216 research outputs found

    Secretory activity of gastroduodenal zone before and after cholecystectomia

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    Вивчено функціональні особливості секреторної активності гастродуоденальної зони до та піс­ля холецистектомії. Встановлено пригнічення ферментовидільної функції шлунка у хворих із постхолецистектомічним синдромом. З’ясовано, що наявність дуодено-гастрального рефлюксу свідчить про дуоденостаз і недостатність замикальної функції пілоричного сфінктера. У хворих видалення жовчного міхура призводить до аритмії циркадних і ультрадіадних ритмів усієї травної системи й, у тому числі, до порушень активності секреторних залоз шлунка.Изучены функциональные особенности секреторной активности гастродуоденальной зоны до и пис¬ля холецистэктомии. Установлено угнетение ферментовыводящей функции желудка у больных с постхолецистэктомический синдромом. Выяснено, что наличие дуодено- гастральной рефлюкса свидетельствует о дуоденостаз и недостаточность замыкательной функции пилорического сфинктера. У больных удаление желчного пузыря приводит к аритмии циркадных и ультрадиадних ритмов всей пищеварительной системы и, в том числе, к нарушениям активности секреторных желез желудка.Functional features of the gastroduodenal zone secretory activity before and after cholecystectomia were studied. The oppression of the stomach enzymatic secretion in patients with postcholecystectomia syndrome was established. The presence of duodeno-gastral reflux testifies to the duodenostasis and incompetence of closing function of the pyloric sphincter. Cholecystectomia entails the arrhythmia of circadian and ultradian rhythms of the whole digestive apparatus, including the derangements of the stomach secretory glands

    Kombucha microbiome as a probiotic: a view from the perspective of post-genomics and synthetic ecology

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    Probiotics are essential for establishing and maintaining optimal immune health. The probiotic therapy is known from alternative medicine for ages; however, the recent demonstration of the normal microflora to induce innate immunity has introduced the science-based concept of therapeutic application of potentially beneficial probiotic microorganisms for a treatment of functional disorders. Traditionally, probiotics are associated with dairy products, however, novel formulations are needed, first of all, originated from naturally occurring symbiotic microbial communities as the most robust assemblages. Especially, safe and robust probiotics are needed for long-term expeditions, outposts, extraterrestrial permanently-manned bases, where humans are exposed to adverse environmental factors. Kombucha beverage is Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast (SCOBY) and associated with health-promoting effects. Kombucha tea/mat is being in use in human livings within millennia as a probiotic drink for healing and health prophylaxis effects, however, new research opportunities promise its «renaissance», going to be used pharmacologically

    The state and prospects of development of national higher pharmaseutical education

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    The paper considers the materials of the Pharmacists Summit and International Pharmaceutical Congresses, in particular, the issue of achieving quality pharmaceutical education. It shows cause of the proper training process of pharmacy sector specialists in accordance with current state and requirements of the society and suggests a model of professional pharmaceutical education. According to the authors of the paper, the implementation of education quality in Ukraine calls for, first, professionally educated personnel in the pharmacy sector of healthcare; second, proper academic and university infrastructure for training future specialists within the system of higher pharmaceutical education; third, ensuring the high quality of higher pharmaceutical education on the basis of implementing the competence approach and taking into account international experience on pharmacy development. Increasing significance of the pharmacy branch in Ukraine is directly linked to the quality of training of pharmacy specialists, continuous improvement of the content of their education, implementation of new educational technologies, adapting higher pharmaceutical education to European standards. According to the authors, an important condition of ensuring effective professional training of future pharmacy specialists within the national system of higher pharmaceutical education is the following: firstly, considering public demand to the level of healthcare services, disease prevention; secondly, implementing the productive global experience on introducing customer service standards. The established prospects of the development of national higher pharmaceutical education include: 1) the adoption of ethical principles of training Masters of Pharmacy within the system of higher pharmaceutical education; 2) focus on European pharmacy standards which are based on high customer service standards; 3) improvement of the content of pharmacy specialist education taking into account the development of national pharmaceutical production; 4) ensuring the development of the clinical direction within the system of general pharmacist training

    Preclinical Toxicology Studies of Recombinant Human Platelet-Derived Growth Factor-BB Either Alone or in Combination with Beta-Tricalcium Phosphate and Type I Collagen

