival during development and influences neuronal function throughout adulthood, both in the central and peripheral nervous system. The unprocessed precursor of NGF, proNGF, seems to be endowed with biological functions distinct from those of the mature protein, such as chaperone-like activities and apoptotic and/or neurotrophic properties. We have previously suggested, based on Small Angle X-ray Scattering data, that recombinant murine proNGF has features typical of an intrinsically unfolded protein. Using complementary biophysical techniques, we show here new evidence that clarifies and widens this hypothesis through a detailed comparison of the structural properties of NGF and proNGF. Our data provide direct information about the dynamic properties of the pro-peptide and indicate that proNGF assumes in solution a compact globular conformation. The N-terminal pro-peptide extension influences the chemical environment of the mature protein and protects the protein from proteolytic digestion. Accordingly, we observe that unfolding of proNGF involves a two-steps mechanism. The distinct structural properties of proNGF as compared to NGF agree with and rationalise a different functional role of the precursor

    The mechanisms of humic substances self-assembly with biological molecules: The case study of the prion protein

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    Humic substances (HS) are the largest constituent of soil organic matter and are considered as a key component of the terrestrial ecosystem. HS may facilitate the transport of organic and inorganic molecules, as well as the sorption interactions with environmentally relevant proteins such as prions. Prions enter the environment through shedding from live hosts, facilitating a sustained incidence of animal prion diseases such as Chronic Wasting Disease and scrapie in cervid and ovine populations, respectively. Changes in prion structure upon environmental exposure may be significant as they can affect prion infectivity and disease pathology. Despite its relevance, the mechanisms of prion interaction with HS are still not completely understood. The goal of this work is to advance a structural-level picture of the encapsulation of recombinant, non-infectious, prion protein (PrP) into different natural HS. We observed that PrP precipitation upon addition of HS is mainly driven by a mechanism of “salting-out” whereby PrP molecules are rapidly removed from the solution and aggregate in insoluble adducts with humic molecules. Importantly, this process does not alter the protein folding since insoluble PrP retains its α-helical content when in complex with HS. The observed ability of HS to promote PrP insolubilization without altering its secondary structure may have potential relevance in the context of “prion ecology”. These results suggest that soil organic matter interacts with prions possibly without altering the protein structures. This may facilitate prions preservation from biotic and abiotic degradation leading to their accumulation in the environment

    Adaptive Object-Models and Metamodeling Techniques

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    Prevalence and genetic variants of hepatitis GB-C/HG and TT viruses in Gabon, Equatorial Africa

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    The distribution of Hepatitis GB-C/HG (GB-C/HG) and TT viruses (TTV) infections was investigated in selected populations from Gabon using Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) for anti-Envelop 2 (anti-E2) GBV-C/HGV RNA positive (+) and 32 of 81 (39.5%) anti-E2 + versus 8 of 39 (20.5%) TTV DNA +. For tuberculosis patients, the figures were 11.5% (4/35) and 0%. A study of hepatocellular carcinoma cases (n = 27) versus controls (n = 66) did not show significant differences for GBV-C/HGV RNA (10.7% versus 12.1%) and TTV DNA (44.4% versus 30.3%). According to phylogenetic analysis, the 15 GBV-C/HGV strains investigated clustered in group 1, the most common in sub-Saharan Africa whereas TTV sequences (n = 4) mostly clustered in genotypes G1 and one close to genotype G3. In the Gabonese populations investigated, GBV-C/HGV and TTV infections were highly endemic. These data are consistent with the low pathogenicity of these agents. (Résumé d'auteur

    Prevalence and genetic variants of hepatitis GB-C/HG and TT viruses in Gabon, Equatorial Africa

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    The distribution of Hepatitis GB-C/HG (GB-C/HG) and TT viruses (TTV) infections was investigated in selected populations from Gabon using Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) for anti-Envelop 2 (anti-E2) GBV-C/HGV RNA positive (+) and 32 of 81 (39.5%) anti-E2 + versus 8 of 39 (20.5%) TTV DNA +. For tuberculosis patients, the figures were 11.5% (4/35) and 0%. A study of hepatocellular carcinoma cases (n = 27) versus controls (n = 66) did not show significant differences for GBV-C/HGV RNA (10.7% versus 12.1%) and TTV DNA (44.4% versus 30.3%). According to phylogenetic analysis, the 15 GBV-C/HGV strains investigated clustered in group 1, the most common in sub-Saharan Africa whereas TTV sequences (n = 4) mostly clustered in genotypes G1 and one close to genotype G3. In the Gabonese populations investigated, GBV-C/HGV and TTV infections were highly endemic. These data are consistent with the low pathogenicity of these agents. (Résumé d'auteur