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    Human platelet-derived growth factor-BB (hPDGF-BB) is a basic polypeptide growth factor released from platelets at the injury site. It is a multifunctional molecule that regulates DNA synthesis and cell division and induces biological effects that are implicated in tissue repair, atherosclerosis, inflammatory responses, and neoplastic diseases. This paper is an overview of the toxicology data generated from a broad testing platform to determine bone, soft tissue, and systemic responses following administration of rhPDGF-BB. Moreover, the systemic and local toxicity of recombinant human PDGF-BB (rhPDGF-BB) in combination with either beta-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP) or collagen combined with β-TCP was studied to determine dermal sensitization, irritation, intramuscular tissue responses, pyrogenicity, genotoxicity, and hemolytic properties. All data strongly suggest that rhPDGF-BB either alone or in combination with β-TCP or collagen with β-TCP is biocompatible and has neither systemic nor local toxicity, supporting its safe use in enhancing wound healing in patients

    Best Practices for Teaching Chemistry Disciplines to Graduates Majoring in Pharmacy During the COVID-19 Restrictions: A Systematic Review

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    The purpose of the study was to identify the - interventions that can be adopted for teaching chemistry disciplines to the graduates majoring in Pharmacy (Mpharm) in Ukraine. The study employed a systematic review methodology and a qualitative approach to synthesising the sources. The triangular assessment method was used to rate the short-listed instructional interventions for feasibility, transferability, and duplicability in the settings of teaching chemistry disciplines to pharmacy graduates in Ukraine. The review found seven eligible publications for the analysis. It was identified that the shortlisted instructional models were technology-mediated and positively affected students’ skills and occupational knowledge. Three out of seven instructional models used chatbots and AI to automate the process of management of students learning activity which suggested that automation of the process of educational content delivery was becoming an emerging trend in instructional design. Having performed the triangular assessment method (TAM) analysis, three instructional models were given preference in terms of their use in medical education settings in Ukraine. These models were as follows: a) PhET simulations-based model, b) the model based on automated delivery of the course using the Smart Sender platform and c) the model based on automation of the Moodle-driven e-course using Dialogflow chatbot

    To other planets with upgraded millennial kombucha in rhythms of sustainability and health support

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    Humankind has entered a new era of space exploration: settlements on other planetary bodies are foreseen in the near future. Advanced technologies are being developed to support the adaptation to extraterrestrial environments and, with a view on the longer term, to support the viability of an independent economy. Biological processes will likely play a key role and lead to the production of life-support consumables, and other commodities, in a way that is cheaper and more sustainable than exclusively abiotic processes. Microbial communities could be used to sustain the crews’ health as well as for the production of consumables, for waste recycling, and for biomining. They can self-renew with little resources from Earth, be highly productive on a per-volume basis, and be highly versatile—all of which will be critical in planetary outposts. Well-de!ned, semi-open, and stress-resistant microecosystems are particularly promising. An instance of it is kombucha, known worldwide as a microbial association that produces an eponymous, widespread soft drink that could be valuable for sustaining crews’ health or as a synbiotic (i.e., probiotic and prebiotic) after a rational assemblage of de!ned probiotic bacteria and yeasts with endemic or engineered cellulose producers. Bacterial cellulose products offer a wide spectrum of possible functions, from leather-like to innovative smart materials during long-term missions and future activities in extraterrestrial settlements. Cellulose production by kombucha is zero-waste and could be linked to bioregenerative life support system (BLSS) loops. Another advantage of kombucha lies in its ability to mobilize inorganic ions from rocks, which may help feed BLSS from local resources. Besides outlining those applications and others, we discuss needs for knowledge and other obstacles, among which is the biosafety of microbial producers

    The cBio cancer Genomics portal: An open platform for exploring multidimensional cancer genomics data

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.The cBio Cancer Genomics Portal (http://cbioportal.org) is an open-access resource for interactive exploration of multidimensional cancer genomics data sets, currently providing access to data from more than 5,000 tumor samples from 20 cancer studies. The cBio Cancer Genomics Portal significantly lowers the barriers between complex genomic data and cancer researchers who want rapid, intuitive, and high-quality access to molecular profiles and clinical attributes from large-scale cancer genomics projects and empowers researchers to translate these rich data sets into biologic insights and clinical applications. © 2012 American Association for Cancer Research

    Kombucha multimicrobial community under simulated spaceflight and martian conditions

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    Kombucha microbial community (KMC) produces a cellulose-based biopolymer of industrial importance and a probiotic beverage. KMC-derived cellulose-based pellicle film is known as a highly adaptive microbial macrocolony - a stratified community of prokaryotes and eukaryotes. In the framework of the multipurpose international astrobiological project "BIOlogy and Mars Experiment (BIOMEX)," which aims to study the vitality of prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms and the stability of selected biomarkers in low Earth orbit and in a Mars-like environment, a cellulose polymer structural integrity will be assessed as a biomarker and biotechnological nanomaterial. In a preflight assessment program for BIOMEX, the mineralized bacterial cellulose did not exhibit significant changes in the structure under all types of tests. KMC members that inhabit the cellulose-based pellicle exhibited a high survival rate; however, the survival capacity depended on a variety of stressors such as the vacuum of space, a Mars-like atmosphere, UVC radiation, and temperature fluctuations. The critical limiting factor for microbial survival was high-dose UV irradiation. In the tests that simulated a 1-year mission of exposure outside the International Space Station, the core populations of bacteria and yeasts survived and provided protection against UV; however, the microbial density of the populations overall was reduced, which was revealed by implementation of culture-dependent and culture-independent methods. Reduction of microbial richness was also associated with a lower accumulation of chemical elements in the cellulose-based pellicle film, produced by microbiota that survived in the post-test experiments, as compared to untreated cultures that populated the film.This study was supported by National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (grant 47/2012-15). The pre-flight programs EVTs and SVTs for the EXPOSE-R2 mission were supported by the European Space Agency.http://www.liebertpub.com/overview/astrobiology/992018-05-30hj2017Biochemistr

    The first space-related study of a kombucha multimicrobial cellulose-forming community : preparatory laboratory experiments

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    Biofilm-forming microbial communities are known as the most robust assemblages that can survive in harsh environments. Biofilm-associated microorganisms display greatly increased resistance to physical and chemical adverse conditions, and they are expected to be the first form of life on Earth or anywhere else. Biological molecules synthesized by biofilm -protected microbiomes may serve as markers of the nucleoprotein life. We offer a new experimental model, a kombucha multimicrobial culture (KMC), to assess a structural integrity of a widespread microbial polymer - cellulose - as a biosignature of bacteria-producers for the multipurpose international project "BIOlogical and Mars Experiment (BIOMEX)", which aims to study the vitality of pro- and eukaryotic organisms and the stability of organic biomolecules in contact with minerals to analyze the detectability of life markers in the context of a planetary background. In this study, we aimed to substantiate the detectability of mineralized cellulose with spectroscopy and to study the KMC macrocolony phenotype stability under adverse conditions (UV, excess of inorganics etc.). Cellulose matrix of the KMC macrocolony has been mineralized in the mineral-water interface under assistance of KMC-members. Effect of bioleached ions on the cellulose matrix has been visible, and the FT-IR spectrum proved changes in cellulose structure. However, the specific cellulose band vibration, confirming the presence of beta(1,4)-linkages between monomers, has not been quenched by secondary minerals formed on the surface of pellicle. The cellulose-based KMC macrocolony phenotype was in a dependence on extracellular matrix components (ionome, viriome, extracellular membrane vesicles), which provided its integrity and rigidness in a certain extent under impact of stressful factors.https://link.springer.com/journal/110842018-06-30hj2017Business Managemen

    Acute intake of a large dose of cardiac glycosides by a young male

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    One of the most toxic drugs is a group of cardiac glycosides. Having a very narrow spectrum of therapeutic action, cardiac glycosides are able to cause serious intoxication with complications including arrhythmias and conduction disorder, which often lead to death. Considering the mortality rates in cases of medication poisoning, it is important to pay special attention and care to prevent, diagnose and treat such medical conditions. The 28-year-old male presents with intoxication and arrhythmia after he unintentionally took a wrong medication. A timely appeal for medical help and appropriate treatment helped to avoid serious consequences of glycoside intoxication